Chapter 2
A/N: Well I got 12 reads so I guess that's good right? -_- Hope you enjoy!
I ran to the back of the roof of the building as I see the bus take a turn from the street. I take a deep breathe.
"Here goes nothing."
A ran and jumped from the edge of the building, as my hood went down, causing my long black hair to flow. I landed on top the bus with a loud bump. The bus driver stopped the bus as the students were talking nervously.
The bus driver yelled inside the bus, "Is everyone okay?" The students nodded. One of them asked, "What was it?" The bus driver inside walked and looked at the dent as I stayed flat on top of the bus silent.
Staying silent for a minute, until the bus driver said ,"It was probably a rock." (I couldn't think of anything else DX) Then the students agreed and the bus driver went back to driving as I sat on top of the bus sighing.
"That's one way to start a school year." I said to myself, As the bus pulled up to the school.
I grabbed my bag that had my wig and lenses. One it was at a complete stop, I jumped off and was at the back of the bus. I looked over, seeing the big school in front where the hall lockers are and where the classes are assigned. On the left side was a bridge leading to another entrance to the hall and on the right was a field.
There's only one problem, the girls room was inside the hall pass the lockers. Thinking, there was only one thing to do. Run.
I ran from the back of the bus and into the hall. I didn't even care if they saw me, but the good thing was that they were only focusing on the chalk board on where they're classes are.
I Ran passed the lockers and into the girls room. I get into a stall and took a deep breathe, I couldn't believe it. I actually made it in without anybody stopping me. Smiling, I take out my brown wig and is the same length of my hair.
I grabbed my hair and put it inside my wig and I put on my brown color eye lenses. I grabbed my bag and got out of the stall. I fixed my hair and did some touch ups. Then last but not least, I had to cover my star symbol. I didn't want to, it was a birthmark and the only birthmark I have from my mother.
But the kids from the orphanage probably know what my mark is so, I covered it with foundation ( or any makeup that hides stuff XP) and made sure nothing was showing. I look at the time and I got five minutes to figure out where my classes are.
"I need to figure out how to do this ahead of time." I said to myself as I grabbed my bag and exited the room.
I walk down the hall and saw a crowd of people around the board. I got my way through and saw where my classes were. Before I could memorize what my classes were, I got pushed by a girl as I landed on someone's shoes.
"Watch it brat!" The girl said disgusted. I looked up and she had brown wavy hair and light toned skin with pink lipstick and makeup.
"Why don't you get out of the way like everyone is." As I got up, I looked around and the crowd expanded around her. She had a smirk on her face, 'So these are the rich kids people talk about'
I didn't care about her threats and walked up to the board and look and memorized the classes. The same girl, next to me surprised acting nice and threatened, "Weren't you listening I said to get out of the way or-"
"I don't care." I said emotionless letting my brown bangs hiding my eyes. Everyone gasped and the stood frozen.
"What did you say?" She said furiously. I turned to her and could see the anger and frustration in her eyes. I turned back to the board.
"Did I stutter? I said I don't care, if you are gonna be mean go ahead but I'm not a dog that will obey commands."
I heard 'oooo's from the crowd surrounding us. I look back on the board and then started walking to class.
"I promise you I will hunt you down and-"
"And what?" I said as I turned around and she became silent.
"Don't waste your breathe its not worth it with me, and by the way," I said and turned my head to her
"I did listen, but didn't care."
I said, walking to class as she stood frozen. The bell rang and the crowd separated and went their separate ways as I got in class and sat at a desk next to the window.
I took a look of the class, the students were whispering and pointing at me. Now everyone was looking at me with surprised looks.
'What a way to start a morning.' I sighed.
A/n: Thank you for voting sorry I haven't been here for a while. I was busy for school and on vacation. Gomen that this was short. (Gomen- means sorry)(for u guys XP)
If I get at least 4 votes on this chapter, I will make the next chapter!!!
QOTD: Who stays up watching anime? XD
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