Chapter 2
"This is pathetic," I said.
The blondie raised his eyebrows, "Excuse me red? Did you just call us pathetic?"
I rolled my eyes. This dude didn't really just talk back to me. I am thousands of levels higher than him and he dares to talk back?
"Adele. We shouldn't be fighting them. Remember?" Jonathan warned. I looked back at him and pouted. Why does he always have to get in the way? Especially when I'm at the good parts.
"Listen to your boyfriend red. I happen to be the best shadowhunter in New York. There are many shadowhunters here by the way." Blondie bragged.
I had enough. "First of all, my name is not red. It's Adele Ravefold. This is my brother, Christopher."
"Ohh. So you two have a siblings complex, huh?" Jace teased.
This was getting boring. And annoying. "Would you like to take me on, Blondie? Right here, right now. The loser has to do whatever the winner says."
Jonathan stepped up. "Adele. It isn't wise to d-"
"Look Chris. We were sent here to teach them a lesson. Not to hide every time we have to fight." I said.
Jon sighed. He knew he wouldn't be able to stop me. "Fine. But go easy, ok?"
"Fine," I say back. This wouldn't be as fun as I thought it would.
"She doesn't have to go easy on me. She'll lose! You want your little sister to lose that badly?" Jace teased.
I was about to throw a knife at him to shut his ugly mouth with Maryse interrupted us.
"I'm terribly sorry Miss and Mr Ravefold for my adoptive son's behaviour. Though please do not take this out on him. I know the Clave has sent you to help us, so would you beat common sense into these kids when you train them? It would be better if they actually learn something than my carpet getting all bloody."
Goldie and the twins stared at their mother. Maybe they've never felt betrayed before. Jonathan and me have felt lots of it. From all short of directions.
"B-but mom! How could you say that to your children?" Isabelle whined.
Normally, the children would expect a apologetic look front their mother, through this time, they got a pissed off look from her.
"Anyways, we would like to go to our rooms. After dinner, Adele and I will give you a run through of tomorrow. Today, you are still in charge. Tomorrow, we do it our way," Jonathan said. "Deal?"
"Yes, that is fine." Maryse replied. At least we weren't like some people who takes control over immediately. We were being generous.
"Also, we would like to cook our own dinner. No need for any takeout or you guys cooking," I said. I absolutely hate takeout or anything that I don't cook unless of course, it was my brother or father or mother's cooking. That I could deal with. Who knows if someone from the trio would put poison in our food?
"Oh. Well, umm. Of course. We were planing to get takeout either way. We don't need the kitchen." Maryse stuttered. She probably thought we were going to eat the same thing as them. As if.
"Well then. Do we just randomly choose our room?" I asked. They really didn't know how to treat their guests properly.
"I'll guide you to your rooms. There's two empty ones upstairs." Isabelle said.
"Thank you. Though we only need one room." Jonathan said.
Everyone raised an eyebrow. Red rosed to my cheeks. A second later, Jonathan realized what he had said and also blushed.
"N-no. I-I don't mean it that way. It's just that we were used to sleeping in one room. It also didn't take up much space. Also in case someone or something managed to get into our room, it would be easier to fight them off." Jonathan stuttered.
Nice job Jon. Way to embarrass ourselves. We didn't usually act like this. We weren't this emotionally controlled. Though in the presence of others, we had to. Or else, who would know that we weren't fully shadowhunters? We would sleep with each other due to things happening at night. It was a daily routine.
"Sure. That's totally not a oblivious way to say that you have a sibling complex, Christopher. Maybe I'll take some lessons from you if I ever get a sibling." Jace said, sarcastically.
Jon and Jace had a good 5 minute starring contest before I budged in.
"That's it. I've had enough. We would really like to go to our room now." I said, with a very annoyed look that some might miss understood and think I'm angry. Which was somewhat true.
"U-uh. Sure. So, only one room?" Izzy asked. This again?
"Ugh! Fine," I rolled my eyes. "We'll have different rooms. Just don't be pissed at us if we break down the wall to make a joint room."
A knock interrupted me while I was finishing unpacking. The number of thing I brought lot? There were my weapons given by my father, art supplies from my mother, and a rose that only bloomed at dawn. It was created by my brother. He called it the Morning Star flower. The sign of our family. And could only be grown by a member of the Morgenstern family. Since having a plotted plant in my room was a bother, I got Jonathan to in case the rose in a bottle with a type of elixir that would allow the flower to grow and keep it's properties without rotting. It was beautiful. A golden white rose with bubbly and silky golden elixir. If only we could have saved more of them.
A knock on the door came again. I sighed, seeing that the person outside the door was impatient.
"The doors open!" I yelled. Hopefully the person outside the door would understand plain English. Unless I had to talk in Spanish to them.
The door slowly opened, revealing a hesitant Izzy. I question formed in my mind. What does she need of me?
"What is it Isabelle?" I asked, annoyed.
"Oh,um. My mother said that we're all eating dinner now and I was go get you and your brother." Izzy said, nervously. I raised my eyebrow. Why would this girl be scared of two innocent shadowhunters? It's not like she knew who we really were. This should be the least of her problems.
"Ok. I'll grab Christopher then," I replied. Who knew time would pass this fast. Izzy nodded and just stood there in the doorway. She wasn't going back or anything.
"Hello?" I said, annoyed. "I said I'll grab my brother. You can leave now."
"Well, umm. I was thinking of, umm, maybe you could, well, teach me how to cook?" Izzy asked as if she was scared of the outcome.
The hell? A shadowhunter who hunts demons for a living and is almost an adult wants to learn how to cook? Our job is to kill demons and protect mundanes. Well that's what the Clave said. Even though, by now, she should have known how to cook something already. Maybe she just wants to learn more dishes? I mean like, her cooking can't be that bad. Can it?
"Sure. I'll call Chris and meet you down in 5." I replied as smoothly as possible cause I don't want her to know I'm scared of the outcome.
"Okay. Thanks Adele. I'll um, be down in the kitchen waiting then," Izzy thanked.
I watched as she closed the door and led out a sigh. Being in company with another girl that I didn't know something horrible about was terrifying. Without something horrible to blackmail them, it was impossible to have a counterattack if she starts having a bitch fight with you. I mean, Boys are better! They all suck at arguing. It was always either, 'it's cause I'm handsome' or 'I'm stronger than you' or any other idiotic thing a boy would say. (Not directed to any readers or mundanes. Just Jace and them) It's easier to fight them too cause they'll be like, "I can't hurt a girl! That will hurt my pride."
Warning to all the mundanes, shadowhunters, downwarders, and angels. Your ally is your worst enemy.
I sighed, having Izzy finally out of my room. "Hey Jon?"
Jon poked his head through the bed sheets and replied, "What is it?"
While I was packing all our stuff, Jon just fell asleep, surrounded by many layers of blankets. There aren't going to be any people other than us as a guest so it's not like they'll be missing their bed sheets.
"Isabelle wants us down for dinner. Get dressed. I'm going to count to 10." I stood up, grabbing a jacket and a hair tie. "By the way, while you at it, do my hair for me."
This time it was Jon's time to sigh. "All right," he said, getting out of the bed and reached for my hair.
Ever since we were little, he used to braid my hair. It was all we could do as siblings after the accident happened. We were 7 and 8. Not the usual age shadowhunters start fighting demons. But then again, we were trained by Valentine for a while. We were his favourite children. The powerful ones. The ones who he hoped would not end up betraying him. We didn't betray him. It was him who betrayed us.
Flashback- 9 years ago.
"Really Daddy? We can?" The young Clarissa squealed. It was the first time her father had let Jonathan and her go hunting by themselves. It was the one chance they wouldn't ignore.
"Yes darling. I'll let you go with Jonathan to go hunting . Just promise me that you'll go to this place," Valentine said, pointing to a forest a bit outside of Idris. "And stay there until I tell you to come back. Deal?"
"Deal!" Clary said, hardly containing her excitement. Finally, after years of Daddy dearest not letting her kill the Greater demons, she finally got a chance to kill one. Unless Jon beats her to it.
"Jonathan," Valentine called his son. Jon stood up straighter and snapped to attention.
"Yes father?" He asked.
"I trust you to keep your sister safe. Remember, you two are the last of the Morgensterns. If you two die, there will be no more Morgenstern's in the future," Valentine warned.
"Yes father. I will protect Clarissa," Jonathan promised. Even though his father had told him to protect his little sister, he would have done so either way.
"Come on Jonny! Let's go kill some demons!" Clary exclaimed. Though what their father had planned wasn't only involving demons. It also involved a deal.
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