20. the comeback Syd
Sydney Bay Janes
With Chyna taking over the LA chapter of Reignbow now officially, I felt everything else would fall into place. She was a better fit for CEO anyway even if she didn't want to admit it.
The girls promised to come visit and once their schedules were clear, they'd come visit. They wanted to throw a launch party here in Nevada at a club where Patrick's connect, Anna Star, worked. I didn't mind that, but I also avoided letting the girls know I was kind of over the whole business.
Delaney welcomed me back but not with open arms. I couldn't help but feel like more and more of a burden. It's like, even when she tried consoling me, it took something out of her. Really, I think it's Tom, he's so controlling. When I first told Delaney I was staying with her, she was excited to host her niece. Now, it's like I have to compensate her if I even breathe the same air as her and Tom.
"Sorry," she said dry.
My eyes feasted on the boxes and artwork that occupied the back room that was once mine temporarily.
"I didn't think you'd be back, you didn't call for weeks," she talked, kicking junk out of the way to clear a path.
"You're right, and I should've. Sorry," I mumbled.
"Stop apologizing, you're my niece, I owe you this. At least after what you've been through."
I looked at her cold.
"I saw the news, all the articles online," she admitted she meant about my time with Tony.
Uncomfortable, I swallowed and scratched my arm.
"I'll move this out of your way later. I have a mean headache, I'm going to lie down. Try not to need me for anything. Tom will be here later so steak for dinner. If you don't want that, I'm sure you'll run out somewhere, just don't let Tom see any takeout, he'll see it as disrespect," she went on.
I almost couldn't stomach most of that. Why did I give a shit what Tom, or any man, thought was disrespect? Please.
"He's a piece of shit," I grumbled to myself.
"I'm sorry?" she asked me to repeat myself.
"Yeah, me too," I voiced, shutting the door in her tired face.
Since it was early in the morning, I remembered all the noise Will and his crew used to create, waking me up. Did I miss that?
I smiled, excited to take a look at how the yard was coming along.
Trying my hardest not to look out of a window, I made my way to the sliding glass door off the kitchen and stepped outside.
At long last, I looked up. To my surprise, it was finished. Like, completely done. I didn't expect that, but I guess a lot happened in nearly a month.
"Delaney never told me it was done," I said to myself, stepping off the patio. But then again, we never really talked so why would she?
"It's beautiful." My talking to myself could've looked crazy.
I couldn't wait to sit on the hammock and take golden hour pictures in front of all the greenery.
"Wilson did a good job, didn't he?" a gruff voice appeared in my ear.
I side-eyed the man.
"Tom," I snarled, folding my arms over my chest. "he did."
Tom, big and bald, stood with his hands in his jean's front pockets.
"Yep," he clicked. "don't soak it up too much, though. You won't be here long."
I turned to face him and then walked away, shaking my head with nothing to say as I didn't want to even entertain him.
Secluding myself in the bedroom, I had Will on the brain. So, I called him.
"--leave a message after the 'beep.'" Voice mail. Great.
"Hey, it's me - Sydney. I know we hardly know each other and it's literally been a month since you saw me now, but I wanna change that. I guess. Uh, yeah, text me or something," I talked to the machine.
Hours went by and before I knew it, Delaney had prepared Tom's steak. I went to the kitchen to see if I wanted to try her cooking again, but I was quickly turned off.
"It's bloody," I said in disgust of the beef.
"He likes it rare," she said, cutting the meat.
"That means alive, what is he, a vampire?"
She didn't want to, but laughed. "Sydney, you know what, you're something else. I got some sides, if you're hungry. And it's Kraft, not from scratch, you're welcome."
Thank God, something edible.
I helped myself to a bowl of mac and cheese, blowing a spoon-full before stuffing my mouth.
"Spent the afternoon looking for apartments?" she asked.
I shook my head. "I took a nap, literally just woke up. Tomorrow, promise."
She nodded.
"Did you see the backyard?" asked Delaney in her robe. This smile took over her face, she was proud of the work the men put in to bring her vision to life. It was heartwarming, but also, like, it's just grass and a hammock, chill.
"I did. Will did amazing," I talked, purposely saying his name.
"Oh, shoot," she hissed, pulling the Samsung phone from her back pocket.
"What?" I asked, wide-eyed.
"I keep forgetting to get him this second check, it's late, but he said I'm good for it, thanks to Tom," she rambled.
My eyes rolled at the mention of her boyfriend so I changed the subject back to the landscaper.
"Is he gonna come get it, or?"
"No, it's late, but Tom lives that way, he can get it to him tonight," she figured.
"Or," I said, standing. "I can. Tom's sleep, anyway, look."
We peered into the living room to see Tom asleep, snoring, in the recliner.
Delaney looked let down as she made a whole meal for him and knew he wouldn't wake up to appreciate her... hard work.
"Really, it's no big deal. I wanna get out anyway, come on," I pried.
She gave in, handing over the check. "Here, his address is on this envelope. Sydney, make sure this gets to him."
"Duh. Who else, Santa? I'll be back," I squeaked, running to my room.
I had on a mint green ribbed two piece lounge wear set -- leggings and a upside down triangle-shaped tube top with slits at the sides -- and little white trainers to go with plus a beige cardigan in case it got a little breezy.
My hair was wavy per usual but I tossed it in a high pony to be out of the way.
"Hi, picking up for Alma," I gave the cashier a fake name. I always did that, Chyna usually used my name. She had her fair share of employees hitting on her which she didn't like, and often even gave them a wrong number - also usually it would be my number.
"Here you go," the Hispanic man said to me, pushing the bag towards me.
I put a couple dollars in the tip jar, feeling good, and bounced out of the restaurant.
What, I'm not going to show up at Will's place unannounced and empty-handed? Besides, everyone likes pizza. I got cheese to be safe, but I liked it vegetarian style: onions, mushrooms.
I drove in my Audi in the direction Maps led me. After about a twenty-minute drive, I arrived outside of the address Delaney wrote down.
Pizza in hand, I hopped out and walked along the smooth, dark paved path.
Wow, I thought in my head. This is nice. I see it for him, I don't know what I expected. He is an exterior designer, it's not like he'd have an unruly yard himself.
You'd think this small, two story home wouldn't be impressive to me who's been inside Tony Becker's mega mansions, oh but it was. I already liked Will's place and hadn't even stepped foot inside.
There was two car garage where I figured he kept the Jeep I liked so much and his work truck. Then, what was the little red car in the driveway? Whatever.
My lips an 'o,' I exhaled, working up the nerve to knock. Trust me, I know how crazy it looks.
I let my hair down and knocked with an eager, but not thirsty, smile.
A minute passed, no answer.
Maybe I should've used the doorbell? Is it too late? I don't wanna push it and rush him, looking desperate.
My finger was a centimeter from the bell when the door opened.
Red in the face, I laughed it off.
"Hey," I croaked, awkwardly. "Funny seeing you here."
"At my house?" he gulped, leaning against the door frame with folded arms.
I twisted my mouth. "Uh, yeah."
"I didn't Doordash anything," he joked, dry.
"It's on the house," I played along.
And holy, he was standing there shirtless, not even flexing. Or maybe he was, not intentionally perhaps, and still, a masterpiece: a body that had tp be discovered by my hands.
Him saying, "I'm kinda busy right now," snapped me out of my thoughts.
"Huh?" I asked, closing my lips.
He chuckled a little, scratching the stubble growing down his chin and neck. Hot.
I shook my head, having actually heard what he said.
"But I bought pizza," I pouted.
Will laughed again at me and walked me to my car.
"You're cute," he taunted. "but I have a thing."
I looked past him, through the cracked front door and saw a woman peeking at me.
I blinked away, catching sight of the red car again.
He looked at me, as if waiting for an objection.
My whole demeanor changed. "If you're seeing someone, you could've just said that," I spoke lowly, shoving the pizza at his chest.
He chuckled, stalling me from getting in the driver's seat.
"It's not like you called me. It's been a month," he argued. Point there.
I bobbed my head. "I was busy, alright, man?"
"Don't 'alright, man,' me. Now I'm busy," he tested.
"Well, I never," I gasped, being my dramatic self. That made Wilson laugh again.
I looked up at him, wetting his lips.
"Give me a second, okay? Don't go anywhere," he said, squaring my exposed shoulders.
"Sure," I said to myself as he walked away, "I'll keep the pizza warm."
Will shut himself back inside his house and I beatboxed (poorly) to pass time.
After a few short minutes, the woman came barreling outside. She cussed under her breath the whole time she searched her purse for the keys. I just watched.
"Motherfucker," she grumbled.
"What?!" the brunette snapped at me for looking at her.
I blinked, trying not to laugh.
Waving me off, she answered a phone call and got inside the car, pulling off, swerving.
I wish I could say I cared enough to hope she's alright. But I didn't.
That's when Will appeared on the step, now in a shirt. I approached him with a raised brow.
"Who was that?" I questioned before continuing inside.
His hands on his hips, Will blew a raspberry. "Sister," he claimed.
"Mhm," I sounded, pushing past his body.
"Really," he said, shutting the door after me.
I turned on my heels, walking backwards down a corridor. "Well, she had bad vibes."
"Oh, the worst vibes," he played. I noticed his subtle double take at me, the casual up and down as he wet his lips.
I smiled, wondering where to put the food.
Will showed me to the table but not after I took a detour.
"I like your house," I commented, taking my shoes off.
"You didn't have to take your shoes off," he said, grabbing two plates.
I shrugged. "Don't you want a clean floor?"
"Your feet stink," he laughed. I dropped my jaw.
"No they don't," I said, straight-faced.
He just laughed, pulling out Birch beer from the fridge.
I looked at Will plainly.
"What?" he barked.
"Birch beer, ew. I'll take water."
He bobbed his head in the direction of the fridge as he was now at the island.
I groaned, having to get it myself.
"You're a terrible host," I spat, filling my glass.
As I got some cubed ice, I noticed a door to the right. What I thought was the laundry room, had a little surprise.
Out waddled a brown puppy, yawning.
I almost dropped the glass from my hand.
"Oh my gosh! Will!" I shrieked, almost in tears. I hadn't seen a puppy in so long, or played with one. I always wanted a dog but Dad was allergic and Chyna's scared.
He laughed in short, walking over to me.
"It's just a puppy, you act like you've never seen one before."
I sucked my teeth at Will. "Not one so cute! What's his name?"
"Finn. While you were gone, I got a puppy. Wes's friend has, like, a puppy farm. He breeds them, whatever."
I got starry-eyed. "I might steal him from you. Yes I will, yes I will. Aw, such a good boy!"
I was overwhelmed with love and cuteness. When Finn licked me, Will took him from my hands.
"Jealous," I scoffed.
"Very," he shot back, sitting Finn on the floor to explore.
The puppy was two months old and had been with Will for four weeks, I learned.
Finn, a chocolate lab, seemed like a great fit for Wilson.
I sat at the island, watching Will watch Finn.
"You better not pee," he gritted at the pup.
I slapped his hand to get him out of Dad mode.
"How are you going to take care of him?" I asked, taking a slice of pizza for myself.
He removed his eyes off Finn on the dark hardwood floor for a second to answer.
"What you mean?"
"Well, you're always working. And you barely have time for Hunter, who's supposed to be your brother?"
His face molded. "D-don't talk to me about work, okay, I don't like it. Hunter, either. That's-"
"Different," I filled in the blank. "I know. Sorry."
When Finn made way to the living room where toys and a training pad were, Will followed, as did I.
I sat on the sofa with my right foot under my butt.
Seeing Will play with Finn had me in awe.
"I think I'll get a puppy when I move into my new house," I said aloud, pushing my plate away.
Will, on the floor under me, looked up. "Yeah?"
I nodded, surely. "Mhm!"
"You got a house? Here?"
"Well, not yet, but I will," I let him know.
Will and Finn played tug-of-war with this toy rope. Finn growled and tried winning. When Will let him, the pup pranced a few feet away to protect his prize and bite it in peace.
I put my palm to my neck and let out a small yawn. To wake me up, I drank some ice water and chewed some gum I offered Will.
"So, you're staying?" he asked, smacking.
"I think so," I answered, picking at my leggings.
"I don't like that answer," he mumbled, standing.
"What do you like?" I got smart, flailing my arms.
"Movies," he replied. "pick one."
I hunched my shoulders.
As Will powered on the tv and picked a streaming service, he tossed his head back and groaned, "Why are women like this? Jesus, just pick a fuckin' movie."
I laughed out loud. "Finn, you hear that? Your dad is angry," I talked in a baby voice.
"I will put him away," Will threatened.
"Don't you dare." I gasped. "Him so cute!"
"I don't do rom-coms," Will said.
I furrowed my eyebrows. "I don't do anime."
"Noted. We'll have to change that, but noted. How you feel aboutttt, scary movies?"
I popped my shoulder. "Actual scary movies, or paranormal?"
"Big one. There's good movies, the classics, that are actually horror. Then there's this new wave that just care about jump scares, it's not really scary."
"Didn't know you were such a movie buff," he spat.
"I'm not, I just like good scary movies."
I twisted my mouth in thought, then it hit me.
"Let me see the remote," I demanded with my hand out.
Will put Finn inside this baby gate thing in the middle of the floor and gave him some toys, his bed, a training pad in case he used the bathroom, and food/water bowls.
As I surfed through the categories, I sent a grin at Will who was returning from the hall closet with blankets.
"Aren't you sweet," I sassed, bouncing in my seat.
"Shut up," he grumbled, throwing a blanket right at my face.
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