🎶Chapter Four🎶
Riley's POV:
There aren't many times that I have been on stage that I haven't been completely enthralled with the crowd and the show that I was putting on. I could probably name each and every one of those times on one hand. But tonight, I had a new occurrence to add to the list and it had everything to do with the stunningly beautiful brunette that I had briefly shared the stage with. I'm not talking about Ella, I'm talking about her sister Stella.
Hours after the show, I was still consumed with thoughts of Stella, her beauty, and wondering why I had such a reaction to her when I didn't have the same reaction to her sister. You would think that after spending months on the road together, doing show after show and appearing on morning television to do our song so many times that if I was going to be drawn to anyone, it would be Ella. But that wasn't the case at all. There was something about Stella that was pulling me in and I swear, I can't put my finger on it.
This pull to Stella couldn't have anything to do with her looks. For God's sake, she was virtually a carbon copy of her Ella. I'm not kidding when I say that I have never in my life seen a set of twins that looked as much alike as Stella and Ella. Most would have subtle differences in their appearances but with Stella and Ella, there were none, absolutely zero. Everything from the shape of their eyes and noses to their height and mannerisms were identical. They even sounded similar when they spoke; not that Stella had done much of that after I bumped into her and Ella after the fundraiser. For the most part, she hadn't said much of anything, leaving the talking to her sister for the most part. Whether that was from general shyness, or the fact that she was just a quiet person in general, I didn't know. All I know is that for some unknown reason, I want to know more about the brunette who I'd had the pleasure of meeting tonight. And because of that, an antsy sort of energy flowed through my veins, making it hard for me to sit back and relax.
Needing to do something to turn my focus from Stella and all the things I want to know about her, I stood from the recliner I'd sunk into when I'd gotten home and made my way to my indoor gym. Once inside, I made a bee-line for the treadmill, knowing that a run would allow me to work off the restless energy I was feeling but would also be somewhat mindless and allow me to let my mind wander; whether that was a good thing or not, I couldn't tell you. All I know is that by the time I was done with my run, I was sweating profusely, my legs felt like Jell-O, and my mind wasn't any clearer than it had been before my workout.
"Time off couldn't have come at a worse time." I groaned to myself, grabbing a bottle of water from the mini fridge in the corner. I screwed the top off and tossed it into the nearby trashcan before downing the bottle of water in a matter of seconds. But as I drank, an idea came to mind. All I had to do was make the idea become a reality. And in order to do that, I had to get Ella on my side.
Grabbing my phone from its holder on the treadmill, I quickly found Ella's contact and fired off a message, asking if she and Stella would like to come out to the farm tomorrow and do some fishing. It's something that Ella has done a couple of times when our tours landed us near our homes and I knew from the last time that she was here, that fishing was something that she and her sister shared a love for.
Ella's reply was almost instantaneous, asking what time she and Stella needed to be there.
Riley: Wherever is fine, but you know the fishing is usually better earlier in the day.
Ella: Then we'll see you first thing 😉.
Ella: Should I make sure Stella wears something in particular?
Riley: Whatcha talkin' 'bout, Willis?
Ella: I saw the way you were checking her out. Don't try to deny it now, bestie.
Riley: She's a beautiful woman. Of course I checked her out.
Ella: Did you just call me beautiful? That'd kind of weird, Riles. I thought I was like your little sister 🤔
Riley: You are...
Ella: But you find my sister hot and since we literally share a face, then by my logic that means you think I'm hot...
Riley: Jesus Christ, Ells 🤦
Ella: Just yanking your chain, Riles. If anyone in the music world is going to hit on my sister, you know that I would rather it be you.
Riley: Thanks... I think.
Ella: You're welcome 😜. See you in the morning, Bestie. I'll make sure Stell looks hot. Be warned though, it's almost impossible for her to go fishing and not end up jumping in the water at some point.
Riley: Noted.
As if I hadn't already been consumed with thought of Stella –hence the whole impromptu fishing invite– now I was thinking about what she would be wearing when she took a dip in the pond, if she in fact takes one. Would she go in fully clothed? Would she strip down to a swimsuit that she hid beneath her clothes? Would she strip down to her birthday suit and jump in?
That last thought caused my dick to twitch with interest and made me feel like a fucking horn-dog. I'd just met the woman a matter of hours ago and here I was thinking about her being naked in my presence. But if the clothes she'd worn tonight had shown me anything, it was that she had a rocking body and call me what you will, but I am a man and well, we think about sex pretty much every breath of the day. So, sue me...
Flipping the lights off in the gym, I made my way up to my bedroom, intending to take a shower and crawl into bed. And that's exactly what I did. But not before I'd fisted my cock and stroked myself to the image of Stella playing guitar, a shy blush covering her skin. It is an image that is burned into my brain, one that I can pull out whenever I need a little mental picture of who I want to have sweating, panting, and begging while she's beneath me one day.
Yep, total fuckin' horn-dog...
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