Part 8: That time of the month
(Mikasa P.O.V.)
I let go of him as we got in the car, still blushing.
"Okay, so the last place he was is 39 miles away." I said, looking at my phone.
"Okay where is it?"
"Oh yea I forgot you were driving. Umm, I'll get GPS directions."
"Hey Siri!" I said into my phone.
"Yes, how may I help you?" She said back.
"I need directions to the shopping center in Wamloe, 39 miles away."
"Right on it."
The directions popped up.
"Here, Eren." I smiled and gave it to him.
I sat there starting at him as he started to drive off... then I started. I yelled,
"STOP! EREN STOP!" He slammed in the breaks.
"What's wrong?" I got out of the car rushing back in side the motel. "Mikasa?! Where are you going? Did you leave something?" He got out of the truck running after me.
"Eren! I turned around and stopped him. "I'm okay I just need to do something. Just wait in the truck."
And with that he did. I knew he knew not to disobey me or whatever, but I'm not like his parent. I ran into the bathroom.
"Shit! I forgot my bag!" I looked around for one of those things where they sell the tampons, "Thank god!"
You Probably don't wanna hear the rest.
I walked out of the motel again and headed to the truck where Eren was sitting and waiting.
"What's wrong?"
"Oh just started my-"
"Um... I'll tell ya later, let's go before I get hungry." (Or until I leak again).
Okay now you know how girls get major mood swings and get pissed real easily and are grumpy, when their on their period? Well... I always tried to be normal I just can't control it though. Eren was not to good of a driver, he swerved and veered off the sides of the roads.
"Woah! Mikasa what's wrong with you?"
"Just shut up, and drive right." I guess I didn't realize how much of a bitch I was being.
I looked up at Eren, he had a confused look and his face, then suddenly it changed. He laughed.
"So it's that time of the month again?" He laughed even harder.
"Ugh! Eren." I blushed.
"Darn! Who ever your dating can't fuck you cause you'll get pregnant!" Did he think this was funny?
"Eren! SHUT THE HELL UP! And that's not how it works. I'm not dating anyone and defiantly wouldn't fuck them!"
"Ha! Don't know about that last part!"
I hit him in the chest with my fist.
"Ah shit Mikasa, damn your strong! And you really don't have a boyfriend?"
"No, now just drive."
"I am!" He chuckled, "When's the last time you had a boyfriend?" He smiled obviously still amused by what just happened.
"Like elementary or junior high."
"Really? I don't remember anyone..."
"Yea because no one ever asked or cared. Remember Eren I was always the third wheel." I was looking down twisting my hair.
He pulled the car to a stop at the side of the road,
"What?! Mikasa no you were never the third wheel and you'll never be!" He grabbed my shoulders forcing me to look at him.
Within seconds I was almost touching him. We embraced then he started to lean close to my face...
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