Chapter 1 The start
Last time on High School DxD
Kenny: So I know to which anime world not to send you, so good luck and stuff! Begon Thot!!
Y/n: WTF!!
Welcome Gamer To The World Of High School DxD
Y/n: Noooo! I Hate you why did you put me in here, the guy that didn't tell me his name!
Daily Quest
Push-Ups [0/100]
Curl-Ups [0/100]
Squats [0/100
Running [0/10km]
Penalty- Death
Y/n: So about that penalty why does it have to be that extream?
You will find out when you don't do them gamer but I would advise you to all ways do the daily quest.
Y/n: Well I should start doing the daily quest and not get the penalty.
As you start to do push-ups you start to feel like you could do it easily as time passed on you barely finished the first push-ups as the sun start to go down.
Daily Quest
Push-Ups [45/100]
Curl-Ups [0/100]
Squats [0/100
Running [0/10km]
Penalty- Death
The penalty will start in five seconds
As you start to look around you all that you could see was that you were in a theatre as you try and get up you realized that you were strapped to the chair as you tried to free your self you notice that something was being played you start to scream as you try to get out.
Y/n: WTF this I just torture someone end my fucking live of god what is he doing with the ice cub for how long is this going to go on for!
For Six hours
Y/n: I won't be able to last that long, I just have to stay calm and I could live to through this because I don't what to die this time. Do you hear me!
Two Hours Later
Y/n: Stay in your happy place good thing, I'm able to stay calm for this long and this thing that has been playing still hasn't finished.
You have gotten a new skill
Gamer Mind Lvl Max
Keeps you calm negates mind control and stuff
The penalty has been changed to torture to pain changing in 5sec
As you opened your eyes you saw that you were still tied to the chair but there was a man that was wearing a hockey mask had white hair and when you look to the left of him you could see torture weapons and he told you to count backward one thousand mines seven.
Y/n: 993 983 979 972 965 958 951 944 937 930
Jason Weeb Start to break your fingers as you were screaming as it was painful that you start to lose unconscious he punches you on the head to wake you up but when you look back at him you see him getting a syringe with a strange liquid inside of it as everything goes darker.
Two Hours Later
You have gotten a new skill
Gamer Body Lvl Max
Grants a body that allows for the user to live the real world like a game
A time passed you start to notice that you only had 25 health left but for some reason, you notice that your health start to regenerate back to 100%. When you look at your broken hands you see that they look normal like they weren't broken as you start to look around you don't see weeb Jason anywhere as you try to get out off the chair your notice that it was loose as you get out of the chair you start to look around you start to hear screams of pain form some were.
Y/n: I should check the skills that I have "Skills".
Gamer Body Lvl Max
Gamer Mind Lvl Max
Observed Lvl Max
Regeneration Lvl Max
You're able to heal in an instant etc
Pain tolerance Lvl Max
Physical endurance Lvl 50
Y/n: Know I just need to find a place to hide until time runs out.
But when you said that you hear a door open and when you turn around you see Jason weeb witch a machete in his had as he starts to run at you try to avoid it but he but he cuts your arm off as you start to hold were your once was you see that your arm has grown back as you look for a weapon so you can fight back but you didn't find one so you run straight at him as he swings his machete at you he misses as you ready your fist you hit him right in the balls as you hear him let out a high pitch scream as he drops the machete you quickly grab it and start to chop him as you check how much health he has left.
Jason weeb
Lvl: 10
Hp 120/300
+ Bleeding effect -25hp per second
As you stab the machete into his heart that he finally stops to move
You have level up You have level up You have leveled up
You have level up You level up
Name: Y/n
Lvl: 7 (0/200exp)
Race: Human
Job Class:
Age: 20
Hp: 155
Mp: 100
INT: 50
STR: 25
AGI: 20
DEX: 60
LUK: 50
Penalty has stopped
You have survived the penalty here you're rewords
You have gotten a chance to get a job class
Full restore
500000 Skill points
Do you wish to use the change to get a job class
Y/n: Yes!
The job class would be randomly chosen for you
Congrationlton you have gotten Necromancer do you wish to promote your class to promote you need 350000
Y/n: Yes
Your Class has been promoted to Shadow Lord
Please set a command phrase for extraction
Y/n: Come forth
As you look behind you see something rise form were the weeb Jason body was you see his shadow come out.
(like this But the blue is red but looks like Jason)
(A/n) Well, I hope you guys like, I won't be able to update Ghoul gamer because I'm going to be watching The Umbrella Academy.
Word count: 1079
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