Chapter 3
I get through my classes and it's already lunch time. I grab my books and bag, and headed to the exit. As I'm walking down the hall, people staring and whispering stuff about me. I ignore their rumors and headed to the lunchroom.
We are allowed to eat anywhere, but I think it would be safe if I go to the lunch room.
Once I got there everyone stared at me. They stopped talking like if they were frozen in time. 'Well looks like I was wrong going to the lunch room'
As I exited the lunchroom a girl with short light blue hair bumped into me.
"Ah!" She yelped as all her books fell to the floor including mine. I grabbed my books and helped her with hers.
The girl looking down trying to help.
"Sorry, I didn't see yo-" she paused and saw my face, her expression changed.
" Oh my gosh, are you the one who talked back to Megan?" She asks innocently with light gray eyes. 'I guess The girl I ran into this morning is Megan'
"Well I wouldn't say I talked back to her-"
"O my gosh, I am so sorry I shouldn't had bumped into you! I was focusing on myself than the people around me." She says apologetically.
"Here, take this for my apology, I know it's not enough for a meal, but it's enough for a serving." She said handing me money. I felt horrible. I can't believe people like Megan have treat people like this. How long has she been doing this?
I looked at her, seeing the sorry in her eyes and both her hands open with the money inside. I grabbed her hands and closed them. She looked up, surprised.
"I don't need your money." I said as I smiled. "You didn't do anything wrong. You didn't mean to bump into me, it was an accident." She stares at me with her surprised expression. I replied with a gentle smile.
"Please use your money to buy lunch, I already have mine." I showed her my boxed sacked lunch.
She looked her money then at me, seeing my gentle smile, her light peach skin blushed. But little did I know that the whole cafeteria was watching the whole thing.
As I ignore them I said to the girl, "See you around." As I plan a way where I should eat lunch. I look around and see stairs leading to the roof of the building.
I make my way up the stairs and opened the door that lead to the roof. I sigh in relief that no one is up here. 'Hopefully it's like this until the end of the period' I thought to myself as I lean up against the wall , on the left of the door way, eating my lunch.
As I eat I hear someone open the door, a million thoughts were in my head, 'Am I not suppose to be here? Will I get in trouble? Or worse, will I get expelled?!?'
As the door swung out, I see a guy with dark brown hair, light skin wearing a white button down shirt with a blue tie loose.
He looked around, trying to find someone as I sneaked to one of the back side of the wall is behind the door. He goes on my left, scanning the place around him as I stood quiet to hear his footsteps.
My heart beating like a drum, he walks closer and closer until he stops. Suddenly it becomes quiet. I try, quietly, to step back away from where he is, my lunch in my hand.
Then with a strike move, he grabs my arm and faces me forward to his face, looking in my eyes deeply.
'He looks familiar, do I know him?"
This stare broke when we heard people coming up here. He looked back and saw to guys coming out of the door.
As I looked, a gasped but was quiet when he turned me around, my back facing him with his hand covering my mouth as his other hand on my arm not forcefully but gentle.
The 2 guys were not interested to where they were and exited the front door. The guy holding me looked back and listened carefully to make sure they weren't going up again. He uncovered my mouth as I sighed in relief.
He looked back at me as I tried to let go of his grasp, but he was stronger than me.
"Wait I wanted to say sorry if I startled you, I didn't mean to scare you." He said as he let go of my arm.
I looked at him, seeing as he slid down on the wall grinning.
"It's okay." I said repeating the same actions. "I thought you were one of Megan's bodyguards trying to "hunt me down"." He laughs.
"Far from it, my name is Jake, Jake Evans." He said with a grin. "And the reason why I wanted to see you is 1: you look like someone I know and 2: you fell on my foot."
"Oh I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-"
"That's not what worried about," he said gently looking at me with his dark brown grayish eyes. "Are you okay? Cause you took a really good fall on me and it looks like it hurt."
I rubbed my head, feeling a pain on my head. "I'm fine." I lied, it's not that I don't want his help, but I'm wearing a wig!!! If my cover is blown, the social services will find me.
"Are you sure?" He asked
"Yeah, I'm fine." The bell rang and I started to get up. "See you around!" I wave at him goodbye.
"Wait! What's your name?" Jake yells.
I turn around and lied, "Sara!" And ran off to class.
I hope you guys enjoyed it!!! Sorry it took so long I had writers block. Pls leave a vote and comment how you like this story.
Bye bye
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