◈ moon 11 ◈
season ◈ freeze 2/3
weather ◈ thick layer of snow on the ground, freezing cold
event(s) ◈ aftermath of blizzard, warriors den buried
peakclan stats
population ◈ 25
females ◈ 14
males ◈ 11
other ◈ 0
border strength ◈ 15/20
prey ◈ 0
herbs ◈ 5
◈ injured ◈
iceslip - severely injured (10 herbs)
larkpoppy - frostbitten (8 herbs)
◈ ill ◈
oakfreckle - greencough (5 herbs)
nebulakit - whitecough (2 herbs)
◈ hungry ◈
everyone except for kits - slightly hungry
◈ tired ◈
larkpoppy, iceslip, oakfreckle and cindermist didn't escape.
oakfreckle caught greencough. it may spread to other cats. (-2 energy)
larkpoppy got frostbite; she lost her nose and her leg. her skills have decreased. she must be healed or her condition will worsen or she will die. (-2 energy)
cindermist was buried in the snow before she escaped; she was found completely frozen and dead.
iceslip was severely injured. if he isn't healed this moon, he will either lose limb(s) or die. (-2 energy)
nebulakit caught whitecough while they were escaping. (-0 energy)
everyone but the kits are slightly hungry. (-0 energy)
the warrior den has been buried by the snow! it needs 4 digs to be accessable again. the warriors will become tired next moon if it is not completed this moon.
snap-paw was not able to duel last moon because of the blizzard. he may retry his duel with his mentor today, if he wishes. /duel with (mentor)
◈ chieftess
glacierfrost | superlunari
a tall silky silver tabby she-cat with purple-blue eyes.
mates with snowshine
mother of narwhalkit, nebulakit, wisteriakit and lavenderkit
battlingskill: 10/10
huntingskill: 10/10
lives: 1
status: healthy, 3 energy
◈ heiress
wisteriakit | finchy-
see kits
◈ advisors
bluebellnose | talfli
see queens
heronwing | Maple175
a medium-sized pure white tom with a light grey stripe running down his back and blue eyes, along with small paws.
mates with feathertongue
battlingskill: 7/10
huntingskill: 8.75/10
status: healthy, 3 energy
rookie: snap-paw
larkpoppy | wrenwhispers
see queens
snowtop | OdinTheWhiteDoggo
a fluffy black and white brindled fur with a grey raccoon-like mask around his fiery amber eyes.
brother to snowshine
mates with flickerdaze
battlingskill: 7/10
huntingskill: 3.5/10
status: healthy, 3 energy
◈ shaman
dusklight | @nightspell-
a dark ginger tabby with green eyes
no relations
healingskill: 10/10
foragingskill: 10/10
status: healthy, 3 energy
sunwing| xX__Cinderblaze__Xx
a muscular white tom with a near perfect golden circle on his forehead and green eyes.
younger brother to bluebellnose
healingskill: 7/10
foragingskill: 6/10
status: healthy, 2 energy
◈ shaman rookies
◈ warriors
iceslip | goldentufts
a short fluffy pale grey tom with cold blue-green eyes.
mates with bluebellnose
adoptive father of primrosekit, zinniakit and dahliakit
battlingskill: 4/10
huntingskill: 3/10
status: severely injured, 1 energy
flickerdaze | starryskiies-
a beautiful half ginger, half pale grey tabby she-cat with one blue eye and one green eye.
mates with snowtop
battlingskill: 9/10
huntingskill: 2.5/10
status: healthy, 3 energy
hawthornmoon | bunnyskiies
a sleek furred brown bengal tom with aquamarine eyes.
mates with larkpoppy
father of cottonkit and cloudedkit
battlingskill: 8.5/10
huntingskill: 8.5/10
status: healthy, 3 energy
feathertongue | mintpelt1
a cream she-cat with white paws and ice blue eyes. she also has a scar on her nose
mates with heronwing
battlingskill: 5/10
huntingskill: 9.5/10
status: healthy, 3 energy
snowshine | TheSmellOfHome
a lean, twiggy, grey molly with white speckles, black ear tips, and yellow eyes with a very fluffy long tail.
sister to snowtop
mates with glacierfrost
adoptive mother of narwhalkit, nebulakit, wisteriakit and lavenderkit
battlingskill: 0.5/10
huntingskill: 10/10
oakfreckle | shademoon-
a mottled dark brown, caramel brown, and white tabby she-cat with a slash of caramel across her nose, long legs, emerald eyes, and a white chest.
sister to kestrelpaw
battlingskill: 5/10
huntingskill: 4.5/10
status: greencough, 1 energy
kestrelnight | alIycrown
a fluffy calico she-cat with light brown, grey, and black markings along with bright blue eyes.
sister to oakpaw
battlingskill: 3.5/10
huntingskill: 4.5/10
status: healthy, 2 energy
◈ warrior rookies
snap-paw | miserykilledme
a small scruffy black tom with a large white spot on his chest, small ears, and green eyes.
age: 15 moons
no relations
battlingskill: 4.5/10
huntingskill: 4/10
status: healthy, 2 energy
mentor: heronwing
◈ queens
larkpoppy | wrenwhispers
a pure white she-cat with one sky blue eye and one golden yellow eye. no nose and is missing her left front leg.
mates with hawthornmoon
mother of cottonkit and cloudedkit
battlingskill: 5/5
huntingskill: 5/5
status: nursing kits, frostbitten, 0 energy
bluebellnose | talfli
a beautiful soft-furred white she-cat with brown ears and green eyes.
older sister to sunpaw
mates with iceslip
mother of primrosekit, zinniakit and dahliakit
nursing glacierfrost's kits
battlingskill: 10/10
huntingskill: 3/10
status: nursing kits, 0 energy
◈ kits
cottonkit | Dying_inside_again
a pale brown bengal she-cat with one yellow eye and one aquamarine blue eye.
daughter of larkpoppy and hawthornmoon
sister of cloudedkit
age: 3 moons
plays: 3/6
status: healthy, 1 energy
cloudedkit | deerleap-
a white tom with faint bengal markings and blind aquamarine eyes.
son of larkpoppy and hawthornmoon
brother of cottonkit
age: 3 moons
plays: 3/6
status: healthy, 1 energy
narwhalkit | LillyG99
a large, dark gray tabby lynx-cat tom with very long fur and big, silver tipped paws. bright blue eyes.
son of glacierfrost and fjord
adoptive son of snowshine
brother of nebulakit, wisteriakit and lavenderkit
age: 2/6
plays: 2/6
status: healthy, 1 energy
nebulakit | NightWhisperOC
a black-and-silver patched lynx-cat tom with white undersides, two missing front paws. odd, dark blue eyes.
son of glacierfrost and fjord
adoptive son of snowshine
brother of narwhalkit, wisteriakit and lavenderkit
age: 2 moon
plays: 1/6
status: healthy, 1 energy
wisteriakit | finchy-
a pure white lynx-cat she-cat with dark gray rosette spots, large paws, and tufts of fur on her ears. she has one blue-purple eye, the other blue.
daughter of glacierfrost and fjord
adoptive daughter of snowshine
sister of narwhalkit, nebulakit and lavenderkit
age: 2 moon
plays: 2/6
status: healthy, 1 energy
lavenderkit | crat__
a very large, tall dark gray lynx-cat tom with white, gray and silver worked into his fur, faint tabby markings, and lilac-coloured eyes.
son of glacierfrost and fjord
adoptive son of snowshine
brother of narwhalkit, nebulakit and wisteriakit
age: 2 moon
plays: 2/6
status: healthy, 1 energy
| -wheresthefood
a soft-furred, white-and-gray dappled lynx-cat she-cat with brown ears, toes and chest-heart. sea green eyes.
daughter of bluebellnose and fjord
adoptive daughter of iceslip
sister of zinniakit and dahliakit
age: 2 moon
plays: 2/6
status: healthy, 1 energy
zinniakit | Catyellow716
a long-furred, tufty dark gray and white rosette covered lynx-cat she-cat with large paws and ice blue eyes.
daughter of bluebellnose and fjord
adoptive daughter of iceslip
sister of primrosekit and dahliakit
age: 2 moon
plays: 2/6
status: healthy, 1 energy
dahliakit | ryeriley
a beautiful, soft-furred very pale gray lynx-cat she-cat with odd, dark gray and coal black whorls on her flank and paws; ringed tail, green eyes.
daughter of bluebellnose and fjord
adoptive daughter of iceslip
sister of primrosekit and zinniakit
age: 2 moon
plays: 2/6
status: healthy, 1 energy
◈ if i forgot anything, please let me know! ◈
◈ we have a discord! https://discord.gg/TGuMhjk
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