She couldn't sleep. She was scared, she was worried, she kept thinking about what Tao had said, how he'd gone off to handle, 'business'. What he'd said just went back and forth and around her head. Every single word. She couldn't sleep like that, didn't want to sleep after that.
She climbed out of his bed, taking Tao's stuffed panda with her and tiptoed into the main room. Baekhyun was asleep on the couch, just like he'd said he would be, laying with his face in a pillow. Min-hee shook his shoulder lightly, trying to wake him.
he mumbled for her to leave him alone at first, by the third or fourth shake, he stirred, "What? What? What is it?" He said, still sounding tired and not quite awake, face still in the pillow.
She shook him again. "Baekhyun, wake up..." She whispered. "I can't sleep." It was kind of wrong to wake him up because she couldn't sleep, but it didn't feel right to sit alone In the dark with only where Tao might be on her mind.
Baekhyun sat up, looking at her but then really only half actually Looking at her, because it looked like he was still half asleep, not exactly paying too much attention. He patted the empty space next to him, inviting her to sit next to him, letting out a yawn as he did so. Min-hee sat next to him.
"You said you can't sleep?" Baekhyun asked, looking like he was trying to make an attempt at waking up. His eyes rested on her exposed legs, staring for a little longer then what anyone would be comfortable with. "What are you wearing?"
Min-hee blushed. She'd forgotten, she hadn't felt as exposed as she did when Tao was in the room. She hugged the panda to her face. "Tao loaned me his shirt?"
"I see that..." Baekhyun said looking up at her face with a frown. He looked so different without the makeup, not nearly as intimidating, and more cute. "Holy Sh*t, Tao loaned you his shirt? Where is he? I need to congratulate him for not getting a massive nosebleed on the spot."
Min-hee ignored the bit about the nosebleed, because she couldn't even remotely imagine Tao doing that, he was too innocent and cute inside, she couldn't imagine him having any dirty thoughts about her. Even though, usually, she would assume all boys had dirty thoughts every now and then. "He went to handle 'business'."
She still wasn't sure how much Baekhyun knew, or should know about Tao's situation, she didn't want to be the one to tell him if he didn't already know. Tao had to break that to him. If she remembered correctly, He'd said that no one was his friend before he'd lied. She was sure that Baekhyun wouldn't just ditch him, but...
"Aah." Baekhyun nodded. "He'll be okay, Tao is downright scary as hell when he's beating people up, and he doesn't tend to lose."
"Beating people up?!" Min-hee asked, standing up. "What do you mean 'beating people up?"
Baekhyun put his hands up. "OK, we're not going to talk about that! We're going to..." He looked around for a second. "Breakfast! I'm going to make breakfast!" He stood up and went past her, heading toward the kitchen.
Baekhyun knew more then she did in this case, she was sure of it.
He'd sat in the Bugatti for a minute or two, head leaned back on the headrest, he listened to the engine purr, then he turned the radio on. Nothing all that great was playing, so he turned it down.
He couldn't get over this Lu Han thing, it seemed pretty close to impossible, even if this guy was older then him, he had the face of an absolute angel, picturing him doing anything even remotely sinister like ordering for Min-hee to be attacked in the street seemed like something that would happen when pigs flew.
He sighed and pulled his phone out, checking the time. 6:11AM. He had time he supposed, he could feasibly go check the place out before everyone got too alert, he supposed it couldn't hurt, and he was too curious to just let it be until tomorrow, as stupid it was to just rush into this.
As he checked his phone, he saw at least thirty messages from Haneul, all of them in all caps, all of them upset in someway.
Tao stared at the messages for a minute, if the opening statement had anything to do with the contents of the message, he didn't want to read any of them, not right now, not ever probably.
He scrolled through the messages anyway, reading the first line, then continuing on, there were a few from other people, Baekhyun, Sehun, Kris. They didn't bombard him with messages though, they each had one a piece.
Baekhyun: You okay, bud? Don't let Haneul upset you...
Sehun: Hey, I'm sorry for letting it go too far, I thought it was what you wanted.
Kris: Baekhyun become a diva again? He's such a girl... Want to go shopping later?
Tao smiled at Kris's message. Tao did really like shopping, and he liked to insist that Kris buy him things. He answered that one, asking if it was alright if he brought a friend. He wanted to bring Min-hee along, maybe replace that dress...
He sighed and fished Lu Han's address out of his phone, then pulled away from the curb and headed to the house. If that idiot was lying, he was driving right back to their hideout and beating a real answer out of him.
The place was nice. It was a mansion, white and pristine looking, flowerbeds all along the walkway to the front door, a big black fence surrounding the property the tops spiked. He saw a security camera by the front gate, panning back and forth.
Okay, this guy meant business.
Tao got out of the car, might as well, he couldn't tell everything about it just from a quick glance from inside a car.
He walked along the sidewalk closer to the place, he was positive he must be on camera by now, but there was no helping it, so he tried to act natural, hard to do at 6 in the morning.
This place wasn't easy to get into, how had the boss ever thought that this was a good idea to get Tao to do this when he'd never done anything like it? He was glad he didn't actually plan on doing it, but he knew for sure he wasn't going to try to get into this house, that wasn't going to be a part of this fictional plan, it was impossible.
Tao sighed. This only proved that Lu Han was a little richer then most, not much beyond that, not that he'd plan a hit. He was going back to beat actual information out of those two if this kept up.
"Hey!" Said a voice behind him, kind of boyish.
Tao turned around, before him was that angelic face--Lu Han. Just standing right there in a hoodie and sweatpants, looking like he'd been jogging. He didn't look dangerous, he was actually shorter then Tao by a bit, so, at least right off the bat, he looked incredibly innocent, just like how he was sure he must be.
Lu Han smiled. "Kind of early to be out, isn't it?" he asked, then laughed. "Unless you like the quiet like I do?"
Tao raised an eyebrow. "I don't mind it." He said slowly.
"It's peaceful, perfect for thinking, don't you think?" He asked, raising one eyebrow himself before giggling. "I usually think about what I want to do in life, you know?"
Tao was interrupted by strong hands grabbing his wrists and holding them behind his back, followed by a kick to the back of his knee, which hurt like hell, and made him kneel down in front of Lu Han.
Damn. Dammit, this was a trap, Lu Han had him exactly where he wanted him, unsuspecting and naive. And Tao hadn't even begun to see it coming. Dammit!
Lu Han grabbed Tao's chin and made him look up at him. "You killing me would ruin all of that, wouldn't it? Huh? It would make a lot of lives miserable to delete me from existence." Lu Han dug a piece of paper out of his pocket. "I've got a little message for your boss." Lu Han just looked at the paper, smiling to himself.
"Well?" Tao asked, probably going to test someone's patience, but he got the feeling Lu Han was waiting for him to ask. That angelic face liked games.
Lu Han batted his eyes at Tao. "I was just thinking...You came pretty fast. Maybe Min-hee is worth more then I thought, yeah?"
Tao lunged forward at the mention of her name, but was held back by whoever was holding him. "Don't you dare." Tao said, voice low, angry, wanting to stop that perfect mouth from talking about her, from indirectly threatening her like it was nothing.
"She means a lot, huh? I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that." Lu Han said, leaving Tao confused as he stuffed the piece of paper in Tao's pocket. "But, they say to always attack the heart first, now I know where the heart is." Lu Han smiled.
Tao bit his lip, furious, he could feel himself shaking. That scared him. Lu Han was trying to get him to submit, trying to get him on another leash. It was working, he couldn't imagine letting anyone hurt Min-hee, he wouldn't do anything that would lead to that either, Lu Han had him right where he wanted him.
"Good. Make sure to spread the word, huh? Nighty-night, Huang Zitao!"
Then a cloth was shoved into Tao's face, covering his mouth and nose. He fought it at first, but then everything faded to black, and he felt himself go limp.
A/N: ..... So, hey, how's it going? *Feels awkward* >.>
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