Chapter 5: Monster
Max's Pov
It seemed that my sleep didn't last very long though as I woke up at some point during the middle of the night. I quietly groaned and sat up, throwing off my blankets and putting my hoodie back on since it was cool outside. Trudging tiredly, I walked to the bathroom and took care of my business.
As I walked back, I started to get a bad feeling but I don't know why. The cool night air seemed to surround me, sending a chill down my spine. I began to quickly walk back to my tent before anything could happen. A stick suddenly snapped somewhere close but I knew it definitely wasn't me who did it. I stopped dead in my tracks and timidly looked around, my breathing picking up slightly. I couldn't see anyone but someone or something was definitely there.
A quiet growl sounded behind me. I quickly turned around and was met with yellow, menacing eyes. My hands raised in defense and I slowly took steps backward to try to get away from whatever was there. Unfortunately, the thing stepped forward every time I took a step back. Soon I was backed up against a tree with nowhere to go as it got closer. It was too dark to see what the thing was except for its bright eyes.
All of a sudden, it lunged at me with a terrifying bark. I quickly dived to the side and began to run back to my tent. I wasn't so lucky to escape the creature though. It went after me and snatched me by the hood of my hoodie. I yelped in surprise and was quickly dragged away by it. I tried to fight back against whatever it was but I couldn't escape. After what seemed like forever, it took me into some sort of cave and dropped me onto the floor. The thing stood in front of me in an intimidating stance, growling lowly. I quickly realized that I was fucked and began to shake fearfully.
The thing suddenly lunged at me again and I couldn't get out of the way in time. Its razor-sharp teeth quickly sunk into my arm as it clamped down its huge jaws. I screamed loudly and tried everything I could to get the thing off. I kicked and fought, tears pouring from my eyes, desperately trying to escape. After one sharp kick to the thing's chest, it whined and back off. It let go of my arm and I quickly clutched the heavily bleeding wound to my chest.
"Fuck..." I whimpered quietly. Sniffling softly while I shook a little, I looked back up to the creature that had just bitten me. Surprisingly, it wasn't attacking me anymore and it didn't look like it was going to or like it even wanted to. I should've taken my chance there to escape but I couldn't. I was stuck frozen from the pain in my arm and from the fear. All I could do was stare, terrified, at the thing as it pawed at its head weirdly.
It was a lot closer now but it wasn't close enough to where I could see it clearly. I squinted and tried to look at whatever it was. I then noticed an all too familiar yellow bandanna along with red fur and a floof between two round ears.
No, it couldn't be him...Why would he attack me? He wouldn't do something like that. He'd never hurt me...Besides that, the full moon was supposed to be over. He changed yesterday night so it didn't make any sense that he'd change again tonight...What I could now see as a wolf looked over at me and began to slowly walk over. I widened my eyes and instinctively shuffled away in fear, pushing the snout of it away while my eyes shut tightly. The wolf whimpered and I opened my eyes, looking over. Its ears were drooped back sadly and the terrifying yellow eyes it had earlier were now replaced with warm and caring green eyes.
"D-David..?" I mumbled. The wolf in front of me nodded. Somehow that made me feel both better and worse. More tears welled back into my eyes and flowed down my face. David seemed to frown and gently nuzzled his head against me to try to comfort me. I quietly hissed in pain as my arm burned from David accidentally nuzzling against the still bleeding wound. David's eyes widened as he noticed and looked at my arm. He hadn't seemed to see it before but now that he did he looked horrified. He whined softly and his ears dropped farther down.
I started to get dizzy but I didn't dare to take my arm away from my chest. I looked down at it and saw just how much I was bleeding. Meanwhile, David was frantically looking around the cave. He must've been figuring out where the hell we were because once he gathered the surroundings, he quickly grabbed the back of my hood with his teeth. I widened my eyes in surprise, being a little startled by the sudden action. He put me on top of his back and I immediately wrapped my arms tightly around his neck.
David made sure I was on securely before bolting out of the cave and through the woods. I held on for dear life but I was growing more tired by the second. David quickly sprinted back to camp and I could see the edge of the tree line as well as the counselor's cabin before I passed out.
David's Pov
This can't be happening..! I ran over to the counselor's cabin and frantically tried to grab Gwen's attention. I scratched at the door, whined (though it was a bit embarrassing but that didn't matter right now), and even barked a few times. It worked though when a tired Gwen opened the door and looked down at me. She didn't notice Max on my back at first so she was mostly confused.
"David? What are you doing back? It's nowhere even close to-"
I didn't have the time to try to answer so I quickly pushed past her and rushed into the cabin almost as soon as she opened the door. I heard her exclaim behind me but I didn't pay attention to it. I jumped onto my bed and gently set Max down on it. I noticed he was asleep, he must've passed out on the way back from the blood loss. Gwen walked over to the bed and furrowed her brow, confused.
"Why's he-" she started to say before she cut herself off. She looked down at Max's bloody arm and then glared at me.
"Holy shit...Max was bit?!" she yelled with shock. I whined softly in response. One "perk" that came with being a werewolf was that I could speak telepathically to people close to me. Right now was one of the cases where I had to use the bond between Gwen and me.
"I wasn't in control tonight and Max was walking around while I was close to camp..."
Gwen sighed and gently crossed her arms over her chest. She looked to Max before looking back to me. I was just staring down at the bed with an overwhelming feeling of guilt. Even though it wasn't me, I still feel like it was my fault. Like I bit him.
"Look, David, it's not your fault so don't beat yourself up over it..." Gwen said. "I'm going to grab the first aid and wrap up the bite so he won't lose any more blood. It's pretty deep."
I nodded and laid down next to Max. If only I had better control this wouldn't have happened. The last thing I ever wanted to do was hurt any of the campers, let alone Max who had already been through so much. But I bit him and probably traumatized him in the process...
Gwen came back a few moments later with the first aid kit. She sat down on the edge of the bed and got out everything she needed before carefully pulling off Max's hoodie. She put the blue piece of clothing aside and began to clean the bite wound. Max didn't even react in his sleep at all while she did this, being knocked out cold. The bleeding had already slowed down a lot so it didn't take very long for Gwen to clean his arm. She grabbed the bandages and began to gently wrap him up.
"Do you think Max is going to be ok..?" She asked and trailed off at the end. I nodded sadly, knowing exactly what she was going to ask. Some of the symptoms were already taking place and it made it pretty clear to me. Max was in a very deep sleep and probably wouldn't wake up until late tomorrow, a normal thing after being bitten. His bleeding almost completely stopped before Gwen started to clean it too, so the healing was already happening. I looked at Gwen as she finished wrapping Max's arm.
"He'll be ok, but some of the signs are already showing up...He's definitely going to be a werewolf now..."
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