Chapter 19: CCG Visit
I groaned as I rolled out of bed. Last night I had no luck in finding any information that led to Kaneki. And I was really getting pissed off. I let out a loud groan as I plopped onto the floor with a big.
Hide came out of the bathroom, with a towel in his hand as he dried his head.
"What's with all the noise?"
I said nothing as I groaned and crawled back into bed while smashing my head into the pillow, which only caused Hide to laugh.
"Shut the hell up." I mumbled as I kicked the blanket off.
"Someone's in a mood. Is it that time of month again?"
I leaped up my face blushing furiously as I grabbed the pillow and chucked it at his face.
"Shut the hell up you weirdo!"
He laughed again as he picked up the pillow.
"Yep. That time of month."
I jumped up on the mattress and pointed an accusing finger at him as my other hand clung to my chest. My cheeks were burning red.
"It is not that time of month! Stop being so damn accusing! I'm just tired you big idiot!"
Hide laughed once more and plopped down onto the edge of the bed. He sighed as he looked down at the floor again. I sighed as I got to my knees and pressed my head against his back.
"Do you think he'll come back?" He asked.
My eyes softened as I lifted my head and whispered in his ear.
"He will. We just have to have faith."
He smiled lightly as he kissed my cheek and got up. I looked up at him as he walked over to the dresser and threw a pair of black jeans and a white top at me.
"Come on, get dressed. We're heading out."
I sighed as I hopped out of bed and pulled on my clothes getting ready for the day.
Hide and I walked around the Kami campus for awhile till he noticed a poster of Kaneki hanging up. He walked up and pulled it off, rolled it up and put it in his bag.
"There we go. This is the perfect spot."
"Hold it Hide. You can't just take that down." A student spoke.
"Leave him be." I said.
"Whatever. If we want people to see our poster we need to put it were it stands out." Hide said as I nodded my head.
"There." He said as he finished putting it up. He then looked over at the person next to him.
"Huh? What are you doing here?" I peeked around him. And saw that he was talking to Touka.
"Touka?" I asked as she looked surprised to see us.
"So. You wanna join Kami! That's great, Touka! We can be buddies here if you get in!" I said as I leaned over the table and grabbed her hands as I gave her a closed eye smile. Touka's face flushed as she looked away.
"Quit making asumptions Mira!" She said as I let out a soft laugh and looked at her.
"Why'd you choose Kami anyways?" I asked. Touka said nothing as she looked down. A sly smile crossed my face as I bent forward and whispered in her ear.
"Oh~ I know why~"
"It's not like that." Touka yelled as she stood up with her hands on the table, I laughed as I sat back down.
"Calm down. I was only kidding." I said bluntly.
"Here. Nice and hot." Hire said as he handed Touka and I some coffee.
"Thanks Hide." Touka said as I smiled.
"So decided to go to Kami, huh?" Hide said.
"Yeah, I guess."
"Man, those entry exams are a bitch."
Hide huffed as he took a sip of his coffee.
"It was pretty tough. But I have no doubt you'll get in." I said as I sipped my coffee.
"You'll be fine." Hide said.
"About Kaneki." Touka asked suddenly, causing Hide to look over at her.
"I was wondering....what kind of person he was as a kid."
I looked over at Hide, also wanting to know more about Kaneki.
"Kaneki, huh." Hide said as he let out a hum thinking.
"He's been a serious bookworm as long as I've known him. Whenever he'd get the chance he'd bury his face in one of them. After his mom died he changed. It was suttle, but I noticed. He always seemed lonely, even in a crowd." Hide said as Touka looked down, but Hide brightened up.
"It sounds depressing, but he found other intrest and even had a led in a school play once." Hide said as I smiled and looked at my hands.
"A play?" Touka asked.
"I know! He doesn't seem like the type at all. But he was so good in the play it actually gave me goosebumps."
"He'd always shoulder the weight of the world. It didn't matter what he was doing, he'd dawn his mask and did anything life threw at him." Hide said as he looked down and I grabbed his hand giving it a squeeze.
"Maybe that burden was too much to carry. Where ever he went I just hope he's happy." Hide said as Touka stood up.
"I'll bet he's out there right now reading a book or don't worry...I'm sure, he's safe and sound." Touka said as she sat back down. I smiled as I looked at Touka.
"You're probably right. Books were always his thing." I said as I chuckled.
Hide smiled as we stood up, Hide mounted onto his bike as I hoped onto mine.
"I don't suppose you ever caught Kaneki's bad habit." Hide asked Touka, as she looked over.
"Yeah. Whenever he was trying to hide something, he'd grab his chin and rub it like this." Hide said as he rubbed his chin.
"But, you didn't hear that from me. See ya." Hide said as he waved and rode off.
"Later Touka." I said as I began to ride off.
Hide looked down as we rode off.
"You okay?"
He looked up and smiled.
"Huh? Oh, yeah I'm fine."
I said nothing as we rode on.
"Hey, Hide?"
He looked over at me.
My face grew hot as I looked away.
"I, uh....I was wondering, if I could you know......go with you to work." I said as I looked down.
"You want to come to work with me? Why?"
I said nothing as my face grew hot.
"I, uh.....oh! Never mind! It was a stupid question anyway." I said as I rode ahead. Only for Hide to catch up.
"Hey! I was only kidding, if course I'll take you to work with me. I can finally show off that your real at least." Hide said. My face brightened up as I gave him ass closed eye smile.
Hide laughed.
"Of, course, come on"
"Yo! Got a delivery for you Sado." Hide said as we walked into someone's office. A young man with brown hair ad brown eyes looked up.
"What's up messenger."
"It's Nagachika. Geez, would it kill you to remember my name at least once." he said as he handed him the package and I laughed, which caused Sado to look my way.
"Huh? Who's that you got there." He asked plainly as he pointed at me.
"Hello. I'm Mira Hisaki, Hide's girlfriend. It's nice to meet you." I said as I stuck my hand out and offered him a smile. But in return he just freaked out.
"Huh!? Your real?!"
"What?" I said as I looked at Hide.
"No one thought you were real." Hide mumbled.
"Huh!?" I said as I sulked in the corner, while Hide sweat dropped.
"So what's that you got there?" Hide asked as he looked at the file Sado was looking at. This perked my intrest so I joined them.
"Huh? Just reading up on the eyepatch ghoul."
I stiffened as he said eyepatch.
"Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't that eyepatch ghoul first show up in the 20th ward?" Hide said.
"You've done your homework. That's right he and the white fox and the rabit ghoul. There suspected of killing an investigator." Sado said as I stiffened once more.
"So, who's this Naki guy?"
"A cross between a dedicated underwing and a rabid fan boy. He worked for Jaden. Eyepatch freed him on his way to Clackia(I don't know how to spell it.)."
"It's a ghoul interminent center. You know like a jail in the 23rd ward. It's were the CCG house S and double S rated ghouls." Sado explained.
"Wow. Sounds teriffying."
"Yeah." I said.
"Yeah. Working there isn't high on my list of priorities."
"Do you think eyepatch could've been helping one of his buddies?" Hide asked.
"Who can say for sure. We don't even know for sure if ghouls have a sense of commeraridy."
"Sounds like Aogiri and groups like it must be pretty rare then." Hide said.
"Actually they pop up all the time. When the Owl fisrt showed up 10 years ago he had a little possy of his own. And there were groups like the Black Doobers and the Ape Faces, they were big back in the day, but none heard from them in years."
"I hope your getting paid for this information." A voice spoke, causing the three of them to jump. I turned around and saw a pale woman with short blond hair and a red shirt with a black pencil skirt and a black jacket over her shirt. She looked familer. But I couldn't put my finger on it.
"Otherwise. Why would you offer it up." She said as she leaned against the door way. Sado mumbled as he looked away and she walked over.
"Hey Akira! What's shacking!" Hide said.
Akira huh?
"Nagachika. Is that right?" Akira asked as she looked at me.
"Who's this?" She asked.
"I'm Mira Hisaki. It's nice to meet you." I said as I gave her a smile. Bring she just stared at me, which caused me to sweat drop under her gaze.
"Would you care to me why you two are so intrested in ghouls?"
"Well it's hard not to be when their all over the news. And knowing is half the battle, right? Well, we'll get out of your hair, enjoy the resr of your day." Hide said smiling as he grabbed my hand and dragged me out before I could protest.
~ 3rd person p.o.v ~
Hide sat on the floor as he unrolled the poster of Kaneki.
"For crying out loud, you know better then to make a nice girl wait for you."
Hide sighed as he heard the bathroom door open. He looked up and saw Mira walk out with one of his shirts. She yawned as she stretched and rubbed her eyes and walked over.
"What're you doing?" She asked sleepily. She then looked down and saw that he was holding the poster of Kaneki. She sighed as she took it from his hands and rolled it up, smaking it on his head.
Mira huffed as she bent forward with one hand on her hip as she used the other that was holding the paper to point at him.
"Sitting her all night looking at paper isn't going to find him." She said as he looked down. She sighed as she dropped to her knees infront of him.
"Look. I know it's been hard, but we'll find him. And we'll bring him home and everything will go back to normal, alright?" Mira said as she placed a hand onto his shoulder. She gasped in surprise as Hide dug his face into her chest, causing her face to flush.
"I know. I'm sorry. You're right." Hide mumbled into her chest.
Mira's eyes softened as she wrapped her arms around him and hugged him.
"It's comfy here." Hide mumbled.
Mira gasped as she pushed him away and scooted away, her face red.
"Pervert!" She yelled.
Hide lauged as he got up and laid down in their bed. He opened his eyes when he felt weight on his stomach and he looked up to see Mira sitting on his stomach. He raised an eyebrow as he smirked.
"What's this about?" He asked. Mira only smiled as she looked down at him.
"You looked sad. You need yo lighten up a bit."
Hide chuckled as he looked up at his beautiful girlfriend.
"And your a nice pillow to sit on." Mira lauhed as Hide smiled. She them laid down on top of him and snuggled into his chest. Hide wrapped his arms around her and held her close. Mira looked up and placed a soft kiss onto his lips. They melted into the kiss before pulling away.
"I love you, Hide." Mira said as she laid her head back into his chest.
"Love you too, Mira." Hide whispered as he watched his girlfriend fall into slumber. Thinking how he got so lucky.
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