"Good, now, just come really quiet, and be a good girl, okay?" He said, holding her from behind, pressing something against her back. Then he leaned in toward her face, close enough that his nose touched her cheek. "Huh, sexy?"
Min-hee shivered, pulling away. She had trusted the guy way too easy, this was her fault. If she'd been careful, she would have asked Kris to come with her, wouldn't have let this creep lead her right around a corner, right into an empty hallway. Brilliant, Min-hee, just brilliant.
She didn't know why it hadn't occurred to her, maybe it was that cute face, but even then, she should have thought of the chances of someone running into her at this time of night, wondered how suspicious it was that he wanted to buy her a soda after something so small and trivial. But she hadn't thought any of that out, because she was a goddamn idiot.
He led her down the hall, it probably looking like he was trying to comfort her or something rather then what he was actually doing. Even though Min-hee didn't really know what he was going to do with her. Or what he was going to do to Tao. Min-hee swallowed hard. He was going to hurt someone, she was sure, he hadn't held back with Baekhyun.
"God, could you not make that face? You were already sexy, you keep that up, and I might not be able to control myself." He said, then puffed out his cheeks.
His voice didn't match what he was saying, he still sounded like that sweet guy she'd run into, still like the shy, nervous, cute cat eyed guy. But his actions were that of a monster, some vicious creature.
Min-hee bit her lip as he led her out of the hospital. She was trying as hard as she could to think of a way out of this, some way to get out of his strong grip on her arm. Without getting hurt, without him hurting her with whatever he had pressed against her back. It was hard to judge what she should do since she didn't know what it was he was threatening her with.
Could be a knife, he had thrown one at Baekhyun after all, and in that sense, a knife could be as dangerous as a gun or anything else because he seemed to be an excellent shot, he could just throw a knife and hurt her, and he'd hit exactly where he wanted, she was sure hitting Baekhyun in the leg was not an accident, he'd wanted that, he'd wanted to leave him screaming, not dead, probably to scare her.
He led her into the parking lot in the back of the hospital, pushing her into the back seat of a black Mercedes Bens. He leaned toward her, getting close enough that his face was only an inch from hers. If she looked down, she could see he had a bit of rope.
He puffed out his cheeks again, letting out a slow exhale. "Sexy, how could you lie to me? You knew where Tao was, and you kept it to yourself! Why'd you do that? I could have just gotten this over with, this didn't have to happen!" He sounded angry with her, grabbing her chin and making her look at him. "But...I guess I got to meet you... You sexy beast, you." He kissed her cheek.
Min-hee slapped him. Her hands weren't tied yet, but she knew it was coming, so while she had the freedom, she figured she'd fight back a little. And she couldn't stop herself either, no matter the consequences, that action had covered her skin in goosebumps and her first reaction was to get him out of her face.
He looked at her from the side, obviously pissed off, "Is this because I'm not Tao? B*tch, I'm at least 200% cuter, and he doesn't even treat you well, I could light you up better then he ever could!" He said, pushing Min-hee down to lay on the backseat. He pinned her down, looking right into her eyes again, then he pouted, his voice getting soft, "Tell me what to do, I'll do anything for you, babe."
Min-hee shook her head. "Let me go, leave Tao alone, leave me alone..." This guy was crazy, he was even creepier in person.
He sighed. "You can't ask me to do that, those are the only conditions, sexy."
"Then there's nothing you could do." She said, trying to find it in herself to look straight at him and stand her ground on this.
He groaned, taking the rope again. "Then I'm sorry, babe." He said, then grabbed her hands in one swift movement and tied them behind her back, getting a little to close to her to do so and smirking as he did so. "Are you going to scream?"
Min-hee just stared at him, not answering.
"If you do, I'll do to Tao what I did to Baekhyun, except, I don't think I'll be so nice. He'd the one who's leading my sexy Min-hee on, after all." He winked and left her in the backseat, closing the door.
Only then did she realize how odd the door was. It was stripped of any sort of interface, absolutely bare except for the housing. There was no handle, no window controls, nothing, the door could only be opened from the outside. Min-hee felt her heart drop.
He got in the driver's seat, starting the car.
"Where are you taking me?" Min-hee asked.
"You know the place, sexy, I wish I could say the same about my place." He said, then pulled out of the parking lot.
She bit her lip. That could be anywhere, Min-hee knew a lot of places, it could be a dumpster for all she knew, an alley, a corner in a club. Did he mean that she knew of it, or that she'd actually been there? She could feel tears coming, she was so scared, and alone, she felt like escaping was hopeless, and then at the same time, she wanted nothing more.
How much had she made Tao worry, she wondered? She'd probably damn near gave him a heart attack. What would he do? She wanted him to save her, wanted him to hug her, tell her it was alright. That seemed so far away in the back of a cage-like car with her hands tied behind her back, but...
He would do that right? He'd save her right? Or at least, if she got out of this, he'd comfort her, wouldn't he? Even if he had a girlfriend, he'd still hold her, right?
Min-hee just flat out cried, it was all just too much, all too much, her heart couldn't take it anymore, she felt like she was going to explode if she held it in any longer.
"Don't cry." The creep said, looking at her in the rearview mirror. "We're almost there, it's not far."
He obviously didn't know what she was crying about. Either that, or he was just making that up to feed his own weird twisted fantasy about her.
When the car stopped, Min-hee was a crying mess, unable to speak, hardly able to breathe, he had to pull her out of the backseat. And she fought hard to resist him, pulling back, biting him if she could, kicking him in the groin, but he only ended up laying on top of her when he doubled over.
"J-Jesus, calm down!" He said, his breath and voice shaky, still recovering from that last blow.
Min-hee shook her head, still sobbing. This guy was psychotic, who knew where he was trying to take her. She made to knee him in the groin again, but he moved out of the way pulling her out of the car before she could think to stop him.
He turned her so he stood behind her again, holding whatever it was he was using as a weapon against her back. "Come on, walk, be a good girl." He said, his voice still not quite right.
Min-hee looked ahead of her. This was Tao's house. He'd driven her to Tao's house. Her mouth hung open, still sniffling. That's what he had meant when he told Min-hee to pass on that message, to come home, literally, home. But why? Why would this creep want Tao to...?
He led her up to a window, just taking a rock and smashing it. An alarm went off inside, but he just led her through the window anyway, making her step through the sharp edged pieces of glass that were still clinging to the window frame.
When she stepped in, she stepped on glass, and it crunched under her shoes, she could hear his do the same.
He led her through the house, not bothering with anything else, he seemed to have a destination in mind, and it scared her how well he knew the house. He led her right to Tao's bedroom.
He pushed her in, toward the bed. "Sit, please" He said, the please sounding a little tacked on.
Min-hee looked at him, just stared at him. She wasn't going to just obey that easy.
He groaned and took her shoulders and made her sit next to the bed. It was only then that she realized he had more rope in his hands, along with a knife, just like she had suspected.
He knelt down in front of her, reaching behind her and taking her already tied hands and running the other rope around them and tying her to the foot of the bed post. Min-hee had never felt more scared, not like a person.
Then she heard barking. Tao's dog, she'd forgotten all about Tao's dog!
The little white fluff of fur came running into the room, barking like there was no tomorrow, jumping up at the creep, scratching at him.
He pushed the dog away, then threw the knife at it. Min-hee screamed and shut her eyes tight. She heard whimpering, so she peeked.
He hadn't hit the little dog, just threw the knife so close to him that a tuft of fur was laying on the floor. The dog whimpered some more, backing away, then took off. She couldn't blame the dog in the least.
The creep looked at her, putting a hand to her cheek. "I know you like cute things, I wouldn't hurt it." He got up and went over to Tao's desk, getting a piece of paper and a pen. He sat down in front of her, writing something. "My name's Xiumin." He said, kind of randomly. "It's not really, but I want you to call me that, I want to hear it from your beautiful lips." Then went back over to her, placing the note on the bed before kneeling in front of her. His eyes narrowed, and he puffed out his cheeks, "I love you, Min-hee, more then Tao does, more then anyone does, please don't hate me, it's just my job." He said, then he leaned in and kissed her.
Min-hee screamed in his mouth, surprised, then she tried to kick him away, she bit his tongue, tried to wiggle away, but he really only pulled away when he wanted to, and when he did, he smiled, licking his lips.
"You taste like cherries." He whispered, then he stroked her cheek before getting up, leaving her alone in the room.
It took Min-hee a moment to realize he'd actually just left her there. Her thoughts were too hung up on what had happened. He'd kissed her! She wanted to throw up, wipe her mouth, spit the feeling out. She ended up just crying, not a loud sob like before, just a silent, hopeless cry.
Her first kiss had been with some psychotic guy named Xiumin. She had never felt more dirty, and stupid, and just...empty and cold. She didn't know why she thought it was even possible that Tao would be her first kiss he didn't even like her, but she wished it was anybody but Xiumin.
A/N: Xiumin and creep only come in the same sentence when I'm taking about how he creeps up my bias list. I mean, for second place, but still xD This guy... >.>
I got this idea for Xiumin when I showed my sister a picture of Xiumin, saying how cute he was, and she said he looks like he hides in your closet, waiting to say 'boo!' xD I mean, she thought he was cute too, but yeah O.O
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