39. kill them with kindness... or something
Sydney Bay Janes
"Give it here, you little shit!" I yelled at Hunter one morning.
He happened to be dropped off at Will's one night I stayed over. We were both just fighting for Wilson's attention at that point. I was in the lead at first then Hunter pretended to choke. And I know it was just an act because when Will ran to get him water and beat his back, Hunter winked at me. He's evil, I'll guess like his mother.
"Try and take it, Squid-ney," he taunted, running around the island in the kitchen.
"Argh," I yelled. "Wilson, get down here!"
"Snitch," Hunter scowled, walking over to me.
Before he could hand over my bra, I knocked Hunter down. It just so happened that's all Will saw.
"Heyyy," I squeaked, awkwardly.
"She abused me, I'm calling C.P.S.," Hunter threatened.
"Great, call them," I flailed my arms, "I hope they take you away."
Wilson flailed his arms, wondering what was going on as Finn barked and ran a muck.
He had just gotten out of the shower, the scent of his body wash travelling up my nose.
"She started it," Hunter mumbled.
"Did not," I exclaimed like a kid.
Hey, I'm an only child, I never had to deal with this. Not even Chyna and I ever fought over clothes.
"What happened?" asked Will, seeing the bra in my hand.
"He opened my package and stole my bra!"
Will shot a look at Hunter. "The fuck's the matter with you? Say sorry."
Hunter, looking down at the hardwood floor, gave a stale "sorry."
I relaxed, even though he didn't mean it. "Sorry for pushing you."
Hunter walked away, bouncing a lacrosse ball throughout the house.
"So, Will, what are we doing today?" he asked.
I laughed, drawing their attention.
"Sorry," I snickered, "it's just that Will and I are actually going out."
Hunter looked to Will. "So, where are we going?" he reiterated.
"That didn't include you, go get your stuff, your mom should be home now," Wilson bossed. I found it sexy when he was in big brother mode. I'd say "dad mode" but Hunter's not his kid and that would make him and Anna co-parents. No.
As much as I didn't like the little fucker, he was practically Will's family and not going anywhere so I had to get used to it. Plus Will said Anna's a whore -- sleeping with men for money-- and Hunter didn't need to be around that.
"Bye, Sydney," Hunter growled, getting out of the Jeep.
"Later," I spoke with a wave.
"I'll be back," Will excused himself, hopping out after Hunter.
They were met in the driveway by Anna. She was in a robe, one sleeve hanging off her shoulder. Her thighs were small, the lower half of her body didn't match the top - a triangle body shape. This was my first time seeing her in person during the light hours. I could tell the long ginger hair on her head was a synthetic wig and that the beauty mark above her upper lip was drawn on.
I didn't like anything about Anna, especially not the fact that she ever slept with someone like Will, but we all make mistakes, I don't hold it against him.
Curious, or just down right nosey, I put the window down and listened.
Hunter had just walked inside, barely saying two words to his mother.
"--I told you to stop dropping him off with me," Wilson argued.
"What am I supposed to do with him when I bring clients over?" she rebutted.
"Maybe not bring them? And stop calling them 'clients' like you're a business woman," he laughed.
She grew irritated. "Here you go. I have needs, Wilson, why not make money, too while I'm at it?"
"I can't even listen to this, you're disgusting. Keep your son away from my house, I'm going on vacation."
"You don't have to make up lies. Just go tell him to his face you don't want him," Anna tested.
Will looked over her short stature and yelled, "Hunter!"
"You've changed," she seethed, storming off.
He just walked back to the car.
Before he got in, he watched Anna wave to me with a scowling look.
I waved, but instead smiled back.
When Will got situated in the driver's seat, I looked around his face.
"Well," I hummed, pulling a seatbelt back on, "she is charming."
It was a hot Saturday morning, I demanded Will get me a large lemonade as we walked the outlet mall since it was his idea to come here.
When it was nothing left but ice and I annoyed Will with my slurping, he snatched the cup and threw it away like he'd done before.
With my jaw dropped, I just stood there. A passing girl witnessed the exchanged and laughed at me.
"You saw that, right?" I engaged with her.
She just giggled and pranced inside the next store.
"Oh you're so mean," I grumbled when he approached me.
Wilson grabbed my hand and continued walking right along.
Okay but let's talk about how cute the PDA was, never before had I done that with a guy. Chyna and I held hands during a public outing, we've even kissed on the lips, but she's not my man. It was nice that Will wanted to hold me and show affection, I felt like a prize, and he, my prince.
Ugh, I'm just so AFJKHSFKJHfJ over him, ya know, like there are no words? And no one is going to change that.
I put the glasses on top of my head, pushing my krimped hair back, as we entered the store.
I looked around in shock he picked such a store to shop in.
"Okay, I'm buggin'," I talked, "why are we here?"
Wilson was a few feet away with his arm around some lady, she looked like an employee.
"Margot, this is Sydney. Sydney, this is a family-friend, she owns the store," Wilson introduced us.
"Hi," I smiled. "You make these?"
"All of them, mhm. You like?" she asked me.
I put my other shopping bags on a chair and held one design up to my body. It was simple and had the nerve to be overpriced, I could've sewn it myself.
"They're okay," I voiced, putting it back on the rack.
She had a laugh. "Let's find you the perfect gown for tonight!"
She pulled my arm but I stopped in place, looking back at Will.
"Gown?" I inquired.
"You did tell her, didn't you, Wilson?" Margot wondered.
Will took a seat and looked up from his phone to answer, "Yeah. The dinner party?"
That's why I was confused, I hadn't forgotten.
"I have a dress," I let them know.
Margot checked the time on her wrist watch like we were wasting hers. After I looked her up and down, I glared at Will.
"I have a dress," I repeated, this time just a little louder.
"If I may," Margot stepped in. "I'm sure Mrs.Taylor would appreciate something more... classy." She ended with giving me a onceover.
"Oh-" I sounded.
"Right this way," Margot instructed.
Okay, Margot did have one good dress I took a liking to. It didn't scream "classy" whatever that meant, but it made me look like a princess. It was a rouched mini dress in soft pink with a boat neckline that flowed at the bottom and had ruffled mesh puff sleeves. The sleeves are what did it for me.
Margot wasn't sold on it, claiming I should cover my cleavage but I was over trying on dress after dress.
And I made Wilson pay one-hundred and thirty-seven dollars for it since he wanted to play dress up.
I was quiet during the walk to the Jeep.
"What?" Will asked when I stole a look at him.
"I know what you're trying to do," I said.
He looked innocent, trying to smirk and take my hand in his. "I'm not doing anything."
"Yes you are, you're trying to change me so your mother approves of me," I revealed.
"It's not like that," he claimed, turning to face me.
We stopped and stood in the middle of the parking lot.
"Then what's it like? What's next, Will, you're gonna make me get a breast reduction?" I asked, flailing my arms dramatically as everyone seemed to judge me because of them.
"Why would I do that, I love 'em," he chuckled, tossing me over his shoulder.
"You're annoying, put me down!" I squealed, softly beating his back all the way to his Jeep.
"I changed my mind, I don't wanna do this anymore," I protested.
My stomach was full of anxiety riding up, I felt like I was gonna be sick.
Wilson parked in the circled driveway and waited for -- I don't know what he was waiting for.
"We're already here, let's just get it over with," he sighed, offering me whatever alcohol was in his canteen.
I snatched it from his hands and took a few gulps.
"Ahh," I hissed, curling my face.
Then this random boy all of a sudden ran up to my Audi and opened the door.
"What the," I drawled, clutching my seatbelt.
"Valet," he let me know.
"Oh," I felt stupid. "Why didn't you just say that? Valet, Will."
Before I could, Will walked around and opened the door for me.
I stepped out, my hand on his, and gasped at the scene. It was all so intimidating. Now I'd been to influencer parties and maybe some B-list events, but this was next level. Diane and Ralph Taylor sure knew how to host, their home was amazing. I knew Will came from money but I wouldn't have guessed he was raised in a Las Vegas mega-mansion.
Photographers snapped pictures as Will escorted me up the grand staircase.
"Syd-" he tried calling once I trailed behind.
"Get my good side," I entertained the camera, posing. "Just kidding, they're all good."
"The camera loves you," the photographer complimented, walking up to shake my hand.
I giggled, looking up into his brown eyes before Will pulled me by the waist.
"This way, princess," he mocked.
We walked inside, looking like an angel and the devil with me in my pink and Will in an all black suit. Well, he didn't bother fully buttoning the jacket or black button down shirt, or putting on dress shoes, rather, a pair of sneakers.
"Wilson," a man's voice called.
Will turned and greeted his father. I remembered him from Delaney's showcase where he ogled my breasts covered by the body paint.
"Hey, Dad," Will said with a jaw clench as they shook hands.
"And this is... Sydney, right?" he recalled.
I shook his hand as well.
"Right, Mr.Taylor. That's a nice handshake," I teased.
He straightened his face, making me think I said something wrong. Then, he busted out laughing that stereotypical rich man laugh where they throw their heads back, hand on gut, and dislocate their jaw to display all thirty-two teeth.
"Funny," he said, walking away with a crowd.
"Nice," Will laughed, walking us to the drink table.
Will and I shared a few drinks at our own table in the ballroom.
"Is that-- I think that's the Osborne's, I'm gonna go talk to them about their yard," Will rushed, buttoning his jacket.
I sank in the seat, throwing my hors d'oeuvres down on the plate.
"Really, Will, you're gonna talk business at a party?" I complained, pulling his arm.
"I'll be right back," he claimed, kissing my head before going.
"He so will not be right back," I said to myself.
Minutes later, I stuffed my face and hoped it would make my stomach pains cease.
"--Did you hear about Tony Becker?" one party goer gossiped at the table to my right.
I froze in place, trying to listen.
"God, what did he do now?" her friend asked. I had the same question.
The first girl said, "Four months probation, that's what."
"Let me guess, another DUI, public indecency?"
"No other details were released, just that they're stopping production of that movie he was supposed to film in Vegas, did you hear about that one?"
The friend gasped. "Did I? I auditioned to be an extra!"
Tuning them out, I glued my eyes to my phone screen, I felt like I was being watched and followed that line to Diane, Wilson's mother.
She'd been avoiding Will and I all night. He claimed it was because she was so busy hosting, but I call bullshit. I demanded to know why she was giving me cold looks across the room.
Before I stood, I looked over my shoulder and noticed Will keeping the Osborne couple company. So, I followed Diane and her entourage to the foyer.
She was in the middle of four other elites, showing off all her possessions and dropping their prices.
"Excuse me," I spoke from behind the group.
When she kept talking, I raised my voice. "Excuse me!"
I cleared my throat once everyone unexpectedly turned their attention to me.
"Well," Diane laughed, mocking me to her associates, "you heard her, excuse me."
They all had a laugh, parading away.
"Hi, I'm Sydney-"
"Bay Janes, twenty-three, from Encinitas, California. I know you," she listed.
Okay, that threw me off. What did she, case search me? Wait, that would be bad. . .
I put my hand down, not like she was going to shake it.
Will's Cambodian mother was one of those rich people who looked down on anyone different. I don't think she cared about anything other than her family -- Will, I mean-- and bank account.
One thing I wasn't going for, though, was anyone not liking me before getting to know me first.
"And you're Diane, author, obsessed with her son," I clapped back.
She cackled and walked down the hall, taking the first right.
"Come," she said at the door, "join me."
I didn't want to, this could end horribly, but I wasn't a coward.
As soon as I stepped foot in the library, Diane shut the door.
"No, thank you," I said in one breath, sitting.
"Not a drinker, or?"
I swallowed. "Just had enough."
I thought drinking would take it away, but I was honestly fighting a dire stomach ache.
Diane finished the glass she had just poured for herself and poured another before sitting in front of me.
"Can I show you something, Sydney?" Her eyes narrowed on me.
"Sure," I allowed.
She pulled out her iPad and went to the internet. From there, she typed something in and followed links to some sites. Diane then dropped the technology in my lap and I feasted my eyes on the article featuring Tony and I.
Looking up at the chandelier, I rotated my jaw.
"So you know?" is all I could say.
"I do," she snapped, closing the iPad. "And soon, so will my son."
"Diane," I breathed out, grabbing her wrist. "You can't tell him."
"I knew there was something about you, my son's never brought home a respectable girl. I don't know why you chose my son, for his money, but you'll stop if you know what's good for you," she made clear. Or thought she did.
I blinked away my tears and got in her face.
"Sorry, but I can't do that," I articulated, looking between her brown eyes.
She looked to be baffled, like no one had ever stood up to her before.
"You can't, or you won't?" her voice trembled.
I laughed small at her change in tone. "Neither," I asserted.
Feeling as if I deserved it, I walked around her body and helped myself to a glass of red wine, after all.
Following my first sip, I lasered my vision on Diane.
"Women like you, obsessed with your sons. You don't find that weird? You did your job, you raised him, let him be his own person," I exacted, talking with my arms.
"The Taylor family will leave a legacy, I want to protect it and make sure none of you gold-diggers soil it," she explained, clutching her diamond choker.
"Trust me, I'm not with Will for his money." I had to laugh at her accusation.
When I met Will, I was under the impression he was just your average landscaper. What's that, sixty-something-thousand a year? Impressive, but I can do that and more on my own. I've been offered brand deals greater than that. Say that to say, it was never about his money, or their legacy.
"No? You've changed since Tony?"
That struck a nerve. All I knew was to go lower.
"Will has a lot more to offer than Tony; he keeps me very satisfied," I drawled with a devilish smile so she'd get my drift.
Her face curled just as she gasped. And I'm dramatic?
"Oh, God," she said, standing to leave. "You are the whore I thought you were. You don't get to come in here and speak to me like this, I'm telling my Wilson everything-"
I cut off her line and threw my back against the door.
"You're not telling him anything, and you don't get to talk to me like that. Judge me, fine, but know my fucking story first. Sit down, and listen," I demanded.
She looked in my eyes, her brown ones were huge and glossy like she was about to cry.
Diane took her time going back to her seat. Her lower lip quivered as she looked around for another exit.
"Sit down," I repeated, rolling my neck.
I didn't want to talk to her, or anyone, in that way. She's not a kid, nor is she stupid. But the last thing I needed was for her to tell Wilson my business before I could. And I hated being falsely accused of being some sort of whore. I hate it.
Taking the seat parallel from Diane, I inhaled greatly, eyes closed as I hung my head.
"When people ask me how old I am, I have this inside joke with myself. I tell them I'm six years younger than I really am - because that's how many years Tony took from me. I was eighteen, just turned, it was my birthday actually - the day after we met. There's not a day that goes by that I don't wish he would've just sent me to jail instead," I told.
Diane's faced turned more empathetic. She hesitantly came and sat on the side of me, rubbing my back as I let a tear pass my chin.
"You don't have to-" she tried stopping the story before it even began.
"No, listen," I wept. "I just wanted to drive, that's it. My parents, they trusted me enough to let me. I-I was just a kid..."
Diane and I walked back into the party with our arms linked.
"--Oh, Sydney," she sighed, coming down from a fit of laughter. "you are delightful, really."
I smiled, giving a warm "awh" in return, my head dropping to her boney shoulder.
"There you are, I've been looking everywhere for you," Will said, panicked.
He pulled me away from his mother and then noticed our new found pleasant attitudes toward one another.
"Wait," he voiced, confused. His eyes darted between the both of us.
"Y'all okay?" Will wondered.
"Yeah," I beamed like it was nothing.
Diane smiled wide. "Respect," she said boldly, "it's earned. Not a single one of your exes had the gull to stand up to me and fight for you. Sydney, she's special. I like her, I more than like her - I respect her. I see what all the fuss is about."
With that, she patted Wilson's shoulder sweetly and then walked away, meeting up with Ralph, her husband, to make a toast and address the crowd about their charity which is what the whole event was for.
"Ready to go?" he asked me, taking my hand.
I nodded, smiling at nothing but the fact that I was now in a good mood.
Will handed over my Chanel quilted clutch that I almost left behind. How thoughtful.
My nude pumps clicked as I descended the exterior staircase with my date's assistance.
I dug the ticket from my clutch and handed it to the same valet from the beginning of the night. He read it was the white Audi and said that'd be right up.
Wilson and I waited under the full moonlight, my arms snaked around one of his.
"What did she do to you?" he wanted to know.
I popped my shoulders and then looked up at him in innocence, just as my car was before us.
"Thanks," we said to the driver who greatly appreciated Will's most generous tip.
My boyfriend opened the passenger door for me, like the gentleman he can be, and shut me inside safely before getting in himself.
"So?" Will urged, waiting for an answer as we neared the gate.
I sighed, staring out the window. "We just talked. She got to know me. It was..." I struggled to find a fitting word for our encounter.
"Nice?" Will uttered, smirking.
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