Chapter 15: Surprise
Hey guys I know it's been a while since I made a chapter but this will be the last chapter of the story and I will make an epilogue to end the story. July 27th was sasuke's birthday and I was writing this chappy for him so this chapter is dedicated to him. Hope you enjoy the chapter.
I don't own any of the characters or the media only the story line.
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Time skip 2 months later
Sasuke's point of view
I wake up to the rays of sun coming through the window. I rolled to the side to hug my wife but when I reached out, she wasn't there.
I got up and rubbed my eyes to see a little better but there were still no signs of her in the room at all.
I got in the shower to wash up to go down stairs to check there. Once I got out i put a shirt with my crest on the back and a pair of white shorts.
I check the living room down stairs.
Not there.
The spare bedrooms.
Not there either.
The back yard.
I then came back inside to eat breakfast since I couldn't find her. I went to the fridge to get some tomatoes but stop to see them on the counter sliced up with a note next to it.
I go over to look at the note while eating a slice. The note read....
Dear sasuke-kun,
If you woke up and didn't find me in the bed then gomen'nasai for leaving but I sliced up some tomatoes for breakfast which your probably eating right now to make up for me being gone. Your probably wondering where I am, so to calm your nerves I'm at naruto's and hinata's house. Come by when your done eating. I love you,
Love your cherry blossom
P.S don't forget to water my tree I love you so much ^×^ kissy face.
After reading the note I looked at the clock to see it was 2 in the afternoon. 'Great why didn't the alarm clock wake me up'. I decided to finish eating the tomatoes quick to water her tree.
I watered the tree for 5 minutes since it was a big tree then turned off the water and got in the car to head to the dobe's house. Which it wasn't far. I got there 10 minutes later.
Once I got to the house I knocked on the door and waited for someone to answer the door. A few seconds later hinata answered the door but looked surprised.
"Sasuke-kun....what are you doing here" I looked so confused since she didn't know what I was doing there.
"Sakura said to come by to naruto's, she said she was here" I looked her in the eyes since I was so confused.
She looked down trying to recall then she remembered something.
"Oh yeah she came but her and naruto-kun went somewhere else. She told me to give this to you" she gave me a note that had hearts on it. I read the note.
Dear sasuke-kun,
If you got to naruto and hinata's house I went off with naruto to the park. Meet us at the cherry blossom tree where you proposed to me at. Bring hinata-chan too. That was naruto anyway hurry, I have a surprise for you,
Love sakura and naruto but mostly sakura
P.S it's me naruto, sakura-chan told me to tell you that she forgot to mention in the last note that she turned off the alarm clock so you could sleep, so don't get mad at her. Also don't call anybody just come straight to the park, to the cherry blossom tree.
I looked up at hinata and said "come on sakura told me to take you with me". She got in the car and we took off to the park.
Once we got to the park the sun was starting to go down. We got out of the car to look for the tree.
"Come on sasuke-kun I see some balloons over there" she ran to the cherry blossom and I ran after her.
~ Naruto's point of view 🍲 ~
~Knock, knock~
I heard a knock on the door. Hinata-chan answered the door but soon opened it to reveal sakura-chan.
"Hey sakura-chan what are you doing here? Did teme do something to hurt you? I'll kick his ass for you" I grabbed her hands and looked into her eyes.
She just smiled and took her hands from mine. "No that's not why I'm here, if sasuke hurt me I would of beat him up myself".
"Oh yeah that's true" I scratched the back of my head while hinata-chan giggled.
"So why are you here sakura-chan" hinata-chan gave her a cup of tea since me and her woke up half an hour ago.
"Arigato hinata. Anyway I'm here to ask if you guys could help me with something" she took a sip of her tea while waiting for an answer.
"Sure what is it"
"Can you help me set up a surprise birthday party for sasuke since today is his birthday. The others went to get the food and cake, they're gonna meet up with us in the park at the tree sasuke propose to me, I need you to help me set up the decorations and hinata I need you to distract sasuke" she grabbed a piece of paper and pen to start writing on.
"Okay but what time does teme usually get up at" I look over at the time which she does too.
"By 2 or 3 in the afternoon if the alarm doesn't go off which I turned off before I left" I looked back to her surprised at how well she planned this out.
'Teme's a lazy bum like shikamaru'
I look at the paper she's writing on and it read...
Dear sasuke-kun,
If you got to naruto and hinata's house I went off with naruto to the park. Meet us at the cherry blossom tree where you proposed to me at.
I wrote down in marker 'Bring hinata-chan too'.
Sakura then wrote the rest down with the pen she had, when she put 'Love sakura', I put on the paper in marker again 'and naruto' but she said mostly her.
I then took the note and wrote down that sakura turned off the alarm and to not call anybody and bring hinata-chan.
She took the note back and folded the small paper and gave it to hinata-chan.
"When sasuke gets here you answer the door and if he ask about us give him the note but don't make it obvious okay?" sakura told hinata-chan and she nodded to signal she understood the plan.
"Okay let's go naruto it may be only 9 but knowing you, this will take a lot of time to get everything ready" sakura-chan walks to the door while I get my shoes on.
"Bye hina-chan I'll see you later" I said and gave her a kiss on her forehead which she blushed from.
I laughed then ran to sakura-chan's car to head to the park.
Once we got to the park we went to the cherry blossom tree which took 3 minutes to get to by walking.
Sakura started to put down some table cloths on two picnic tables for the guests and I started to put up the banner that said 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY SASUKE'.
I tied up one side on a tree branch but as I tied the other side I lost my balance and fell off the ladder onto the ground.
"Naruto, are you alright?" Sakura was at my side helping me sit up even though I fell 4 feet down.
"Yeah I'm fine just a couple of bruises, nothing too bad" I rubbed my head and got up.
"Well since this didn't take very long we have to blow up the balloons with the helium tank I got from the store" she put the helium tank and balloons on the table.
I got one and put the helium in it then tied it off and gave it to sakura to tie to a string and tied it down on the table so it won't fly away.
We got 12 done which took 3 hours since I let go some balloons on accident and it took forever. I looked at my phone to see it was gonna be 1 and sakura said teme doesn't get up until 2 or 3 so we have about 2 hours the most.
I was about to blow another balloon but heard voices coming close to us. I look up to see shikamaru, ino, tenten, neji, Lee, choji, shino, kiba with akamaru, sakura-chan's parents, sasuke's parents and itachi, and my parents as well.
They all set down the presents and food for the party that will start later on.
"Wow forehead you did good but I can see that your having trouble with the balloons" ino pointed to the balloons behind us.
"Yeah...we can't tie them quickly because I try to tie the balloon but sometimes I let go of it" I laughed since I'm not that good with balloons.
"Well me and tenten will help you guys while mikoto and mebuki go to the bakery to pick sasuke's cake up, they just finished it" ino and tenten walked to the table to start blowing balloons.
I grabbed a balloon and blew it up with the helium but then I got a funny idea. I took some of the helium and tap sakura-chan's shoulder. Once she looked at me I started to talk.
"Hey sakura-chan what up" my high squeaky voice from the helium made her and the girls laugh so hard they couldn't stop laughing.
Sakura, ino, and tenten got a balloon and went to the guys. "Hey you guys wanna help us" sakura-chan was laughing at her voice then everyone else joined in even sasuke's dad.
Mikoto and mebuki came back with the cake and started laughing when they heard fugaku with a high squeaky voice instead of a deep one.
After everyone settled down we blew all the balloons up and tied them to the table and tree.
Sakura-chan checked the time to see it was already 3. Everyone got a party hat on and little confetti guns ready for when sasuke arrives.
Just as I got into my spot I remembered to put up the two lanterns for when it gets dark later.
I got on the ladder and put one lantern on one side and the other on the other side of the tree for enough light.
When I turned back around I could see hinata-chan running towards the tree with teme behind her a few feet.
"He's coming, I saw hinata-chan running this way" I stepped down the ladder carefully so I wouldn't fall again.
Hinata-chan ran to my side and I got her a hat and the little confetti gun.
"Everyone ready" sakura-chan looked at us and we gave a thumbs up. I sneaked a balloon with helium behind me and sucked in some of the air.
Once teme saw us all we all screamed loud.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Sasuke's point of view
Confetti was in the air and it went all over the place but mostly on me. I saw that everyone was here from my friends to my family even sakura and naruto's parents were here.
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY TEME" naruto had a high squeaky voice because of the helium from the balloons. I just shook my head while smiling.
Sakura came up to me and hugged me which I returned.
She looked up at me and said " I hope your not mad since I didn't wake you up".
"I'm a little mad but you threw me a party and your here so I'm happy" I kissed her forehead and she giggled.
I walked over to my parents and all my friends and they all smiled and told me happy birthday.
Sakura then led me to the tables and I sat down with a cake in front of me.
Everybody then started to sing happy birthday to me and after the song was done I blew out the candles and made my wish.
'I wish that I can have a family with sakura soon'
I then felt my head get push into the cake but only got on my mouth and nose. Everyone else started to laugh while I got alittle angry. Sakura then notice and took some of the cake off my lips and kissed me.
I wanted to murder naruto cause I knew he would do that but I calmed down when sakura kissed me. She pulled away and giggled as she cleaned the cake off my face.
Everyone started to feast on the food and cake that was brought to the party. The day went with laughter as everyone else enjoyed their time with each other.
Sakura then stood up and tapped her glass for everyone to give her their attention.
"Everyone I would like to announce some good news. Since me and sasuke are to be married next week I would like to tell him before the wedding. Sasuke....I'm pregnant" she looked me in the eyes and smiled so big causing her eyes to shine even brighter.
I was so shock but then I was happy since my wish had came true. I picked her up and spun her around laughing while everybody else was clapping and cheering.
"Wait, when did you find out" I put her down so she wouldn't get dizzy.
"I found out about 3 weeks ago, I wanted to surprise you since your birthday was coming up. I'm about 2 months pregnant" she looked down and rubbed her still flat stomach.
I was filled with so much joy I couldn't stop smiling for the whole night even when we went home I fell asleep with a smile glued to my face.
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Well guys that was the last chapter the epilogue will come soon but for now hoped you liked this chapter.
~Spongebob~ 🐘
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