wedding part
I was laying in be staring up at the ceiling I was happy but confused. then my mom and deans mom came in. they started throwing things at me yelling at me to wake up I slowly got out bed my mom said " sweetie you cant lay in bed for your wedding you have to get up it starts in 2 hours" I ran to the bathroom and jumped into the shower I had to smell extra good tonight for dean its out honeymoon for crying out loud it'll only take an hour to get there. I washed my hair delicately and the same with my body. I shaved every inch of my body literately arms, legs, underarms, had my mom get my back and my private area I felt fresh every were. Once I stepped out of the shower my mom had my robe hanging on the back of the door I slipped on my robe and went back into my bedroom my mom and Mary deans mom was standing by a chair in front of the mirror on my dresser Mary said " your moms gonna do your hair and I'm gonna do your makeup okay" I nodded and sat into the chair my mom grabbed my hair and began blow-drying while marry set up the makeup kit then sat down and waited until my mom was done then Mary went and started jabbing at my face with a variety of objects then they both said " done" I looked at my new face and hair it was really good
I walked to my closet grabbing my dress and underthings then going to the bathroom and changing
once I was ready my dad came in and said " you ready pumpkin" i nodded he linked his arm with mine and started to walk me down the isle i meet dean at the end he had a huge smile on his face
my dad gave my hand to dean " and said " your perfect for her"
dean grabbed my hand and said " baby girl you look beautiful" i smiled and said " like i could say the same for you" people laughed " nah babe you look handsome as always just got a little more dressed up" he smiled the priest began
"dearly beloved we are gather her today to witness the wedding of Chloe Diane Osenbaugh and Dean Michael Winchester and from what i understand the couple has written their own vows dena you may go first"
dean said " no lady's first"
i smiled and said
" Dean you have been with me through thick and thin you stood up for me when no one was their you picked me instead of the hot popular girl in highschool i remember that nigh at prom were you gave up your friends to dance with me and we have had our share of fights but we always come back to each other and that is what makes a good relationship i just wanted you to know that i didn't fall in love with you no I walked into love with you and I choose every step of the way with my eyes wide open and i will choose you no matte were i am i will find you and choose you always and forever and i know that you will be a amazing dad and this baby will love you i love you Dean Micheal Winchester "
dean said " gosh can i kiss her now"i smiled and laughed
" Chloe babygirl were do I begin; when i first saw you was in middle school i remember thinking 'damn that girl is hot' i never said anything because i was scared of what others would think because i knew the rumours going around school and what every one said but i refused to believe it when yo would walk down the hall and people would say something I thought ' their wrong they know nothing about her she is amazing' I finally got the courage to say something at prom and I was so lucky that is were my life truly began when you agreed to dance with me and from that moment on i knew you were the one i have been saving for a ring ever since and when i got the money i did not hesitate to put it on your finger i was so happy when you said yes and better yet you had told me you were pregnant and i knew you would be a perfect mom and i cant be happier i love you Chloe Diane Osenbaugh"
the priest said " chloe do you take dean to be your lawfully wedded husband" " I do" dean do you take chloe to be you lawfully wedded wife" " hell yeah i do yes i do" " you may now exchange rings" i slipped my ring onto deans finger dean did the same me " by the power invested in i pronounce you husband and wife you may kiss the bride" dean pulled me to him and kissed me then swept me into his arms to the end of the tree line we went to the openning feild and begain to dance
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