21. good night indeed
Wilson James Taylor
Past nine -- my self proclaimed bedtime these days -- I was able to get Finn to calm down and still keep an eye on him in the living room as he rested inside the pet playpen.
It wasn't until I sat down that I saw what movie Sydney picked for us to watch.
"'Scream'?" I asked, disappointed.
"It's good, what?" she argued.
I shook my head. "I haven't seen it in a while, I don't remember it being that good."
"Well it is, shh."
I had to laugh at her for, like, the twentieth time. Sydney's just funny, she doesn't even know it or try.
I got comfortable on the same couch as Sydney and threw a blanket over my legs.
I reclined and could've fallen asleep right then and there.
"Hope you don't mind snoring," I tested, closing my eyes.
"Will! Are you serious, it didn't even start, yet," she complained.
"This movie is the biggest catfish; they put Drew Barrymore on the cover and she's only in the movie five minutes to die," I ranted.
Sydney blinked at me, raising the blanket over her chest. I was both relieved yet mad she did that, stopped me staring.
"Didn't realize you were such a big Drew Barrmore fan," she teased.
I just tuned into the slasher film.
I'll admit, it was a good choice, I just like giving Sydney shit. I would've picked something scary, too, it's an age old trick: turn on something scary so she can scream and jump into your arms. Rookie shit, but hey, she picked it.
Ten minutes in, I laughed at Sydney sliding closer to me.
"I'm cold," she chatted, balling up in the blanket.
I almost instantly teased her for that, but didn't. It was cold because that's how I liked to sleep at night. Another trick, though: blast the AC when she comes over so she'll have to ask for a blanket, leads to cuddling. So JV.
I could've gotten another blanket and I almost did, but decided not to. I also could've just turned the AC down, but that also required getting up.
More time passed and I was falling asleep, apparently so was Sydney.
"What time is it?" she asked, looking.
She sat up, pushing the blanket off her body.
"I guess you're going to bed, work in the morning?"
I nodded, stretching. "Is Delaney gonna let you in this late?"
Sydney's whole face dropped. "Oh my God, I don't have a key."
I played with her. "Sounds like this whole night was your plan to sleep on my couch."
"Nope," she said, "it was my plan to sleep in the bed."
My eyes got big, I wasn't ready for that.
She stood and my eyes went right to her ass.
Wake up, Will. Wake up.
I checked on Finn who was asleep and hadn't yet taken a shit on the puppy pad, thankfully. He also still had food and water so I wouldn't have to wake up in the middle of the night and get him some.
Sydney took it upon herself to put our cups and plates in the kitchen sink.
When she reached for dish liquid, I --on the other side of the room-- killed the lights.
She gasped, cracking me up. With the night light on for Finn, Sydney could see me nod my head towards the stairs.
"I'm scared of the dark," she revealed.
I walked up the stairs behind her, blankets over my shoulder.
"Did you know this house was haunted?"
She whipped her neck, scared. "Don't play like that, Wilson."
I laughed. "You wanted to watch scary movies."
Turning into the master bedroom, Sydney asked me, "Can you turn on cartoons?"
I jogged back upstairs after packing my lunch for tomorrow and making sure the doors were all locked - Sydney's paranoid request.
I walked across the bedroom, pulling off my t-shirt.
"Can you stop with all the moving and go to bed?" she groaned, sitting up.
I'm gonna regret not going to bed sooner in the morning, I thought in my head.
Once my rings were off and joggers, I whacked Sydney with a pillow.
"Shut up," I laughed, sliding under the covers.
The bed was warm like she readied it for me, a new feeling for sure and I'm not complaining.
"Lavender?" she randomly said, sniffing.
"Oh, yeah. I took your advice," I remembered, lying on my back.
"It doesn't work," I admitted.
"Hm," she sounded, getting sleepy.
"What happened to our insomnia?" I joked.
"I was thinking the same thing. I'm just so comfortable," she hummed, laying on her side.
I didn't say anything, but so was I. Something about us in bed together just felt so easy.
"So how did everything go, with court?" I had to ask. I take it not good because she said if it didn't go her way, she'd come back. She's back, so.
She shrugged and the blanket slipped off her skin. Because she was too lazy to, I pulled it back over her body. I know it's cold.
Sydney smiled small and I took her beauty in. It was nice seeing her in this light, so effortless and natural.
"It's complicated and you have to sleep. Let's just say I'm actually happy with the outcome."
"Me too, then," I added, voice low.
Sydney's eyelashes batted and she inched closer until I felt her body heat.
I wasn't sure where she was going with this so I let her make the move.
"It's been a long three weeks, Will," she whispered.
My eyes dropped to her lips. "Don't make me wait that long again."
Sydney's lips parted and I took that as an invitation to introduce them.
I couldn't just stop at a kiss and neither could Sydney, she was acting shy at first, but I could tell by her body language that she wanted this just as bad.
But I had to control myself. It was late and that's not how I expected this to go. Still, though, not complaining.
Finn started to cry and howl so I got up to see what that was about.
I'm no dog-whisperer, he probably was just lonely. So I told 'Alexa' to play soothing puppy sounds he should love, and went back upstairs.
There, I saw Sydney out of bed.
"I'm just gonna go," she let out.
"Why?" I asked, walking around the bed.
She laughed, embarrassed. "I know how this works, okay? I'm tired, you have to work, and I know guys don't just wanna cuddle."
"I'm a man, Sydney," I stated, peeling back the covers.
She liked that, starting to smile.
"Well, I-I've never actually cuddled before, like, with a man," she said, carefully walking back over to my platform bed.
I found that hard to believe but she had no good reason to lie so I accepted it as fact.
It was dark, and past ten o'clock. I wanted nothing more than a good night's sleep, I was going to get it either way, but now preferred it with her.
Sydney climbed back under the covers and was hesitant to put her body against mine. I found it cute, how timid she kinda was.
Under the AC and ceiling fan on it's highest setting, I pulled Sydney's body on top of mine.
She warmed up and wrapped her arms under my back.
"Good night, Wilson," she cooed.
I let my eyes shut. "Night, Sydney."
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