53. swimming with the fishes
Sydney Bay Janes
It seemed like forever until night fell. I just wanted to go to the docks and meet up with my good friend, Karina.
She lied to me, see, and I didn't like that. It's such a shame she and Miranda couldn't be authentic.
Then there's Chyna. She may be fooling around with Tony, trying to social climb, but she was up front and honest about that. I had to respect it, though the idea made me sick.
I didn't care anymore about the consequences or losing friends. I had Wilson, and my baby now. That's all that mattered.
In fact, I think I wanted to leave Nevada. Yeah. The vibe was tainted, it wasn't much different than L.A. after all.
I'd start over new, me and my baby. And Will — if he decides to be involved in his child's life, which I think he will— I just need to get around to telling him the news.
Doc's was a restaurant on the water. A ways from the inside and outdoor dining areas were docks, a gazebo on a hill above the river, and a park with a walking trail through the trees to a small, private beach.
The night was quiet, slow. It's only a Monday, and there were no specials or live music to bring in a crowd.
The water was still and the spontaneous breeze was brisk.
Karina was late. I didn't like that. So, I ordered and ate without her - fish tacos and a Cuban Cobb salad.
She walked up to me at the table and I read her face. She looked cautious, almost scared, but like she knew something.
When my waiter, Alex, passed, I gestured my hand in a circle above the bowl of salad and asked, "a knife, please? Something sharp so I can cut the meat?"
He walked away with a head nod and sped up his pace.
Soft music played and the outdoor fans spun on a low setting, not enough to generate cool air.
"Hey," Karina finally said.
"Hey, girl," I said, watching Alex walk back towards our table.
"Here you go," he said kindly.
I took the knife and thanked him. It wasn't your average butter knife, it was sharp like for steak - perfect to cut the ham in my salad.
I stabbed into the bowl and tossed it to my liking, breaking my concentration on Karina's puffy face.
"How are you-" she tried asking but I interrupted.
Mouthful, I said, "So you didn't talk to a detective, yet?"
She shook her head.
I animated my face, eyes wide like I was surprised.
"Wow," I swallowed. "'Cause he sure as shit grilled me."
"What'd you say?" she asked following a big gulp.
I got Alex again and asked for a to-go container.
Once he returned, I put the knife and the food in a plastic bag to take with me.
"I'm full," I talked, throwing some cash down. "Let's talk about this somewhere else..."
She and I headed up the hill to the lone gazebo atop the river.
There were few boats docked but otherwise, no one around.
It was dark and the moon was only half lit. Plus the stars weren't as prominent in the blue-black sky so they didn't provide much light, either.
"Listen," she said through a sigh.
I watched her pace with her hands in the pockets of her brown Teddy coat.
I kept my food in the plastic bag on my lap and let her go on.
"I just want to find out what happened to Randi," she referred to Miranda.
I nodded, making squinted eyes like I was hearing her. "Ah. Me too, but I mean, it's out of our hands."
Karina seemed upset at me saying that. "She needs justice. Aren't you for all women?"
I sniffled, changing my voice to sound upset. "I just can't believe she's gone."
Karina dropped her once tense shoulders and came to sit beside me.
"I know, I know. Syd?"
"Yeah?" I cooed, head on her shoulder.
"I did talk to a detective."
I picked my head up, staring at her.
"Yeah. I know," I deadpanned.
When I looked down, I saw her phone in her pocket. The voice memos application was running. She had been recording me.
I exhaled deeply through my nose and asked, "Can I tell you something?"
"Yeah, s-sure, anything,"
"I think it was her boyfriend, Dax," I proposed coldly.
"Why would he do something like that to her?" Karina asked, her voice shaky.
I hunched my shoulders and made a frown. "Why would anyone?"
"Hey. Remember when you first met Miranda, you said you knew her from somewhere. Where was it again, a basement, something like that? Did you ever figure it out?"
"What's that to you?"
She copied me with the popping of both her shoulders and paced around the perimeter of the gazebo.
"Didn't it have something to do with that Wes guy? She mentioned it to me before. I just think it's funny that he's missing and now Miranda's dead."
"What are you trying to say: that I did it?" My voice went cold, almost emotionless.
Her back was turned to me. She peered out at the water below us, monologuing.
I wasn't paying it any mind, my hand reaching for the knife.
"—Then maybe, yes. But you wouldn't kill anyone, would you?" She inquired.
When I didn't respond, Karina shuddered.
"Syd?" She called out.
Her heels turned so her body could rotate and face me, and when she did, the knife sliced across her throat, ending her life.
It wasn't my proudest moment, I didn't exactly get a thrill like other killers claimed. I felt bad, but like I had to do that.
The thing is, I wasn't even angry. Nothing drove me to necessarily kill Karina. I think I did it simply because, well, it was an easy out. She suspected me. I've killed before, what's one more?
Karina, struggling, dropped to her knees, hands becoming stained with blood as she tried applying pressure to the gash. It was too late.
She was gasping, eyes wide. It was the last time I'd see her brown orbs. I was gonna miss how bright they got when she was excited.
Her body collapsed on the panels of the gazebo and she let go finally.
Once I felt her pulse and knew her life had expired, I checked her pockets for the phone she was recording me with.
It was nothing to roll her body down the hill. She was light and just tumbled to the edge of the dock.
Once there, I shoved my foot in her back and watched Karina's lifeless body sink. Along with her, I chucked the knife and phone out in the body of water.
My knees hit the wooden planks hard and I sighed.
With a heavy heart, I splashed my hands in the water as if that would wash away the sin.
I don't know how I'd explain this one to Detective Paul Buckler.
I called Chyna.
"Hey," she answered. That surprised me, I thought she'd be busy.
"Hey," I said, sniffling.
"Are you okay?" She asked, thinking I'd been crying.
"Yeah. No. Uh, Karina bailed on me," I said.
Chyna sucked her teeth. "She's been so flaky ever since she got with Manny."
That was the truth, and one good alibi.
"Hm. Well, do you wanna hang out? I could really use a friend right now," I talked, my manipulative tone so soft it was almost impossible for her to turn me down.
I started walking back to my car, listening to her babble on with excuses about how she's busy.
Clicking my seatbelt, I pulled off once my phone connected to Bluetooth.
Reversing out of the lot, I asked her, "You're not doing anything with Tony, are you?"
There was a pause. I knew she was trying to make something up. I know her well, and she's no good at it.
"Chyna," I spoke, glazing my tongue over my teeth. "You wouldn't lie to me, would you?"
"No, Sydney, damn. Look, whatever, you can come over, okay?" She seethed.
I smiled, making a quick u-turn.
"I'm on my way."
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