Kalm- Panik 『10』
Tom's pov
I just beat Y/n in skeeball, I felt really good about it. Another plus was that she seemed fine with it- or was she? I wasn't sure, but I needed confirmation that she was fine with losing.
"No hard feelings?" I asked her, with a small smile. Just so I wouldn't seem as though I was concerned.
A+ acting from Tom Holland.
"Of course not," she beamed, giving me the biggest hug.
Her hugs were the best. I didn't know that was something someone could be good at, but here is Y/n L/n, she gives the best hugs.
After that, we sat and talked, not getting serious. You can't have a serious conversation with the five of them, someone ends up laughing or making a sly joke. It's not a bad thing, I rather enjoy not having awkward conversations.
"Let's go sleep," Dylan yawned. "I'm exhausted, and guess who's fault that is?" he asked, looking at Ivy.
I was tired as well, but for the two days I've known Y/n and Kylee, there was no chance I would be sleeping anytime soon.
"Sure, let's go," Kylee said, standing up. "Tomorrow is the first port day."
The only thing I knew about Gibraltar is that they had monkeys, it was a part of the UK, and they had a giant airport.
We dropped Ivy and Dylan off at their rooms.
"Goodnight you two," Y/n said, hugging Dylan, while Kylee hugged Ivy.
"Goodnight Y/n," Dylan said. "Don't get into too much trouble..."
A mischievous grin formed on his face as he looked between Y/n and I, What was he thinking we were going to do? What was going through his mind?
"Don't be weird, Dylan," Ivy frowned.
I almost laughed, but stayed silent, looking at David, who looked as though he was in the same dilemma as me.
"Okay, goodnight you two," he said, patting their heads (did I mention David was very tall?). "You two don't get into trouble."
"Let them be," Kylee sighed. "You've known both of them for a long time, what's the worst they can do?"
"Sink the ship," Y/n said.
"Steal ice cream," Ivy said under her breath, loud enough so that only Dylan and I could hear.
"Kiss," Dylan shrugged, then quickly opening the door to his room, as Y/n opened her mouth to protest he said, "Let's just pretend I said goodbye in a fancy language."
With that, he closed the door, leaving Ivy and Y/n confused.
"You better get to bed soon as well," David said, pushing Ivy slightly towards the door of her room.
"Thanks, David," Ivy said sarcastically, opening her door. "Have fun, dorks."
We let them go, going up to watch the vast ocean, as though we weren't going to see it for the next week.
I looked out onto the ocean, of course, it was stunning, but not as stunning as Y/n, but it was up there.
So, I nonchalantly put my arm around Y/n, who seemed to not mind, even putting her head on my shoulder.
"You really know how to make a girl happy," Y/n whispered.
"It's one of my many talents, Darling," I smirked.
"Eww, you guys are being too cute," David said, pretending to gag.
"Don't mind him," Kylee said, rolling her eyes. "He's just jealous because he doesn't have a girlfriend."
Y/n laughed at Kylee's comment, I joined, causing all four of us to laugh.
We did some more stuff until we actually felt tired- well when everyone else did, since I've been tired since we dropped Ivy and Dylan off, I just didn't bother saying anything.
So, they said our goodbyes and went to our rooms.
"Are you excited for Gibraltar tomorrow?" Y/n asked me.
"Yes, I just don't have a clue about what I'll be doing," I sighed.
Y/n's face lit up. "Did you want to come with my family and me and do stuff?" she asked.
I thought about it. I just didn't want to butt into their family vacation.
"Are your parents okay with that?" I asked awkwardly.
"Funny you asked, they were actually the ones who suggested it," Y/n smiled.
I was a little surprised, but why not? It's not like I had anything better to do on the ship.
"I would love to," I grinned.
She instantly hugged me, not wasting a second, looking at me. "You know that means you can't hug me, or kiss me," she said. "Because everyone thinks we're cousins."
"Right," I sighed, why did we have to pretend to be cousins?
"Come on," Y/n said, rolling her eyes. "You're not going to die, plus, you're going to be too distracted by the monkeys."
Oh right, there would be monkeys, great.
"D'you think you'll be attacked by a monkey?" I asked.
"I hope not," Y/n said, her eyes widening. "I don't know what they've touched-"
"I'll be there for you," I reassured her.
"We should change," Y/n yawned. "I'm exhausted."
I nodded and we went and changed.
This time she did better when I walked out.
"If you want me to put a shirt on, I will," I said, my lips curling up into a smile.
"No, it's okay," she said. "I'm just not used to it- and I don't think I ever will."
I laughed a bit, and she smacked me lightly on the arm.
"Hey, you didn't have to hit me," I huffed.
"Yeah, sure, I didn't, you're going to be too loud, the walls aren't that thick, Tom," she replied, placing a hand on my shoulder.
I laughed quietly, then she moved so she was very close to me- only mere centimeters away.
Her lips were almost on mine, when she moved them to my ear, I could feel her breathing, it sent shivers down my spine. She then seductively said.
"Wanna look at meme's on my bed?"
I stood there, my mouth open, not knowing what to say.
She snorted. "What did you think I was going to say?"
"N-nothing," I said, my face getting hot. "Let's just go look at memes."
"Whatever you say, Thomas," Y/n said, flopping onto her bed.
I awkwardly go on, sitting next to her.
Reason 3000 why I love her. She has excellent tastes in memes.
"We should sleep," I said kissing her cheek.
"Y-yeah," Y/n said, turning the lights off.
*time skip brought to you by the wrong lever (why do we even have that lever)*
"Thomas, you need to wake up," was what I woke up to, along with Y/n poking my face.
"It's so early," I groaned, rolling over, my face then only mere centimeters from her face. "Hi," I breathed.
"You are really close to me," Y/n breathed, then quickly standing up straight. "We need to go find my parents."
The two of us quickly parted ways, going to getting ready.
I got into a button-up shark patterned shirt, and a pair of shorts, taking care to wear my glasses today.
I was sitting waiting for Y/n to come out, my eyes widening when I saw her. She was wearing light makeup, but I didn't say anything, not wanting to point anything out.
"I love the glasses," she grinned, my face heated up very quickly, but I ignored it.
"Thank you," I said, grabbing my stuff. "Let's go get some breakfast."
We started on our way up, Y/n getting a text from her parents telling us that they were at the buffet. However, they were stopped while attempting to go up the stairs, as they didn't want to wait to get onto the elevator.
"How's Y/n and her cousin doing?" Y/n and I looked up to see Jared.
"Thanks for asking," Y/n said, trying to stay positive, but there was a hint of sarcasm in her voice. "We're trying to go eat, so please move, now."
I was already tired of his joke. "Yeah, could you please move?" I asked impatiently.
"What if I don't want to? Huh?" Jared asked.
I was done with him.
"We'll just move," I said, gently grabbing Y/n's arm, walking up the staircase on the other side, Jared so dumbfounded, not moving.
"Why didn't we do that sooner?" Y/n asked me, as they made our way to the buffet.
"Not sure," I replied.
We arrived at the buffet, finding Y/n's parents.
"There they are," her dad smiled, as we walked over to them.
"Hi dad," Y/n smiled, sitting down, as I sat right next to her.
"Are you two excited to see the monkeys?" her mom asked.
We nodded, when Y/n saw Dylan, she waved to him, I did the same.
"Hey big sis," Dylan said, sitting down, a smirk on his face. "You didn't get into any trouble, right?"
"No, Dylan, we didn't," Y/n said, rolling her eyes.
"We almost did," I whispered to her, causing her to start choking on her food.
"Sorry," she said, gasping for air. "It went down the wrong pipe."
Dylan raised an eyebrow. "Sure."
When we finished eating we checked out of the boat and ventured out into the port.
"Look at how big that mountain is," Dylan said, mesmerized by the huge mountain in front of them.
"Wow," Y/n said, marveling at it as well.
Y/n's pov
We walked through the city, my dad telling us facts every so often. We finally got to the cable car, which would take us up to the top. My parents bought tickets, then we got into the cable car.
As we sit in the cable car, they inform and warn us about the monkeys and what to and what not to do.
I nudged Tom, who had placed his sunglasses on the top of his head. "The monkeys are going to steal those," I said, nodding towards his sunglasses.
He nodded, as well, placing them into his tiny backpack.
The tiny backpack. I made fun of him for it, as a joke, but he insisted on bringing it.
When we neared the top, there was a singular monkey, everyone immediately was ecstatic to see one.
"Look at that monkey, Tom," I gushed.
"Y/n, this isn't going to be the only time you see a monkey," Tom said, raising an eyebrow.
"She knows, but that's not going to stop her," Dylan sighed.
When we got to the top, we looked around the gift shop, not getting anything.
We walked outside, we were instantly hit by the cool ocean breeze, which felt incredible. I took some pictures then froze when I saw a monkey that decided to waltz over, a plethora of people were crowded around it.
"Look at that monkey," I exclaimed, as Tom walked over to me.
"What did I say?" Tom asked.
"I would see another one," I sighed. "I already knew that, so don't rub it in that you were 'right'."
"You three ready to walk around some more?" my dad asks, walking over to us.
"Yes, sir," we said simultaneously.
"Let's go that way," my dad said.
We walked over to see a little deck area, where some monkeys were sitting on the ledge.
We went to go down to the deck. However, on the way, all of a sudden a monkey appeared out of nowhere.
What did I do?
"There's a monkey," I said, as Tom walked down.
"You weren't joking," he said, slightly startled.
I quickly take a picture, for proof, of course.
"Mom- I found a monkey," I said.
My mom walked down the stairs, her lips curled into a pleasant smile.
"Y/n, looks like you found a monkey friend," she smiled.
"I guess I did."
welcome to chilies
see ya later bee bros
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