59. Ezekiel 25:17
I will execute terrible vengeance against them to punish them for what they have done. And when I have inflicted my revenge, they will know that I am the Lord
Sydney Bay Janes
I'll spare you the gory details of how Wilson and I braved the mess we made in the basement. Hours passed us by and finally, the basement was clean - rid of evidence. Well, what we did anyway. The cum stains and whatever else the frat guys had done would remain.
It's not like we separated the bodies limb from limb, they're still recognizable. Damian's body wasn't touched, Will couldn't bear it. That, I didn't blame him for. He knew Damian's family would seek justice and eventually get it. They'd also want a body to bury and Wilson wanted to give them that for some piece of mind. Not that he did a shit job hiding the body, in fact the opposite. Will told me he buried Damian Hassan six feet under deep in the woods out of town. That way, he could still be found.
However, Anna needed to be dealt with now. The police had discovered Miranda and Omar's body, and were looking for Karina.
According to the news and Mister and Mrs.Prescott, Wes was still away.
I'm no professional, I never had to dissect or get rid of a body before. Really, I didn't know what I was doing but I figured it couldn't be too hard.
Luckily, the frat guys were already living like they had things to hide so most of the materials were in the house. I found rope, body bags, duffle bags, and more. I just needed to get rid of Anna.
The best place I could think of was at the bottom of the ocean. And it's not like the world would go searching for her.
With the music blaring as a distraction, I drove far out on my own, Anna's body in my trunk encased in several black plastic bags that I wrapped with some rope.
A cliff overlooked a body of water that some conspiracy theorists locals referred to as "dead man's beach." There was little sand to lounge on and more water. They called it that because people would cliff jump for fun and in the past, many had taken their lives doing so - some on purpose.
I hauled Anna's body from the trunk.
I dropped her and began to weep, feeling sorry.
This is someone's daughter, I mentally said to myself. The realization made me sad.
All of a sudden, I got a lump in my throat and threw it up.
"Oh, God," I whined, spitting.
I wiped my mouth with the back of my arm and slid down the side of my Audi.
That's when I got a phone call from Wilson.
"It's done," he said as soon as I picked up.
I hesitated to reply. "Same." Lie.
My eyes shot to the dead body at my feet that I had yet to dispose of.
Looking down at my stomach, I sniffled in the phone and said to Wilson, "I'm not doing this again."
"I hope you'll never have to."
"How many?"
"How many what?"
"How many times have you-"
The call dropped. Weird. I guessed he lost connection, or his phone died. Though, if he's as smart as I think, he didn't want to confess anything in case people were listening. We were the main suspects now, after all.
Finding some nerve, I stood and wiped the wetness from my puffy face.
My stomach curled and tied itself in knots at what I was doing. I started thinking I should've just left her back in the basement.
Finally, I kicked her weight off of the cliff and stepped back once she was out of sight. I believed she fell right into the depth of the water.
I wiped my hands clean. What's done is done.
Later that night, I went to the hospital as Will went home. We wanted to keep up the act that we didn't want to be seen together since there was apparently someone after us.
The next morning, though, I was waken up to Chyna screaming in pain. She needed surgery and was having some complications afterwards.
I was by her side every second.
While the nurses bathed my best friend, I took the time to go and finally eat something. I couldn't remember the last time I had something to eat or indulged in anything.
My eyelids were heavy, I was in need of coffee, but had to restrain myself.
As I passed through the lobby, I heard my name being called.
"Sydney!" A familiar voice shrieked.
Two people started running towards me.
I rubbed my eyes so I could see them clearly.
"Oh my gosh," I gasped with open arms. "Liane! Garrison!"
Chyna's mother and stepfather had came to town from Virginia to visit her in the hospital. Better late than never.
They both took turns giving me a squeeze, it felt like home.
Liane, I could tell, hadn't gotten much sleep lately. How could she after all her daughter had been through?
And Garrison, Liane's husband of eight years, he looked just as stressed. Chyna's father, Randy, left her when she was two. Since then, Liane raised Chyna alone. She had some boyfriends here and there but she didn't know how to pick them. When Garrison came around, they knew he was the one. He treats Chyna like his own blood.
"How is she? We came as soon as we could, thank you for reaching out!" Liane went on, squeezing my face like she couldn't believe it was me.
"Stable," I answered in short. "She's getting a bath- room 304. I'm just going to grab some coffee if you all need anything?"
"I'm good, thanks," Garrison said, beginning to pace. He just so desperately needed to see Chyna for himself and make sure she was alright in there.
"I'll walk with you," Liane insisted, following me down the corridor.
"—I just can't believe someone would do something like that to my baby. That's my child," Liane vented.
I handed her a napkin so she could wipe her tears or whatever she needed.
She continued. "Do you know anything? Anything at all?"
Nervous, a ball of saliva traveled down my throat.
"Just what the doctors told me, I wasn't there."
She took a moment to breathe in and out and collect herself. "Who did this, Sydney? You can tell me."
Her dark brown eyes were hopeful, like she needed to know.
"Like I said," I enforced, tapping my nails on the mug, "I only know what the doctors told me."
Okay, I might've went against everything I value and lied but I did it for a reason. All that was going to happen was she tell the cops it was Tony. With his lawyers, if it even gets to that point, he'd get off, I'm sure of it. That's unfortunately the world we live in, where rich powerful white men just get a tap on the wrist for such crimes.
She dropped her hands from mine and sat back.
"If I find him, I'll kill him. That's sick! No one deserves that, especially not my baby. There's a special place in hell for people like that," she ranted. I agreed with every word.
"The cops wont do shit 'cause it's probably a white man that did it. I need this trending, I need justice," she went on. I continued to nod, understanding.
"Even if he gets caught, Liane, you wont be satisfied if he only ends up in jail, will you?" I asked, taking in the entirety of her round face.
Liane blew into her tissue and paused to look at me like I said something so outlandish.
"Life in even the worst prison wouldn't be enough," she carped. "A monster like that needs to be six feet under."
"Will you excuse me?" I asked, standing in a hurry.
I went to Chyna's room, 304. Garrison was waiting outside. He asked the same questions, how was I, how's Chyna, if we liked Nevada. He had a good sense of humor so he was trying to be the one to keep things light.
When he asked about his wife, I let him know she was falling apart downstairs so he went to check on her.
With no nurse in the room now, I stepped back inside and gathered my things.
Chyna had been on some medicine that put her to sleep. I was thankful because that made what I'm about to do next a lot easier.
I kissed her head. She was warm and slept with a faint smile. Beautiful.
I'm sorry but I was glad Damian didn't get to see her like this, she wouldn't want him to.
"I love you, I'll always love you. You were real, you never lied to me. That's why I respect you so much. I'm mostly mad because I never got to say 'I told you so,' though," I laughed at the end.
With a sniffle, I went on. "I wish I had half your strength, Chy. We've been through thick and thin and I hate to leave you like this but it isn't goodbye. Or, maybe it is, but it's for the best, and you'll always have the memory of me. I can't even pick a favorite memory right now, there's so many. There was one time, though, I was choking and you gave me the Heimlich. You saved my life. I know you always said it didn't count, but it did to me. You were my angel. When I had no one, you were there - the only person I could truly count on. I may not have been there to save you, but I'm going to make it better. Make it go away. I'll be gone when you wake up. Please, don't miss me too much, I don't deserve that. I love you, mean it."
With nothing more to say, I flung the bag over my shoulder and walked out.
Garrison and Liane were still downstairs so I didn't bother going to them and saying another goodbye.
This was for the best.
Once in the elevator alone, I made a phone call.
"Hello?" He talked.
"I'm coming," I said.
And just that fast, I hung up, stepping out of the elevator.
The three knocks on my front door scared me enough to make me scream aloud. Stupid.
I anxiously approached the kitchen, trying to avoid being seen through the windows. There, I grabbed a knife - my favorite. I held it in one hand behind my back and tiptoed towards the door.
Taking deep breaths, I put my back to the door.
On the count of three, I brought an eye to the peep-hole.
It's just Will. I relaxed.
I quickly flung the door open and pulled him safely inside.
"What happened?! Are you okay?" He asked me in a state of frenzy.
"I'm fine, I'm fine," I answered just as fast, sitting the knife on the table in the entryway.
"Come, come," I said, not knowing why I was repeating everything twice. I was just in a rush.
Will followed me up the stairs to my bedroom where I continued my frantic packing.
"What's going on?" He wondered, watching me navigate through the mess I made on the floor.
"Where's your suitcase? I asked you to bring a suitcase?"
"I packed it, it's in the car. Sydney! Will you please stop and tell me what's going on?" His volume raised.
I pushed down on the luggage to get it to close since I overpacked.
My head dropped.
"We need to leave. Like, right now. I can't stay here any longer," I explained. I thought that was obvious.
Why would we, two murderers, stick around? It's like we're just waiting to be caught.
"No, yeah, you're right," Wilson agreed, scratching his chin stubble.
He paced about with his hands on both hips.
"Where the Hell are we going to go, Syd? On such short notice?"
My eyes roamed around the room for an idea. He had a point.
"I don't know, just far from here," I made clear.
As I checked the bathroom to make sure I cleared it of my belongings, Wilson sat on the bed. His leg shook and his lips were tight as he thought hard.
Suddenly, he got a phone call.
I was so jumpy, even the ringing scared me.
"Relax, it's Levi," he let me know before accepting the call.
I nodded. "Don't say too much!"
Wilson nodded back and then answered the phone call.
"Hey, Levi," he talked calmly.
"What's up? Nothing. Yeah, Syd's here; she says hi. What are we up to?" Will darted his eyes in my direction, trying to conjure up a good answer.
"Uh," he stammered. "We're just chilling. When are we going to come see you?"
My eyes lit up at the thought. Paris! It's perfect, why didn't I think of it sooner?
"Tell him soon," I whisper-yelled at Wilson. "real soon."
"Oh, oh," I exclaimed at Wilson, driving. "Turn right here!"
"Where's this?" He wondered, making a right.
I just smirked, removing my sunglasses.
We pulled into a long lane that took us to his estate.
There were no close neighbors — no witness — it was perfect.
Coming up on a grand exterior fountain, Wilson raised an eyebrow.
"What are we going here, Syd?" Asked Wilson, parking the car.
"I'll just be a second," I let him know as I reapplied my red lipstick in the rear view mirror. Tony always loved me in red.
"I don't know about this," my boyfriend fretted as I stepped out of the Corvette Wilson hooked us up with for the long ride. Perks of having a car company. What? We're already criminals, of course we needed a getaway car.
He kept looking around, paranoid.
"Don't ya trust me?" I pouted in his face.
He looked me over and then planted a kiss on my lips.
"Of course I do," he said, settling. "You're not out in fifteen minutes, I'm coming to get you."
I pushed off of the vehicle and smirked in my trench coat.
"Darling, I only need five," I boasted, clicking away in my red bottom heels.
As I neared the door, Wilson pulled away. I guess not to be seen.
My fist raised and I knocked on the large door.
After a little wait, I was let in by Donovan, the "manager."
His smile was from ear to ear.
"We've been waiting for you," he beamed in the foyer.
I just grinned back.
"Tony will be pleased to see there's nothing under that coat?" He bantered.
I smirked, showing him a peek of my bare upper thigh.
"Victoria's not the only one with a secret," I joked around.
Donovan laughed, pouring us a glass of the finest champagne.
We clinked glasses before I watched Donovan take the first sip. Meanwhile, I only pretended to.
"Mm," I sounded, wiping my lips.
"He's in his study, let me show you," he offered, leading the way.
I let him tour me up the grand staircase.
I had ever so quietly placed the full glass on the platform before ascending the stairs.
Behind Donovan's back, as he talked my ear off about nothing, I reached under my coat for the knife kept in my garter.
Just before Donovan reached the floor to the third level of the mansion, I dragged the knife right across his throat, ending his life. He began to choke and reach for anything but there was nothing. I stepped out of the way, watching him bleed out as his body failed him and rolled all the way back downstairs.
That's for being a dog's dog.
He wasn't any better than Tony. He sat back and watched all of Tony's crimes and disrespect. Birds of a feather.
Five feet in front of me was the doorway to Hell. Inside was the devil himself.
I put the knife back from where I got it and pushed open the double doors to the study.
Tony's head popped up from the pile of coke on his desk, Scarface style.
I shook my head, going "tsk tsk" as I switched inside.
I kept my walk seductive and slow.
"I knew you'd come back, angel," Tony talked, powering on some music.
The song was "closer" by Nine Inch Nails. Well, if that's what he wanted to go out to. . .
My red lips spread into a taunting smile right before I began to dance.
Tony, pleased, sat back. He swirled the champagne in his glass before taking a drink, and never took his eyes off of my body.
Seeing him want more, I unbuttoned the first few buttons only to expose my breasts in the black lace bustier.
His index finger with the John Hardy men's legends Naga Overlap ring on it signaled me forward.
I glazed my tongue over my top lip and strode proudly forward.
I pushed Tony's legs apart and snaked my hips down onto his lap.
When he tried to touch me, I wouldn't let him.
"I like when you're in charge," he moaned in my ear.
My eyes rolled when he couldn't see me.
From the corner of my eye, as the window was a few inches to my left and wide open, I noticed Will's corvette pull back into the driveway.
"What the?" Tony growled, trying to sit up.
Acting fast, I quickly spun and pushed the cocaine in his face, praying it got in his eyes and it did.
"Ah, fuck! You bitch, I'm going to fucking kill you!" He raged, struggling still in the office chair.
I kicked right between his legs and he doubled over in pain from my stiletto heel to his manhood.
Feeling hot, and fueled by adrenaline, I ripped my trench coat off.
I kicked Tony once in his side and let out a long overdue scream from my gut.
It felt so good!
With a broad grin on my face, I kicked him in his side again.
"I don't hear you now, bitch!" I talked down at him.
Seeing him curled in a hall, I dug my knee into his torso.
Out of breath, I began monologuing.
"You like fucking with weak girls, huh? You think because you're a powerful man with some money you can treat us like trash, huh? Me? Chyna!! You are so fucked up. Look at you now. Say something."
When he just groaned, I punched him in his eye.
"Say something!" I roared again, my fist connecting with his temple.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," he cried out, eyes still closed.
I relaxed and stabbed the knife into the floor but an inch from his nose.
I softened my tone of voice. "Wow. That's all I needed to hear from you, Tony. Thank you."
His body trembling, he croaked, "R-really?"
I stood and took a gander at the memorabilia on his desk.
There was one award, a sort of weighted trophy, that read:
Best villain
Fitting. It was from a low rate movie he did, the award was even lost on me 'cause it damn sure was no Tony or Emmy.
I dropped back down, straddling his body.
Leaning forward, I put my lips to Tony's ear.
"I forgive you," I said, raising the trophy, "but Chyna doesn't."
"Sydney, no, no, wait—"
"Fuck you," I spat.
"ARGH!" It took a lot out of me as I drove with great force, the weight to his skull.
It cracked, and loud.
I didn't stop until his face was unrecognizable, something out of a horror movie. The only way they'd be able to identify his body would be by body hair samples and his tattoos now.
For Chyna. He can't hurt anyone anymore. For me.
Wilson's impatience brought me down from my high.
I dropped the tool onto the fur area rug as I walked across the room.
Before going downstairs, I helped myself to the wardrobe in the red guest room.
After washing the blood splatter from my face, I slipped into a F R A M E brand gathered seam dress in the color "orange crush."
Finally ready, I took a victory stroll down the hall.
Wilson walked in and eyed me at the top of the stairs.
He looked around at the pool of blood that left Donovan's body.
I walked around him and took Wilson's hands.
"Are you okay?" He asked me, walking outside.
I raised my nose to the sky and took in the fresh air. Oh, I felt liberated!
"I haven't been okay since I was sixteen," I answered with a small smile.
Will opened the door for me and I got in the Corvette.
"That was way more than five minutes, by the way," he cracked, pulling off.
"Like, seven," I debated, putting back on my shades.
Wilson sped out of the driveway and down the serene lane.
Once on the highway, Wilson did a double take at me.
"What?" I giggled, blushing.
He, in his sunglasses and one hand on the wheel, smirked.
He shook his head all bashful like he didn't want to say at first.
"What?!" I giggled again, tugging his arm.
"You're glowing," he complimented.
My smile was toothy.
I twirled the ends of my straight hair and said, "Thanks, I guess I am."
"How long have you known?" Asked Wilson.
I wasn't dumb. The jig is up, he caught me. But he wasn't supposed to hear it from me this way, or this late.
Giving up the act, I just continued to grin.
"How long have you known?" I wondered.
Will with his smart self, replied, "How long have you been hiding it?"
I let out an airy laugh. "Coral."
Wilson's eyebrow raised. "Coral?"
I nodded, caressing my baby bump. "That's her name."
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