prom night
I'm going take my hoarse to the old town road and ride till i can't no more❤😘😜💖💋👀💕😊😁😘😘😘😘😜😜
i jumped up from a nightmare ughh it's 6:30 pm i went to the bathroom taking a quick shower today was prom me Mollie and trinity are going together yesterday dean looked at me and smilled and today he actually spoke
dean came to me and said " hey chloe you going to prom tonight dance" i said " yeah me and two of my friends are" he said " okay see you their"
I went and did my make up and hair then put on my dress
my dress
my make up
my hair
mollie's dress
mollie's make up
mollie's hair
trinity's dress
trinity's hair
trinity's make up
we got out of the car and went into the gym it was beautiful we went and grabbed a drink someone called my name i turned around to see a smiling dean his green eye's shinning from the dim light his hair parted and combed perfectly he looked perfect
Dean's p.o.v
me and the boys got to prom they all had date's it was time to tell them i said " look i have something to say i like Chloe Osenbaugh" they all looked at me and laughed justin said " good one man she is a freak" i said " no she's not and i serious and i'm going to ask her to dance tonight " Tammy said " you know you'll lose your popularity and you'll be dropped from the top to the bottom" " i know and i don't care so goodbye have a nice life and oh if you try to hurt her in any way and this means anyone i will hurt you so leave her alone" i gad a growl in my voice and walked away i saw her by the drinks she looked gorgeous even if i couldn't see her face i heard her voice and i would notice her any wear i called her name she turned and faced me i smiled she stared at me with the most gorgeous blue eye's Mollie and trinity looked to they had a scowl on their face i didn't care
Normal p.o.v
he walked towards me and said " can i talk to you alone" i nodded we walked to a corner in the gym he said " I know we really don't know each other but i liked you for a while and i just left everything i had today to come and talk to you so i'm letting you know that i like you" i looked at him i said " you left you friends and popularity to tell me you liked me your not allowed to talk to me " he said " it's against their rules you can't talk to someone lower and according to them your a nerd and i don't think that they talk about you and i hate i never told anyone until now i told them that i liked you and they kicked me down" i said " i don't care what they think and to be honest i like you too but it's just that i don't know if your telling the truth so you ahve to prove me your not lying" he nodded and said " deal so dance with me please" i nodded and took his hand i looked at trin and mollie they had shocked looks on their face we went to the middle of they gym he pulled me against him as taylor swift's you belong with me played i rested my head and begun singing the lyrics and to my surprise the voice it wasn't taylor's voice it was mine i sung it at homecoming the pricipale requested it
You're on the phone with your girlfriend
She's upset
She's going off about something that you said
'Cause she doesn't get your humor like I do
I'm in my room
It's a typical Tuesday night
I'm listening to the kind of music she doesn't like
And she'll never know your story like I do'But she wears short skirts
I wear T-shirts
She's cheer captain
And I'm on the bleachers
Dreaming about the day when you wake up
And find that what you're looking for has been here the whole timeIf you can see I'm the one who understands you
Been here all along so why can't you see
You belong with me
You belong with meWalkin' the streets with you and your worn-out jeans
I can't help thinking this is how it ought to be
Laughing on a park bench, thinking to myself
Hey isn't this easyAnd you've got a smile that could light up this whole town
I haven't seen it in a while since she brought you down
You say your fine
I know you better then that
Hey what you doing with a girl like thatShe wears high heels
I wear sneakers
She's cheer captain and I'm on the bleachers
Dreaming about the day when you wake up
And find that what what you're looking for has been here the whole timeIf you can see that I'm the one who understands you
Been here all along so why can't you see
You belong with meStanding by and waiting at your back door
All this time how could you not know
Baby, you belong with me
You belong with meOh, I remember you drivin' to my house in the middle of the night
I'm the one who makes you laugh
When you know you're about to cry
And I know your favorite songs
And you tell me about your dreams
I think I know where you belong
I think I know it's with meCan't you see that I'm the one who understands you
Been here all along so why can't you see
You belong with meStanding by and waiting at your back door
All this time
How could you not know
Baby you belong with me
You belong with meYou belong with me
Have you ever thought just maybe
You belong with me
You belong with me
once the song was finished he looked at me and said " your voice is amazing is their a certain boy i should scare away" i said " no the boy was you" he smiled at me and picked me up bridal style and spun me in a circle causing me to squeal " dammit winchester put me down now " i said laughing he yelled " hell no never in my life " he then gently set me down but kept me to him then miss cline said " okay everyone we have a special singer tonight like the last song the voice of you belong with me was miss chloe osenbaugh so would her and her partner come up on stage" i looked at dean he took my hand and guided me on stage miss cline said " alright dean i hope you know this " i said " miss cline i don't think he listen's to country" dean laughed he said " aww sweetheart it's my favorite hell i'm in texas what song is it" i looked down and said " remind me by tim mcgraw and carrie underwood" he said " one of my favorit's" i said " okay your the main singer" he said " good" then he whisperd in my ear " being in charge is a specalty
he pulled me to him i said " dean when i sing i move around" then i went behind the curtain and gave him a thumbs up and he nodded as the lyrics started he was amazing i don't think i can do it i took adeep breathe and got ready by clearing my throat
We didn't care if people stared
We'd make out in a crowd somewhere
Somebody'd tell us to get a room
It's hard to believe that was me and youNow we keep saying that we're OK
But I don't want to settle for good not great
I miss the way that it felt back then
I wanna feel that way again
Been so long that you'd forget
The way I used to kiss your neck
i begain to walk out singing
Remind me, remind me
So on fire, so in love
Way back when we couldn't get enough
Remind me, remind meRemember the airport dropping me off
We were kissing goodbye and we couldn't stop
he smiled at me and begain again
I felt bad cause you missed your flight
then i came in and hit a perfect high ganing screams
But that meant we had one more night
he smiled at me and their was something in his eyes was that love it looked like it and i came in lower
Do you remember how it used to be
We'd turn out the lights and didn't just sleep
he sang in a low lustfulish voice
Remind me baby remind meOh so on fire so in love
That look in your eyes that I miss so much
he sang and hit a deep high it was breath taking
me- I wanna feel that way
Yeah I wanna hold you close
Oh if you still love me
Don't just assume I know
him- I wanna feel that way
Yeah I wanna hold you close
Oh if you still love me
Don't just assume I know
me - Oh baby remind me, remind me
me- Do you remember the way it felt?
him-You mean back when we couldn't control ourselves
me-Remind me, yeah remind me
me- All those things that you used to do
That made me fall in love with you
Remind me, oh baby remind me
him-Yeah you'd wake up in my old t-shirt
All those mornings I was late for work
Remind me, oh baby remind me yeah
Oh baby remind me baby remind me
Yeah you'd wake up in my old t-shirt
he said that line with hope in his voice
Oh, baby remind me
i ended it with a low voice the gym lit of with whistle and "you go girl" and some " go get em tiger" which made me laugh misscline took our mike's and said alright so here in 30 minutes we will announce our prom queen and king we went off stage i took him back to the girls mollie said " so you too together " i said " no i told him he has to work for it" trinity nodded dean said " work for it huh" i turned around and said " yep and it might be hard" he said " i think i can do it" t said " look she is a tough cookie so be aware and she get's really moody on sunday's" i looked at her and said " i do not just am around you too' he said " i can handle her" mollie pulled me away and whispered " does he know about your condition you need to tell him before it goes to farhe might be like luke" i said " i'll tell him tonight mom isn't home she left this morning for new york" i went back to dean we talked for a while then miss cline said " okay we have our winner s and the prom k and q are miss chloe osenbaugh and mr dean winchester" he picked me up and carried on stage they placed a crown on our heads and dean grabbed the mick he said " look not to ruin the moment or anything but i don't care what people think of this and i swear if i hear anything about someone saying something i will find you so thanks for the vote's i grabbed it from him and said " me being unnoticed by a lot of people is normal but being selected for prom and dancing with him is crazy so thank you" dean carried me off stage as people left for the after party i looked at dean and said " i'm not going to the party i'm going to go home so thanks for a good night" he said " hey i don't have a ride and i can't go home " we got in my car i said " what do you mean you can't go home" he said " my parents will find out about tonight from the group because me and my family stay at justin's and they will kill me and kick me out" i said" dean i have to tell you something an i'm going to be straight with you for one my mom moved out it's just me she left me some money and she sends money every month for bills and stuff for me and i have P.T.S.D because i found a body about 5 years ago that turned out to be my real dad " he looked at me and pulled me close he said " i'm so sorry" i said " i told u now because the last person that asked me out i told him and he left" he said " chloe i'm never leaving you" his phone rang he picked it up their was some yelling he hung up and looked at me and said " i need to go to my house to get my stuff can i stay with you for the night" i said yeah and you can stay as long as you want and i think you just won me over" he said " will you be my girlfriend' i nodded he kissed my cheek and yelled " onward love"
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