Preeti's Pov
I am sweating profoundly and truly clueless why I am here?!
I was asked to sit here on this bloody wooden bench which is not so comfortable for me to sit.
People around me are watching my movements constantly and throwing weird glances at me occasionally.
What the hell I did?Fu*** with their attitude!I am not a culprit,I didn't commit any mistake for god sake?!Why have they brought me here.I hate them,Sorry!I am too frank still I have my own reasons to hate these people.
"Madam!"I lifted my head and saw a middle-aged man with a pot belly standing infront of me with a sullen face?!What's now?!What do you want man?!Wanna eat me alive?!I know you have a big appetite.
Why are they like this?Don't they know there exsists a place called gym on this bloody earth!Where they can get rid of extra fat?!I shook my head and followed him to a room!Sorry to a huge cabin.
I don't know where he is taking me to?!But He made me walk more than a Kilometer.Why?My legs are aching and I couldn't stand any more.Its hard for me to resist the urge to sit.I want my couch right now!I kept a sulky face and stood there in the middle of a cabin.
I snooped around and trying to analyze the things around me?Whose cabin is this?!IG's!DIG's?!Who ever it may be?Why do they want to meet me?I am not a culprit?!Please send me home right now!I can't stay anymore here.
I didn't say to my parents that I am brought to policestation by these men.They literally stopped me on the road,Snatched my bike keys and brought me to here?!Why so?!
They,My parents will be horrified at the thought?!Why would police take a 25 years law abiding citizen to a policestation without any crime record.
I heaved a sigh of frustration and trying my best to keep a happy face,give some damn peace to my pondering brain.I felt someone opening the door of the chamber.Atlast someone came into this room.I wondered at first why would that Fatso take me to this empty chamber.
"Are you Preeti?"I heard a voice booming from my behind.He banged the door so hard making my ears shed blood.
Doesn't he know how to close a door?Who gave him this job?!Such a poor soul making everyone suffer around him,He should be a protector not a destroyer.But most of these people are cold hearted.
"Yes,Sir!"I cooed like a pigeon,I don't know why I am stuttering.I am afraid of him,more over my hatred on this people make me shiver.
"Well,We need a statement from you,You were the only eye witness who were there at the time of robbery."He said looking into a file covering half of his face.
"What the hell?!"I swallowed those words before I deliever them.I don't want to mess with these people.I know how powerful they are?!
"Sir!"I am about to turn towards him whilst he came and occupied his chair in a fraction of a second.He is busy in his work and I am really afraid of looking into his eyes.
I am looking at floor as I can't say a lie looking into someone's eyes,That too with a police office.I froze there like unwilling to move and take the seat.
"Please sit down.What are you doing there?!"He said without looking at me.I took a deep breathe and did the thing he told me.
"Now tell me,What were you doing there?"I lifted my head and looked at him
Tsk tsk
I couldn't believe my eyes for a second.It's him,Varun,The person who left me there in the mandap ruthlessly.
What is he doing there?I looked around and saw the name plate placed on his table.
Oh my god!He is an IPS officer.He is a certified monster now.He is given an office to do his monstergiri!I tried to speak something but I can't.
"Hello!"He looked me atlast and didn't speak for a second.
I felt truly awkward.
I am talking to a person who ruined my life,I want to slap him so hard yet what can I do?Nothing!
Just pity myself for my helplessness.It's his office,and it's not my home or anyother place just to walk away like that.I heaved a sigh,tried my best to calm down myself.
I didn't flinch a bit and I don't want to mess up my life again just by fighting with him,He has done enough damage to me already.I don't want more.He is a certified monster now!Can do what ever he want!
He took a second to come out from trans
I wonder what would be he thinking about me?!He sighed and asked me as if there happened nothing between us.How rude?How insane?
"Why were you there at the time whilst a robbery was taking place?"He looked at me with his sharp eyes.
What the hell he is asking?He did tell me anything ?
Why he is blabbering something like a mad person?.I gathered all my patience and answered him with a calm face.
"Sir,I don't have any idea about the thing you are talking about?Will you please give me an idea so that I can help you"I said as politely as I can.
"Wait a second"He is truly in hurry and made a call to someone.A constable appeared after few seconds with a file in his hand.He gestured him something showing me and he started explaning me the case.
He ate my head for more than an hour,He showed me few photos and asked me to identify the culprit.As far I remember none of them are involved in the robbery.My heart melted for a second to learn that the victim got injured badly and thriving for his life at hospital.
Yet I wonder why would an IPS officer,ACP is much worried about a simple robbery?!Isn't there something fishy?!Does he hold any grudge on me?But why?He was the one who ranaway from me!Not me!
I listened to his every word and answered his every question patiently providing all the minute details he asked.He noted down few things and gave them to Mr.Khadoos sitting infront of me who was watching me,my expressions now and then through out this enquiry session.
"Is there anything left to say?"He listened to him and asked me.
"Nothing sir!"I frowned,shrugging my shoulders.
"Can you identity him?"He asked me looking at me eagerly.
"I may be!May not,Actually I don't know,I. ..."I was stopped by him,his gesture between the sentence.
"How could you be like that? Very irresponsible towards society and people?You have witnessed a robbery,You haven't informed police,We spotted your scooty,you through the CCtv footage and approached with all our own efforts now you are telling us that you can't identify the culprit?.You are just a few feet away from him?"He threatened me with his sharp eyes
"Don't try to act smart,We are smarter than you!"He made me gulp.
Great!What can I expect from this man?!He called me naive!He called me childish and Now he is calling me irresponsible.
I am resisting my tears.No,I don't want to show him my other side.I fluttered my eyelashed repeatedly to stop those bloody tears which are ready to expose my weak heart to him.
"I will try sir!"That's all I could tell him looking into his eyes.I felt great for a second.I won a battle.I tried to smile even.
Why should I listen to him,his words,I am not that Preeti who was really so naive.
"Okay,you can go now"He asked me and I walked away without a word.They took my phonenumber and asked me to stay available for them anytime.I nodded and vanished from there
I walked out and looking for my scooty.I am searching for my scooty among some hundreds of vehicles and I am really irritated as I am getting late.
"Here it is!"I heard him again.I looked at that direction and saw him looking at me with his hand on my scooty.
I didn't say anything just walked to it and placed its key.He didn't budge,I looked at him with a sad face.He took away his hand,moved aside and watching my everymoment like falcon.
"Still angry with me?"He spoke something which surprised me.I don't want to talk with this man,I have made my mind so I kept quiet.
"Why can't you speak damn it?!"He clenched his fist.Still I don't want to talk to him.I sat on my scooty and started it.
"I love you"He blabbered some utter nonsense but this time he baffled me with his words.
"I am sorry but I truly love you"He said looking into my eyes.This wasn't expected ever.What is he saying?Is he out of his mind?This time I felt the necessity to speak.
"I never thought an IPS officer of your stature would propose a girl like me who is so naive,childish,irresponsible and who doesn't know the meaning of 'marriage'."I
Sighed and continued.
"You deserve someone who is much better than me and this time I won't allow you to play' with my life,my heart Mr.Varun"I smiled at him and left the place with a heavy heart.
Varun's Pov
I am elated to see her after two longing years.Is there a day which I haven't remembered her atleadt once?!.I love her a lot,she is my childhood crush.We grew up together.
I never expressed my love like her all the time but I enjoyed every moment we cherished together.I felt really happy when her parents approached my parents for our marriage.
But I was completely worried and confused I felt like loosing my dream.I wanted to become a Police officer all the time.
I cracked prelims and was waiting for mains.I don't want this marriage at that time.I begged some time but both our parents didn't give me my time which I truly deserve.
I learnt that preeti was so stubborn and wants to marry me at that time itself.I wasn't ready for marriage.I don't know what to do?Hence left the place as such.
Now I am paying for my mistake.I took a bold step as I know that both of our families would do nothing which would cause any harm to me and my career.
I have succeded in achieving my goal but I lost my dad's trust.He stopped talking to me.Preeti,her brother,her whole family abandoned me.I tried to reach him,used all my power.I got succeded in learning their where abouts but lost my place in their hearts forever.
Preeti has changed a lot,She became so strong.She finished her M.B.A and working for a MNC.She shed lots of weight and became more attractive yet I am not happy with these changes.I want my own naive and childish Preeti,who is so innocent and as pure as a pearl.
She surprised me with her words,She is so different and bold,I welcome this change for sure.
I allowed myself to pour three to four buckets of cold water on me relentlessly standing under shower not even thinking about the weather outside,it's really cold as it's raining dogs and cats from morning.
I want to go staright to hospital in casuals to meet Anurag.Anurag is the boy whose father sathya is thriving for his life in hospital because of that robber.Sathya is our watchman once,He served us more than ten years,hence I am dealing this case personally though my department baffled by my action.
I went to his bed and surprised to Preeti there.I am looking at her from far away and I am sure she hasn't seen me yet.As we are neighbors now she will know why I am very much particular about this case.Now I think she will feel why my anger is so justifiable.
I saw her talking to his wife and giving her some money.She hasn't changed,She was like that from the beginning.She never cares for money,She spents whole amount like that for some one or other.I gave her very nice taunts several times for doing as such.I am missing those days badly.
I went to them after mustering some courage,She saw me and stood up immediately smiling awkwardly,Geez!What is she doing?!I greeted them,greeted her too.
She addressed me as sir raising my temper.I am in casuals without those stars on my shoulders,what's the need to embarass me?!
I walked behind her and stopped her to sort out her misconception.I can't take this anymore.
"What do you want sir?"She asked as politely as she can.
"Why are you behaving as such?Where has been that Preeti who was so chirpy who used to call me so sweetly by my name?"I raised my brow.
"You killed her brutally"She smiled widely.
"Shut up!"I almost yelled dragging everyone's attention.
"What's wrong did I say?Nothing!You killed that chirpy,bubbly Preethi who is so madly and deeply in love with you.You killed her innocent smile,you brutally dragged her from her small innocent world and stabbed her heart like a cold hearted murderer." She shouted making me embarassed.
"Would you ever think what might have I gone threw that time?Those weird looks!Gosspis!Some one even questioned my character.I hide myself for several months.It was hard for me to roam as I used to do earlier.Several fingers pointed at me for something which wasn't my mistake at all.You are claiming me,my love after two damn years?Ha!Get out of my life."She literally yelled at me in front of some hundreds of people
I know I deserve this.She didn't speak a single word in this two years.I gave a wan smile and followed her calmly.
She went to her scooty sat on it and started crying there holding its handle.I felt sad for a second.What did I do?I hurt her again?!I went to her and hugged her.She didn't say anything,didn't resist me surprisingly.
"Come with me,Please!"I begged her,taking her face into my hands wiping her tears.
"No!"She nodded between her soft vulnerable sobs.
"Please!"I am still holding her hand though I released her from my hug.
"No!"She nodded again.
"I am not going to listen your words,Your are coming with me"I snatched her hand in a glimpse and took her to my car.She sat beside me very hesitantly and kept a sullen expression on her face.
"I can't leave you as such,See I made you cry and you are in pain"I drove her to my flat.She didn't speak anything she was looking at vacuum all the time.
I felt sad her heart.I broke her heart,it's an understatement,its beyond broken.I understood how selfish I am!
I halted my car at my place before an apartment where do I liv.
We reached my flat at last.She is so sad and didn't want to talk to me at all.I went in and brought her a glass of water.
She took it and drank it in a whole gulp.I kneeled down infront of her while she is sitting on the couch.
I caught her hands and said "I love you Preeti,I was so worried at that time and felt you as my worst distraction,I thought you as a barrier between me and my goal.I was a fool not to notice that you are actually helping me to reach my goal,you are my motivating force.I wasn't ready for marriage at the time.I asked our parents to postpone it but none of them are ready to do it."She didn't talk but looked at me with a pale face.I took a pause and continued
"I tried to contact you but you were unreachable.I know I shouldn't have ran away like a coward but I don't know what I was doing actually.I wouldn't have done that if I have realised my love towards you much earlier."I looked at her,into her teary eyes.
"Oh really?"She twisted her lips.
"Yes!Look at all these mails and messages I have saved as drafts on your name.I know I love you but somewhere my stupid brain stopped me from confessing it to you"
"You know I was constantly in touch with your friend shruti to know about you,your what abouts.She used to give me every information of you.I always wanted to talk to you but guilt in me made me chock every time I think about you.I thought you as my distraction but I was fool enough to not to know that you are my life"I gave her my laptop.
She didn't touch it.I heaved a sigh and continued
"I felt happy to see you yesterday,It was my pure luck.I smelt something after listening to your name but never expected it's you,I just wanted to hug and kiss you till you can understand my love but....."It's hard for me to look into her eyes now.I turned away and stood there like rock.
"But what you did is wrong"She said very slowly.
"Yes!I had already lost you by the time I realized it"I bite my lip.
"What do you want from me?If you want me to forgive you,okay think I forgave you.Let's stop this here itself before we end up hurting eachother"She stood up.
"What do you mean by that?What made you think that we will end up hurting each other?Look into my eyes,can't you see my love?Listen to my heart?Can't you hear it saying your name?I am all your's.I love you."I dragged her towards me.
"Please!"She begged looking into my eyes.
"What will I do if you walk out from my life as such?Is there anything left.I spend two damn years like a stone now you melted me in a fraction of second.I don't want to be stone again.I know I have committed blunders but ain't I worthy enough to have a second chance?"I hugged her tightly,embracing my arms around her,nuzzling my nose into the crook of her neck.Surprisingly she too wrapped her hands around me.
I looked at her face and kissed her passionately.I truly don't know how to express my love.I am kissing her vehemently.
I don't know what is she doing she is responding to my kiss for a second and withdrawing from it for the other second.I can sense her dilemma.I am seeing me in her,she is behaving like me,who left her brutally because of this dialemma.
She was the who withdrew from our kiss,She didn't speak anything,her tears are saying thousand words,they are accusing me for my act.
She took two steps back.
"It's my fault to believe you"She muttered under her breathe.
"Preeti!"I took a step ahead and she screamed "Don't touch me"
"It's not that what are you thinking"I am about to grab her hand but Some thing happened which I haven't excepted
"A slap!"What?!It took a second for me to realise what she did to me,she slapped me.
A smile creeped on my lips.She is opening up.I am confident now that I can win her heart again very soon
She slumped there on the floor looking at her hand.I went to her and hugged her from side.Her eyes are filled with tears.She released herself from my hug and walked away.I didn't stop her this time as I know she needs sometime to think.
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