A/N: UH OH~! Started with an author's note, that could only mean bad things, let me just say. I just want you to know the GIF is to cheer you up, if you're feeling upset, just look how cute Baekhyun is. Problems solved~! *Magic~!*
Also, this is pretty long :3 2760 words :)
It had been two days, and she heard nothing from Tao, all she got was calls from Kris every night saying they hadn't found him. Baekhyun had called her up once, asking if she was alright, and if she needed to talk. So she called him every so often, since he was really the only person she could actually talk with about Tao. Grandma would only further judge him, Kris didn't know about the fighting, she couldn't tell her friends, though they asked her what was wrong all the time.
Min-hee laid on her stomach on her bed, just scrolling through her contacts. She still hadn't left Grandma's house She wished she'd asked for Tao's number, even if he didn't answer any of his friends, or his girlfriend, she just wanted to call every night to check, just to make sure, just to hear his freaking answering machine.
She'd thought to ask Baekhyun for his number, but had lost the courage to. She didn't want to seem like she thought she was more important then his friends and he'd answer her and not them. And then she didn't want to explain her dumb reason for wanting to call.
So she sat there, staring at Baekhyun's number, about to call him. It was just past midnight now, it was three days now that she hadn't seen or heard from Tao, three days since anyone had heard from Tao.
Min-hee chewed her lip. She hadn't been getting much sleep, hadn't been eating much, she didn't want to go outside that often, everything felt dull, sad, lonely, even when she sat with friends.
It crossed her mind too often--the thought of Tao being dead.
Min-hee called Baekhyun.
Even though it was late, he answered almost immediately. "Hey, Min-hee." Baekhyun said, sounding tired. "Still no sign of Tao, I'm sorry."
"It's okay." Min-hee lied. "You're trying as hard as you can, you don't have to be sorry...I just wish I could help." She would have, she wanted to, but Baekhyun had insisted that Min-hee stay out of sight for the most part, inside if she could help it. With Tao missing, Baekhyun had said that whoever else might be looking for him might think that Min-hee knew where he was and attack her.
"Gosh, I wish Haneul was as understanding as you are." Baekhyun groaned over the receiver. "She'd slowly becoming the wickedest witch on the planet, I swear. You know what she called me? She called me a pathetic wanna-be b*tch, and said it's my fault Tao went AWOL."
"It's not your fault, Baekhyun, it's mine." Min-hee said, twisting a lock of her hair around her fingers. "He wouldn't have gone out if it wasn't for me..."
There was a silence. "Min-hee, please don't blame yourself, I don't think it's your fault, and I think Tao would have done it the same anyway, Tao is just like that."
"Where do you think he could be?"
"You asked me that last night. I wish I even had an idea." Baekhyun paused, the air feeling empty and still without him talking.
It wasn't fair of her to ask him really, she knew that he didn't know. If he knew, they might have found Tao already. And at the moment, he was probably driving around with Kris looking for him, a lot more then what Min-hee was doing.
"Tao's fine. I'm positive, don't worry, Min-hee." Baekhyun sounded like he was doing something else at the same time, a faint rattling in the background. "Min-hee, I've got to go, get some sleep, huh?"
"Okay, I'll try, bye..." She knew she wasn't.
"See you." Baekhyun said and then hung up.
Min-hee sighed. throwing her phone to the carpeted floor. She was sad, but it wasn't the kind of sad that you'd cry about, it was the kind of sick feeling that made everything seem empty, it was a kind of sad that just made each day a blur and everything grey and useless. It was beyond crying. This kind of hurt was too much to cry out.
She buried her face in her pillow. "Please be okay..." She muttered into the cotton.
Then she heard her phone buzz. She looked up, maybe expecting it to be Baekhyun calling back, or Kris. But when she picked it up, it read One unread message from Unknown.
She frowned, adjusting her glasses, it couldn't be either Kris or Baekhyun then, they were in her contacts. She wondered who it could be for a minute, then unlocked her phone and checked the message.
Hey sexy.
Min-hee scrunched up her nose in disgust, just replying with a quick, 'wrong number', putting the phone down again. It buzzed a second later, and Min-hee expected some sort of embarrassed apology.
No, Min-hee, you're the one I want.
She didn't like these messages. They weren't from Tao, that was for sure, they weren't from anyone she knew, so how did they know her name? The phone buzzed again.
Why are you just staring at your phone, Min-hee? Come outside and play :)
Min-hee took her glasses off and cleaned them. She had to be seeing this wrong, who would send a message like this? A message that scared her like this?
You know you want to.
Min-hee was seeing this right, every word was exactly what she thought it was. It made her blood run cold in her body.
She got up, not waiting to read the next message, but taking the phone with her. She headed straight towards Grandma's room. Then she stopped. What could she even do about it? Her Grandma could hardly work her phone, she couldn't help with this, if Min-hee didn't know, then what could she do?
She glanced at the phone again.
Why are you running, pet? I don't bite...hard.
She pulled at the edge of her shirt. This person was watching her. She didn't know how, she didn't know why, but it scared her. She grabbed the landline phone from the kitchen, dialing Baekhyun's number. Keeping an eye on her phone.
Who are you calling, baby? Am I not good enough for you?
Min-hee brushed a loose strand of her hair behind her ear. Her breathing was quick, she could feel her pulse in her throat. Pick up, Baekhyun, pick up!
"Hello?" Baekhyun answered.
Min-hee realized she'd never called from this number, he probably had no idea who it was. "It's Min-hee, Baekhyun." Her phone buzzed on the corner of her vision, she threw it on the counter, but not before seeing the message.
Baekhyun? Who's he, babe? I'm your best friend aren't I?
"Min-hee? What is it? You sound flustered." Baekhyun said, and Min-hee could almost imagine the pout he must be making.
"I don't..." She didn't know how to say it without seeming pathetic and helpless and a damsel in distress. She'd always hated damsels in distress. "I don't feel very safe, some creep keeps texting me and...Baekhyun, I think he's watching me..."
Baekhyun was quiet for a second, just taking it in, the phone buzzed again, but Min-hee didn't look. Eventually, Baekhyun spoke, "Min-hee, just stay where you are okay? Don't do anything, don't leave the room and stay away from the goddamn windows, you understand me? I'm coming over there."
"Baekhyun...! Can't you just call the police or something?" Min-hee asked, though she knew it was pointless.
"And what will I say? Unless the text said that he'd hurt you? And even then, what are they supposed to do?" Baekhyun said, voicing her exact thoughts.
Min-hee sat down on the tiled floor behind the counter. "I don't know! I just don't want you to get hurt! What if it's those type of people Tao was dealing with? What if he's right outside the house or something and he jumps you with a knife, or a gun, or--."
"Calm the f*ck down, please, Min-hee," Bakehyun interrupted, surprisingly calm. "He could do the same to you, you know, Tao would kill me if you got hurt, and I'd never forgive myself anyway. Please, just stay there and wait for me, okay?"
Min-hee nodded, tears starting to pool in her eyes. Then she realized he couldn't see a nod over the phone and said, "Okay, I will."
"Good." Baekhyun said, then ended the call.
Min-hee leaned her head against the cabinets under the counter, closing her eyes, trying to breathe normally, trying to at least sort of calm down. Trying to find it in herself to believe everything was going to be alright, it was hard to buy that, but she wanted to believe it.
Damn Tao, why'd you get yourself into such a mess?
Her phone buzzed again. She reached up above her head and took it from the counter. She couldn't resist, she almost had to know what this person was thinking, what they were doing, she didn't want to not know exactly how they were threatening her, the question bothered her too much.
He's not going to save you.
I'll make sure of it.
You should have called someone else, it might have turned out better.
Sexy, you know who I'm talking about ;)
Min-hee gasped and threw the phone away from her. She didn't care about breaking it right now. She shivered, hugging her knees to her chest, tears coming out of her eyes, and she couldn't even begin to stop them. She knew what he was talking about, knew who he was talking about.
She dialed Baekhyun's number again. She had to warn him, she couldn't let him just walk into whatever it was that the person at the other end of those texts was planning. She waited, it ringing more then it did usually. She got his answering machine.
"Damn it, Baekhyun!" Min-hee said to herself, dialing again. Still no answer. She kept hanging up and dialing again until he picked up.
"I'm literally three seconds away, what is it?" Baekhyun said.
Min-hee frowned, "What do you...? Never mind! Just don't come near the house!"
"That's kinda hard when I'm walking up to the door already." Baekhyun said, "And would you stop worrying? I'm fine." Baekhyun laughed. "I'm bringing Kris with me, so just sit tight, okay? We'll sort it out in a second." Then he hung up.
Min-hee dialed the number again, but he stopped answering. He probably thought she was worrying over nothing. When he didn't answer, she felt tears coming down her face. Whoever they were, they were going to kill Baekhyun, and there was nothing she could do about it!
She couldn't get Grandma, the police wouldn't get here in time. So what, was all she could do sit here while Baekhyun was attacked?
She shakily got up and grabbed a kitchen knife. That wouldn't help if he was outside and she was inside, and it definitely wouldn't help that she was scared and almost sure she couldn't use it. But Baekhyun had saved her once, he'd been nice to her...
She took a deep breath taking a step toward the front door. She heard her phone buzz on the tile floor, and even from there, she could read it clear as day.
I like this side of you.
Min-hee ignored whatever was going to be said after that, heading to the front door. When she got there, someone knocked, and it scared her and made her tense up. She hadn't heard anything outside, but maybe...
She slowly opened the door, peeking around it slightly. Baekhyun looked back at her, eyebrow raised, Kris stood next to him, his hands in his coat pockets.
"See? I'm fine." Baekhyun said, letting himself and Kris in. "Now show me these messages, huh?"
Min-hee sighed in relief as she closed the door behind them. Her heartbeat was still beating so fast she thought it might break her ribs, but she tried to remain calm, or at least regain any amount of calm that she had previously.
Baekhyun pouted, coming up to Min-hee and wiping the tears that were still on her face. "Hey... Min-hee it's alright, I'm alright." He gently took the knife out of her hand, setting it on a table with letters and a vase of flowers. "Tao wouldn't like you crying over me, he gets jealous." Baekhyun said, smiling lightly, trying to get her to smile too.
Min-hee nodded, but the tears were still coming. She took off her glasses, wiping any remaining tears herself. Then she walked back over to the kitchen, knowing it well enough to afford to be blind for a second.
Then she picked her phone off the floor and handed it to Baekhyun. He scrolled through the messages, quiet, and Min-hee couldn't tell what he was thinking so she put her glasses back on to see him better.
He was biting his lip, frowning. Kris was looking over his shoulder, looking serious like he usually did. It buzzed while he was holding it, probably saying something threatening to Baekhyun specifically since they were watching everything that was happening from somewhere.
Eventually he put the phone back down on the counter. "You can't stay here, your Grandma is nice and all, but this guy is crazy."
Min-hee nodded. And Baekhyun surprised her with a hug. He squeezed her tight, rocking side to side like a little kid. Min-hee couldn't help but smile. "Just let me write Grandma a note." she said.
Baekhyun released her, smiling. And Min-hee went over to the cabinet above the kitchen sink and got a piece of notebook paper and a pencil, writing out the note, just saying that she decided to go back to her apartment. Grandma couldn't know where she was really going, that would probably only get her hurt too.
After she was finished, she noticed Kris staring at her, his eyes piercing and seeming to try and look into her soul.
"You're okay?" He asked.
Min-hee nodded. She just wanted to get out of here now, even though she dreaded going outside, the threats still hovering around in her mind along with every other problem she had, and those problems kept stacking up, hitting the ceiling of her patience, of her will, of her courage. And she wasn't courageous to begin with. "Let's just go." she said finally, setting down the pencil and biting her lip.
She wondered what Tao would have done. She wondered if he'd have hugged her like Baekhyun had, or if he would have hugged her at all, or if he would have done something else. He wouldn't, he has a girlfriend.
Kris and Baekhyun nodded. Then headed toward the door, Kris going out first, and Min-hee followed him, leaving Baekhyun to leave last, locking the door behind him.
They walked down the walkway to Kris's car, some expensive looking thing that Min-hee didn't know the make of. But either way, she planned to sleep in the backseat, at least for a second.
Kris got in the drivers seat, starting the car. It growled as the engine started. Not like Tao's Bugatti, which would purr, this thing had an attitude.
Baekhyun opened the backdoor for Min-hee, letting her get in, "It'll be fine, Min-hee, just wait, I'm sure Tao is just--."
Then Baekhyun yelled, falling straight to his knees. He looked like he was in an intense amount pain, but Min-hee didn't wait to analyze exactly why, hooking her arms under his and pulling him into the backseat with her, to which he only yelled louder. She was hurting him, but she preferred him in the backseat over him outside where something had hurt him.
Kris took one look in the backseat, obviously seeing something she wasn't, saying, "Sh*t. We're going to the hospital, just keep him calm and awake!"
Min-hee couldn't see well to begin with as a rule, especially not in the dark. She had no idea what was wrong with Baekhyun, but she helped him rest his head on her lap and brushed his hair out of his face.
Baekhyun was biting his lip so hard it bled, moaning and trying not to scream, he was gripping Min-hee's free hand so hard that she thought he'd break her bones.
"G-Goddamn it! Pull it out! Pull it out!" Baekhyun screamed, eyes shut tight.
Min-hee looked over him again while Baekhyun said a million and one swear words she'd never heard before. Her eyes stopped on a glint. A metallic glint. She reached her hands toward it, her hands resting on a handle.
Then she saw it. The handle belonged to a knife, the kitchen knife she'd held only a little while ago, and it was currently imbedded in Baekhyun's thigh, blood leaking out of the wound and staining his jeans a dark red. She felt sick, nauseous. This was her fault, there was no way around it.
She felt her phone buzz, and she checked it. She knew who it was.
Like my aim? I'll do better next time, sexy ;)
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