Market days used to freak me out, I was happy to grow the produce and dump it on Trish to sell. I'm still more comfortable growing then selling, but I don't mind helping out now.
The saturday morning farmers market is the event for foodies. Colourful tent covered booths line the lot with throngs of people milling around hoping to get the best products or deals.
Multiple produce vendors, baked goods, canned goods, orchards, fish, meats and more. Trish bakes bread, sweets and cans, while I grow everything you could think of. It's the perfect partnership, she cans all of the surplus and loves to sell stuff.
"Hey Trish," I greet walking up with the fresh cut sunflowers and cosmos.
"Those are beautiful Jess," she says taking them from me. Her energy is bright and bubbly like always, she thrives in the chaos of this environment.
"Look who finaly showed up," Jude teases, leaning up against his display case. His bright blue eyes sparkle in the summer sunlight as he brushes his dirty blond hair back. Annoying tall and well built, he catches a lot of attention.
"You know mornings aren't my thing," I reply. They really aren't but I stayed at the pack house last night so that added 45 minutes trip back home before gathering stuff for the market.
Once everything is set up we take a seat in the lawnchairs behind the booths. Jude has come a long way since I first met him here. Packless and lonely to a member of Still Waters pack and our gamma, there's no one I trust more.
"Can you swing by my place before you head back today?" Jude asks.
"Of course, whats up?"
"I think I can get everything out in one trip with both trucks, land lord's got a new tenant, and it's time." I smile and nod.
"Big move," I tease and he beams.
"I'm happy for you, it took him long enough," I say with frown.
"Chris does everything on his own time line, much like someone else I know," Jude says nudging my shoulder with his.
"Speaking of Chris, where is Mr. Tall dark and handsome?" Trish asks.
"Buisness meeting I think? He said he'll be back for dinner, we're supposed to go out tonight," I say with a blush. Trish jumps up to help a customer leaving me and Jude.
"So our Alpha is finally taking you on an actual date?" He teases.
"I guess so," I laugh nervously and blush.
"So where's he taking you?" Trish asks as she sits back down.
"Dunno, he never said, just told me to wear bike safe clothes, so I'm guessing a drive somewhere." I typically hate surprises, but this has me a little excited, not gonna lie.
A few hours later the market's wrapping up and I've loaded up the packs orders in my truck. Once we're packed up I follow Jude over to his lake side cottage.
"Feels so strange," I say tossing a box in the back of my truck.
"I know right," Jude says with a grin. "It's good though, as gamma I really need to be there at all times anyways. Back in my old pack I always lived in the pack house anyways, though this is a hell of an upgrade."
We load up the last couple boxes and lock up for the last time before heading off. The drive back was quick, only about a half hour before we pulled up to the pack house.
"Don't worry about this, I'll get the guys to give me a hand, you have a date to get ready for. He says an hour?" Jude asks for confirmation, I nod. Sometimes I wish I could link like they could, but I don't really need anyone else in my mind.
After a quick shower I braid my hair and change into dark skinny jeans and scoop neck off the shoulder top. With a little light make up and one last look I grabbed my phone and wallet and went for the door.
Chris: I'm out front when you're ready, see you soon!
I can't help the grin that spreads across my face as I blush. For all we've been through it's funny to think that we've never actually been out on a date.
I head out of the room and down the stairs to the front door.
"You clean up well," Jace teases from the couch causing another blush. "Relax my elf, you'll have a great time."
Chris is waiting for me outside, casually talking to Jude while sitting on his bike. He's attractive on a good day but sitting there in his jeans and leather jacket, has me wanting to stay in tonight.
'Second that notion.' 'The night's young, lots of time.'
"Keep looking at me like that kitten and the night will end before it begins," Chris says seductively. That one phrase was all it took to calm my nerves and cause me to blush.
"Try to keep the place from burning down while we're out Jude," he says with a grin.
He hands me a jacket and helmet and kicks the bike to life. Once geared up I hop on behind him and wrap my arms around him. I felt his chest rumble through my finger tips as we took off down the road.
"So where are we going?" I asked through bluetooth.
"Just enjoy the ride baby," he says with a laugh. I lay my cheek against his back and do just that, taking in the beautiful scenery and savoured the moment.
We cruised all across Still Water's territory before leaving and heading north. We pulled up to a little bar at the edge of a small town, truck central.
"After you," he says putting a hand on my lower back.
The bar was more of a pub, dimly lit with booths on the far side, a long crowded bar and several pool tables. I freeze seeing how many people were in there.
"Come on," Chris whispers in my ear wrapping an arm around me, guiding us to a booth.
After ordering drinks and dinner we settle back, I couldn't help but feel a bit nervous.
"What's wrong," he asks.
"No idea," I laugh. "I always sucked at first dates, or dating in general."
"I mean I'm not much better," he says with a laugh running his hand through his hair. "I kind of got the order all wrong, taking you out after being with you for like the last three months."
"I didn't make it easy for you," I admit.
"No, you did not," he said with a chuckle. I raised a brow in challange but he brought my hand to his lips. "But you're worth it baby."
"Nice save," I tease biting my lower lip. I don't miss his eyes flicker to brown as they lock on my lips as he smirks.
"Chris, good to see you again, hun," the waitress says sliding a hand on his shoulder after dropping off our drinks off.
'She needs to move that hand if she wants to keep it.' 'Right!?.'
"Joanna, still slaving away here eh?" He teases, flashing a winning smile.
Now, I've never been a jealous woman, but at this exact moment the thought of ripping her hand off and beating her with it was very appealing. But instead I sat there chewing on my cheek instead.
"Girl's got to earn a living after all," she replies in a flirty way.
'This bitch!' 'Not helping.'
"Joanna, let me introduce you to someone very special, meet Jess," he says grabbing my hand and beaming at me. I softend instantly.
"So great to finaly meet you," she says with a genuine smile.
"Nice to meet you too?" I say raising a brow.
"The last time the boys were in they were on Chris relentlessly about you," she laughed as Chris rubbed his neck. I just laughed. "Tell Jace to hurry back already, won't you?"
"Will do," he says as she heads off. He turns back to me and looks for a second before smirking.
"You're jealous?" He asks like even he doesn't believe it.
Instead of answering I just take a long drink, hoping he'll change topics. Lord knows he'll call me on it if I lie. He laughs again as I blush and roll my eyes. Kill me now, what is this man doing to me.
Saved by the food as the server drops a couple burgers, fries and onion rings off for us.
"Now you know how I felt with Jude always hanging around you," he grumbles.
I raised my brow at that. "Jude didn't get all handsy like that," I chirp.
"Ha! His hands were always on you, arm wrapped around you, hugs, you always smelled of him," he grates out.
"Really?!" I challange.
"Really. You have as much to worry about with me and Joanna as I do from Jude," he replies.
"Theres nothing with Jude-"
"Exactly, but jealous Jess is kind of hot," he teases.
"She's dangerous too," I challange.
"Of that I have no doubt," he laughs before finishing his beer. He signals for a new round so I toss back the rest of my whiskey and pepsi.
"The foods pretty good here," I admit.
"Yeah, we've been coming here since we were teens, got my first hang over here," he laughs. "Thought Xavier was gonna die, he didn't drink again till his 19th birthday."
"So why whiskey?" He asks.
"Why beer? I don't really like how beer tastes, given a choice. The people I hung out with in my early 20's all drank beer and whiskey. Guess it just stuck with me." Seems like so long ago.
"Not exactly a girlie drink," he says curious.
"Nope, there was only one girl in the group, but they were good guys, taught me all about motorcycles." I smile at the carefree memories.
"I always wondered about that, you shocked the hell out of me when you first took my bike," he admits.
"It's a bit big for me, but such a nice ride," I say with a smirk.
"Still talking about the bike?" He teases as I laugh.
"I think this is the first time you've really talked about something from your past," he muses. I just shrug.
"I'm more interested in the present," I admit, earning me a dazzling grin.
"Well aren't you smooth tonight," he teases.
"I have my moments I'm told," I giggle.
"So how are you at pool? Or is your aim spot on there too?" He challanges.
"I'm deffinately way better at archery and shooting, no angles required there."
"Lets see what you've got," he says standing with a hand out for me.
He leads me to the vaccant table in the corner and heads to the bar. I walk up to the cues on the wall and randomly pick one. A new drink and a shot are waiting at the pool table for me.
"Trying to get me drunk?" I playfully ask.
He grabs his shot and walk over raising it to me. "Just leveling the playing field," he grins tossing his back. My eyes lingered as the fiery liquid passed his lips and slid past his dancing adams apple.
'Leveling the field my ass!' 'Two can play at that.'
His thumb pulls my bottom lip from my teeth before he brings his lips to mine. "You know that makes me crazy," he huskily whispers as I blush. "Bottoms up baby, don't fall behind."
I toss mine back and flip the glass before chasing it with the mix drink. The whiskey just feeds the fire already lit within me.
He racks the balls as I chalk my cue, I can't help but notice his concentration as he orders the balls. Clearly he's played a fair amount of pool, I may have my work cut out for me.
"Break," he commands. I line up and take my shot... It's terrible, not a single ball sunk. Oh god I am rusty, that or the alcohol, or him, definitely one of those or all of them.
"You have played pool before right?" He asks with a chuckle.
"It's been a few years," I admit, embarassed. "I guess I'm more rusty then I thought."
He reracks the balls before walking up to me. "How bout a refresher course?" His seductive voice has my core throbbing. Not trusting my voice I just nod and take another sip of my drink.
His hands are on my hips in an instant as he steps flush behind me. Slowly he bends us over the table, snaking his arms around mine to grip the cue.
"Concentrate little one," he mumbles in my ear. I scoff as it has the exact opposite effect. He grinds his hips against mine causing me to gasp. I'm so fucked.
I feel every one of his muscles flex as we break sinking three balls. Two stripes one solid.
"Stripes," I call. Sliding out from under him. I catch a couple guys staring at us. "Chris we're not alone, try not to give too much of a show eh?"
He looks up and glares at the drunk guys who eventually look away. "I make no promises, you look beautiful tonight, and I fully intend to enjoy what's mine," he says playfully spanking my butt.
He signals the waitress and turns back to the game. "Forget them." I lean over to make my next shot and feel him step in behind me. I swallow hard, desperately trying to concentrate on the shot but failing miserably.
He slips his foot between mine and slides it over widening my stance. My core clenches as my mind drifts far, far away from pool. "Focus," he commands, tucking my elbow back.
'Oh I'm focused alright, just not on pool.' 'Oh my god can it, I just can't right now.'
"You're enjoying this aren't you," I accuse.
He leans back taking a long drink from his beer while he studies me. "Immensely," he says grinning.
I sink the five in the corner pocket, next I bank the three into the side pocket. Lucky number seven comes up just short of the goal ending my turn.
"Looks like things may be coming back to you after all, but it's my turn now," he says with a wink. I watch as he artfully moves around the table and he sinks the next three shots. There was no easy fourth so he made sure my next shot was hard.
The next round of drinks came and I threw back the shot right off the bat earing a raised brow. I set up across the table and leaned in for the shot, banking the four into the side pocket.
His hand grazed my shoulder as he slid my top back up, his eyes swirling with lust. I brushed him off and went for my next shot, but came up short on my last ball.
"Care for a game?" A guy cuts in looking at Chris.
"Thanks, but I'm just here to show my girl a good time," he dismisses them.
"Doubles is a great time, this is Hank and I'm Tim," he says holding out his hand. Chris reluctantly shakes.
"Chris and Jess," he says drawing me tight against him.
"Pleasure is all mine," he says winking at me. "What are you drinking? Next rounds on us." He gestures to the waitress who nods and heads off.
Chris goes back to the table and sinks the last ones winning the game. "Later," he mumbles in my ear.
The next round shows up, and we do our shots. Tim racks and Hank breaks sinking one of each. "Call it," he says to me.
"Stripes," I call and he proceeds to sink two solids before missing.
"My turn," I say before I flash Chris a devious grin. Crack. The two finds the corner pocket, next shot downs the four in the side pocket and third shot lands lucky number seven in the corner pocket.
The guys look at each other a bit confused, clearly haveing watched Chris 'teach' me how to play. Chris however grins and shakes his head in amusement as he catches on.
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