Chapter 9: Kenshi Goes Beserk- Rin's New Found Ability
~Ryuki's POV~
"She should be close. Why aren't we near her yet." I said moving faster through the village. Ino kept up with my speed and scanned the area again "I agree. There's no way she could've been that far from us." As we got closer we saw three girls running towards us. I recognized them from the girls we saved earlier "Guys! You okay?" I said stopping ahead of them. "Yeah we are fine. Your sister...." Korane tried to catch her breath from running and placed her hand on my shoulder "She needs your help. She's fighting some creep named Kenshi." I tried to put my finger on who exactly that was but my mind was way too focused on Rin. "Ino-" She placed her hand on my face "Go. I'll take them back to Asuma-Sensei." "Thanks babe." Then I took off. Rin......I need to hurry.
~Rin's POV~
"Come on, I have one bad leg. You can at least connect on a few more hits." I said wiping the blood from the corner of my mouth. "Heh. Cocky little......I have to admit you are stronger than you look. However, you are still going to die. Earth style: Mud wave" I tried to dodge the attack but my leg wouldn't move so I braced myself for the attack "Crap this is gonna hurt." The water like earth wave hit me and pushed me back crashing through a small store. "If your still alive after that, I'll just squeeze the life out of that little body. "Water style: Five hungry sharks!" I sent my sharks to attack him at all angles. "Shit." He said dodging the relentless attacks. "This is nothing. Earth style: Earth wall." Four blocks of earth walls surrounded him protecting him from the attack. "Nice one." He said releasing his justu. I flash stepped behind him and kicked him in the back of the leg making him fall to one knee. I stepped out of the way as one of my remaining sharks that I put on hold came and hit him directly in the chest knocking him back "Now for the finishing blow!" I said running up to him "Take this!" I threw my right hand as hard as I can but he grabbed it "Heh, take this." Then he stabbed me with his kunai through my chest......or so he thought. My clone turned into a puddle right before his eyes and I came behind him "Wrong one. Water style: Water pellets" I said shooting three heavy water bullets at his back, leg and head. He then fell on the floor unconscious. "Yay!" I said jumping into the air but my right leg gave out and I fell on the floor myself. I won my first real battle. I did it big bro. I just hope someone finds me. Shortly after that I passed out.
~Ryuki's POV~
Just about a few yards out I saw two people laid out on the floor, one being my sister and the other looking like someone I remember but can't really put my finger on at the moment. I ran and slid next to Rin and held her head "Sis. Sis! Are you okay?" I saw her eyes flicker a little bit and her fingers move just enough for me to know she's okay. I looked down and saw blood all over her right leg with a piece of wool wrapped around, from what I can guess, the wound. I stood up and carried her bridal style "Don't worry sis, I'ma get you outta here." I said walking away from the scene. However, I was stopped when I sensed this murderous intent coming from behind me. I turned around and saw the boy get up with his body leaning forward "I-I'll be damned.....If I lose to both of you! Not when I have this power......." I looked closer at the boy and immediately after I got flashbacks of the chunnin exams. The boy my sister fought was Kenshi, the boy from the forest of death. "Kenshi, What the hell are you doing with these idiots! I thought you wanted to be a ninja! A legit Ninja!" Black marks started to grow all over his body and his body figured started to change becoming more animal like than human. "A legit Ninja? I only joined that fucking exam to kill brats like you who wanted to become chunnin's. And these 'Idiots' you speak of, they work under me. I was the one behind the attacks and raids on this village. This village was under me and I felt like they weren't too appreciative of my service so I decided to kill them all. Obviously that didn't work so here I am cleaning up my soldiers mess. I also heard there was a group of hidden leaf ninjas coming here as well. What made me come here personally was when they described a 'Red haired boy with a katana' and those words alone made me know it was you. I could've been wrong, but I was hella right. Now, After your fucking sister bested me in my first form, I'm gonna kill you with the power I was granted by lord Orochimaru."
By the time he was finished talking, he looked nothing like his human self. Instead he was replaced by a monster. A 7 foot tall Werewolf with saliva rushing down his sharp long teeth. Light blue eyes and Dark jet black fur.
"HAHAHA! Witness boy at what true power really is!" Kenshi said laughing loudly. I didn't know such a hellish transformation existed. "W-what the hell? Orochimaru did this?" I grabbed my Katana and gripped it as hard as I could to stop myself from shaking. I could practically feel his power at this point. I turned back and looked at my sister still on the floor unconscious "I'll protect you sis." I whispered. When I turned back around kenshi wasn't a few yards away me, now he's right in my face "You'll be too busy being dead to protect her." He said. Before I could even pull my sword out he punched me in the stomach sending me flying into a house. "Ha! That's amazing! Wasn't even my full power and I sent you flying like a bitch." I struggled to get up but I managed. He's on a total different level now. "What happened to that power from before Ryuki? I want 'that' not this crappy state your in." "Tch, Take this!" I flash stepped next to him and swiped my sword sideways where his head was. He ducked out the way and kicked me into the air "Too slow." He said then jumped in the air and slammed me downwards. "This is boring. Are you bored yet? Cause I am." He walked up to Rin and grabbed her by the head and lifted her up "Make this interesting or she dies." I gritted my teeth and growled and crawled to my sword. Once I grabbed it I stood up with my head still looking at the floor. And then, I felt it. That dark rush coming to me. "Let her go." He smiled "Oh, now we're getting somewhere. I'll ju-" Before he could finish I rushed forward and elbowed him in the stomach making him drop Rin. I caught her with one arm and did a roundhouse kick knocking Kenshi to the floor. "B-brother...." Rin said waking up. "It's okay. I'm here. But you have to get out of here." Rin eyes started getting wider and she grabbed my collar "Are you insane? I'm not leaving you." I looked up and saw Kenshi getting back up "You have no choice. He's too strong. And I can't hold this strength for too long. Just run." I placed rin down on her feet and patted her head "Your big bro got this."
I walked around her and faced Kenshi "That one actually hurt......It hurt dammit!" He rushed at me and threw his right fist forward. I blocked his attack but he was still pushing me back. I grabbed his arm and threw him over my shoulder using his own momentum against him. Once he landed on the floor he swiped his sharp claws at me. Luckily I dodged it on time even though he still cut me ripping my shirt and cutting my stomach. I felt the surge of Chakra I had before start to drain and the marks on my body starting to disappear. "Crap" I thought to myself "I need to find a way to get to the team. I know with all of us plus Asuma-sensei we can beat this guy." I inhaled my breath "Fire style: Fireball justu!" I sent a giant fireball his way. He dodged it but I planned that so I dashed next to him and tried to kick him but he grabbed my leg and threw me through a small store. He then grabbed me by the collar and raised me in the air "That was all? You have to be kidding me?" He punched me in the stomach making me curl up "I might as well make you feel the pain I felt during the forest of death." That's when he pushed his sharp finger into my arm. I screamed from the pain. Is this where I die? Then he punched me in my rib and scratched my other arm. The pain was awful. I looked around and didn't see Rin around the area. As long as she wasn't around I was happy and wasn't afraid to die. "Now" He placed his finger on my throat "I'll kill you." I braced myself for the worst but before the death blow was delivered, His body was sent flying crashing into a house and I dropped to the floor. "W-what the?" I looked around and saw Rin standing next to me with her right hand forward. "I-I thought I told you to leave." She didn't say a word but instead she moved forward towards Kenshi.
I kept looking a Rin, she's different. I can feel it. Her eyes were bright white and her right hand was covered in this kind of white aura. Is it possible....she has the same power as me? I grabbed a piece of wood and used it to help me stand up. When kenshi looked up and saw it was Rin and growled "You little bitch! I'm going to kill you!" He charged forward at Rin and swiped with his claws. Before I could say anything, Rin was behind him making him miss badly then she grabbed the fur from the back of him head and slammed him into the floor. "I-incredible" I said finally getting up. She went over him and started whispering to herself. While doing so her hand started to become surrounded by the white aura and before Kenshi could react she started punching him relentlessly on the floor. With each punch the floor rumbled and blood came out his mouth. She didn't stop for one second. I started walking up to her and reached my hand out "Rin! Rin!" She didn't even respond to me instead she kept going. Kenshi started reverting back to his original form while she was going "Sis! Stop!" I screamed while holding her shoulder. She stopped and looked at me with those pure white eyes and I felt her power calming down. She leaned on me and seconds after she was back to her normal self. "Whatever you did sis. You saved my life. Told you, you were special." I said smiling patting her head.
Sitting for about ten minutes, I saw the rest of the gang running towards us. "Ryuki! Rin! Are you okay!?" They all said standing over us. I chuckled a bit "Yeah, something like that. Him on the other hand not so much." Asuma-Sensei came and picked up rin bridal style "Should I even ask?" He said. I was helped up by Shikamaru and Choji "I'll explain it all without trying not to pass out."
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