Chapter 1
Kat'ya Romanoff didn't seem like the typical SHIELD agent. Neither she nor her sister Natasha looked like typical SHIELD agents. Kat looked to be an 18 year old girl, thin, but muscled and elegant. She had long red hair, curly like Nat's when left to its own devices, though was much longer than her sister's at the moment. Of course, she only looked to be 18. She was actually as old as Captain Rogers. They both were. They just... didn't advertise it. The serum and the experiments had changed them so they aged extremely slowly.
No one knew for sure if Kat was Nat's biological sister or not, but they'd both been in the red room and both experimented on with the attempts to recreate the super soldier serum and make the perfect soldiers and spies. No one was brave enough to demand an answer to if they were truly related or not and just accepted it as a fact that they were.
Just because they didn't look like typical SHIELD agents, didn't mean they weren't two of the best SHIELD had. Being underestimated often worked to their advantage, though they each had different skills, different advantages, having been part of different projects in the red room and with Hydra.
It was due to their skills that they had both been called in for this dangerous mission. Kat read over her notes again on her tablet as she headed to the interrogation room. Loki was one of the gods of Asgard and had come to Earth. He seemed to be trying to take over the world, but something didn't seem right about that story. Especially when he'd been captured so easily. Kat didn't trust it. She didn't trust him, which seemed a perfectly acceptable sentiment toward the god of lies in her opinion.
There was also something unnatural about the blue of his eyes.
All in all, the story seemed strange and as she had watched him being brought in on the monitors, something drew her to finding out more about him. This was definitely a mystery to be solved.
Nat had agreed that she could watch her interrogation of the god. Kat usually stayed in the background, letting her older sister take the reins and the spotlight. Nat used her sexuality to get the information from those she was interrogating. Kat was more behind the scenes, working with hacking and such. She looked too young to pull off the seduction techniques Nat used. She looked too innocent, which worked for some spy missions, but not as many as Nat's seduction techniques.
And really, Kat's skills were... much more suited to being a secret weapon.
It fit her better regardless.
Kat slipped into the room with the Hulk's cell, slipping in one of the side doors while Loki's back was turned. She stayed in the shadows and slipped to a hidden little alcove where she could watch the upcoming interrogation, but wouldn't be able to be seen by Loki or Nat. She had her tablet to take notes on and was ready for the interrogation.
Kat observed the man in the cell as she waited for Nat to arrive. He was tall, well built, though slimmer than Thor, who she'd met earlier that day. He had raven hair and pale skin and rather chiseled cheekbones. If he weren't the villain, he would definitely be hot. Ok, he was hot regardless, but Kat knew she wasn't supposed to think that about him. He was clearly a skilled fighter, she'd seen that on the monitors when he fought Cap when they brought him in.
She saw his eyes and noted again the unnatural blue.
Before she could figure out where she knew that familiar blue from, Nat came into the room. Loki had been pacing in his cell. He hadn't seemed anxious or nervous, just... pensive. He stopped when Nat got close to the glass and turned to her. There was a malicious, calculating gleam in his eyes as he did and a smirk grew on his face.
"There's not many people who can sneak up on me," he greeted her. His accent was deep, melodious and sexy as fuck.
Nat was somehow unaffected by the god's looks or accent. "But you expected I'd come," she replied casually. She was standing practically at attention, in full view of Kat. She always trusted her little sister to watch her back, even when she couldn't see that Kat was there. She knew.
Loki nodded, still standing there all sexy while he watched her. "After," he agreed. "After whatever tortures Fury can concoct, you would appear as a friend, as a balm, and I would cooperate," he spoke with a grin, with a wit and intelligence that clearly said he was enjoying this conversation, this battle of wits with the famed Black Widow. "Or is that her role?" He asked with a smirk. Nat's eyes widened ever so slightly. Loki shouldn't have been asking about Kat. He shouldn't have known anything about her. He hadn't seen her. "Barton told me all about her, the red kitten in the famous black widow's shadow,"
Kat had been part of the Red Cat program, a sister program to the Black Widow program. One that was even more secretive. Even Nat didn't know everything her sister had gone through. Barton, though practically family, didn't either, but had apparently been giving away some secrets while under Loki's control.
"I want to know what you've done with Barton," Nat said, drawing the conversation back to her, drawing Loki's attention back to her and away from Kat.
"I would say I've expanded his mind," Loki replied, far too innocently. He tilted his head then, evaluating something, then his eyes lit toward Kat's hiding spot. His smirk grew and he turned his attention back to Nat. "Will she be joining us, or will she remain in the shadows?" He purred, interested and curious about the other sister.
Nat raised an eyebrow. "She who?" She asked. She'd asked him about Barton and didn't appreciate him changing the subject.
Loki pitched his voice a little, raising it to be clearly heard. "The little red kitten who thinks I don't know she's there. Come out, little midgardian. I'm perfectly harmless in here," Loki spread his arms wide, indicating his glass prison. He was putting on a show and wasn't harmless in any way, shape, or form.
Kat stepped out of the shadows and let the god get a look at her. She was dressed identically to Nat, but was smaller, daintier, younger.
Something about her intrigued the god and he wanted to figure out what that was, so he had to get her closer and talking.
Nat drew his attention again, though Kat didn't go back to the shadows now that Loki knew she was there. "And once you've won, once you're king of the mountain, what happens to Barton?" Nat asked as she approached the cell, trying to keep Loki's attention on her. She was the sex appeal. Loki was supposed to be interested in her. Not on her sister.
Kat moved closer as well, though carefully so as to not draw Loki's attention. The plan was to have Nat do this interrogation, not her. It didn't work, though. Loki ignored Nat and turned his attention to Kat instead. There was something appealing about her innocence, something that was drawing him in.
Then he realized when he saw her eyes. They were an unnatural blue. Not like his and Barton's, not the blue of the mind stone, but still, a blue of power. And it was a power he knew well. His smirk only grew as he evaluated her and saw exactly what it was. What drew him to her. His voice was a seductive purr when he spoke again, completely disregarding Nat. "Now, how did such a little kitten get the Tesseract's power, hmm?"
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