It's All Coming Together
Tom's pov
"Okay, twenty questions, go," Y/n said, as we left The Beach Club and headed to the buffet.
"What's your favorite musical?" I ask. Y/n furrowed her eyebrows.
"This is a tough one," she frowned. "But I think I'd have to say, (your top three favorite musicals)."
I nodded, "I personally like Billy Eliot," I said. "But I might be a little biased."
"Mines Dear Evan Hansen," Dylan shrugged. "I'm just always waving through a window."
"Nice one," Y/n said. "Okay, favorite colors? Mine is f/c (favorite color)."
"My favorite colours are red and blue," I said.
"Black, like my soul of course," Dylan said. "And muted green."
Y/n raised an eyebrow, "We're saying our two favorite colors? Well, then my second favorite is (second favorite color), which is of course very cool."
I stifle a laugh and turn to Dylan, "You get to choose the next question, Dylan."
Dylan smirked, "If you could meet a celebrity, who would you meet?"
Y/n tried to hold back a laugh but ended up laughing.
"Y/n, why are you laughing?" I asked her, as I had no idea why she was laughing.
"It used to be you," she said. "But now I have to think about who else I'd want to meet."
"Oh, right," I said, I forgot I was famous. Dylan and Y/n made me feel normal, which was a feeling I hadn't felt in a while.
"I want to meet Tom Cruise," I said. "He does some brilliant stunt work."
"What am I supposed to say, Jesus?" Dylan said. "I'm joking, Jake Gyllenhaal, that's who'd I want to meet."
I nodded, Jake Gyllenhaal, that was an interesting choice.
"I'd want to meet Chris Evans or Hemsworth," Y/n said. "Or Benedict Cumberbatch, I love him."
"Looks like Y/n's going to dump you for Eggs Benedict Cabbagepatch," Dylan whispered to me, causing my face to slightly heat up.
We parted ways at the buffet to get our food, I was grabbing some fish and chips when the perfect question came to mind.
"I came up with a brilliant question while grabbing my food," I smile. "What did you dream about last night?"
Y/n turned red and started coughing on her food.
"I'm okay," she gasped, after drinking some water.
"Y/n is dying, so I'll go first," Dylan said. "I dreamt about dat boi, and he was at a Chili's with Pepe the Frog... that's all I can remember right now."
I slowly nodded, not really sure how to react, and Y/n hadn't really paid attention, apparently trying to find a suitable answer.
"Okay then," I said. "I dreamt about a scene from Civil War, but like when we were filming it, it was still interesting."
Y/n was still out of it but froze when she realized it was her turn. "This is way too embarrassing," she said blushing profusely, "ItwasaboutTom," she said so quickly I almost missed what she said.
Dylan's pov
"ItwasaboutTom," Y/n said quickly.
Now, that was the good stuff.
I smirked as Tom started growing red as well.
I pulled out my phone and took a very professional-looking photo of the two of them. Let's just say as a memory, and possibly, a future money maker.
Tom, who looked very uncomfortable, pulled out his phone.
"It's time to go to The Beach Club," he said standing up. "Let's go."
He quickly helped Y/n up and we made our way to The Beach Club, Tom and Y/n walking in silence, while I started thinking about all the ways I could embarrass them later.
When we walked in, the family night was still going on. We were fifteen minutes early.
Never trust Tom Holland to manage your schedule.
Natasha saw us, and smiled walking over to us, she checked our cards and sent me a questioning look when she noticed Y/n and Tom's flushed faces, to which I just shrugged.
"You three are here a little bit early," she said. "But it's fine, you can do what you want until we start."
"Is your version of on-time? fifteen minutes early?" I ask Tom once Natasha walks back to the event.
"I like being early, but not fifteen minutes early," Y/n said, looking slightly uncomfortable in the present situation.
"We're sticking to the plan tonight, right?" Tom asked after an awkward minute of silence.
I almost forgot about that plan.
"Was there an option to not stick to it?" I asked
We kept talking, only calling Tom, Tanner. Finally, it was seven, the parents left with their young children. Some parents then arrived, dropping their teens off, since they didn't want to go in.
That reminded me a lot about Y/n, she would never willingly be there.
I was convinced that Tom was the only reason she was there. He still thinks she's a people person, to which Y/n is far from being, if she could choose, she would transform into a sack of potatoes.
I still didn't believe their story on how Y/n, Y/n L/n, my antisocial sister, sat next to Tom Holland, the guy she had the biggest crush on, and just started talking to him, even making him blush.
Y/n talking to someone she didn't know was a surprise, but someone she knew every little detail about (*cough cough obsessed with*), that was unthinkable.
Once more people arrived, we sat in a circle and started telling everyone our names and ages.
They really think I'm going to willingly become friends with other fourteen-year-olds, when I could hang out with my lame sister and cool "cousin"?
"I'm Dylan L/n, I'm fourteen," I said awkwardly when it was my turn. However, it wasn't like no one else wasn't being awkward. No one knew each other, therefore, it was extremely awkward.
Luckily, awkwardness is what I eat for breakfast.
"Hi, I'm Y/n L/n," Y/n said confidently. "and I'm nineteen."
The thing about Y/n was, she started off super nervous, but after a bit, she became more comfortable and slightly less nervous. If she's with people she's comfortable around, that process goes a lot quicker, till she's in the final stage, where she makes friends, and just says anything.
"Hello," Tom said, when it got to him, he had a giant smile on his face, as though this was nothing. "I'm Tanner L/n, and I'm nineteen as well."
Once we finished going through everyone's names, we all started coming up with Never Have I Ever questions.
"Never have I ever," A girl spoke up, once everyone got their question. "met a celebrity.
Y/n, Tom, and I, along with some other people in the group put a finger down.
Everyone started telling who they met.
"You might not know who they are," Y/n said. "But I met the guys from Kid History once."
I give Y/n an approving look, "I met Roy Wassabi at a convention," I said, there were some nods.
"I've met Chris Evans," Tom said. "It was out on the streets, but he was a nice bloke."
"Never have I ever," the next person said. "Watched all of the Marvel movies."
Y/n gasped, causing me to facepalm, here she goes again, wondering how someone can't have possibly watched all thirteen movies.
But I digress, once again, Tom, Y/n, and I put a finger down.
When all a sudden a kid named Jared or something, speaks up, "I don't get how people like Marvel," he said cockily, "DC is just so much better."
Y/n's eyes narrowed, I quickly put a hand on her shoulder.
"Sis, you don't want to do this right here and right now," I said.
Tom put his hand on her arm, whispering something to her.
"Bro, you are wrong on so many levels," Y/n said calmly, Tom and I share glances.
Whatever Tom said calmed her down, which was a first for her.
"You're not mad at me?" the Jared kid asked, confused.
"No," Y/n smirked. "I can't be mad at someone who thinks DC is better than the MCU, you're just confused."
There were some "oohs" going around the room, I looked at Y/n surprised.
For once she didn't lash out on an idiot, for being incorrect.
"Never have I ever had fish and chips," a girl said, carried on the game.
However, all the British kids gasp, while Tom for some strange reason, just about dies.
"Tom," Y/n asks Tom, "Are you good.
"No, I am not okay," Tom said.
"Wait, wait, wait," a girl says, staring at us. "Tom, as in Tom Holland, you're Tom Holland?"
My eyes went wide, that's when three people walked in, two girls and a guy, my eyes widened even more.
What in Thor was David doing here?
"Nope," Y/n said, popping the 'p'. "Tom is just Tanner's nickname since he looks like Tom Holland."
The girl didn't look impressed, "Then why does he look like Tom Holland?"
As I thought we were done for, Y/n smiled.
"His mom is a Holland," she said, as though it was a no brainer.
Y/n still hasn't noticed David, but he shoots me a questioning look, to which I just shrug. "She'll tell you later," I mouth, and he nods.
"And why should I believe you," the girl asked. "I don't even know who you are."
Y/n raised an eyebrow, then looked at Tom.
"Tanner, would you care to explain."
I was lost. How much did they plan?
"I'm Tanner L/n, as you know, Dylan and Y/n are my cousins," Tom says, David had an amused expression on his face. "Tom Holland is my cousin, as my mum is a Holland."
"Okay, sure," the girl said, not giving up. "but you look like him."
"That's why my nickname is Tom," Tom said. "It's a joke on my dad's side of the family, why do I look like him? I'm not sure, genetics I guess."
Everyone, including me, looked dumbfounded.
"Let's be done with this debate," Natasha said. "It's time to start our scavenger hunt, so, everyone needs to get a paper, and get into groups of six."
Tom, Y/n and I stood off in a corner, Y/n, and Tom waiting for anyone to join us, while I'm waiting for David to waltz over.
When he walked over, Y/n conveniently was looking at her paper.
"Can we join your group," a girl my age said, she seemed familiar, but I couldn't think of where I would know her from.
"Of course," Y/n said, only then looking up, she gave an excited shriek. "David!"
She gave David a giant hug. Tom looked clueless to what was happening.
"When did you get onto the cruise?" she asked. Then asking, "Why are you on the same cruise as my family."
"It was a surprise," David grinned. "A pretty good one at that."
"Are you who my mom thought I recognized?" Y/n asked, her eyes widening.
"Yes," David chuckled. "I assume you remember my cousin Kylee, and Ivy,"
"Kylee?" Y/n said, looking at the older girl, I looked at the girl my age, Everything was coming back to me.
"Y/n!" Kylee exclaimed, bringing my idiot sister into a hug. "it's been forever."
Tom furrowed his eyebrows, looking at David, I smirked, I knew what Tom was thinking.
"I see you forgot to tell me your cousin was related to Tom Holland," David said, looking at Tom.
"Right... about that-"
"We're going to start the scavenger hunt now," Natasha said, cutting off what Y/n was going to say. "Everything is on the boat, so go and have fun!"
how much money do you have?
sixty-nine cents
do you know what that means?
i don't have enough money for chicken nuggets
see ya later bee bros
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