I woke up it was 3 I put on my jacket and walked outside and walked around until I saw a bar I walked in and ordered a drink "hey dude" I heard someone say "hey whats your name" "Bertholdt" "hey bertholdt I'm EREN" and when I got my drink we just talked until he got drunk I wasn't yet though "hey dude your drink you want me to help you get to your place" I asked and me and bertholdt went to his place and he pulled me inside "you look sexy" he said and I got free and he kissed me and I pushed him to the ground and walked home well tried and passed out when I was at our door and next thing I know I woke up to see Levi crossed arms tapping his foot staring at me "what were you doing at the bar with another man?" "Levi I didn't even know him!" I said and he slapped me "great FUCKING excuse EREN" he said and walked away and i covered his huge hand print "just get out of my damn house" he said "your house!? YOU WERE FICKING CORRECT I AM FUCKING SPOILING YOU AND FOR GOD SAKE THE MAN GOT DRUNK I WAS HELPING HIM!" I said "PH TRY TO AVOID THE TRUTH REALLY EREN YOU REALLY WANT TO DO THAT?!" "LEVI I HAVE FUCKING DONE EVERYTHING I CAN TO BE THE BEST HUSBAND AND THIS ID HOW IM TREATED FOR ONE DAMN TRIP TO A BAR!" I screamed and I grabbed a wrapped box and put it one the table in front of him "happy fucking anniversary bitch find someone else to go to the damn concert that I got the band to play for us hope you find fucking your ex boyfriend to go with with you" I said and left
Levi prospective
EREN slammed the door and sarah walked out "what's wrong with dad" she asked "he's a bitch is what's wrong" I said and I saw his wedding ring onto of the gift I cried and someone knocked on my door "come in" "hey Levi where's EREN?" Mikasa asked as her and armin walked in "gone he most likely is going to find a new boyfriend" I said and I told them and I could tell they were sad "so he's gone" I said and walked out side and walked around and I saw EREN he looked at me "tsk what do you want Levi I thought you don't want me" he said walking over to me "dude i was on my period" I blushed as i said that "so your a girl" he said sarcastically "no but I have a condition that runs in my families blood" I said and moved my hair out of my eyes blushing still and he stared down at me "YOU know it impossible for guys to have periods" "like I said it runs in our blood" I said and after about a thousands of answers from his questions he walked home with me and didn't say a word to me just gave me a 'THE guilt should kick in' face with a slow shake of the head and walked up the stairs I stayed down stairs until someone covered my eyes "guess who" "what EREN" "wanna go upstairs with me" "sure why not" I said and he kept my eyes covered and next thing I know I was engulfed white water in erens lap we were sitting in the bath I still couldnt see and he slowly moved TRYING to get a good angle and I moaned and water was being splashed out and he moved so I was almost drowning and didn't stop and when he was done I got out and dried the floor up and then walked out to my room and laid down and read my book called
Secrets under the ocean
And I read until EREN lowered my book and I looked at him "what" he then but my neck and I stared at the roof and thought to myself "this man is my protector" I said aloud and he hugged me "love you Levi" he said and fell asleep and so did I when I woke up from my cat nap me I looked in the mirror to see marker all over my face and same with EREN so I walked in the shower with EREN and I didn't care I didn't look at him until o felt his tip touch me "sorry Levi I'm a little aroused by YOU" he said and moaned the word YOU as I bucked my hips in his dick and bent down so I was in a perfect position and he tried to grab my hips for dominance but I smacked his leg softly "I control" I moaned and he laid on the floor and I bounced and when he cummed on me and I came on him and laid on him he looked at me his eyes were glimmering "Levi why DO you love me so much" "I just do" o said walking out and got dressed and EREN huddled me close and i about fell asleep as we walked sarah was on my shoulder and EREN was holding james and we walked down the streets "EREN what's in your bag?" "Diapers bottle keys etc my motherly instincts never let me leave with James with out them" he said "your not a mother were both queer bitch you're not female" I said still walked and we we were at Reiner's house he let us in and first thing james did was start crying so EREN went to the bathroom and walked out in five seconds and james was asleep and EREN came next to me again "hi Reiner" I blushed "so you weren't kidding when you said your husband is having a baby and you had a adopted girl" he crossed his arms and I let sarah off my shoulders "nope wasn't kidding" he let us sit down and sarah do what ever JUST not to make a mess "how come you've never told me of Reiner?" Eren asked when Reiner walked outside and I handed EREN his ring back "cause I knew you would get suspicious about nothing" "are you saying I get jealous? You were the one who was jealous about bertholdt" "EREN I'm sorry" "about what" "everything I'm just a terrible mistake" I said turning "and he pushed me to my back and humped me as i blushed looking down his shirt and blushed as he kissed me and I studied his body structure and he ran his fingers S through my hair "EREN I never told you but when we were kids I saw you and I knew that this was gonna happen I just never had the guts to speak to you" I said and he looked st me "you came to my sweet 16 but talked for a coule of minutes and left after you gave e your present" he said he remembered "I remember you let me stay at your house when we were younger" I blushed he was staring in my eyes with this smile in his face and I gave a little laugh "okay you can get off" I said and Reiner walked back in to see EREN kissing me and bouncing "don't fuck on my couch" he joked and EREN let go of the kiss "we won't" EREN laughed and we sat up and he kept threading my hair and I smiled and when we left we went home and when sarah and James were both asleep I was so close to falling asleep until EREN started sucking like there was no tomorrow and I moaned "e-EREN let me sleep w-we got school t-ngh-tom-nah-tomorrow" I said "fo?" 'So' "we've got test EREN" "I sont hufin bare" 'I don't FUCKING care' "EREN STOP" I said and he took me out and I came and he laid down and I tore OF his boxers and he yelped when I stuck in and I nipped on his ear and he became red with blush and heat "d-daddy" "that a boy" I said and he gritted his teeth to get her as I kept going I HE moaned so loud "is that your prostate?" "Y-yes d-OH FUCK!" He screamed and came as I went as hard and as fast as I could and I didn't stop "this is ngh what ah YOU get oh when you wale me up by having sex with me" I said as EREN moaned so loud I think mikasa could here us "never.fucking.wake.me.up.again.unless.your.in.fucking.LABOR OR YOUR DIEING!" I screamed with every thrust and he wouldn't shut up about calling me daddy and when I came I nipped on his ear again "hope you have another baby" I said and fell asleep and when I woke up and got dressed me and EREN left for school and I noticed EREN covered up his dick "are you aroused?" I chuckled and he blushed "y-yes" he said and I laughed and kissed him and I pinned him against the hallway wall and bucked my hips into him since we were the only ones there "HEY g-...fuck..." pat said and he saw EREN pinned against the wall and me looking at EREN bucking my hips into him "l-Levi stop I told you I was already aroused" "and this is what you get for keeping me up last night wanting to have sex" "d-daddy stop!" EREN blushed "why should I?" "Ok so I'm going to pretend I never saw this" pay said and I looked at him my face bright red and I stopped jumping EREN "how much did you see?" "Enough" he said and shivered at the sight and his girlfriend jen walked in
EREN prospective
I got a call in the middle of class and walked out "yeah" "I've tried everything but James is still crying and Sarah is running around crazy!" "I'll be right over" I said and I drove back home I looked in my bag and grabbed james CHANGED his diaper let him play with a toy then he fell asleep in no time then sarah was running down the hallway and I grabbed her she fell asleep in no time TO and I put her in her room and James in his crib "ok so here is the diapers food and keys for james to play with" I said handing her it "and if sarah runs around crazy again all you need to say are cookies" I said and I got back in my car and drove back to school and I saw Levi "dude where bwere you" "one word 'kids'" I said and we walked to our next class and when school was over Levi drove the car as I scrolled through my phone "hey Levi" "yeah EREN" "why do you always wax your entire body" "I have never waxed my body I'm just hairless except for my head" "and your dick" "THATS the only part I waxed" "YOU wax YOUR dick why" "it's just annoying to me" "yet when ever we fuck you don't give two shits about it" I said rolling my eyes "speaking about sex what was it like giving birth" "painful as shit it was like a thousand blades were going through my flesh and speaking of that I had to have a c-section a cut on my womb and that's why you saw that cut" I said and when we were home I immediately was hit with a smell of food and I ran to the bathroom and threw up "YOU okay EREN?" Levi asked checking on me "n-no" I said and threw up again "what is wrong" "I d(throws up) DONT KNOW" I said and when I got up I looked at Levi and had some moin swings and got scared i walked out again and sat down and texted mikasa
HEY EREN whatcha need
I think I'm pregnant I don't know yet
"EREN you might be pregnant" "great JUST fucking great I knew we should've used that damn condom great know I'm going to be embarrassed as fuck when we go to school" "I hate my fucking LIFE so much" "well EREN you already look female" "what are you suggesting?" "Get an abortion or GET a sex change" "I can't do you know how much a sex change cost" "just be glad we have summer like real soon so if the baby comes early no one will know just the first two months no one will noticed which will be good" "I'm fucking skinny Levi Ill be noticeable" "EREN trust me the first 2 and a half months are not noticeable even for you" "ph don't worry people will know" I heard pat say as he walked in we both don't mind if he comes in without our permission "DUDE you are always here at the most embarrassing moments" Levi said "guys you will have to tell them erens gonna have a weird appetite and will throw up every five DAMN seconds in the cafeteria" "your right EVERYBODY will know" I said grabbing my phone "so i have to kill a innocent baby just because we didn't use a condom" "no" pat said and I woke up the next morning I put my hand on my stomach and Levi woke up to see ne smiling and a tear ran down my cheek "I love everything in my life" I said and hugged levi who patted my back and when we walked to school I could tell everyone knew "congratulations EREN" someone said and I stopped dead in my tracks and about melted "w-what DO you mean" "on the daughter!" "W-who told you" "pat!" She said and I felt like crying but when I walked in the cafe next to the school to get a coffee I was hit with that same smell at my house and I ran to the bathroom and threw up "sit ARE YOU ok?" A lady asked "I'm fine" I said and opened the door got my coffee and randomly started crying "FUCKING mood swings" I said and Levi walked past and kissed me and I grabbed the back of his shirt and spun him towards me and wrapped my arm around him and walked to our class and I wouldn't be quiet and the teacher was not shutting up "why don't you get ya damn tongue out of ya daddy's asshole before you like it clean in ya moms vagina" I screamed and looked at her she was baffled "nothin to say now? Start talking to me when you got an excuse cause I'm pregnant bitch happy to hear!?" I said "you try having mood swings after your DAMN husband fucks YOU and it's almost impossible to walk the next day let's all celebrate butch now TEACH" I said sitting back down and Levi stared at me so did everyone else "EREN let's go Speak outside now" Levi said I rolled my eyes and sighed "What is it" "HAVE YOU GONE FUCKING INSANE YOU CANT TALK TO A TEACHER LIKE THAT!" He said grabbing my collar so I match his eye level "EREN YOU NEVER speak to a teacher like that you understand" I started crying and he hugged me "I hate my fucking LIFE Levi I don't know what's wrong with me just please Levi do something" I said and he hugged me tighter and I locked my legs around his and when I was gone we walked back inside and I heard people whispering about me "shut up we know he's pregnant cause I made him now shut your damn mouths and learn something or you can learn what happens when you mess with my husband" Levi said and I smiled and he gave me a little nod and when school was over levi was already frisky "babe can't right now" "and why not" "Levi people are staring your acting like your drunk" I said he pinned me to the wall and I grabbed him and he crawled in my back "Jesus Christ what have you been eating" "your sick bitch what else" he said and I blushed "Levi PLEASE shut up" I said and got in our car and when we got home I laid down "don't cook what you did last night cause that's the aroma that makes me like Levi" I said and he nodded and gave me a blanket and I fell asleep in the couch and woke up to see Sarah sitting on my stomach and I smiled and she got off and I took the covers off "can we play daddy!" "Sure sweetie just give me a sec" I said and I covered my head "what's wrong" "nothing much just a headache" I said and Levi kissed my head "is that better" "yeah it's fine" I said and I got up and played with Sarah and I felt something in my stomach it wasn't the baby or maybe it was I grabbed it and cried "EREN what's wrong!" "I don't k-know" I cried and I fell on my knees and Levi got the doctor and when I woke up Levi was freaking out "NO this can't be happening his can't fucking be happening "what's wrong babe" "skeleton fluid from a titan got in you sone how" "w-what! My kid can't fucking be a fucking shifter!" I cried and when I was home i cried softly as I laid on the couch "HEY daddy what's wrong with dad" sarah asked and Levi picked her up "ITS hard to explain"
9 months later Levi's prospective
"SHIT SHIT SHIT IM GONNA MISS IT!" I screamed as I drove to the hospital
There is a raging monster on the loose it's hieght is approximately 15 meters tall
I stopped and pulled over got to the back "perfect" I said and I got out and hook to the buildings and I saw the fighting titan walking "EREN STOP!" I cried out and he looked at me as I hook to him and he was rouge he didn't know what was happening and he tried to kill me "I'm sorry about this EREN" I said getting my blades out and I sliced his arms and he fell after a couple of slices to his limbs and I cut his nape and I saw him and a baby in his arms he was fast asleep "dear god" I said and I grabbed the baby and EREN and put them in the car and we left and when EREN woke up he had no idea what happened "you were a titan" I said handing him Annabelle "oh my god" he said crying and I kissed him and he sat on the couch "I don't want to move much right now" "what's wrong EREN" "I can't believe I destroyed the town" "EREN I can help you control your power" "no you can't" he said I grabbed him and dragged him upstairs "Levi I don't want to" "just sleep mother fucker!" I said and pushed him in his room and walked back down stairs and sarah hugged me and I lifted her up "YOUR sister is gonna be something extraordinary"
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