Chapter 1
September. I have always hated that month. Why? Because of school, you stupid fucker no on like school. Except for my twin sister Ivy, she is the good girl of the school were like yin and yang. We are polar opposites. My name is Iris by the way even tho you don't deserve to know my name but I might as well. Anyway I was getting ready until my nut job of a sister ran into my room "Hurry up we are going to be late on the first day and I don't want to be late2 she gave me the hurry the hell up look which mead me just go slower to annoy her out of pure badness "OMG HURRY UP WE HAVE CHEER TODAY" when she mention that I had to hurry because well members from last years team have to meet today at some point Ivy told me but I forgot. While I was finishing getting ready Ivy was getting everything in the car her bad, my bag, her cheer bag and my cheer bag as you can tell she is the more organized than I am "Iris if you don't hurry up I am leaving without you" she won't dare because the last time she did that she got hit.
The drive was long or to me, it was to Ivy was five minutes and we go to hell or as some others know it as a school. Jodidamente Odio la escuela (I fucking hate school) it's pointless but if I didn't have Ivy I would never be at school. Nothing happened during school except last period where are cheer coach told us that she will tell us who is captain is during cheer tryouts which are now according to the clock "Iris come on its cheer now let's go" my best friend Emma said to me breaking me out of my daydream. I put everything away in my bag and before practice I went to my locker and low and behold Noah "Like what ya see there Day" he said and my blood just started to boil "No I don't I have a high stander" I gave him an evil look "Yeah people with a lower IQ than yours because your that desperate" he replied before I could say something Emma dragged me away because she could tell that I was annoyed.
We finally got to practice after that encounter with Noah I went over to my sister and I was about to talk to her until the coach started to talk "Ladies today is the first day of you cheer career and for some of you-you won't make it I only want the best on my teams now we are going to do things different if you were on the team last year you will have to do your try-out all over again. all the girls that was on the team last year start to complain "Shut it! You girls should be fine if you made it once you can make it again. Now line up in your year groups. Freshman go here" she said as she went to a spot on the grass "Okay Sophomores over here" she ordered as she went to a new bit of ground close but not to close to the freshmen and she just had to look at the Juinor and Senior girls to get them to line up in the correct place. Everyone was nervous even me which I have to say is not normal my sister looked at me and just as if she was in my mind she knew I was nervous. The freshmen went one by one done tricks some landed some didn't and everyone from Sophomore to Senior we all knew that they were cut what didn't help as she was tapping you to signal that you were cut. So from 90 girls, there were only 36 less next was the Sophomore's some of them tried out last year and didn't make it came back and is killing it that group went from 60 to 51 so not too bad. Now it was my groups' turn which is scaring the fuck out of me. All the girls that I was on the team with were pulling out some there best tricks that they would only use for contests and now it was Ivys turn
Holly shit she knocked it out of the fucking park holy shit and now it was my turn what is worse is that I haven't done any cheer in awhile since my injury from last season which kept me out for half of the season
Thank god I didn't get tapped I went to go and sit down until I heard a noise "Well done princess" I turned around to see who it was it was the fucking gorgeous Liam. The only guy that can make me blush "Thanks Liam" I said and turned around to make sure Ivy wasn't looking because everyone knows that her and Liam don't get along just like me and Noah stereotypical the bad guys and the good guys don't get along " Want a smoke?" he asked but he knew the answer anyway since I got to go an hour without one I jump down and go behind the sitting area and near the outside bathrooms I stayed there until the coach called us all back. I waved Liam goodbye and went to my group which means the second round will start which everyone is less nervous about because all you do is any type of filp and with some of us who do the dance we pass easier. Freshmen went down to 36, Sophomore went down to 51, Junior went down to 38 and the seniors went down to 78 which was alright but now the harder rounds start because now you are in teams and with my group having the second lowest amount we will be watched very closely which make us very nervous. "So, ladies you made it this fair so well done but don't think you will get a spot just yet you still have this and the next round to do and they are both groups rounds at least this round you know your group's strength and weaknesses but you won't be so lucky next time. When I call out your year group come and perform. Okay first sophomore's"
She got up out of her chair and tapped 31 girls from that year and went back to her seat "Well done next mmm let me see freshmen your turn"
she got up again but looked more impressed with this group and only tapped 8 from that year as she did once before she went back to her seat "Okay Seniors show them how it's done"
she looked a bit shocked at how some of her last year members messed up and ended up tapping 46 girls and for the final time this round she went to her seat "Okay the best for last I hope Juniors"
She was in shock on how clean the dance was she found it a bit hard to pick people out but to everyone's shock 12 were tapped.
With only around left I went back to the seats for a lie down until I hear him the bloody asshole Noah "Well look who I have found why are lying down got tapped already?" He said trying to act cool "for your information I haven't been tapped I have never been tapped so maybe get your facts right before talking to me okay? Goodbye now." and with that, I left him in shock which made me smile and my sister turned around and looked at me "What did you do now to Noah?" I just smiled and walked over to Emme. We stood and talked until the couch started to speak "Ladies final round now, it's mixed group so I will drag you out and you and your team will perform a routine which you only have 10 minutes to think off so stay in your year groups for now" she walked around and started to drag people out into groups and thankfully I got Ivy and Emma in my group but no Seniors which makes it harder for us. It was just our turn left and when we're done she will get groups up and tap people. "The last group don't disappoint me ladies"
and with that it was done she got us in our year groups because she wants to see how many are left when she is done tapping people. 9 freshmen, 8 Sophomore, only 1 Junior and 13 seniors were tapped. While the girls that got tapped where packing up to leave the coach spoke "Well done ladies. For you 13 freshmen you have a long career in cheer here at our school. For you 10 sophomore I am a bit taken aback about how poor some people performed but thankfully I picked my best ones. Juniors well done to you last year was hard for you with your star out for most of the season but thank god Iris is back and Finally to the senior team I am pleased with you and it is you last year lets make t four years in a row with the title. Now for what all you have been waiting for it's time for...Captains to be announced. Firstly are freshmen captain is Quinn Jones, Sophomore captain is Harley Russo, now this year the Junior team will have two and it is Ivy and Iris Day. Finally the Senior captain for the fourth year in a row Sarah Williams. Now that is you done for the day the schedule for practice will be on the board tomorrow first thing school starts so make sure you check it" With that, we got ready to go.
I was walking alone in town late at night because of practice and I normally like to walk home on the first day back to school to clear my head of any drama. I was still in my cheer kit which I didn't like because all these guys kept staring at my ass and I hated it "Excuse me I need a favor" I turn around to see a homeless looking man behind me. I didn't know what to do I just said without thinking "Sure what is it you need?" which in the next few minutes I will regret "You" and before I knew it he was trying to rip my uniform off I tried and tried and tried to get him off me but he was stronger than me I thought he was going something until I heard a voice "Hey! Get off of her" the homeless guy pushed me against the wall as he went after the person who told him to stop and all I heard was the sound of a fist rapidly hit they guy suddenly it stopped "Are you, okay princess?" I look up to see Liam looking at me with a concerned and worried face "I'm alright I should get home now" I said as I got up and started to walk away he grabbed my arm gently trying not to hurt me "No stay here wait till the police come to tell them what happened then I will bring you home okay?" This is the first time I have ever seen Liam care for someone other than himself "Okay. Are you okay your bleeding" he acted like there was no blood but I seen behind his eyes he was hurt he just didn' want to show it? Not long later police showed up and asked me and Liam questions about what happened and when I answered the questions all I could see in corner of my eye was him watching me carefully as if he was afraid something else would happen. After an hour we were allowed to go home I had texted my mom to tell her what happened that I would be okay but of course, she was at work I guess being a single mom is a lot more work than I thought. Liam finally got to my house which I am glad to see but I didn't see Ivy's car I checked my phone no texts from her so she must with friends or her gang "Do you want to come in I don't want to be alone" he looked over at me and nodded at me. Now if it gets out that the school bad girl got scared people wouldn't scared of me anymore which annoys me but if anyone asks I invited him in to annoy my sister "Sure will your sister mind?" I just shake my no. He got out of the car and went to my side a held it open "Here you go princess" as he held it he bowed which I did back to him we got to the door and I unlocked it to let us inside "So what do you want to do?" I asked "Well we could..."
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