Chapter 6: An Uchiha's Hatred
Both Mika and Sasuke started inching closer and closer to Itachi with rage fueling them "Don't think your gonna get outta here alive." Mika said spitting on the floor next to her. Itachi looked at the both of them and said "I currently have no interest in the both of you." This ticked them both off "Don't mess with me!" Sasuke said charging at him. Itachi quickly sasuke in the stomach sending him down the hallway and crashing into the wall. "Take this damn it!" Then Mika came with her katanas and swung them both at him. Itachi dodges them swiftly and punched her in the stomach making her drop both her weapons then grabbed her by the collar and lifted her up "You are too weak." Itachi said then he threw her through a door into one of the rooms. I gripped my katana harder and stood on both of my feet "I said don't hurt them!" Naruto and I both ran towards Itachi but was told to stop by sasuke "I said don't butt in! I've lived my life for this moment. This very day!" After that sasuke again charged at Itachi. Sasuke threw his first punch but it was deflected and Itachi came and kneed sasuke right in the face then punched sasuke down the hallway again. "Not yet....." Sasuke said still willing his body to move "I'm not finished with you." "You can't even make hand signs in your condition." Itachi said turning his attention back to us. Then I heard mika's voice from the room "But I can! Fire style: Great fi-" She was cut off by Itachi kneeing her in the stomach then punching her in the face knocking her out. "Mika!" I screamed. Itachi then turned his attention back to sasuke who was struggling once again to stand up but in a blank of an eye, Itachi flashed in-front of sasuke and punched him in the stomach. After, he grabbed him by the next and held him against the wall "You are weak" He whispered in his ear "Far too weak. It's because you lack hatred." After that he stared into sasuke's eyes "Sasuke!" I screamed trying to get his attention but it didn't work. Whatever Itachi did to him completely blanked him out. "It's useless" The fish man said to me "He put your friend on a genjustu. He won't hear anything you say to him." I gritted my teeth "Dammit, You bastard." Before I could make my move, I saw naruto run pass me and towards Itachi "Wait, Naruto!" I ran right behind him and behind me was the fish guy.
As we got closer to Itachi the walls around us started changing and getting covered in a flesh like wall "What the-" Next thing we knew all of us were inside. "How unfortunate, Itachi and Kisame. You guys are already inside my stomach." I looked around and touched the wall, It felt squishy and icky "Ew, how'd we end up in here?" I asked. "Pervy sage" Naruto said "He did this. "I summoned the esophagus of the giant toad of the Mt. Myomoku rick cave. Naruto, Ryuki, you two stay still. It's my justu." Itachi turned his attention away from sasuke and looked at his partner "Kisame, let's leave." Then he began running off. Kisame, escaping from the justu, followed Itachi. "Wait!" Jiraiya said running after the two. "Naruto! Let's go!" I said chasing after them and right after naruto followed me. "I can see them!" Naruto said "They can't get away." Seconds later after they made a turn we thought we had them trapped off, until we saw a giant hole with black flames surrounding it. "H-how?" I asked looking at Jiraiya "I don't know. No one has ever escaped this justu. Naruto and I both got closer to the black flames "I never seen anything like it." I said reaching my hands towards it. "Don't touch it!" Jiraiya said unrolling a scroll and writing some things down "Okay. Sealing justu!" When he did this, some chakra emerged and sucked the black flames into the scroll "Okay, it's good now. You should check on your friends." I turned around and saw Mika still on the floor unconscious. I ran to her as naruto ran to sasuke "Mika, you awake?" I said gently placing my hand on her cheek. She slightly moved her fingers and slowly opened her eyes "Ry-ryuki?" I nodded my head and smiled "Yeah. It's me. Don't worry I'll get som-" I was cut of when Guy-sensei came in "Dynamic Entry!" He screamed and kicked Jiraiya in the face. "Uh........" Once Guy-sensei realized who he kicked in the face he nervously chuckled "Ha....Oops." I just chuckled a bit "Nice one. Hey naruto, we should get a move on. Bring both sasuke and Mika to get medical help." Jiraiya stood up "No. Sasuke needs more than what the Hidden Leaf can offer. He needs lady Tsunade. As for her, she can get regular treatment." I nodded my head and carried Mika bridal style " Okay. I'll see you guys later." Then I took off.
While I was jumping from rooftop to rooftop, I felt Mika hand touch my face "D-did I beat him" she asked, eyes watering. I looked at her then back up "No. He got away before we had the chance to stop him." I heard her whisper something then curse multiple times "The minute I finally see this bastard he beats me without even trying. Why am I so damn weak? Why can't I even avenge my clan!?" She banged her fist against my chest then placed her head on it "Why?" I stopped when we were only a few seconds from the hospital and looked at her "I understand the pain your going through. Seeing the man who destroyed everything you love and not being able to do anything, it hurts. But we can't let that define us. YOU can't let it define you. He'll show his face again. He will come back and when he does, we'll be stronger and faster and more skilled than what we are now. The time will come Mika, and when it does we'll be ready. Your not the only one in this, I'll be with you every step of the way. And my sister of course." I held her close while walking to the hospital giving her the warmest smile I could give. She sighed then smiled back "Thanks, Ryuki." She then kissed my cheek and turned her head away blushing. I literally froze in my spot from the sudden kiss "U-uh....Um, I-I....why?" She giggled a bit "Don't worry, I won't spill the beans. This is between us."
As Mika was now in the Nurses hands, I decided to go check up on Rin and explain to my sister what happened while I was away. I walked past Ichiraku's Ramen shop and saw Rin eating a bowl with Shikamaru "Hey." I said sitting next to Rin. She turned and hugged me while chewing on the ramen in her mouth "Hey Ry-Ry. Once she saw the scruffs and bruises on my face she immediately got serious "Who did that to you?" Shikamaru got up from his seat and went to stand next to me "Yeah, what happened?" I rubbed the back of my head and chuckled "Well, we saw Sasuke's brother Itachi Uchiha. Also the guy known for slaying Mika's family and friends." They both looked at each other then back at me "Why does this stuff always happen when I'm not around." Rin said angrily. "What happened?" I took a deep "It's a long story. So sit back and relax."
I begun to explain to them what happened when we first found Itachi and his partner Kisame. About how his power was on a whole different level to where we all didn't land one blow on them and about Jiraiya saved us from them. "Where's Mika and Sasuke?" Shikamaru asked. "Mika is already at the hospital. As for Sasuke, he needed professional help from Mama-Tsunade. He was put under physical and mental damage. Naruto is fine too." I looked down and banged my fist on the table "I told Mika that we'll be stronger and beat that guy the next time we see him but I can only imagine what's running through both Sasuke and Mika's head after this and it hurts me." Rin nodded her head "Yeah, It's not everyday an opportunity is presented like this." I got up and went outside "I have to go back to the hospital, I promised Mika I'd be there with her." Rin got up and went next to me "I'm coming too. Gotta check on my friend." Rin and I both waved at Shikamaru then took off.
After arriving in the hospital we stopped right outside Mika's door "Sis just remember, don't bring up anything that has something to do with Itachi. Got it? I know I told you what happened I'd rather you hear it from her not me." She nodded her head "I know. Unless she speaks on the situation I won't bring it up." Rin cracked the door open to see a Mika sitting upwards reading a book with bandages wrapped around her upper body "Hey." Rin said peeking her head through the door. Mika looked at her and smiled "Hi Rin. Guessing you came to check up on me as well?" Rin nodded her head and sat on a chair right beside her "Sure did. Me and my big brother of course." I gave Mika a smile "I told I'd be back." She smiled back "I knew you weren't lying." I grabbed a chair and placed it on the other side of her bed "So what's the update?" She sighed and placed the book down on her lap "They said I have a rib fracture and can't do any 'serious' activities until a month or so from now." I looked down and make a fist "I'm sor-" She cut me off "It isn't your fault Ryuki. Trust me, it could've been worse if you weren't there. I actually thank you." I couldn't help but smile. Rin exaggerated her sigh "So is anyone gonna fill me in on what happened exactly?" Mika smiled "I thought you told her?" I chuckled "I told her some of the story seeing as I came back with bruises on my face. However, I wanted her to hear the full story from the horse's mouth itself and I wasn't sure if you'd want me spreading the news." She waved her hand "It's gonna spread eventually. Okay rin, ready for the whole story?" Rin sat up on her seat and smiled "Yes!"
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