54. off the record
A/n: sorry for the delay in updates. This will be unedited as I will go back and edit thoroughly after this story is complete! Thank you. Enjoy!
Wilson James Taylor
Cops were snooping around, detectives. I'd been questioned briefly once outside my job after the Omar incident but I think they didn't suspect anything from me. Good.
They mentioned everyone's a suspect which takes some weight off of me. Although, I'm responsible for two out of the three cases. Err, there's four now as Karina came up missing after the Miranda thing.
If not me, though, who is the monster was behind all this? I wondered.
My theory was Karina ran off, she seemed like that type. She was cracking after the Miranda incident, it was probably too much for someone weak like her. That could mean she did it. Why? Who knows or gives a shit, but it checks out. You don't just go missing after your best friend dies.
Either way, Chyna and Sydney didn't seem too affected by it all. Sydney said she did but she kept herself together well. I guess after losing her parents, she's numb to shit like this.
Chyna, though, she's just so far gone. If it's a case where everyone's a suspect, I have no problems throwing her under the bus if it means the eyes are off of Dame, Sydney, and myself.
Her motive: she'll do anything to get to the top. She's above Fidelity co. and doesn't mind stepping on the little people. That could mean Sydney's next, myself, or Damian, too, for that matter. That gave me an idea. . .
Damian was keeping his distance. He didn't think it was smart we were together as much since someone was apparently targeting our circle.
I told him he was paranoid, that nothing would happen and he shouldn't worry, but he did anyway. I wasn't going to tell him I killed Wes and Omar or he'd think he's next. As much as he hated them, too, I doubt he'd support me on this.
Knock. Knock. I stood outside of Sydney's door.
She came to answer the door and let me in. She looked scared.
"What's up?" I asked, stepping inside.
Sydney had a prolonged look around and then locked us inside. She seemed awfully jumpy, I wondered why. Nerves, I'm sure. Her best friends were dying, I don't blame her.
The news was on the tv. She was catching up on what's been happening in our city which seemed out of character for her, she wasn't the type to care about local happenings or politics.
I shook my beard hearing how they're saying the instances are all from the same "serial killer."
I should be happy the cops are failing to track me down, but they're just so damn dumb.
"Any idea who would do this?" I asked, just trying to make conversation.
"What are you trying to say?" She snapped, stabbing a knife in the cutting board.
I blinked, confused. "I guess I'm just wondering if you suspected anyone? These are your friends, after all."
She relaxed her shoulders and continued slicing tomatoes to add to the salad.
"Oh. Sorry. Um, no. I don't want to think about it," Sydney answered.
I nodded slow, saying, "I hope they find who did it." Lie.
"Is Wes still gone?" She asked, turning the conversation around.
Not liking where it was headed, I redirected.
"Well. Have you talked to Delaney lately?"
"No," Sydney said simply, chopping a cucumber next.
"You should. With everything going on, might be nice to spend time with her."
She sighed, looking frustrated. "Thanks, Will, for your lovely input."
"I'll think about it," she started to laugh. "Enough of that. Have time for lunch with your girlfriend, or are you too busy?"
I laughed, grabbing a bowl.
Later that day, I was sitting passenger seat, letting Hunter drive.
All of a sudden he parked the car in the furthest part of the Wal-Mart lot.
"What's up, man?" I asked, eating my French fries we got earlier.
"Have you been hearing the news?" He talked.
I dropped my head, slowing my chewing. "Yeah."
"I'm scared. Aren't you?"
"Come on, you don't have to act tough right now. I know they were your friends."
"Wes wasn't really a friend-"
"Why are you such a— such a robot?" He tripped on his words along the way.
"What's that supposed to mean?" I kind of laughed.
"You have no real emotion - just work. Can't you feel anything? I'm scared, Will, people are dying!"
If I had a dime for every time I heard that.
"People die everyday, Hunter. You're overreacting."
"No, you're not reacting at all. This is real life, don't you get that? What about Anna, I'm scared for her."
"Listen kid, I don't give a fuck about Anna, okay? Or you" Kidding, I didn't say that, not out loud.
I exhaled and put my hand on his boney shoulder.
"Anna will be fine, I'll make sure of it," I actually let him know.
Hunter tried to smile but still wasn't settled, not entirely.
I'm glad he's with my parents and in their care, but I know he — for some reason— wants Anna around. Speaking of which, I hadn't seen or heard from her since Halloween night . . .
So once I dropped Hunt off, I went straight to her place.
I know Sydney didn't like how much I seemingly cared about Hunter's mother, but it was something I couldn't shake. There was no way I was going to give up on her, either, just because my girlfriend thinks there's something shady about it. At the end of the day, I promised I'd be there for her and Hunter, that's a promise I intend on keeping.
Plus, with everything going on, I didn't need another person in my circle coming up missing or worse.
"Ah, Mr.Taylor, is it?" A voice bombarded me.
I lowered my fist from the door before I could even knock.
"Can I help you?" I asked the man in a full suit.
He put his hand out to meet mine with a firm introductory shake. "I'm Detective Paul Buckler. How are you?"
Detective? Shit.
I swallowed, creating space between our bodies along the sidewalk.
"Fine," I answered, standing there, stiff.
He let out a faint chuckle and went over his notes.
"I was just on my way to speak to Miss Cohen," he told me.
"She's not here," I made up.
There I go again, protecting Anna, I know. But it's not like that. I know for certain Anna, if she knew anything at all, she'd sing like a bird. She's not the brightest but she's seen a lot. She at least knew about Omar and Wes, and "me" (posing as Omar, I mean) at Tony's party. I couldn't risk it, I needed to keep her away from any reporters or cops.
"Hm. Well, you were next. Have you got a second?" Asked the man.
I sized him up with my eyes. "Sure. Why not?"
"-Thanks," Buckler appreciated the waitress.
The diner was a local one, I didn't want to go too far, nor was I actually hungry.
I had a water and side of fries with a burger. Detective Buckler enjoyed a steak. He bit into it, loving every bite, before speaking again.
"So," he said, patting his lips with a napkin, "you knew the victims, right?"
"I knew of them. Uh, the girls were friends of my girlfriends."
"Your girlfriend being Miss Janes, right?"
"Sydney, yeah."
"Ah. And Omar was a good friend as well, says here he worked with you?"
"Yeah, that doesn't mean I killed him," I stupidly let out. I put my closed hands together and shut my eyes tight.
Buckler laughed before taking a swallow of iced tea.
"Respectfully, I didn't say you did."
I nodded, sitting back to look at him.
Whatever he wrote down made me nervous. I wanted to get my hands on his journal and look over his notes. What did he know? I wondered.
"You find it kind of strange how this has happened ever since Miss Janes came to town?"
My eyelashes flickered. "I'm sorry?"
He repeated with a hunch of one shoulder, "Don't you think it's a coincidence that all of this is occurring now?"
"Sydney has nothing to do with that."
"Probably not, just a bit odd, don't ya think? Looking at the pattern, it would seem your friend Damian Hassan — did I say that right— would be next on this serial killer's list."
"So it is a serial killer now?"
"Well, yes, by definition- three or more victims."
"You mean four?" I asked.
"Four?" Buckler jerked his neck.
I thought in my head before speaking, "Omar, Miranda, Wes, Karina?"
Buckler's eyes narrowed on me. "Wes? According to my notes, he's just on a vacation. Unless you know something we don't?" He leaned in and clicked the pen, ready to jot down whatever came out of my mouth next.
I shook my head, mentally face-palming myself.
"No, no, you're right. Sorry. Three."
"Ah. You misspoke?"
I snapped my fingers and grinned, cracking. "I misspoke, exactly."
His writing was like a child's, it was chicken scratch and I couldn't make out a word he put on the paper. The only thing I could clearly see was Sydney's name smack dab in the center of what looked like some sort of flow chart or web. Her name was connected to many others, and it was underlined and circled.
With a gulp, I had to ask, "Who are your leads?"
"My leads?" He asked, closing the journal. I didn't know if he didn't hear me or wasn't sure what that meant.
"Prime suspects, you know?" I leaned in, interested.
"Respectfully, Mr.Taylor, all evidence points to Miss Janes."
I clenched my jaw. That's not what I wanted to hear.
How could he have connected this to Sydney, of all people?
My leg started to shake under the table.
Before I could object, he slapped some dollar bills down and stood to leave. I followed him out.
"But Buckler-" I said, spinning his shoulders so he could face me.
He laughed, hand up to stop me from talking.
"Respectfully, Wilson, I like you. I don't think you could hurt a fly. But that girlfriend of yours, she's not off the hook, yet. I'm only doing my job, you can understand that, can't you? Don't worry, I still have a few more suspects to question."
I looked through his eyes, he was serious.
I had to think of something to create doubt in his mind, and fast.
"What about Tony Becker?" I blurted.
Buckler stopped walking away and turned back.
"Tony Becker, eh? He's not on my list."
"Shame," I sighed, looking down. "Between you and me?"
The detective moved closer to get a better listen.
"He used to beat Sydney. Now he's with her best friend," I told.
"Chyna Jennings?" He remembered from his notes.
I nodded. "Yeah, her. I wouldn't be surprised if he was behind this. Luckily, I haven't had a run in with him, yet, but he's been doing everything in his power to get to Sydney. It's put some strain on our relationship. Back in LA, he took her old friends from her, seems like he's doing the same thing now. But I don't know. Like you said, a coincidence."
"This is news to me. Mind if I-" he asked, excitedly reaching for his pen and paper.
I pushed his arm back at his side. "Off the record, remember?"
Sydney and I managed to sweep everything under the rug, we had bigger fish to fry.
Neither of us were willing to admit we knew anything about the recent cases. She said she was just as shocked as I was to learn about what's been happening, and I claimed it was all a terrible coincidence.
My head was spinning as I lied in bed with Sydney.
She was rubbing her neck, stressed for whatever reason, in this tank top and ruffled pink cotton shorts.
I let out a big yawn, cueing Syd to turn off the tv.
"Sleepy?" She asked, fluffing her pillow.
I nodded my head, kicking my shoes off finally. It wasn't my plan to spend the night, but what a day, and far past my usual bedtime. Besides, we could use the time together, even if it was just to sleep.
"Aw," she mocked with a sarcastic pout.
I made myself comfortable under her blankets and let my eyes close. Everything was black and the sounds of owls and crickets that slipped through the cracked bedroom windows began putting me to sleep.
Then suddenly, a pounding on the paneling of the townhouse startled me out of my relaxed state.
I jumped, scaring Sydney, as well.
She gasped. "What was that?"
Without saying anything, I got up to investigate.
Surely it could've been an animal, or just the wind. Except, there was no wind.
I hoped it wasn't a bear or coyote, but I braved it.
Sydney threw on a robe and followed me out of her bedroom.
On the way to the front door, we walked through the kitchen. Instinctively, I grabbed a knife. My eyebrow raised when Sydney did the same. Her brown eyes stared back at me and her eyebrow arched, also.
I swallowed, stalking through the dark.
At the door, I was just about to open it, Sydney standing close behind me, when there was a loud 'thud' on the porch.
Sydney cautiously switched on the outdoor lights.
Neither of us were prepared to see who, or what, was out there.
*** To be continued ***
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