A dark red ball flew across the side of Kyungsoos head and proceeded to hit Kim Taehyung, a junior who wobbled off the court, pouting. The thrower, Jeon Jungkook, also a junior, winked causing Taehyung to blush.
"Ew," Kyungsoo scoffed, rolling his eyes. Before he could turn straight, a ball flew into his abdomen, causing a terrible pain to shoot through his whole body.
He looked at the culprit to see none other than Chanyeol, who mistakenly threw the ball in the wrong direction. When a scowl crossed Kyungsoos face, everything stopped. No one threw another ball, and Chanyeol looked terrified. Even Mr. Min, who's whistle hung out his mouth, stood frozen.
"You," he growled, pointing at the terrified male. "You're going to meet me after school. Don't you dare try and walk away from this one." When he sat down next to YiFan, he felt a hand on his shoulder.
It took one scowling look for the hand to go away and a nervous chuckle to fall from the elder. "O-okay then." It fell silent between them for a few minutes before YiFan continued. "So, you and Chanyeol then?"
When Kyungsoo nodded, he huffed. That was all, he lost the bet that he made at lunch. The deadline was a month, yet Kyungsoo beat him in a matter of hours. "You're good, you know that?"
Kyungsoo smirked before nodding. He saw the junior pouting on the bench. With a snap of his finger, Taehyung was looking, kind of scared, walking towards him. "Taehyung, right?"
Another silent nod that filled the gym, already full of tension. The court was still frozen, their eyes avoiding the direction of Kyungsoo. Once you get him mad, you don't want to do it again. "Mr. Min, shouldn't they be playing?" Kyungsoo called out, making the gym teacher jump from his trance and blow the whistle, making it cut through the air. "Anyway, Taehyung. Do you, by any cance, like Jungkook?"
The way a deep shade of crimson crossed the boys tan cheeks, and Kyungsoo knew he was right. "H-How'd you know?"
"Its obvious really. Just the way you look at him. Oh, and when he winked. That blush you had," Kyungsoo squeezed the youngers cheeks, making him wince. "Either he likes you back, or he just wants to get in your pants."
Yifan smacked his shoulder and said, "Dude, what?"
"I mean just the subtle things. A small, sweet smile means he genuinely likes you, you he tries to make you happy. Now, a lustful smirk or wink and what not, means he wants a peice of that a-"
"OKAY! Kyungsoo, how about you not be so blunt." Yifan intercepted, not wanting to scare Taehyung.
"Well, with Jungkook, its always a little bit of both. He makes me more happy, though." Taehyung said, avoiding contact. Before either of the other two boys could continue, the whistle sounded, representing the ten minute mark for them to change back into their uniforms.
"Just watch out is all I'm saying. We'll be friends from now on. You're interesting." Kyungsoo told him before walking off into the locker rooms. He was the first to be done, so he sat in the bleachers, sighing in defeat when Minseok and Jongdae came out holding hands. They sat a few feet away from Kyungsoo but he could still see them doing couple things.
'This day can't end any sooner.' He told himself.
I broke my phone so i had to deal with my laptops auto-correcting :")
welp bye spawns
-Im Out-
-Lexi x
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