Chapter 2
Kat crossed her arms over her chest and gave the god a stern look. It was stupid to antagonize the god, especially when he was being a villain. She doubted the cell could actually contain him unless he actually wanted to be there, but that was a pet theory at the moment. She also sensed that he would appreciate the sass and teasing and that keeping the god of mischief entertained would keep the chaos down to a minimum.
"What is your master plan Earth?" She countered his question she didn't want to answer with a question he didn't want to answer. That was only fair.
Loki laughed and his smirk only grew. He was amused and was taking the bait. That was definitely a good sign and fit in with Kat's plan. Nat let her take the lead, though it was strange for the younger Romanoff to do. Loki was interested in Kat and seemed to be more willing to open up for her. "You may be interesting, kitten, but that doesn't mean I'll be spilling such secrets so easily," he told her, still clearly amused and enjoying this conversation.
Kat giggled and shrugged, looking nonchalant. "It was worth a try," she replied innocently. She had the innocent act down pat. Nat could never quite pull it off, but her younger sister was a natural. Just as Kat didn't pull off the seductive thing very well. She took a seat in the chair right on the other side of the glass from Loki. He smirked and mirrored her, sitting on the built-in slab that served as a bed in the cell. "So, what shall we discuss instead?"
"How did you obtain magic powered by the Tesseract, kitten?" Loki asked. He wasn't dropping that question anytime soon, it seemed.
Kat wasn't exactly surprised that he knew where her magic came from. Especially with how powerful both he and that staff of his were. The staff resonated with Kat for some reason. It resonated with her power, though she didn't understand why. What did the Tesseract and Loki's scepter have in common?
She grinned at him. He'd fallen into the conversation where she wanted him. "And why would I tell you that?" She asked far too innocently.
Loki inclined his head, an acknowledgment that she had him where she wanted him. He wasn't stupid. He was a genius according to all the charts she'd seen on the matter. His smirk remained in place and Kat could see from the glint in his eyes that he was enjoying this banter immensely. "How about an exchange of information, then, kitten?" He asked, his voice still that stupidly seductive purr. He knew exactly the effect he had on women and Kat wasn't excluded from that in any way, shape, or form. "Sound fair?"
She was on the job, though, and was trying to keep her emotions out of it. Loki was a villain, for Pete's sake. He was actively trying to take over the Earth. Granted, Kat was pretty sure it wasn't of his own volition. She gave him an adorable grin. She couldn't help that she liked this man. Liked his wit and cleverness. "Sounds fair," she agreed. "And to answer your question, I was experimented on in the Red Room. I assume Agent Barton told you about that?" He'd insinuated that Barton had told him everything.
He inclined his head in agreement. "So you were experimented on..." he commented contemplatively. Kat could practically see the gears turning in his mind as he considered all the implications. "How did they manage to give a Midgardian magic?" He asked, looked up at Kat again.
Kat returned his smirk with one of her own. "You owe me information before you get more questions," she reminded him of their bargain. If she read him right, he would keep to his bargains.
Loki inclined his head again with a soft chuckle. He liked this Romanoff. She was definitely interesting and had intrigued him. "Very well. Your question then?" He held up a hand to stop her before she blurted out something. "And you are not allowed to begin with what my master plan is. That would ruin all of the fun." Loki was definitely concerned with finding the fun in whatever situation he found himself in.
Kat laughed. "You're no fun," she teased. She was keeping up the lighthearted conversation, keeping him open and talking with her. "What are you hoping to accomplish by letting yourself be captured?" she asked him after a moment of thought. She'd seen the footage of his battle with Cap. She'd analyzed it and realized quickly that he'd let himself be brought here. So he clearly had a reason. The question was why he would let himself be captured.
"To cause a little bit of mischief, kitten," he replied with a Cheshire Cat grin that clearly said that he was giving a smart-ass non-answer.
Kat rolled her eyes. "I'm not sure that qualifies as an answer," she teased. "But I'll give you your answer anyway. The facility I was at worked with a program with Hydra. They were trying to recreate the serum used on Captain America. They also had possession of the Tesseract at the time, which is what they used on me to give me my powers," she explained to him. It wasn't a secret. It was in her file and the team knew that she had immense powers because of the Tesseract.
Loki leaned in closer, eager to learn more. "You contain magic gifted to you by the Tesseract?" He demanded. The blue in his eyes intensified when he mentioned the Tesseract. The mention of the other infinity stone, of his prize, sparking his interest.
Kat nodded. "Yes, I did" she replied easily. "Why are you so interested in it?" Her eyes flashed Tesseract blue for a moment, confirming that she did have the power of the stone running through her veins.
Loki moved and pressed his hand against the glass as if that would get him closer to the girl. "I have to have it. I...." He shook his head, his eyes haunted and pained. All of him looked injured, like he was recovering from torture. "That is a question I cannot answer, kitten,"
Kat frowned, but saw the pain in his eyes and didn't press any more on that part "Cannot? Is someone else in control?" she asked gently, open, inviting him to tell her. Nat used sex appeal to get her answers, Kat clearly had different methods. She was open, inviting, innocent.
Loki looked away and said nothing for a long moment. He tried to hide his flinch of pain from the Other yelling in his mind. Kat caught it, though. She was observant and caught everything. "No. I am in control. I want a throne, to be seen as better than my imbecile brother," he replied snobbishly, stubbornly.
Kat tilted her head, considering his words and his body language. She stood and gave him a dismissive look. "This arrangement isn't going to work if you aren't giving truthful answers," she said cooly.
"Stop asking questions I can't answer, Midgardian," Loki snarled at her, losing his veneer of propriety and teasing. His hands had curled into fists at the pain he failed to hide.
She didn't like seeing him in pain, not when it was so obvious and not when he was clearly being mind-controlled and used. She was sure of it then. "So what can you tell me?" She asked him gently.
"That none of you will win this fight," he growled as he looked up again at her. The blue in his eyes was much brighter then. "The Chitari will come. There is nothing you can do to stop it,"
"Even Barton? What are you planning to do with him?" Nat asked, trying to get them back on topic, back to talking about Barton and Loki's plans.
Loki tilted his head and gave her a malicious smirk. "Is this love, Agent Romanoff?"
"Love is for children," Nat said firmly. "I owe him a debt"
Loki backed gracefully to his seat again and lifted his hands, indicating she should continue. He took his seat. "Tell me,"
Nat licked her lips and paused a moment before she spoke again. "Before I worked for SHIELD... I, uh, well, I made a name for myself," Nat explained as she took a seat. "I have a specific skill set, and I didn't care who I used it for. Or on. I got on SHIELD's radar in a bad way. Agent Barton was sent to kill me. He made a different call. And later, together, we got Kat'ya out from under Hydra's control and from the facility where she was kept," she only included Kat in this explanation because she knew Loki would ask.
"And what will you do if I vow to spare him?"
"Not let you out," Nat replied with a shrug of her shoulder.
Loki was clearly back in his element, back in his game. His grin return. "No, but I like this. Your world in the balance and you bargain for one man.
"Regimes fall every day. I tend not to weep over that. I'm Russian," she shrugged again. "Or I was,"
"And what are you now?" Loki asked, curious over both these Romanoffs, though still mostly on the younger one. The one with the curious magic.
"It's really not that complicated. I've got red in my ledger. I'd like to wipe it out," Nat had stood again, crossing her arms over her chest. Kat watched the pair, silent and observing, analyzing as ever.
"Can you?" Loki asked, his voice soft and sensual. "Can you wipe out that much red? Dreykov's daughter, Sao Paulo, the hospital fire? Barton told me everything. Your ledger is dripping. It's gushing red," he stood again and approached the wall of the cell. "And you think saving a man no more virtuous than yourself will change anything?" He sneered. "This is the basest sentimentality. This is a child at prayer," his words were coming faster, more heated as he spoke. Kat's eyes widened at the change in the man she'd been bantering with. "Pathetic!" He went on without pause. "You lie and kill You lie and kill in the service of liars and killers. You pretend to be separate, to have your own code, something that makes up for the horrors. But they are a part of you, and they will never go away!" He slammed the wall of the cell and Nat flinched. "I won't touch Barton. Not until I make him kill you! Slowly. Intimately. In every way he knows you fear! And when he'll wake just long enough to see his good work, and when he screams, I'll split his skull! This is my bargain, you mewling quim!"
Nat turned away, convincingly looking afraid or at least upset, flinching away from him. "You're a monster," she said in a small, horrified voice.
Kat looked just as horrified in the change in the troubled, tortured god.
Loki chuckled, his abnormal blue eyes shining bright. "No. You brought the monster,"
Nat turned back to him with a smirk, completely poised and showing her distraught had just been an act. "So Banner, that's your play," she said and turned to head out. She turned back and offered him another smirk. "Thank you, for your cooperation,"
Kat got to her feet as well to slip back into the shadows and slip out while Loki was still gaping open-mouthed at being tricked, staggered and confused and trying to figure out how he'd lost both Romanoffs, and more importantly, the kitten with the Tesseract's powers.
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