Chapter 2
You woke up a little earlier than usual as you always do. You usually trained in the morning before breakfast, so you got out the too-big short-sleeved jump suit. Due to your size, they didn't have anything that fit you correctly; everything was either too big or too small. You didn't really care what you looked like so you never complained, which led no one ordering you better fitting clothes. You looked around the room to make sure everyone was sleeping. Once you were sure, you took off the shirt and shorts and slipped the jumpsuit on. You tied an over-sized hoodie over your waist and took the two pills before slipping your mask on. No one was up at this hour, so you wouldn't need to put it on until after training. You hid the fact that you were a girl to avoid unwanted attention. It wasn't necessary, but you decided it was easier. The less attention the better. You tied your (h/l), (h/c) hair into a ponytail. You had a key that would open the cell door for this purpose. You tip-toed to the door, not wanting to wake anyone up. Just as you were about to put the key into the door, "Where are you going" You yelped and turn around, covering your chest, only to find a disheveled Upa. "N-nowhere." You quickly put the hoodie on as he looked you up and down. "I doubt that. You're dressed." You tried several times to come up with an excuse with no success. He put his hands on his hips. "Well?" You let out a defeated sigh. "I-I was going to train." He cast you a confused look. "How? The door is locked" He looked at the key that was in your hand. "How did you get that?" he said, walking towards you. You backed up holding the key to your chest. "S-samon gave it to me" He reached for the key but you held it back from him, still avoiding physical contact. He stopped. "Why would he give an inmate a key?" You were about to try to make an excuse but a certain guard interrupted, "(Y/n), I thought you were supposed to be training by now." You turned to him, thankful that he interrupted the situation. "I-I was but umm..." You trailed off. He looked at Upa and understood. "Oooh. Okay. Well you can still go. There's still a bit of time left." He offered. You shook your head. "Okay, see you in a bit." He said walking off. You sighed. You always looked forwards to your morning training. "You seem know him well." You nodded. "He was the only one I-I talked to for my whole stay here." He gave a disinterested grunt and walked off. In a few minutes it was time for breakfast. You almost always ate by yourself, so you grabbed your plate and walked off to a corner. After a quick breakfast, you started walking towards your training ground. You were about to walk out of the door when someone grabbed your sleeve. You jumped a bit and turned to the person. Samon had pulled your sleeve. Behind him was Liang, Upa, and a very sleepy looking Qi. You cocked your head to the side in question. "I request a sparring match." said Liang. You froze. This was one thing you feared. Due to... things in your past, you never liked sparring with others. It wasn't that you didn't like to practice fighting with others, it was just sparring brought up... bad things. You could spar with Samon, but that took a good while for you to get used to. You tried to stutter out a response, but Samon saved the day once again. "Where are you guys headed?" "To the training ground." Upa said without hesitation. Samon nodded. "Oh and (y/n), I need to change your talisman today." You felt your heart drop. You had always kept your abilities a secret. The group looked at you curiously. "You practice Qigong?" Asked Upa. You felt your face flush. You had always found it embarrassing to talk about the things you could do. You simply nodded your head, not thinking of a proper excuse. Upa started walking towards the training ground. "Well, come on then." You tilted your head to the side. "Come where?" He stopped and turned. "To the training grounds. We must have a match." Even the thought of sparring with someone gave you anxiety. You started to panic. Samon noticed and tried to calm you down, but he was too late. You used your abilities to hide yourself from the group. You saw them look around frantically, all but Samon. He knew what you had done because you had done it numerous times before. You tugged on his sleeve and he leaned down. You told him quietly that you were going to your training ground. He nodded minutely and you went on your way. Once you were there, you took off the hoodie and set it on the hook. You sat on the ground and attempted to calm yourself down.
(Upa's pov)
"To the training grounds. We must have a match." I wanted to know how powerful he was, though I doubted he would be a good match judging by his meek temperament. Then, after a bit of frantically looking around, he disappeared. "What the-" I looked around and found him to be completely gone. "Where is he?" asked Liang, who was equally as confused. I looked to Samon but saw he seemed calm. He sighed, "It's okay, guys. He's fine." I stopped looking around. "Where is he?" "The thing is... (y/n) doesn't really like to spar." I rolled my eyes. 'Great another piece of trash' "So he doesn't train." He shook his head, "He trains alone in a separate training ground." "Why does he get a separate place?" I asked. "You'll figure it out eventually. Now come on, to the training grounds." We started walking to the doors. 'I'll have to keep an eye on him' I thought as we walked outside.
(Timeskip to the end of training | still Upa's pov)
Samon called us in and we walked back to our cells. I planned to ask (y/n) a few questions, but to my dismay, he wasn't there. I turned to Samon who was escorting us. "Where is he?" "Still training." He said simply. "Why does he get to stay out later than us?"
(Normal pov)
He paused for a second to think. "Come, I'll show you" Qi was already sleeping and Liang was training in the corner, so Upa was the only one to come. "Are we going to the place where he trains?" he asked. Samon nodded. After a bit of walking, the pair came to a door. Samon entered a code and the doors opened to reveal an almost sanctuary type place. Not only was there a place for training, but a nice place for meditation. "What is this place?" Upa asked Samon, looking around the place. "This is where (y/n) spends most of his time." "Why does he get to come here?" "Just wait a second and I'll show you." Samon said, walking down a path that lead to the training area.
As promised here's the next chapter! I would like to thank GraceBloom, Mythical_chan, AlexStein4200, and LolaAnimes for voting, commenting, and adding my story to their reading list! Anyways I hope you enjoy and see you in the next chapter! So YEET.
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