the new student is a nerd page 17
Hey, all my readers, friends, yes, I love his music, actually, I watching a day in fresh and Josh right now, so actually I love to watching nerd and Joke watching this animation for a long time. That's the way I just started watching it, and I just come over what ideals, ok, let's get back soon, chapter chapter 16, sick day. And this one, this one you might be their friend, it's gonna be a set up pay day, I'm getting sick, I'm gonna be fresh pop, he gonna be sick, but got to go back to the council, so let's get to this story was jumped down, do you wanna come down with me, let's just calm down and let's get started 123 in go
To be a connect..
Jammy'O sid fresh pop I can't go to school and I'm not going. I don't stop. Thank you for yesterday shopping me when I was nice to come over. How you gonna be home we got herself some more freshy...
Fresh pop sid *coffee* i-i d-don't o-one two jammy'O p- please c-can love two sippa into your bed my jammy'O...
Jammy'O sid fresh pop are you ok I can call my friend to tell the principal will not coming to school today, because he was actually sick right now I'm gonna tell them I'm gonna take care of you. Today, ok, besides, I owe you for taking care of me when I was sick yesterday, it's my time to do you a favor...
Fresh pop sid jammy'O p- please can you got two school two day in I be ok in your ok, let me tell you guys, my mother is a school.
Jammy'O sid 👇
Please see all of my dad, he was trying to stay the am I dad works at the school of because he's a school teacher. Bless I can't wait till I be in her classroom, because mouth is either for math is easy for me, actually, I'm really good at it, plus, I'm not leaving you here at my apartment, me alone, I'm gonna be there for you, you took care of me when I was sick, so it's my time to do you a favor take care of you my sick freshy.
Fresh pop sid please don't do me no favors. I want you to go to school and learn I don't want you to miss school because I'm sick because I'm sick and took care you yesterday helping you out, so I guess you don't help me get better and not being sick. Bless, do you take me to my castle of love something it's my cure from getting sickness, the queen is gonna get out on me because her son, who is a prince and love to a marriage which I saved your life, thank you very much, but still really sick caring me, I know this is embarrassing asking you right now, but it's okay out of this a year apartment until you get back from saying your apartment until you get back from school what's, I don't want you to worry about me, just don't worry about me because I'm sick ok, I want you to go to school and get some don't leave behind your mouth and stuff out of the science teacher at girl, bless your mom, she gonna be your junk teacher soon or later flashy taking night classes, I think she doing now, see me get all, besides, some of your appearance work at the school let's see them around, they told me, what time were you going, how you yelling stuff like that, but still, I always talked to them a lot, my friends, wow, my so called friends to say that I like to hangat the skate park making fun, I bloody high and also chasing other people down the hallway, plus my job as a job to do all of them days back. It's not my job at all, she crossed my love, besides, I only love you and only you, no matter what happens we always gonna what matters never happens, we always gonna be with eachother forever, even though we separated in the end, we still gonna meet each other...
Jammy'O sid I love you very much, but I don't want to see you get sick or worse, because I like school, and what happened, you fell down, there hurt your self for anything, why you said I want to be there for you when you know you sick, when you need help, when you want someone to talk to, I want to be a person who is being there for youand your home whites on, I don't want to see you getting sick because I'm at school besides, you help me out when I was sick yesterday, so it's my job to help you out soon, my love, I don't want to see my love getting sick or worse, how are you to be better? So we both to go to school together, besides, I don't want to sit at the cafeteria onI don't want to say up the cafeteria alone by myself, even though I love to since it's been like that every single year long, but still I used to it, but actually, I really want other people to sit with me, but it's like both sides, I don't know, but still I want to be there for you when you get sick and stuff I want to help you out when you get sick and stuff, because I care about you, you don't think no one else care about you is sadly mistaken wrong, there's a lot of people care about you, even though they seem like they hate you, but actually that means they just love you and conferred by the friends of your friends and family can love you to. But if he made a mistake in your whole life, ok, state still gonna be here. I'm still gonna be here for you, I don't care what you think, use it, and you need help, I'm not gonna let no sick person by myself, I'm gonna take care of you like you took care of me because we are together, boyfriends in we are happy with each other and nobody is nice, whole world can decide if it's up to us to the cyber future my future is what you I want to take care of you even though you want me to go to school because I know you how are you yes you told me you don't like to be alone but actually I don't want to be a long either I want to have company get the time to know you more better you already yes my first time I never ever thought I would be with a person like you before every single flashback I have a memory of a bad one the good one move on together I want to take care of you now you're gonna let me ride not gonna let me take care of you are you gonna get more cigarette I don' when you get sick at all, I want to help you when you get sick, bring you tissue papers bring you soup, make sure you relaxing, make sure he doesn't move until you tell me you want to move places in my apartment, but let's go back again, and I'm not going to school today, I got to call me on thisI'm taking care of you, I'm gonna tell my friends to tell all our teachers bless my father, actually, your father, I mean, he works at the school teachers science playoffs, ok, let's let's me, let's be friends, friends and lovers to the end, but actually I read up, be in love with instead, i've been friends with a bee lover, since we already are, we already met and talking stuff, it's about time we took our relationship to the whole new level. Maybe it's not right to make your v means love, actually, I love you more so I'm gonna take care of youeven though you don't want me to, I don't even care no more I'm still gonna take your you, why you still said you took care of me when I was 6, so this is what I posted. I need to take care of you, because you said because I love you, because I don't want you to disappear, like damn did I just don't want you to disappear, that's all that's all that's all that's all that's all that's all that's, all don't disappear, please say with me.
Fresh pop sid coffee jammy'O coffee I -I love you two and thanks for van, worry about me, plus, my beard always worry about me a lot, even though they don't seem like they really, they are, they always worry about my mother, she couldn't sleep, sometimes father had to make mother relax and makemake sure she coming down because she has a new suit I'm going on with her body, which she can't control you, but actually it's thanks to father, she's still around, so actually I'm not gonna disappeared at all, still gonna be here with you even it take foreverI don't really care if it takes forever, I'm still gonna be here with you, because I love you less, because I'm sick, that means that doesn't love you, that was a sick person, can't kiss another person plus I really can, but I don't want to get you back then this whole cycle is on I wantI want us to be better and take care of each other. I took care of you when you are sick and I kiss you on your forehead to make sure that you already better you fell asleep in my arms and I call you until you're tired, put your bag in your room and all yourI guess you don't your lips in, I left the wrong, I mean, to I'm sorry, I'm joking, but still, thank you for being worry about me less, if it wasn't for you, I will be coughing and stuff right now, but I seem like, I gotta get on better, maybe you want to heal manyou want to come in and have a cup of tea before we leave for school today, besides, I'm thinking, I feel lot more better since I always around you, ok, just go, let's just go and get some rest, catch up on my homework while teacher yelling atwhile teacher yelling those for me and late and missing a couple amount of days means we gonna be in the same great again, let's actually, I don't really mind, I'm just helping you, I mean, you just helping me getting better plus is for you, hang out with your friend, but still you neither think about marshmallow and they really miss and plus, they gonna talk the marshmallow in your group of friends when we get back in school alone, I'm gonna tell them what I got on my mind, my ok, let me go get some teeth.
Jammy'O sid I love you freshy ~ .
Fresh pop sid I love you two jammy'O my boyfriend....
To be a connect
Sorry, this story is very so long, and also this is This is also checker 16 / 17 also, you put your comments down below and I'm gonna read
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