2 - Pink Eye
I tried to turn back into my human form, but I failed and quickly ran to the door, then shoved myself against it so no one could open. This had never happened before, I had no control over my powers and I didn't know how to fix it.
"You okay in there Max?" Ross asked through the door.
"Y-Yeah! The popcorns just about ready!" I replied to him.
I didn't think he was there anymore so I just moved away from the door and thought about everything.
Why was this happening? Just, out of nowhere, I couldn't change myself back completely to my human form, why?
I just had to face it, if they asked I would have to tell them everything, wait, there was sunglasses laying on the table. Okay, I'll just use them to cover up my eyes, then just not open my mouth. Perfect! And if you're wondering why I didn't want to tell my friends this now, I've hidden it from them for so long that I'm just afraid, afraid to tell them that really, inside, I'm a monster.
I poured the popcorn into a bowl and eventually brought it through to the guys, they didn't seem suspicious at all.
"What's with the sunglasses?" Tim asked.
"I..Uhh.. I-I have pink eye!" I said and forced a smile. I then realised what I had just said. Wow Max, great one right there, good job.
"Pink eye? When did this happen?" Ross asked me.
"I don't know, woke up with it.." I replied.
"Well okay then, but it can't be that bad.." Ross said as he reached for the glasses.
"N-No don't pull them off!" I said, preventing him from taking the glasses off my face.
"Okay, calm down man I won't touch you.." Ross said and looked away from me.
Tim had put on a horror movie, great, everyone knows I love those. Tim and Ross were all excited, this was 'horror film of the year' apparently. It was only four minutes in and I was already hating this.
"I think I'm gonna go upstairs.." I said to them.
"Okay, if you're going out could you go to the store, I need some stuff.." Tim said as he was completely focused on the movie.
"What stuff?" I asked him.
"Uhh.. I need marshmallows for the new challenge video we're doing.." Tim said blankly.
"Oh yeah! I'll go get them now then,"
I got ready and grabbed my car keys, "See you guys in a bit!" I said as I opened the door.
"See ya," Ross said and I laughed.
I headed out to my car and drove off..
Thank you for reading!! See ya in the next chapter!! ~ Alex
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