//Chapter 8\\
//Jess' POV\\
I heard the quiet voice of my brother Ross talking to someone, wait Ross?! I opened my eyes, confused on why I'm home, wasn't I at school? I felt Ross' hand on my arm gently he was sitting on the ground In front of me, the memories of today came flooding In, causing me to shake, a whimper escaping past my lips. Ross' head snapped to me, his eyes full of worry and sadness. Ross picked me up, placing me on his lap as I soaked his light grey shirt with my tears. Ross moved to sitting on the ground to the couch. I winced at the pain In my side, burying my head Into my brothers chest. "I heard what happened..." Ross whispered, lightly rubbing my back In attempt to calm me down. "I could go beat the fluff out of that little jerk, If you want," I giggled at Ross' words, wiping my tears away I smiled up at my older brother. "Orrrr, I could go beat him up with Max!" Ross grinned like an Idiot as my face lit up. "Max?" I asked, Ross nodded, as a ginger haired figure jumped off the balcony from the second level, landing behind the couch. "MAX!" I yelled, leaping off my brother and literally knocking Max down. "Hey Jess," Max smiled, let me tell you something; Max Is another hybrid like us, but he's like a brother to me, he's always been like a brother to me and Ross. But Max Is special, he has two hybrid forms: A dragon like me, and a fox, he uses his fox to scout out escape areas and speed, while his dragon Is used for strength and dominance. "What might you be doing here, Max?" I asked him, continuing to sit on him as he laid on the ground. "Didn't you hear? I'm staying here, and going to your school!" Max grinned as I jumped off of him, jumping around. Wincing as the pain came back, Max picked me up holding me off the ground. "Maax~! Put me dooown!" I whined, as he placed me on the couch, I crossed my arms over my chest trying not to wince again. "You sit here, I'll be back." Max pointed at me like a mother would to her child who was In trouble, I stuck my tongue out at him as Max walked off. Ross chuckled, shaking his head. "Oh come on sis, he's just trying to help." Ross laughed as I stood up, only to be pushed back down onto the couch lightly by Max who had re-entered the room. "Nuh-Uh missy," Max scolded me like I was a child. "But mooooooom," I whined, trying not to laugh, but failed miserably as Max and Ross joined In. "How long was I sleeping?" I asked, yawning lightly as Max wrapped up a cut on my wrist I had gotten from A-Aaron beating me up... "Only a few hours, school Is over and the others went out for a while." Ross replied as I nodded, I giggled. "Ross, Max, as your little sister I order you to get me food! And some water, pwease?" I giggled as the two rolled their eyes, as Max grinned. "Of course your highness!" Max said In his 'Butt knight voice', Ross' eyes lit up as he joined In. "Of course mother!" Ross laughed as the two went to go get me some food, as they came back, Max with a sandwich and Ross with a glass of water. "Here you are, mother!" The two said In unison, placing the sandwich and water on the table, looking at each other they burst out laughing. Ross and Max sat on the couch next to me, chatting as Ross turned on an anime show called 'Wolf's Rain'.(Good show actually, only anime besides Pokemon I have ever watched)
I had easily gotten sucked Into the show, not realizing how late It had gotten I yawned, passing out on the couch.
//Max's POV\\
I smiled as Ross took Jess to her bed, they were really like siblings to me. Ross quietly came back down stairs, grinning. "Time to bring hell upon the Idiot who hurt Lu sister," He whispered, his teeth growing sharper as he talked. "I hear they're having a sleep over, I believe their names were Garroth, Laurence, Dante, Travis and Aaron." I grinned as the two of us slinked out the back door, letting our dragon features show In the moonlight. My eyes were glowing yellow like my necklace as Ross' brown eyes started to glow a bright grey almost white. Wings sprouted from our backs as tails developed as well. Scales sprouted from our hands to our elbows, a sinister grin placed on our face, showing off our quite sharp teeth. "Revenge Is sweet," Ross hissed, flicking his tail. "Oh how sweet It Is," I laughed, spreading my wings and flying upwards, Ross right behind me. My eyes zoned In on a certain house, Ross confirmed my thoughts as he raced towards It, me following right behind his tail. Landing on the roof of the house you could hear the laughter of boys. "Yea! You did a good job beating that brat up! Lets hope she never returns to school!" Said a voice, I growled lowly, looking at Ross. He nodded I flew down, I held my hand out as a golden scythe appeared In It, smashing the window with the scythe I grinned, flying In followed by Ross. Landing on the ground I grinned, my dragon teeth showing as my wings folded against my back. Ross' double ended silver battle axe with blue diamonds spawned In his hand as my golden Scythe lay In my hand. "Well, well, well, what do we have here?" I asked, my voice mixed with a dragon hiss. "Who are you?!" The blonde one demanded, standing up. "That's for us to know and you to never find out, Garroth." Ross laughed, I could feel my fox and Dragon squirming Inside my head, wanting to tear these kids apart but we couldn't but we could scare them. "And what's with the fake wings and weapons? Going to hurt us? Aww, did your mommy reject you?" The brunette taunted, My yellow eyes flickered onto him. "Do these look fake to you?!" I asked, my voice mixed with three, mine, my dragons and my fox. My wings unfolded themselves as Ross' axe wedged It's self Into the door behind the boys. My wings once again folded against my back. "Now who here hurt a girl by the name of Aphmau," Ross demanded, his and his dragons voice speaking out at the same time. "None of your business, freaks." The blue haired one spat out, I twirled my golden scythe In between my fingers. "I suggest you speak up, before I have my partner here end your pathetic lives!" Ross spat, his eyes narrowing as his tail twitched, his voice held the authority of his dragon. "It was him!" The white haired boy yelled, pointing to the black haired one leaning against the wall. "Oh but I do believe another was Involved..." Ross sang, his eyes darkening signalling his dragon was In full control. I let my dragon take control with the help of my fox, my yellow eyes darkened to almost full black, yellow swirls In them. (Dragons talk In bold) The boys staid silent as I growled Impatiently. "Speak up or shall we kill all of you?!" Ross' Dragon and mine yelled out at the same time, they were becoming Impatient. They staid silent again, my dragon raged, sending the golden scythe flying towards Aaron, pinning him by his shirt to the wall. "Would anyone else like to join him?!" My dragon yelled, as they stared at Aaron who dare not move. The boys shook their head as the blue haired one grinned. "We'll never tell you, you freaks." The boy spat, Ross' battle axe flew Into his hand as he stepped towards the blue haired one. "Would you like to join your brother Gene In the Nether, Dante? For he Is dead." Ross' dragon asked, tilting his head, Dante's eyes widened as he backed away. "It was Laurence and Aaron!" The white haired one yelled, the boys' head snapped to the boy who spoke. "TRAVIS!" They yelled, Travis shook his head. "NO! I'm done with this! You drove my friend away from me!" Travis yelled, walking out. "Now was that so hard?" Ross and my dragon asked, my 'Z' necklace lit up as Aaron and the Laurence kid were Lifted Into the air, my golden scythe flying Into my hand. "Time to have some fun!" Both dragons sang, Garroth and Dante ran out as Aaron and Laurence look terrified. I gave Aaron to Ross, and I took Laurence, the boys tried to get away. I pinned Laurence to the wall, my scythe pressed against his neck. "How about we make you two feel the pain you gave her!" Mithzan, my dragon laughed as Ross' agreed. And so we began to beat the two up, clawing, biting, scratching, throwing them against walls, and even I might've just might've broke Laurence's wrist, I think Ross broke both Aaron's' wrists. Once we were done we knocked them out, leaving them there on the ground, both bloody and beaten up.
You mess with our sister, we mess you up...
A/N Hey guys! Sorry I accidentally published half of the chapter before finishing It! That was my fault, and darn don't mess with Jess or you'll have to deal with angry hybrids!
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