Pankhuri's eyes are fixed on Rudransh only, as she is not able to focus her eyes on anything else after listening to him, and Rudraksh looks into her eyes, cleans his lips with a napkin, and sits in front of her and says to her very comfortably.
"It is a simple thing: whatever has happened to you in the last two days, I have done it all, and the logic is very simple. Now call it madness or something else; I want you at any cost."
After hearing Rudransh's words, Pankhuri is unable to believe what she is hearing, but she is well aware that Rudransh is a betrayal and can do anything, so she angrily confronts him.
After all, what do we expect from you? You are dishonest, and you only know how to cheat others. And what do you think? After doing all this, I will be yours. I will agree to whatever you say. I only want my brother, and apart from that, I don't even want to see your face; I hate a cheater like you."
"Exactly, you are right; when I have cheated you once, then what was the problem in cheating you again? But I also want you at any cost, so I'll do whatever it takes."
"Now I will not listen to any of your nonsense; I am going to the police right now.”
Pankhuri turns and begins to leave, but Rudraksh, who is smiling at her, speaks in a slightly louder voice.
"What are you going to tell the police? I also want to hear it. Let me tell you that you will go to the police and say I caught your brother by deceit and transferred all your property and patent to me, but you have no proof because nothing like this happened. You have mortgaged everything in your name, including your house, company, and shares, in order to raise money from the market, as evidenced by the documents you signed. You have signed the patent papers yourself. I did not put any pressure on you."
Pankhuri turns and looks at him in anger, comes back to him, and, holding his collar, says to him,
"I may or may not be able to do anything else, but one thing is certain: you have abducted my brother."
"Yes, this is indeed true, but what is the evidence to support it?" Come, let me show you some proof. You can't prove I kidnapped your brother because I have positive proof of him leaving silently and willingly. I have sent your brother very far from here to somewhere beautiful, where he is absolutely safe, but if you do the stupid thing of going to the police, then I don't know how long your brother will remain safe. You know very well that I don't like your brother at all, so how much effort will it take for me to kill him? Even if the entire world's police unit unites, no one can accuse me, as I will provide evidence of your brother's comfortable departure."
He opens his laptop and immediately plays a video that is of the airport, where Pankhuri can easily see that Pravesh is accompanied by two men who are walking right behind him. Pravesh is quietly getting his boarding pass checked at the airport, and after that he has gone inside from there. In addition, there is a video of him comfortably exiting the airport with those two men, making it appear that he was not kidnapped. Even if Pankhuri wants to, she cannot prove this, but she can understand very well that Pravesh must be concerned about his life; that is why he is doing what he is being told. Pankhuri looks at Rudransh in anger and, without any delay, slaps him on his cheek; without stopping, she slaps him on the other cheek as well, and when she starts slapping him for the third time, Rudransh immediately catches her and takes her into his captivity of strong arms. Holding both her hands tightly, he hugs her back to his chest and brings his mouth near her ears and tells her very softly, but in a threatening way.
“After a very long time, you touch me. And don't worry; my love for you is not going to decrease at all; I love you more…”
Pankhuri tries to free herself, but Rudransh holds her tightly, closes her mouth, and begins speaking slowly in her ears.
"Your brother has mortgaged all the property for only two months, but everyone knows that the company has completely collapsed. You witnessed this firsthand this morning when all the creditors came to your house to reclaim their money and harassed your mother and father. As soon as they came to know that your project is no longer yours, they became sure that now you cannot return their money. Your father is in the hospital right now. I know very well that you love your family very much, and you must be thinking only about your father at this time. You don't need to think much about him; all your property, company, and everything will be back in your name tomorrow if you listen to me.”
Rudransh loosens his grip, and Pankhuri immediately pushes him away from herself to confront him. Pankhuri is breathing deeply in anger, but Rudraksh smiles, caresses his cheeks where she slaps hard, and speaks softly to her.
“Tomorrow morning, as soon as the court opens, we will both get married in the court…. Become mine, and you will get whatever is yours, and the most important thing is that I will not do anything to your brother; he will remain alive, and if you do not listen to me, then you do not even know what I will do to him.”
On hearing about her brother, Pankhuri is definitely looking at him angrily, but even in this anger there is concern for her brother, which Rudransh can also recognize very well; he says to Pankhuri smilingly.
“I have a pretty good idea that you have less time, and I don’t want to give you time either, but it is already late at night, and the court is also closed. The wedding will take place in the morning, and we will call the pandit ji to our house at the right time. Also, we will both definitely take 7 rounds of holy fire, and after that, whatever is mine is yours—that is, everything. It is not a very expensive deal, so become mine, and whatever is mine will become yours. I have a pretty good idea that you are definitely thinking that by working hard, you will achieve all this by any means, and I am sure that you will do it, but I can do anything with your brother; if you don’t become mine, then I will really do something wrong with him.”
Pankhuri immediately comes to him and says to him while looking into his eyes.
"I have no idea how cruel you can be, and do you believe that if you threaten me, I will heed your words with ease? I will find my brother too.”
“Yes, of course I will tell you where he is. I have no problem with it. If you wish, I am prepared to accompany you, but no matter what you do, you won't be able to escape him. I will really kill him.”
Pankhuri, who was looking into his eyes, can very well recognize the hatred in his eyes for her brother, which is now scaring her. She immediately sits on the chair. She is feeling very scared for her brother, Rudransh, who immediately types something on his laptop and then turns his laptop towards Pankhuri and tells her.
“There is no shortage of any kind in your care for your brother; if you want, you can see it once.”
Pankhuri suddenly looks at the laptop, and there Pravesh is tied to a chair in an injured state. Pankhuri gets very upset after seeing this. She stands up and tries to slap Rudransh again. Rudransh, without any delay, holds both her hands and turns them to her back. He draws her near to him, gazes into her eyes, and speaks to her while intertwining his fingers with hers on her back.
"I put him in this condition for one day. So think about what I will do if you take too much time in your decision."
Pankhuri again sees the video where she can clearly see her brother in a very bad condition, and she does not want to see her brother in this condition. The fear and love for her brother are clearly visible in her eyes, which Rudransh can see very readily. She quickly asked him
"Why are you doing this? What will you get out of this?"
“You… I only want you. I promise you. If you become mine, I will do nothing to Pravesh, nor will I let anything happen to him. I know very well that you love your family so much.”
Pankhuri just looks into his eyes. Rudransh releases her hands, lovingly holds her face, kisses her forehead, and speaks to her.
“It is getting late. I know you will go to the hospital now, and you should also take a rest. Our wedding is tomorrow. I want my bride to look incredibly beautiful and amazing, so please rest assured. My uncle is stable and doing well, so don't worry about him. The most important thing I forgot to mention is that I don't know what you will say at your home right now, but whenever I am in Mumbai, I want you to be with me…. Because I want to be with my wife… I have been waiting for 6 years; now I will not do it at all, and I will not stay away from you at all."
Pankhuri pushes him away from herself and tries to stop herself from crying in front of him by any means, but her eyes are deceiving her, and a tear drops from her eyes, but Rudraksh immediately puts his palm under her face, due to which the tear falls on his palm. After witnessing all of this, Pankhuri turns to face him and speaks to him.
"My hatred for you increases every moment, and now it will never end."
"Even if it is not your love, I am good with your hatred, but there is a deep bond between us. I am happy with this; you can hate, I will love, and life will be balanced very well."
Pankhuri immediately goes out from there, and Rudraksh is smiling continuously while watching her go from there. After some time, he feels hands on both his shoulders, and it does not take him long to understand that his brothers have come there. He immediately tells them while smiling.
"She will definitely come for the wedding tomorrow; our preparations are complete, right?"
Saaransh tells him with a heavy heart.
"Why do you want to increase her hatred? Still, I am thinking you don't have to do this."
Rudransh immediately turns back and hugs both his brothers and says to them.
“You only see hatred; tomorrow I am getting married to her, and finally she is going to be mine.”
Abhiyank notices Rudransh's happiness and immediately embraces his brother, saying,
"There will be no shortage in your wedding tomorrow, but what about the family members?"
The huge smile on Rudransh’s face slowly starts to disappear, and he just starts looking at them.
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