Chapter 11: Revealing
David's Pov
All of the kids huddled behind me as the all too familiar man in white came closer. He shouldn't be here. We locked him in the bomb shelter! Daniel just stepped closer and closer, jagged knife in hand.
"Campers! Get to the mess hall now!" I yelled. No one hesitated before scrambling off hurriedly. Gwen and the Quartermaster were already in the mess hall so they could keep the kids safe while I hold off Daniel.
"Poor, poor, Davey," Daniel said. "You work so hard to protect your campers. How would you feel if I just went over there right now and hurt little Max?" He motioned to the campers hovering in the windows of the mess hall and then to Max as he spoke.
"Oh wait! You already did that, didn't you?!" He continued. I growled lowly in my throat as he chuckled darkly. The fact he had a cool, calm manner made him even more intimidating.
"You have no idea what you're talking about Daniel," I said. Daniel gave me a glare but kept a smirk on his face.
"Oh, I think I do, David. I know a lot more than you think. For example, this knife is lined with pure silver. I brought it special for this occasion."
I widened my eyes. How would he know about silver? Daniel then pulled out a book with an upside-down pentagram on the cover. I instantly thought back to my dream but kept focused on the problem at hand.
"You see, I know what you are David, and I know you got Max-y too. I saw what you did. I will give you credit though, you are one heck of a fighter."
Daniel opened the book and began to read from it. For a moment I was confused until the ache started in my chest. The ache quickly spread as it turned into pain and I was forced onto my knees, wrapping my arms around my torso tightly. He was forcing me to transform. I glanced over to the mess hall where all of the campers were watching me with fear and worry. My senses rapidly heightened and I could then hear all of their concerned and scared voices talking to one another.
I continued to fight back against whatever was causing my transformation. It was starting to put a strain but I couldn't let the campers see. I looked back to Daniel.
"Y-You can't do this..!" I croaked. Daniel laughed softly.
"Don't you understand, David? You're just a wolf for me to control. A dog on a leash. A tool for ascension."
Wait a minute. That sounded way too familiar for comfort. It was similar to what the guy always said in my nightmare. The dream flooded back to me immediately and now I could see Daniel's face behind the hood of the white robe. I glared at him.
"You did this to me..?" I asked shakily. I was still using all my effort not to transform but it was becoming harder and harder to not let it happen. Daniel just smiled devilishly.
"That nightmare you keep having is only but a memory. That curse years ago turned you into what you are and now we can use you to help others ascend. Starting with your campers. I failed the first two times but you know what they say, third times a charm! I've already taken care of Max thanks to you."
Was he meaning to say that...this whole time the wolf I've been fighting for four years was Daniel..? He was what caused Max to be bitten..?! I growled in my throat and looked back at the campers for a moment. I couldn't let them see...but I wasn't going to let Daniel use me to hurt them. He's already tried killing them twice before and I'm not going to let some curse blind me from his actions again. I can't let my campers get hurt, no matter the cost. Even if it'll kill me at some point.
I let out a loud scream and let myself transform. Surprised gasps and confused exclamations came from the mess hall while I kept a deadly gaze at Daniel.
"Now we're getting somewhere!" He said excitedly. He began to read from the book again but what he didn't understand was that I was truly in control now that I knew he was the one behind it. Usually, I wasn't one to resort to violence to solve a situation but something inside me snapped at the thought of him killing my campers. I growled and lunged at Daniel, firmly gripping the book in my jaws and tearing it away from him while ripping up the book slightly. Daniel yelled in surprise but glared at me.
"That was a timeless ritual book, David, now I've got to get a new one!" He said. "Oh well. If I can't use you to kill the campers I can just kill you."
Daniel jumped towards me with the silver knife and I dodged it in time to avoid getting stabbed. I yelped as he did manage to cut me instead. I quickly dismissed the pain and attacked again. This time, Daniel was ready as I lunged and slashed my chest and little of my paws. I yelped and fell back though I quickly got back onto my feet. Even though I was quick to get back up, Daniel was already making his move and I didn't have the time to attack before he did. He ran toward me and tried to stab me with the jagged knife. I dodged out of the way in time but he landed another cut, this one to my shoulder. He made another move to cut me but I moved away from this one entirely and seized the small moment.
I quickly ran towards Daniel and lunged at him. I bit down on the back of his shirt so he couldn't get me with the knife and gathered up all of my strength possible. Swinging myself back, I used all of the force I could and slung Daniel towards the flagpole. He flew straight into it and hard, his back and shoulders taking most of the impact before he landed back onto the ground. Daniel got back up from his knees and glared at me. He cracked his neck once before snapping it in the other direction. Then he cooly brushed the dirt off of his shirt.
"Impressive, David. You're a decent opponent but you know I'll win this one in the end," he said.
"Not on my watch."
The fight between us went in a constant state of back and forth. I would go after Daniel and then he'd come after me. It was a pretty evenly matched fight but he was landing more cuts on me that I couldn't heal fast enough because the knife was lined with silver. I was starting to get extremely tired and weak but I was going to keep fighting until the campers were safe or Daniel killed me. I whined softly under my breath but looked back at Daniel and growled determinedly. I suddenly got an idea and braced my aching limbs. I took a sudden run and went between Daniel's legs, sweeping him off of his feet. He managed to make a gash down my back but I didn't pay attention to it. I took my opportunity to attack him more, scratching him all over and using bites that wouldn't turn him. Daniel suddenly slashed at my snout, making another cut there and causing me to back away with a yelp. He shakily stood up.
"Enough..!" He growled. He held his shoulder, which seemed to be dislocated from when I threw him into the flagpole, and his face was a bit bloody but for the most part, he just looked like he lost a fistfight aside from a few bites and scratches.
"I'll be back, David...I'll be back to get you and your campers...No matter how many times it takes...I'll come back again, and again, and again..." he panted. He picked up the remains of the old book from earlier and quickly read off something that made him disappear and teleport to who knows where. I sighed softly once I stopped panting, glad he was gone at least for the moment. I relaxed from my defensive stance and flopped onto my back unceremoniously. I slowly changed myself back to my human form and hissed softly in pain once I finished. The cuts all over me stung badly and stuck to my tattered clothes but it would all heal eventually.
Suddenly, the locks from the mess hall clicked and the doors opened. All of the campers rushed out and huddled around me. Almost everyone was asking questions about what just happened or if I was ok. I couldn't really distinguish who was asking what since there were so many people talking at once. It just sounded like one big blur of noises and shouts as everyone tried to talk over one another.
"Hey! Give him some room to breathe you little shits!" Gwen yelled as she walked over. The Quartermaster nodded and made some sort of hum of agreement in a typical Quartermaster fashion. The campers did as told and backed up a bit while Gwen stood above me.
"You alright David?" She asked softly.
"Yeah, you look like shit," another voice added. I looked over to see it was Max and chuckled softly.
"I'm fine..," I said. "I just need some time to heal up..."
Gwen nodded and helped me up onto my feet.
"Thanks, Gwen," I mumbled.
"Don't mention it. You just took on one hell of a fight," she replied.
Gwen helped me get back to the counselor's cabin and grabbed the first aid kit while I sat down on my bed. All of the campers had followed into the cabin and they were surprisingly quiet. I smiled softly at them.
"Ok, one question at a time and I'll explain everything."
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