Chapter 4: Mother Tsunade's Insane Training. Power Of The Legendary Sanin!
~(Ryuki's POV)~
When I arrived at the house I saw Ino waiting at the front porch combing her hair out. Sometimes I'd stop and admire the beauty she is from afar. I still find it hard to believe someone like her actually liked me, anything is possible huh? I begun to make my way up the stairs. Halfway up, Ino looked towards my direction and we exchanged waves and hugs. "Took ya long enough. How'd it go?" I chuckled a little while looking towards the ground "Well we have a new roommate. Mika." Ino paused for a second then giggled "That's awesome." I stopped and looked at her I honestly wasn't expecting that response from her.
"Your not.....mad or something?"
"I mean it's not like your sharing the same bed or anything. Why would I be mad at something like that?" Ino said
"You do have a point." I said opening
I went into the kitchen to make us both some tea but before I could even heat up the water, I heard keys outside our door. "Must be Rin."
A couple of seconds later Rin opened the door and was accompanied by Mika who looked rather tired from the weary day. I don't blame her. She was on the run for practically all her life since the slaughtering of the Uchiha clan. "Your room is that way, straight down the hall last room on the right next to Ryuki's room." Mika nodded while yawning "Thank you so much. Hey Ryuki, Ino." I waved at her and so did Ino while giving her a warm welcoming smile "Make yourself at home roomie. If you get lost just let me know and I'll guide you through the house or something." Mika nodded and began walking to her room but stopped "Oh yeah and one more thing" Mika said "The really loud lady said she wants you to come with me tomorrow. She wouldn't say why though. Just that you'll love it or something." "Okay thanks." I said and heated up our water "Want some before you sle-" I stopped my sentence when I realized she wasn't there anymore "Never mind."
Rin gave Ino a hug and sat beside her while munching on some pocki. "So big bro, What dirtiness have you done while I was away?" I coughed loudly and growled at Rin "Every time with you I swear. I was making tea. That's all." Ino giggled and began combing her hair "So rin wanna go shopping for a bit tomorrow while Ryuki's gone?" Rin threw her hands up "Yes! I need some new clothes and shurikens." "Didn't you go shopping last week?" I asked giving both the girls their tea. Rin gave off an arrogant laugh and said "Silly brother. There's always time for shopping." Ino laughed while nodding "You got that right." I just shook my head 'Well I guess I'll never fully understand girls then. Anyways I'm heading off to bed so........I'll see you guys tomorrow after I finish everything." They both nodded and continued to talk while drinking tea.
As I was waking towards my room I decided to check up on Mika to see if she was okay or if she needed help with anything. The door was cracked with light shooting through the crack. Before I got the chance to open the door however, Mika was undressing herself. I attempted to look away outta respect but I was surprised by the amount of marks she had on her back. I couldn't see the front as much because she was facing the wall. Something else caught my attention too. It seemed as if she was holding some kind of medallion. It had an oval kind of shape and its' color was pretty also, green with red surroundings. The way it blended make it look extremely beautiful.
When I was about to leave, she reached for her kunai and threw it next to the door right next to my eye. "Whoever you are come-out before I gouge your eyes out." Mika said from inside the room covering her upper body with a towel. I immediately opened the door with my hands up "Hey's just me. Sorry to startle you." Mika sighed "I have a peeping tom as a roommate?" I shook my head back and forth in denial "No, I swear I was just checking up on you. I wasn't peeping." Mika turned back around "Whatever you say." She then dropped her towel and grabbed a shirt that was on the dresser. I covered my whole face not looking at Mika's body while blushing deep red "Oh my god can you please give me a warning before doing that!?" I closed the door shut and leaned against the wall next to her door. I overheard her laughing through the door. Her laugh was so cheerful and full of life, I guess even people with the darkest past can often smile. "That ring looked pretty sweet" I thought to myself "Wonder how'd she got it." I walked into my room to lie down on my bed. "I wonder why Tsunade wanted me to accompany Mika tomorrow? Ugh enough questions time to sleep."
The Next Morning
I opened my eyes slightly with the sun beaming on my face. I rolled over to my back side and stared at the ceiling waiting for my inner soul to jump back into my body. Suddenly the smell of bacon hit my nose. I sat up and rubbed my eyes to shake off whatever sleepy feeling I had. When I got fully up on both of my feet I walked down the hallway towards the kitchen only to see Mika fully dressed and making breakfast. "Sorry, did I wake you?" Mika said fixing up the plates. "I was going to wake you and your sister up after I got finished." I shook my head and yawned "No it's totally okay. I'm just not used to the smell of breakfast in my own house unless I'm the one cooking ya know. So It threw me off a bit." I went over to the table and waited for the food. "I'm guessing you were a bit of a chef then huh?" Mika smiled a bit "Yeah you can say that. Whenever my dad and mom went out, I would stay in the house and cook. I almost burned down the house my first time trying though." She then past a plate with toast, bacon and eggs on it. "But overtime I got better." When I began eating I saw Rin come down the hallway in her pajamas. "I smell something other than noodles" She said jumping onto one of the seats and pulled her plate towards her. "You made this Mika?" Rin asked while taking bits out of her bacon. "Yep, sure did." Mika responded seating down and eating from her plate. "Awesome now a chef who's cooking I can actually eat." Rin said smirking. I crunched on my bacon aggressively and cut my eyes at her "What'd you say?"
Twenty Minutes Later
After I helped Mika put away the dishes, We both put on our gear and and headed out the door "Alright sis. We'll be back." I opened the door and let Mika out first then I stepped out. Before I could close the door, Rin ran with some type of candy in her mouth. "Don't do anything stupid okay and be safe. I'll be with naruto If ya need me for anything." Then she kissed me on the cheek and slammed the door in my face. "Wow.....Okay." I said walking down the stair while Mika was laughing in the back of me. "Not funny" I yelled over my shoulder.
When we arrived at the Hokage's office Mama Tsunade was sitting at her desk finishing some paperwork. "Hey Mama-sama! I hope you didn't include me just to help with paperwork." I said sitting on the chair across from her desk. Tsunade chuckled and pushed the pile to the left "You and paperwork don't function in the same sentence Ryuki. I called you both here today for Mika's first training session with me." Mika rubbed the back of her head and sighed "I can't even relax for a day huh." She muttered under her breath while pinning her back against the wall. "Wait what does this have to do with me though?" I asked grabbing one of Mama tsunade's chocolates off her desk and eating it. She used to get mad at me for taking it but she just doesn't care now. "Well I want you to be her partner for this session." Mika glanced at me and chuckled "Him? I don't need his help. He'll hold me back." I locked my teeth together from the response "Whaddya mean "Hold you back" If anything you'll be holding ME back." Mika went up to my face and grabbed me by the collar "What'd you say?" Tsunade then stood from her desk and slammed on the desk "Enough!" Me and Mika looked at each other for a few more seconds then she released me and turned her back "Whatever." Mika said. I fixed my collar turned to Mama tsunade "Sorry. I got carried away." Tsunade sighed and walked towards the door and opened it "I don't have all day, let's move." I left the room as Mika followed. I don't know what today might bring but dang I hope I don't end up fighting my own teammate by the end of it.
*Ten Minutes Later*
"Good ol' training grounds. The pain and miserable memories I have with you is the reason I wake up in the morning" I said sarcastically breathing in the fresh air. As I started stretching out my arms, Tsunade placed her coat on a tree branch and cracked her knuckles "Okay you two, Today we're just going to spar, I'll use only 25% of my power just to warm you guys up." Mika chuckled "25% of your power? If you think your gonna beat me with that then you've got another thing coming." Mika said pulling out her twin katana's "Oh yeah and don't hold me back or you just might get hurt." I smirked at her response and pulled out my katana "I think you forgot I'm stronger than you. Just don't underestimate Mama Tsunade. She's alot stronger than you think." Tsunade yawned and scratched her head "Are you two done bickering or......" Before I had the chance to move Mika flash stepped towards Tsunade and readied her katana "I gonna take you down in one strike." Mika said thrusting her katanas forward. Tsunade gave off a quick smirk and grabbed her katana making Mika's attack stop "You really thought a head on attack like that was gonna work on me?" She then threw Mika with the katanas across the field making her crash down to the floor. Geez that was only 25%.....I readied myself and slowly moved around Mama Tsunade "I, for one am not gonna be thrown like a rag-doll today. Get ready." I dashed at Tsunade while throwing a couple of shurikens at her direction. While she was easily dodging them I took the chance to charge in for a attack. She saw me coming so she threw her first punch. I dodged it but I was so powerful I felt the wind graze me without even hitting me. I slid under her arm and came upwards with my katana. Tsunade backed away from the attack then stepped aggressively on the floor making it crack under me. I ended up losing my balance "Crap, this is insane." I said trying to regain my balance but by time I could Tsunade was right in-front of me. She held out one one hand "Like a rag-doll." Then plucked me on my forehead which sent me rolling down the field and crashing into a tree. "I'm still here!" Mika said leaping into the sky. Her sharingan was now activated "Fire style: Great Fire Annihilation!" Fired spread wide within the area. I had to counter with my own attack otherwise I would've been cooked myself "Fire Style: Fireball Justu!" I shot my own attack towards tsunade. As both of the attacks got closer Mama Tsunade she smirked then jumped in the air "Take this. Heaven kick of pain!" Mama Tsunade lifted her leg up and came down hard on the ground creating a mini earthquake and completely vaporizing both of our attacks like it never happened.
I stumbled and nearly fell through one of the cracks on the floor "Whoa! This is nuts!" I jumped onto the nearest tree and examined the area. The power Mama Tsunade has is truly monstrous, this was only 25%......I'm scared to find out the rest. I looked up and saw Mika fighting hand to hand with Tsunade. Mika was losing so I threw my kunai across across the field where the two were fighting. When I got there Tsunade stepped on the ground making Mika lose balance and leaving her wide open. "You lose."
Tsunade came with a right hook but I came in-front of her in the nick of time. "No you don't" I said blocking her fist with my katana. The hit was so powerful it sent me and Mika flying. "Hold on!" I said getting ready to stab my katana on the floor. Mika held on to my waist and I drove my katana in the ground making us stop. When I picked up my katana it had several cracks in it and was dulled out. "Aw come on. I just polished it two days ago." I muttered. I then looked back at Mika "You okay?" She looked up at me nodded "Yes. I'm okay. Thanks for taking the hit." I got up and reached my hand out to pick her up "No problem." When she grabbed my hand, I picked her up and handed her the katanas that fell of her. "Come on, We can do this." She looked at me for a couple of seconds then nodded "Yeah. We got this." We both dashed back to the center of the field where Tsunade was "Okay......That was scary....But if your only gonna use 25% then your never gonna beat me! Come on Mika let's go!" She activated her Sharingan once again "Yes!" Mika said and dashed at Tsunade with me.
I attacked first, slicing downwards at Tsunade's feet but she jumped as suspected then Mika came and thrust forward with her katana. Tsunade grabbed her katana and launched Mika in the air. "I gotchu!" I placed my kunai on the floor then I leaped up and grabbed Mika by her ankle "Now!" I threw her forward back at Tsunade. "Take this! Fire Style: Great Dragon Flame Justu!" Mika spewed out a giant fire dragon that went straight for Tsunade. "Not bad!" Tsunade yelled. She then picked up a big boulder and threw it was the dragon making it blow up in the air. I teleported back to the ground "I have you now.....Wind style: Typhoon Impact!" I created a wind barrier around my right arm and threw a heavy right hook at Tsunade. When she noticed she then threw her own right hook at me "Oh no you don't!" making both our attacks clash. An eruption happened making a great gust of wind push everything back. I was send flying the other direction and eventually crashing into a tree nearly breaking it. I couldn't even feel my right arm anymore and due to the impact from me crashing into the tree I could barely move. Mika rushed to my aid "Are you okay Ryuki?" She said holding my head up. I smiled and nodded my head "Of course I am. It's gonna take a lot.....more than that to keep me down. However I can't really feel my arm hehe......" Mika smiled a bit "Idiot." I looked up and saw Tsunade's sleeve ripped and some of her shirt ripped revealing her stomach. "If that were anyone else, You'd be victorious Ryuki and Mika." Tsunade said approaching us both. "Here let me help." Tsunade got onto her knees and placed both her hands over my arm "I'm gonna heal you so don't move okay." I keep forgetting mama tsunade knows healing justus. "Thanks. I'll get you next time." Then I passed out.
~Mika's POV~
Looking at him while he's asleep, He's actually pretty cute. I guess everyone in the world isn't as bad as their made out to be. ''Ryuki'' I gently placed my hand across his face "Thanks for being the one who found me and pulled me from the hell I was trapped in.....I owe you one." I'm really excited to know what's in store for me in the future with the Hidden leaf Village. And hopefully......I'll be able to get my hands......On the one who slaughtered my family and clan, Itachi Uchiha........
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