Lmao No
Y/n's pov
We were sitting on another tour bus, on our way to Pisa.
Tom had decided to wake the two of us up at five in the morning. He claimed it would be good for us, that we could be more awake to sightsee.
One thing he didn't think of; we were going to be sitting on a bus for a couple of hours.
So, here I was, sitting on a bus, Tom Holland asleep right next to me, his head on my shoulder.
The only logical thing for me to do now was, take pictures of him and send them to everyone on the Marvel group chat.
Iron Dad
Y/n, I love those
But I don't think Tom will think the same
Oh- I know
Thunder Chris
I did that once...
on the filming of "Heart of the Sea"
I can tell you this, he hated it
In fact, he even jumped on me after
I don't think he'll jump on me
Tom moved a bit.
The other Olsen
That is true
I don't know if you've been able to tell
But Tom really likes you
I felt my cheeks heat up, thinking about the night before, but there was no way I was going to say anything about it. I loved everyone in the group chat, but I didn't know how much I would enjoy what would happen after.
Lmao I don't think that'll stop him
Do you have a juice box?
Space Chris
Anthony, why would she need juice?
Not for her
For Tom
Yeah... I don't think I have juice
Tom then woke up, smiling at me before checking his phone.
Princess Tom ❤️
You guys talk a lot
Tom then scrolled up seeing the pictures, then turning to me, an amused expression on his face.
"What are these for?" he asked, sounding disappointed in me, despite his facial expression.
I just smiled sweetly. "You looked cute, so I had to capture the moment," I answered.
He grumbled something under his breath, then turned back to his phone.
Iron dad
Tom, you're not allowed to kill Y/n
Princess Tom ❤️
Why would I do that?
He hasn't seen the picture has he
Nope, he saw them
The other Olsen
I told you he wouldn't do anything
Princess Tom ❤️
Of course, I didn't do anything
The other Olsen
See Hemsworth, what did I say?
Princess Tom ❤️
We're on a bus so that would be awkward
Thunder Chris
See Olsen, what did I say?
Nevermind them
What did I say?
Tom needs a juice box
Princess Tom ❤️
No, no I don't
I would love to chat more
But I need to take some photos
Iron dad
Okay :)
Stay safe and tell us if Tom gets mad
Princess Tom ❤️
I'm not mad
*end of texts*
I laughed, switching to the camera app, taking some time to take pictures of the scenery, when I remembered.
I pulled my backpack out from in front of me, Tom shooting me a strange look.
"What are you getting?" he asked.
"A surprise for you," I smiled, causing him to grin.
"What is it?" he asked, as I covered his eyes so he couldn't peak.
"You'll see, be patient."
I placed the item in his hands and uncovered his eyes.
He frowned, looking at the present.
"Really, Y/n?" he asked, looking at the box he was holding. "A juice box?"
I smiled, "Of course."
He sighed, opening the juice box, drinking it.
"I hate to say it," he said looking at the juice box, "but this isn't half bad.
*time skip brought to you by my sleep deprivation*
I marveled at the Leaning Tower of Pisa.
"It really is leaning," I said.
"Great observation, Y/n," Dylan said sarcastically, "do you want a sticker."
"Yes," I said, not missing a beat.
Dylan sighed, taking the case off of his phone, revealing a small Transformer sticker sheet, sticking one of the stickers onto my forehead.
"Thank you, kind sir," I said.
"You're welcome," Dylan said, now trying not to laugh.
"What?" Tom asked, looking between the two of us.
"Nothing," I said, shaking my head. "Do you want a picture?"
"Are you sure you're alright to take pictures?" Tom asked me, raising an eyebrow.
I took a deep breath, calming myself down.
"Yeah," I grinned
Tom hesitated but nodded.
So here I was, taking pictures of him, telling him where to put his hands, so it looked like he was holding it; basically, we were taking the iconic Pisa photo.
"Y/n," he muttered after I took the photos.
"Huh?" I said, not looking at him, as I was focusing on the photos.
"The paparazzi are here," he said.
"Oh," I said, turning around to see the paparazzi, who were coming towards us now, "we should make like a leaf and get out of here."
"Nice reference," Dylan said. He then left, not wanting to be caught up with the paparazzi.
We left the spot we were in, blending in with the crowd, following my parents.
"You want us to- what?" I asked, looking at the tickets my parents just bought.
"Y/n, calm down," my mom said. "We're just climbing to the top."
"Just?" I asked. "Mom, you told me after last time you wouldn't make me climb up hundreds of stairs again."
"No I didn't," my mom said, raising an eyebrow. "Come on, Y/n, you're nineteen, you can do it."
"Fine," I sighed, "just know I told you so when I die."
"Okay, Y/n," my mom said, shaking her head.
"Y/n, are you dead yet?" my mom called as we made our way to the top.
"Yes," I answered, "I'm always dead."
"Well, if you're always dead," my mom said, chuckling, "then you can't have 'told me so'."
I sighed, she outsmarted me, and there was no way I was going to argue with her now.
We finally made it to the top a few minutes after that.
"Almost three hundred steps," I said breathlessly as I walked out to see the view. "I want to jump off now."
"Y/n," Tom said, sounding deeply concerned, "please don't do that-"
"Yeah," Dylan said, "you at least have to do a flip."
I looked at Dylan, raising an eyebrow.
"Thanks, but no," I said.
"Your loss," he shrugged.
Tom looked between us again, confused.
"You guys have gotten a lot more confusing in the last two days," Tom said.
"Thank you," I replied, "that's just how I live."
"You'll have to get used to it," Dylan said, clapping a hand on Tom's shoulder, "you two are practically dating."
The two of us went red.
"Ooh," Dylan said, watching us very closely.
"Come on," my dad said, walking over to us, "two more minutes and we'll head back down."
"Okay," Dylan and I said.
We made our way back down to the bottom, where we had to quickly blend in again, as I quickly spotted the paparazzi.
We then made our way looking around at the other buildings there, then going to Arno River, which was beautiful.
"I want to live here," I said, looking out of the river, and the houses that lined the streets. I had a picture in my head of what life would be if I moved to Pisa.
Walking down the streets during the summer, just living my best life as an American girl in Europe.
"You and Tom can live here together," Dylan said quietly, so only Tom and I could hear him.
"Shut up," I muttered, kicking him.
We then made our way over to Borgo Stretto, the most elegant street in Pisa.
The only reason my parents took us to Borgo Stretto, was definitely not because I had bugged them every day since they said we were going to Pisa. Anyways, we walked over there, and my jaw dropped.
"I wonder how it feels to be rich," I sighed, unconsciously looking over at Tom.
"I couldn't tell you," Tom said, shrugging when he saw my eyes on him.
I nodded, going back to looking around the expensive street.
When we finished looking around, which had taken about an hour (I kept getting distracted, whoops), we went back to the tour bus, where we met up with Ivy, David, and Kylee again.
"Bye, losers," Dylan said. He waved goodbye to Tom and me as he walked over to Ivy, who had also left David and Kylee.
"Sometimes I forget that Dylan is only fourteen," I sighed, watching him and Ivy start talking.
"I forgot he was fourteen," Tom said, facing me.
"Stop being in love," Kylee said, pushing me towards the bus "let's get on the bus."
I rolled my eyes, laughing a bit, getting onto the bus, sitting down, Tom sitting next to me.
"I have to come up with a song," I groaned. That was the last thing I wanted to do at the moment, as I was exhausted.
"I know you're tired, Darling," Tom said, but tonight's the last night of the competition, you need something good."
I nodded tiredly, till I put things together.
"Tonight's the last night," I said, my eyes wide, "we're getting off the boat tomorrow."
Tom looked at me with a somber look on his face.
"I guess it is."
*birds chirping*
tweekle tweekle tweekle
a/n it's almost over-
see ya later bee bros
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