Chapter 2
(Veronica's POV)
I was shutting my diary after scribbling something down, looked up, and saw Connor pull up, with, wait, Evan Hansen in shotgun! I quickly snapped a picture and sent it to Zoe. I walked into the school building, and saw almost everyone with his/her boyfriend or girlfriend. As I passed happy couples in the hallway, I thought of JD and stared at the floor for the rest of the time. He was really gone, and it seemed that everyone was shoving it in my face that they were in a relationship and I wasn't.
But I soon held my head up high, thinking of the fact that JD left so I could be happy. For some reason, that raises my spirits tons and I walk up to my locker and greet Martha.
"Good morning!"
"Oh, hey, V, I gotta head to class I'm so sorry, it's on the other side of the school, but we can talk later," she says, clearly a little preoccupied. She walks away quickly, spots Michael, and they walk to their class together. I make a mental note to ask her what's up at lunch.
My phone pings with a text from Zoe.
JazzGurl: um, my bro is running to find u rn, I think he saw u take the pic, be warned
And on cue, I turn around and Connor is giving me a death glare. "Who did you send that picture to, and what was the caption?" he is reddened but also angry.
"I don't think I know what you mean?" I play dumb.
"V! Delete it or you're dead," he says, and I honestly would believe him. But I see a timid Evan standing behind him and whisper to him. "Okay, maybe not dead, but pretty close."
I snicker at the fact that he changed his words just because of the boy behind him, but he gives me another death glare and I stop. "Alrighty then..." I delete the picture, but Zoe has it anyway so it's not completely gone.
The pair of boys walk away, and I notice Connor slinked an arm over Evan. Aw, kill me now. Everyone and their cute relationships is really going to hurt this year.
(Michael's POV)
I walked to first period, Martha rambling on about someone named Jared, but I was kind of out of the zone. My mind continued wandering to Jeremy; he was usually at school by now. We walked into class, and still no Jeremy. I shoot him a few texts, and he finally replies.
Player1: Hey where r u bro
SquipBoy: o sorry ima be late today, slept in cuz I was tired lol
Player1: o ok well I got u a seat next to me
SquipBoy: thx
I quickly set down some of my stuff on the desk next to mine. About a half hour into class, Jeremy bursts through the door and sings, "Jeremy make an entrance!!" while handing his late pass to the teacher.
I laugh at him until I'm pink, then whisper to him, "I made that up you stealer."
"Bwahahahahaha," he does his stupid evil laugh. Honestly, super adorable. I giggle at him.
Jeremy has been my best friend for the past 15 years, yup since we were three, and for the past 3 years I've had a huge crush on him. I know it's a long time, but a lot has happened in those years. Sophomore year, I was just a huge socially awkward dork, and I didn't know that he was demisexual; I just assumed he was straight. Junior year, we had the whole Squip incident, and that was really painful so I couldn't have possibly told him. Now, about two weeks into senior year, I was ready to confront him. He asked Christine out week ago, but she had a girlfriend. So I was hoping I could step in and ease his pain for a little.
He waited the summer between junior and senior year to talk to Christine to make sure that the Squip wasn't making any of his choices, but after building his hopes for that long he was absolutely crushed by rejection. We're getting together this weekend to game a bit, and that should take his mind off of the rejection and give me an opportunity to talk to him.
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