8. baby got backyard
Sydney Bay Janes
"What the Hell?" I woke up.
8:09 AM
The sounds of men laughing and construction didn't make it easy to sleep in.
After another loud noise, I got up to ask Delaney if she could keep it down.
In my grey two piece fuzzy pajama shorts set, I slipped into a pair of slides by the bed I had unpacked already, and picked the crust from my eyes.
It was warm already and I didn't see or hear Delaney anywhere. I popped in her bedroom first and then the kitchen.
Seeing there was no breakfast, I grew nosey and watched through the kitchen window.
They were just the landscapers, the ones from the business card on the fridge, I assume.
I thought it was nice Delaney acted on my advice so fast.
She suddenly walked through the sliding glass door and came in from outside.
"Oh, hey beauty. Didn't know you were up," she talked,
I scratched my elbow. "Uh, yeah, the noise."
"Shit, sorry. I'll tell them to come back later if you want," she offered.
"No, no. I'm up now. Breakfast?"
"Since you're offering," a random man joined the conversation.
I curled my face at his audacity then relaxed it when I saw him kiss the top of my aunt's head.
"This is Tom?" I questioned.
"You must be Sydney," he said. "Nice to meet you. I'd say Laney's told me so much about you, but she hasn't."
My aunt elbowed him.
"Same," I shot back.
He started to laugh. "So, is this temporary or?"
"Um, she can stay as long as she wants," Delaney said, adjusting her crystal necklace.
"Don't worry, I won't be in anyone's way for too long," I made clear.
"No worry," my aunt assured me. "Tom just likes to walk around naked."
"Okay. I'm gonna shower," I said, walking stiffly down the hall.
During my shower, my aunt yelled to me how she was heading into town to visit the craft store and that Tom was off to work.
I didn't like Tom, that wasn't the best first impression.
"--Shut up, she said he walks around naked? Get the fuck outta here," Chy snarled.
I put on my socks and had her on speaker.
"Right. Like, the thought of that made a pit in my stomach. I think I really hate men," I talked.
Nevada's May got up to eighty degrees, there was no way I was wearing anything but bikinis and dresses.
Once clad in a pink, v-neck one piece collared bodycon dress and white Steve Madden 'movement' sneakers, I put my hair back with a toothed brown headband.
My plans for the day included finding work. I needed to network especially since I no longer had my team handy.
I let Chyna know to take over and just keep me in the loop with events. We agreed I'd try to make some back in LA once I was ready. Meanwhile, Lana, Rielle, and Amber were on vacation in Tulum.
After a lookover in the full body mirror, I walked out to the kitchen. There, I was way too excited to see my aunt at least had good taste in coffee.
I raided the cabinets to learn which one she kept the cups in. Finally, I found a Starbucks reusable cup and helped myself.
"What do you mean, you're gay now?" asked Chyna.
I smacked my full, glossed lips. "No, Chy. I just mean I hate men, they're stupid."
"All men?"
"Girl, why are you acting dense on purpose?" I laughed it off.
Chyna cackled. "Okay, I guess I get what you mean. You just have to deal with it."
"But why, though? Like, I shouldn't have to suffer, going from dick to dick until I find one with a good personality and some sense."
"Okay, now you sound like my sister," Chyna laughed.
I laughed, too, as I got some cream. "You know what I mean, though? I'm so over these guys, they're all the same. I don't know, I just don't even want to date at this point."
"Hey, don't count it out; you are in a whole different city now," she advised.
"Yeah, but, no," I said, raking my fingers through my straightened hair. "like, I'm convinced all men are creeps and there's no one out there for me."
Only, my rant was interrupted by the sight of one of the men playing with a little boy.
I actually started to smile at that heartwarming interaction.
"Syd? You still there?" I heard Chyna calling for me.
Suddenly, the man looked up at me and caught me staring in awe.
He smiled under the shade his hand on his brow bone provided and then continued playfully roughing up the teen.
"Uh," I sounded, shaking my head to snap out of it. "Yeah, what did you say?"
"Nevermind," Chyna talked. "I'm bringing your car tomorrow, you better be up."
"I know, I know. Thank you again, I know it's a lot to ask," I said, stealing glances out of the window.
I stirred my iced coffee and sipped it until it was my turn to speak.
"What I tell you: ya ass shouldn't have left it in the first place, wanted to be in a hurry," she nagged.
"I don't need the lecture just make sure your ass is here tomorrow," I giggled.
"Bye. Love you," she dragged.
"Love you, too," I said, ending the call.
For another time, I found myself checking the guy out. He was now, what looked like, showing the kid how to do something.
I swallowed and turned back to take a seat in the living room and relax.
"--He's...a...fam...ily...guy!" the cast of the animated show chorused the theme song.
I snacked on pineapple chunks while procrastinating. I wanted to get up and be productive, but then I told myself someone should stay at the house since Delaney was still out.
Tap. Tap.
I snapped my neck to see who was at the sliding glass door.
It was the kid.
I swallowed one more pineapple and got up to let him inside.
He was a stinky, sweaty mess with dirt all over his face, knees, and hands.
"Shoes," I warned before he tracked dirt on the floor I had just swept.
He removed his Under Armour sneakers and then looked at me shyly.
I leaned on the counter with my chin in the palm of my hand and waited foe him to say or do anything.
"Can I have some water?"
"Can you say hi first?"
"H-hi," he stuttered.
I laughed, reaching for two cups. "I'm just messing with you. Hi, I'm Sydney."
"And I'm--"
"Not old enough to work," I teased, pouring him fresh lemonade.
He laughed with the glass to his lips.
"But you can call me Hunter," he introduced.
I smiled. "Hi, Hunter. No school today?"
"My brother let me play hooky," he explained, climbing up on the stool.
Hunter was skinny with a puberty-changing voice and blue braces. His stringy hair was blonde and long but not passed his ears except the one strand that dangled above his right eyebrow.
"Well, does your brother know that studies show kids who skip school often end up in prison?"
His face went blank.
I laughed out loud. "Again, joking. How old are you?"
"Fifteen, unless you're into older guys, then I'm twenty-one," he played.
I twisted my mouth.
"No?" he laughed, hanging his head.
"Uh-uh," I sounded. "But what fifteen-year-old doesn't understand sarcasm?"
He scratched the back of his neck. "Me. I don't get out a lot. Will says I never developed social skills because I spend more time on games than interacting with real people."
"I know, I'm a nerd."
"No, it's not that. That was a lot to take in, but I like to talk. Got a minute, we can dissect that," I commented.
Hunter smiled at me with closed lips. "Yeah, anything to stay out of the heat."
I giggled and stopped upon hearing his stomach growl so violently.
"Sheesh, your brother's not feeding you?"
Hunter didn't look amused. "Will takes care of me," he insisted, almost angry.
I put my hands up in innocence.
A second later, his stomach went off again. I held back my laughter and 'I told you so.'
"Okay," the kid groaned, "maybe I am a little hungry."
I hopped on over to the pantry to weigh our options.
"Hmm. Grilled cheese, club sandwich, or a cold chicken wrap?"
"All of the above?" he tested, grinning.
I smiled at how cute he was and looked for other ingredients. Looked like my aunt needed to seriously go shopping.
"Settle for leftover chicken fajitas?" I asked as all she had was two more tortillas, a bowl of chicken strips, and half a jar of salsa.
"I'd settle for a piece of cheese," he made me laugh.
While Hunter ate, I washed the handful of dishes we used.
Knock. Knock. Knock.
"Yo," a muffled voice shouted from beyond the glass.
It actually scared me. I gasped and went to unlock the glass sliding door.
Hunter slouched in his seat with sauce all over his mouth and clothes.
I let the guy in who was playing with Hunter earlier.
"Hi," he said to me in short.
I curled my face and said back a reserved, "Hello."
"Oh, hey, Will," Hunter pipped.
"HeY wIlL," the man mocked. "Is it good?"
"M-hmm!" Hunter exclaimed, giving me a thumbs up.
This Will character cut his eyes from me back to Hunter.
"We have work to do, man, what're you doing?" he went on.
"I take it you're the brother?" I butt in.
He gave me an up-and-down but this time it was sexy, I'll admit. It was the way the dirt and sweat highlighted his toned, sandy-colored arms and chest. He wore a white cutout tee and dark denim jeans and dirty white sneakers.
"I am," he answered. "Can I ask why you're holding him hostage?"
"I was just eating," Hunter whined. "she's nice."
"Here," I beamed, filling a fresh glass with lemonade and two ice cubes.
I then extended my arm so he could take the cold drink. Except, he just looked at me like I was crazy at first.
"Go on, take it. I made it myself. Well, not from scratch, but." I rambled.
At long last, Will took the drink and I watched his throat as it all went down. Mmm. . .
I caught myself drooling and kept myself busy by wiping up the condensation from the pitcher that had trickled onto the countertop.
Will, standing tall over me, just looked.
"Come on, Hunt," he grumbled, heading towards the door.
"But it's hot, Will! And I'm bored. Can't I stay in here 'til you're done?" he cried.
"I don't mind," I spoke up, earning a smile from Hunter.
"I do, though," Will argued. "What do you want with him anyway, don't you have something better to do?"
I scoffed. "No. I guess I just needed a friend."
"He doesn't need any. Let's go, Hunter," he put his foot down.
"Thanks, Sydney. I won't skip school again," Hunter mumbled, walking out before his brother.
Will glanced at me one more time and then pushed his brother's head in.
As they walked out, I heard their conversation.
Will said, "What, do you know her?"
Hunter clicked his tongue. "I like her, she's nice!"
"Yeah, yeah," Will blabbed.
I snaked my neck. "Pfft. I am nice," I said to myself, walking back to the living room.
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