◈ moon 13 ◈
season ◈ melt 1/3
weather ◈ sun shines through a dense layer of clouds, streams of snowmelt run through the camp.
event(s) ◈ apprentice-mentor decisions, injury, new warrior, newly mates
peakclan stats
population ◈ 25
females ◈ 14
males ◈ 11
other ◈ 0
border strength ◈ 14/20
prey ◈ 24
herbs ◈ 37
◈ injured ◈
iceslip - severe injury (10 herbs, level 8)
◈ ill ◈
bluebellnose - whitecough (2 herbs, level 2)
dahliakit - whitecough (2 herbs, level 2)
primrosekit - whitecough (2 herbs, level 2)
◈ hungry ◈
◈ tired ◈
sorry for the late update!
while he could have given them to her in the morning, he did not.
since his newly mate had wept at glacierfrost's announcement, his sunrises had been filled with searching for objects and ways to make kestrelnight happy. he couldn't bear to see her upset over him.
now, he stood over her nest as she slept, her favourite flowers placed beside her. he put those there. he knew she loved them. after all those pranks they had played on each other, he knew they could have a happy life if they wanted to.
"sleep well, darling."
someone placed kestrelnight's favourite flowers in her nest! chieftess and advisors, you can discuss to find who this cat was, if you like.
after returning to camp from their patrol, the feline prowled through the shadows, peeling away from the two heading back to their nests. the others must have figured they would head back to their personal den— no, they had a job to do.
snatching a small bushel from behind the nursery, the cat slipped around the corner and into the den, where the scents of their clanmates filled their nose. they spotted the new warrior easily; he lay beside his new mate, where blooms rested at her own flank. the cat was momentarily surprised, before a smile grew on their face.
"i suppose they both will have flowers tonight."
someone has placed flowers in snaphound's nest! chieftess and advisors, you may investigate this, if you like.
no one bothered to ask her where she was going. they didn't need to know.
she was high ranked enough, and with her children snuggled inside the nursery, no one would care if the she-cat padded in with feathers in her mouth. it wasn't as if it was a strange sight; a mother bringing her kits toys to play with was normal.
she had chosen one for each. of a hawk, an eagle, the raven she had eaten that morning. every one filled with love for her littles.
delicately, glacierfrost lay each feather on their flanks, leaving the youth to awake and find new playthings to enjoy.
"i will always love you, my kits. no matter what happens."
glacierfrost has placed feathers in her kit's nest!
glacierfrost has created a schedule for this moon.
- two hunting patrols
- two patrols with 3 cats each
snaphound has ranked up to a warrior and is now big boy!
cloudedkit and cottonkit will rank up to rookies next moon! chieftess and advisors, it is your job to choose a mentor for cottonkit. as cloudedkit is blind, he must become a shaman and be trained by sunwing or dusklight.
nebulakit and narwhalkit are now healed, thanks to sunwing!
larkpoppy is now healed, thanks to dusklight!
iceslip is now severely injured! it will take 10 herbs to heal him. -2 energy
the sickness has spread from the kits she nurses to bluebellnose and her daughters dahliakit, zinniakit and primrosekit! it will take 2 herbs to heal each of them.
snaphound and kestrelnight are now mates!
◈ chieftess
glacierfrost | superlunari
a tall silky silver tabby she-cat with purple-blue eyes.
mates with snowshine
mother of narwhalkit, nebulakit, wisteriakit and lavenderkit
battlingskill: 10/10
huntingskill: 10/10
lives: 1
status: healthy, 3 energy
◈ heiress
wisteriakit | finchy-
see kits
◈ advisors
bluebellnose | talfli
see queens
heronwing | Maple175
a medium-sized pure white tom with a light grey stripe running down his back and blue eyes, along with small paws.
mates with feathertongue
battlingskill: 8/10
huntingskill: 8.75/10
status: healthy, 3 energy
larkpoppy | wrenwhispers
see queens
snowtop | OdinTheWhiteDoggo
a fluffy black and white brindled fur with a grey raccoon-like mask around his fiery amber eyes.
brother to snowshine
mates with flickerdaze
battlingskill: 7/10
huntingskill: 3.5/10
status: healthy, 3 energy
◈ shaman
dusklight | @nightspell-
a dark ginger tabby with green eyes
no relations
healingskill: 10/10
foragingskill: 10/10
status: healthy, 3 energy
sunwing| xX__Cinderblaze__Xx
a muscular white tom with a near perfect golden circle on his forehead and green eyes.
younger brother to bluebellnose
healingskill: 7/10
foragingskill: 6/10
status: healthy, 3 energy
◈ shaman rookies
◈ warriors
iceslip | goldentufts
a short fluffy pale grey tom with cold blue-green eyes.
mates with bluebellnose
adoptive father of primrosekit, zinniakit and dahliakit
battlingskill: 4/10
huntingskill: 3/10
status: severely injured, 1 energy
flickerdaze | starryskiies-
a beautiful half ginger, half pale grey tabby she-cat with one blue eye and one green eye.
mates with snowtop
battlingskill: 9/10
huntingskill: 2.5/10
status: healthy, 3 energy
hawthornmoon | bunnyskiies
a sleek furred brown bengal tom with aquamarine eyes.
mates with larkpoppy
father of cottonkit and cloudedkit
battlingskill: 8.5/10
huntingskill: 8.5/10
status: healthy, 3 energy
feathertongue | mintpelt1
a cream she-cat with white paws and ice blue eyes. she also has a scar on her nose
mates with heronwing
battlingskill: 6/10
huntingskill: 9.5/10
status: healthy, 3 energy
snowshine | TheSmellOfHome
a lean, twiggy, grey molly with white speckles, black ear tips, and yellow eyes with a very fluffy long tail.
sister to snowtop
mates with glacierfrost
adoptive mother of narwhalkit, nebulakit, wisteriakit and lavenderkit
battlingskill: 0.5/10
huntingskill: 10/10
oakfreckle | shademoon-
a mottled dark brown, caramel brown, and white tabby she-cat with a slash of caramel across her nose, long legs, emerald eyes, and a white chest.
sister to kestrelnight
battlingskill: 5/10
huntingskill: 4.5/10
status: healthy, 3 energy
kestrelnight | alIycrown
a fluffy calico she-cat with light brown, grey, and black markings along with bright blue eyes.
sister to oakfreckle
battlingskill: 3.5/10
huntingskill: 4.5/10
status: healthy, 3 energy
snaphound | miserykilledme
a small scruffy black tom with a large white spot on his chest, small ears, and green eyes.
mates with kestrelnight
battlingskill: 5/10
huntingskill: 4.5/10
status: healthy, 3 energy
◈ warrior rookies
◈ queens
larkpoppy | wrenwhispers
a pure white she-cat with one sky blue eye and one golden yellow eye. no nose and is missing her left front leg.
mates with hawthornmoon
mother of cottonkit and cloudedkit
battlingskill: 5/10
huntingskill: 5/10
status: nursing kits, 0 energy
bluebellnose | talfli
a beautiful soft-furred white she-cat with brown ears and green eyes.
older sister to sunwing
mates with iceslip
mother of primrosekit, zinniakit and dahliakit
nursing glacierfrost's kits
battlingskill: 10/10
huntingskill: 3/10
status: nurseling kits, whitecough, 0 energy
◈ kits
cottonkit | Dying_inside_again
a pale brown bengal she-cat with one yellow eye and one aquamarine blue eye.
daughter of larkpoppy and hawthornmoon
sister of cloudedkit
age: 5 moons
plays: 4/6
status: healthy, 1 energy
cloudedkit | deerleap-
a white tom with faint bengal markings and blind aquamarine eyes.
son of larkpoppy and hawthornmoon
brother of cottonkit
age: 5 moons
plays: 5/6
status: healthy, 1 energy
narwhalkit | LillyG99
a large, dark gray tabby lynx-cat tom with very long fur and big, silver tipped paws. bright blue eyes.
son of glacierfrost and fjord
adoptive son of snowshine
brother of nebulakit, wisteriakit and lavenderkit
age: 4 moons
plays: 4/6
status: healthy, 1 energy
nebulakit | NightWhisperOC
a black-and-silver patched lynx-cat tom with white undersides, two missing front paws. odd, dark blue eyes.
son of glacierfrost and fjord
adoptive son of snowshine
brother of narwhalkit, wisteriakit and lavenderkit
age: 4 moons
plays: 3/6
status: healthy, 1 energy
wisteriakit | finchy-
a pure white lynx-cat she-cat with dark gray rosette spots, large paws, and tufts of fur on her ears. she has one blue-purple eye, the other blue.
daughter of glacierfrost and fjord
adoptive daughter of snowshine
sister of narwhalkit, nebulakit and lavenderkit
age: 4 moons
plays: 3/6
status: healthy, 1 energy
lavenderkit | crat__
a very large, tall dark gray lynx-cat tom with white, gray and silver worked into his fur, faint tabby markings, and lilac-coloured eyes.
son of glacierfrost and fjord
adoptive son of snowshine
brother of narwhalkit, nebulakit and wisteriakit
age: 4 moons
plays: 4/6
status: healthy, 1 energy
primrosekit| -wheresthefood
a soft-furred, white-and-gray dappled lynx-cat she-cat with brown ears, toes and chest-heart. sea green eyes.
daughter of bluebellnose and fjord
adoptive daughter of iceslip
sister of zinniakit and dahliakit
age: 4 moons
plays: 4/6
status: whitecough, 0 energy
zinniakit | Catyellow716
a long-furred, tufty dark gray and white rosette covered lynx-cat she-cat with large paws and ice blue eyes.
daughter of bluebellnose and fjord
adoptive daughter of iceslip
sister of primrosekit and dahliakit
age: 4 moons
plays: 4/6
status: whitecough, 0 energy
dahliakit | ryeriley
a beautiful, soft-furred very pale gray lynx-cat she-cat with odd, dark gray and coal black whorls on her flank and paws; ringed tail, green eyes.
daughter of bluebellnose and fjord
adoptive daughter of iceslip
sister of primrosekit and zinniakit
age: 4 moons
plays: 4/6
status: whitecough, 0 energy
◈ if i forgot anything, please let me know! ◈
◈ we have a discord! https://discord.gg/TGuMhjk
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