44. a strange love triangle
Wilson James Taylor
We were out one Saturday morning at Hunter's football scrimmage.
Damian sat to my right and cheered number four on.
"Where's your girl at?" Damian asked Sydney about Chyna.
"Who cares," Sydney growled, playing in my hair as I sat between her legs.
"What's y'all beef?" He wondered. I was curious, too, those two are closer than D and I. Must just be some petty girl thing, I guessed.
"I don't feel good," Sydney randomly blurted, dropping her hands from my scalp.
I turned and looked up at her through squinted eyed under the sun since I put my glasses on my head.
"You okay?" I made sure.
Sydney drank some of my water. "I'll be fine. Go Hunter!"
"Excuse me," we all heard someone say.
I watched Anna ascend the bleachers. Don't ask me why she came on our side when the stands weren't packed and she could've been on the other end.
"Ugh," I heard Sydney blurt. I didn't have to look up to know she was probably making faces.
"Hey, boys. Hello, Cindy," Anna remarked, sitting on my left, under Karina's knees.
"Fea," Malena called Hunter's mom ugly in Spanish. All of us who knew that laughed.
"Hey, Andy," Sydney responded with a sharp smile.
"I see this is still a thing?" She scowled.
I lifted our hands to show Anna how our fingers were locked and she pushed them out of her face.
"Whatever. I'm going to the concession stand. Anyone want anything? Damian?"
He looked stupid in the face, smirking at her.
I curled my face and slapped his chest with the back of my hand. Anna is nothing to smirk at.
While she looks better, almost healthy again, she's still a bottom of the barrel person. I wouldn't even let Dame think about trying anything with her, let alone anyone I used to be involved with. Say Sydney and I break up, I wish he would try it (sarcasm.) I think I'd have to kill him.
"Nah, I'm good, thanks," he said, watching her switch away.
My eyes followed his. "Ew, man," I griped.
"Shut up," Damian laughed, popping Skittles in his mouth.
"Go Hunter!" Malena screamed.
"He's not even in," I told her.
She leaned forward to look past her big sister and see me. "He needs moral support on the sidelines, too," she claimed with sass.
Karina just laughed. "Let's go, Hunter! Woo!"
I sucked my teeth and eased back in between my girl's legs.
"What's she doing here?" Sydney asked once she saw Chyna approaching.
Chyna was overdressed per usual. She had on black knee high boots, a black beret, a nude-colored catsuit, and a black Gucci fur vest. Entirely too much effort went into a tacky designer outfit for a high school scrimmage.
"I invited her," Damian let us know. Bad idea if they're not on good terms, but he didn't know any better, I'm sure.
It must've slipped Syd's mind or not been that serious because she tells me everything, sometimes too much, but I don't mind. That's how I got to know her so deeply, so fast.
"Hey, D. Hey, Karina," she greeted. She waved to Malena and then looked at me like I was supposed to hug her or something.
Honestly, I haven't liked the girl since she first started giving Damian the run around. He just has a big heart, but she's playing with him for when she gets bored and I don't like that. She was one of the girls I thought Sydney would be like at first, the stuck-up type, shallow.
"Hey, Will," she cleared her throat to say.
I just looked forward, chewing my gum. No way I was gonna be chummy with her and have Sydney knock my head off.
"Weird," she mumbled, sitting beside Damian.
"No, you're weird," Sydney defended me. I didn't expect her to say that — not to Chyna.
Damian sighed, not knowing what to do here.
"Syd, let's not do this in front of everyone," Chyna said.
"You embarrassed her in front of everyone at brunch, you can apologize in front of everyone," Karina spoke up. That wasn't like her, either, she's the timid one. I guess hanging with someone like Sydney, she grew out of it. Syd does have that affect on people, look at me, for example. I'd be working now if it weren't for her.
"Sydney," Chyna started.
"Chyna," Sydney returned.
"Here," Chyna offered a Hershey's chocolate bar.
"Chocolate?" Damian, Karina, and I all asked in confusion.
"You think it's gonna be that easy to win me over?" Sydney snapped, opening the chocolate bar.
She took a bite and melted. "Well you're right, come here!"
They pushed our bodies out of the way to get to each other a hug.
"I'm sorry," Chyna cried in the hug.
"I'm sorry, too!" Sydney exclaimed.
"I love you, Nene," Chyna sniffled.
Sydney kissed Chyna's cheek. "I love you, too, Chy."
"Wow," Damian exhaled. "It's that simple?"
"Noted," I commented. Sydney and I haven't really had any arguments yet but now I know to get her chocolate and it'll be okay.
"What can I say?" Sydney shrugged. "The girl knows me."
Karina laughed at me then went "aww!"
Chyna sat beside Sydney now and they caught up.
Not that anyone cared but, Anna returned.
"I got you something anyway," Anna flirted with Damian.
"That's the bitch from the strip club, Star?" Chyna snarled.
Sydney simply went "mhm." I had no idea Sydney knew Anna as Star or that they had an encounter at the strip club.
Hm. Maybe Syd doesn't tell me everything. . .
Damian thanked Anna for the blue Powerade— AKA the worst flavor— and caught her up on the third quarter, not that she knew shit about football. Sydney knew a little bit, it was impressive. She told me how she used to play with her dad who could've gone pro, but didn't.
"Damian," Chyna said, "what's the move for tonight?"
Clueless, he looked back at her and asked what she wanted to do.
It was funny, I peeped what she was doing, she's not slick. Women, I tell ya.
Chyna separated her knees and pushed Damian's shoulders between them.
I looked up at Syd who was on the same page as me. She rolled her eyes at her friend's games.
Anna looked annoyed that fast.
"GO HUNTER, GO!" Malena stood and chanted. Everyone returned their attention to the game and watched Hunter score.
"TOUCHDOWNNNNN, HUNTER EWING!" The commentator announced.
We all cheered for him, boosting his already inflated ego.
He did a celebratory dance in the end zone and then blew a kiss in the stands our way.
"Aww," Karina cooed like Karina does at literally any and everything.
Except Malena and Anna both caught the kiss, neither of them really knowing who it was for. I'll bet it was to Malena.
"Um?" Malena hummed.
She sent one back to Hunter who caught it and put it to his heart.
"Aww!" Karina gushed.
"That is so corny," I cracked up. All the girls glared at me like I said something wrong.
"-Stop! You're too funny," Anna giggled as Damian whispered in her ear. My face just stayed animated.
We had to endure that the whole time. It was the end of the fourth quarter almost, Hunter's team was winning. He got another touchdown and was going for a third.
"No, both of you stop. Really," I deadpanned.
Dame sucked his teeth but ultimately paid me no mind.
"So, what are you doing later? I'm free," she asked, staring at his lips.
Anna doesn't even like black guys, she has a fetish and that's messed up. I didn't want Damian used like that. Plus, Anna used to say the 'n' word and when I'd correct her she said it's okay because black people say it in their songs. See, she's fucking stupid. Don't act surprised though, she's the same person who thinks Koreans aren't Asian. She thinks China is the continent. She also doesn't understand that the world didn't start at the year 1. She has no clue what BC or AD is. But what can you expect from someone who credits everything they do in life to their zodiac sign? She crashes a car? Oh, it's okay, she's an Aries.
"Shit, nothing. We can go back to my place, chill and watch a movie?" He invited.
"Excuse me?" Chyna rolled her neck, eavesdropping on their conversation like I was.
That was a little fucked up, he did basically make plans to meet up with Chyna. Although she doesn't deserve his time anymore, I'd prefer her with him over Anna.
"No," I interjected. "He's busy. D, you're busy, remember - with Chyna?"
"I thought you said she was toxic?" Damian blabbed. I did say that.
"Will!" Sydney gasped.
"You said that?" Chyna argued.
"Do you wanna be with Chyna or fuck a prostitute?" I asked him, my hands up.
"Will!" Sydney yelled again.
"Today on 'The Steve Wilkos show!'" a passing woman cracked.
"Oop," Sydney snickered.
"Keep it movin', honey, before I turn it into Jerry Springer," Chyna barked at the lady.
"Okay, this is getting a little out of hand," Karina's quiet voice said.
"Wilson, mind your business. Thanks," Anna snarled.
I looked her up and down. "That's my best friend and I don't want you to touch him," I stated.
"Why not?" Sydney and Anna synchronized. That's the first time they're on the same page. I don't like it.
"Yeah, why not? You don't want her," Damian voiced.
Chyna popped her lips. "And you do?"
"I don't want him to catch something," I made clear.
"HUNTER EWING TOUCHDOWN!" The announcer roared into the mic.
"YAY!" Everyone regrouped to cheer for him.
"Will, I'm thirsty," Sydney said to me during all the rah-rah.
I just handed over a five dollar bill and continued watching the hyped game.
"No," Sydney gritted, shoving it back at my chest. "Come."
We walked down the bleachers and ended up at the concession stands.
When I looked at Sydney she didn't look happy.
"Why do you sound jealous?" She asked me.
"What?! I'm not. I just don't want them together."
"Right... jealous. Why do you care about what your ex does?"
Yeah, I didn't like that word or being linked to Anna romantically. I made some stupid ass decisions in a brief moment of weakness and nothing more.
"She's not my ex, and it's not like that. She's dirty, I just don't want Damian making the same mistakes I did-"
"Yeah, like putting your dick in her?" Sydney said sharply.
I felt bad but also she wasn't getting it. It had nothing to do with whatever Anna and I used to do.
I laughed. "Why... Why'd you say it like that?"
She cracked a smile. Come on, this girl can't stay mad at me.
"I didn't wanna say the 'f' word," she said, advancing in line.
"Next," the woman called. Syd and I got a couple of drinks, paid, and stepped out of line.
Sydney shook my hand away when I tried to hold hers so I caused a scene.
"Wowwwwwwwwwwww," I dragged on, following her to the stands.
"Shut up!" She laughed, putting her hand over my mouth.
I blinked until she held my hand.
"You're so fucking annoying," she giggled, leading us back to our seats.
"Ooo," I joked, "you said the 'f' word!"
The club was nothing that interested me anymore, but I went to support my girl.
I had to give it to Sydney, she knows how to throw a party.
Everything from the music to the lively people, fruity drinks, and surprisingly cool music screamed Sydney Janes.
Damian dapped me up at the bar and then noticed Anna who planned to meet him here.
He excused himself and ran after her before I could object. His parents wouldn't approve. I just shook my head and drank my Dark and Stormy.
I hadn't seen Sydney since we left the football game earlier that day so when I laid eyes on her at the event, I was almost speechless.
"Look at you," I smirked, eyeing every inch of her exposed body.
"I know, it's a lot, but Karina says this is what dancers wear, so," she explained.
"No, you look good," I assured Sydney.
She smiled which made me smile because I'm not ashamed to say she does that to me, she's just that cute - especially the very little gap in between her front two teeth.
"This is so embarrassing," Sydney complained, "I'm just ready to get it over with."
"Damn," I said whatever, literally not paying attention and she knew it.
Anna was sitting on Damian's lap right in front of me at the table. He had this dumb ass grin on his face as she danced on him like she was at work.
I don't like this, I got worked up in my head.
"What're you- seriously, Will?" Sydney argued, tracing my line of sight.
She started to storm off but I grabbed hold of her wrists before she could.
"I'm sorry, babe, but you don't understand-"
"Yes I do. You look obsessed. Why do you care what she's doing? Damian's a big boy, he's not asking Anna to marry him. If he wants to do something with her for whatever reason, and she's 'not your ex,' then let him. It's not your business, and if you try making it your business we're going to have a problem," she made known.
I tore my eyes away from the torture that was Anna and Damian sucking face. He's just being stupid, thinking with his other head, and she's trying to get to me. But damn it, it's working.
"Alright," I said to Syd. "I'm not even looking that way. I can't see nothing."
I put my hand over my eyes and peeked through my fingers to see if she was buying it. She wasn't, didn't even smile.
"Come on, Syd," I groaned, pulling her in by her small waist. "What do I gotta do to prove it to you, I'm not worried about Anna?"
Sydney pried my hands from her body and said, "Kill her," walking away.
I laughed until I didn't.
My eyes wandered back over to the table where Damian was. He wasn't there this time, though, only Anna in her red latex dress, matching lipstick, and her favorite platinum blonde wig.
She waved at me and winked, making my whole body cringe. Yup, definitely trying to get to me.
I sighed and walked away from the bar.
Thinking about what Sydney said, she might've been joking but I mumbled under my breath, "I wish. . ."
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