Chapter 2
"Seeing the news story today, why don't we dig a little deeper?" Says our English Teacher, Mrs Mills.
I groan silently, she'll just go on and on about what's right or wrong, depending on what the news is. Chloe Taylor, the class pet, just nods her head excitedly.
"So, would anyone like to summarize what the latest headline is?" She asks.
Chloe, of course, turns her head even closer to Mrs Mills and puts her hand up, first brushing my face with her bushy blonde hair, then slapping it when she puts up her hand. I really wish I could move seats, sitting behind her sucks.
"Mrs Mills, the news came out at exactly 7:30 this morning." Starts of Chloe in a precise know-it-all voice. I sneak a look at Lily, a few seats away from me and I roll my eyes. "It said there had been a small, but unexpected protest against the CSPP, Children Supportive Power Plant. The protest started at 5am and finished at 6. They do not recognize any of the protesters yet and neither do they know why it happened so suddenly, especially due to the fact the last one was over a 100 years ago."
"And, Chloe, do you happen to know the cause behind the protest?"
She nods once again, happily. "Absolutely! When the CSPP was first founded, in the 1930's, there were false accusations that they were hiding something from the public about what they do."
She emphasized the word, false, of course she did. We all know Mrs Mills is a proud supporter of the CSPP. She will never stand to hear someone talk bad of it.
"Yes, they were very FALSE. Now, what were the accusations?" She asks, although she knows the answer.
"The accusations were that instead of supporting children, like their name says very clearly, they abused, enslaved, tortured and even murdered them. After a massive protest, everyone fighting against the CSPP disappeared and were never heard from again. Their accusations were never found true."
Did Mrs Mills ask her to elaborate? No. Did Mrs Mills scold her for going on and on about it? No. Would she scold me? Yes. She would happily yell at any of us in her class except for a few students. Those few students were the annoying know-it-alls, people everyone hates, except for the teachers.
"Very good Chloe, now, let's look at perspectives. Why would people protests against the CSPP if they already knew their ACCUSATIONS were very WRONG?"
Chloe smiles smugly then answer back, "Because they THOUGHT they were right."
Mrs Mills, smiles sweetly back, "Nice try dear, but they already knew they were wrong, so why would they do it?" I groan, she didn't even scold her for mishearing the question. This is so annoying.
Chloe thought for a few seconds, Mrs Mills waiting somewhat patiently. "I think, it's because they planned to disrupt public peace. CSPP was warmly welcomed when it was founded, protest would definitely have disrupted it's reputation. Except, the plan back fired, the protest were looked down upon and the CSPP was supported more than ever, helping them get to where they are today."
"Yes, very good." Compliments Mrs Mills. "Point of story is that CSPP is amazing, protests were wrongly done to disturb public peace. In other words, we can call them terrorists."
Terrorists? Protesters, protesting for what they believed had a negative impact, with no good intentions, are called terrorists? No..that's not right.
"No!" I shout unexpectedly.
Chloe looks back at mean angrily and whispers sharply, "Shut. Up. Bishop."
I can hear the popular girls giggling from the back of the class. Mrs Mills looks at me sternly, "You have something you would like to say, Miss Bishop?" Her words sound icy, her eyes look to be piercing through my soul.
Shut up Kiera. Don't continue. You won't be going anywhere but detention. Shut up. Don't say anything. Shut up. Shut up. Shut up! Shut up!
I stand right up. So much for trying to stay out of trouble. "No. They are not terrorists." Don't continue, don't. It will only get worse, but I couldn't stop myself. "Protesters, no matter the situation are NEVER terrorists. They are simply saying their opinion, using their voice."
Mrs Mills cuts me off before I continue, "In a very disruptive and unneeded way! The community did not need-"
"No they didn't." I cut her off now, but she had started to sound almost desperate. "The community didn't want it, but they needed it. CSPP could not be trusted completely. Children Supportive Power Plant, what kind of name is that? A new company like that is certainly very suspicious. The protest had good reason. They were protest that the CSPP were lying to their face. CSPP said they donated 10% their earnings to charities which support children, like the Anti-Child Labor. But protesters theorized that they may actually help child slavery and labor, having it their own workplaces." I was about to continue when Mrs Mill shouted at me.
"WRONG!" She screams. The class is shaken by her sudden shout. She then regains herself, straightens her skirt and smiles at me very sweetly, in the evil, I'm about to kill you, way. "Miss Bishop, you dare on?"
My stance broke, my legs wobbled, I couldn't keep going. "UHm," I stutter, "No miss."
"Good, detention for you." I groan, detention with Mrs Mills?! Chloe turns around once again, giving me a smug look.
The bell rings and I sigh. Detention, here I come!
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