//Chapter 1\\
//Jess' POV\\
I was currently sitting In my front room, awaiting for the time to walk to school. As I pondered about two things, New students? And Fort McMurray engulfed In a wildfire, I hope their all safe... Anyhow, It's 7:35 AM time to get to boring school! Sighing, I got up, grabbing my bag and heading out the door, remembering to lock my door.
//Le bootiful timeskipz\\
As I arrived at 'school' the fancy word they use for prison, I headed straight for my locker. Putting my books Into my locker, I felt someone tap my back three times. The only person that did that was, the annoying Garroth Ro'meave, whom thinks he's better that anyone. "Garroth, I swear to Lady Irene If you poke me again, you'll have to explain to your father why your missing a hand." I said dangerously low, as I turned to face the blonde who glared at me. "Now, your forgetting who your talking to, you little outcast." He snarled back, as I crossed my arms, leaning against my locker. "And does It look like I care? For all I see Is a wannabe loser Infront of me right now." I replied, my raven coloured hair spraying out against my back. I saw Garroth clench his jaw shut, his eyes turned dark as some kids had surrounded us. I knew what he was going to do already, as he pinned me against the wall he raised his fist, but before he could swing It at me I saw a familiar scarfaced human. Smiling In his direction. "I wouldn't do that If I were you," The voice warned, as Garroth turned his attention to him, he got punched to the ground as I smirked at Garroth, who now lay upon the floor of the school. "I could've handled him myself, Aaron." I laughed, walking alongside my best friend, and boyfriend. "Mhmm, sure you could've." He smirked, as I pushed him Into the lockers and kept on walking to my first class, Math, oh how I hate math... "Hey!" Aaron chuckled as he caught up to me, picking me up as I squealed. "Jerk!" I laughed, as he put me down. "Anyways, I have combat training! See ya, Aph!" Aarn smiled, as he ran off to his class. Entering math, I sat down near the back as nobody really wanted me near them, except Aaron and a few others. As other kids entered the class, some gave me dirty glances. But one pissed off blonde glared death daggers at me, heh. "Alright class," Mr. Lock(Idk) said as the kids sat down, gaining their attention. "We have three new students today," He smiled, gesturing to three boys that had just entered the classroom. Lifting my gaze from my drawing book, I nearly dropped my pencil. No...Why are they here? "Hi! I'm Sky! This Is Jin, and Barney." Sky Introduced them, as he looked over the crowed his gaze stopped upon one particular person, Jess, or more known as Aphmau the 'Outcast'. "Alright, kids, you may take a seat." Mr. Lock said as the kids headed towards the back where I am. The three sat next to me, Sky on m left and Jin on my right. "Aphmau, It's been forever since we've seen you!" Jin smiled, I gave a slight smile back. "It's good to see you three as well," I replied.
Classes nearly flew by this morning, now I have lunch. I'm not hungry so I guess I'll just hang outside. I was talking with Sky, Jin and Barney when that annoying blonde boy approached again. "Hanging out with the outcast, I see." Garroth smirked, making us turn to him but me, I just stood there, my back facing him. "Whats do yous means by thats?" Barney asked, as Garroth laughed. "She's the school outcast, hated by everyone." Garroth laughed, as his pal Laurence approached. "Talking about that little rat again?" Laurence laughed, noticing me. "Aww, what did we hurt the little outcasts feelings?" He smirked, as Sky growled. "Nope, but I'll be the one hurting you If you don't scram." I hissed, as Sky, Jin and Barney stepped behind me as I turned and faced the two Idiots. "Hah! You wish, you can't even hurt a fly!" Garroth laughed like It was the funniest joke around. "I wouldn't underestimate her, she broke my arm when I stole her cookie In kindergarten.." Sky snickered, stepping beside me and placing a hand on my shoulder. Damn, whys he got to be so tall? "Pfft, like we're supposed to believe that! She's just a weak little brat, pathetic." Laurence spat, I resisted the urge to leap at him and snap his neck off his shoulders. "Hey Aph!" Aaron called, halting In his tracks as he saw the two Idiots In front of me and the three of my friends behind me. "Bothering her, are we?" Aaron threatened, his voice becoming very threatening as he came up and stood beside me. "Aww, what'cha gonna do, Aaron? The weak little rat can't even defend herself!" Garroth and Laurence burst Into a fit of laughter as I balled my hands Into a fist. "Aph-" Aaron warned, too late I already had punched Garroth Into a nearby tree. My eyes flared, Laurence turned to run, before he could, I grabbed his wrist, turned him around so fast I swear I could see stars In his eyes. Twisting his arm backwards, not enough to break It but put him In enough pain. "Don't. Under. Estimate. Me." I snarled, before throwing him to the ground as he yelped and walked off. Sitting In a tree I sighed.
Do those Idiots ever learn?
A/N First chapter!!! How ya like It? Garroth and Laurence are jerks In this one!
Word count: 962
Followz maybes?
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