When the Slytherin apologized
His kindness became magnified
(Omfg idk I suck at this, sorry!)
"Woah...you what?!"
"She punched Malfoy! In the face! Mel, aren't you proud of her?"
"Damn right I am!"
"Guys, please, knock it off," Mia said with a sigh, giving Mel and Kat a disapproving look.
It was the morning after she had punched Draco, and she was currently sitting in at the Hufflepuff table with her friends for breakfast. Her Ravenclaw friend, Melanie, always joined them, regardless of the house difference.
House-merging was an accepted and encouraged thing in the house of badgers.
They were talking about Mia's violent tendencies that morning because Kat had brought it up. Right after Mia had punched the Slytherin Prince (and she was out of his sight) she fled to the Common Room, letting it all out to Kat the moment she saw her.
Even though her friend consoled her and told her she was a 'total badass', regret flooded her gut since. She didn't have a mean bone in her body.
Well, except for her knuckles.
Regardless, she still felt completely and utterly guilty. Her guilt, she guessed, was only down to her Hufflepuff kind-heartened nature and this was something that she would consider out of her comfort zone to do. Don't get her wrong, Mia was very loyal and would stick up for herself and others when necessary, but would usually have a calmer attitude when actually doing so. She felt slightly ashamed of herself for letting Malfoy annoy her so much, and even more ashamed that she had turned violent.
At the same time, she was pissed off. Why'd he feel the need to attack Cedric's memory like that? It was so disrespectful. Especially seen as he said it to a Hufflepuff. Cedric had only been gone a few months but it was still obviously a sensitive topic to the Hufflepuffs.
"Why would we knock it off? I mean, you broke Draco Malfoy's nose!" exclaimed Kat. "Wait, I know why you feel bad for him...because you fancy him!"
Mia cringed. That was the very last reason why she felt bad. "What? No no no, stop-"
"Merlin, Kat, lay off her. Do you really want her dating Malfoy? Out of all people?" Mel asked.
"She could always go after Harry...the famous git's staring at her right now!"
The three turned to look at the red-clad table, and sure enough, the raven-haired boy's eyes were locked on her. At the sight of them, he quickly drew his attention to his empty plate instead.
Mia tried to stop herself from smiling which resulted in a thin line forming on her lips. He was probably just checking to make sure she was okay after their experience of detention together.
"First off, there's nothing wrong with Draco. And second, I doubt Harry even likes me, I mean, I ditched him at the Yule Ball last year-"
"Playing hard to get, eh?"
Mia was starting to feel slightly annoyed by this continuous fascination her friends had with her nonexistent love life.
"Or, Kat, maybe I don't need or want to date...? I have O.W.L.'s to study for. Speaking of which," she paused, standing up and grabbing her things, "I need to go to the library. I promised to study with Ernie this free period."
"Ooooh, Mia's got a study date-"
She rolled her eyes. "Oh, get a life. Bye guys."
And with that, Mia left the Great Hall, her strides long as she headed towards the library. She was already running late and felt bad as she spotted the brunette boy at a table by himself, looking bored as ever. Quickly, she went over to the table and sat down, saying, "I'm so sorry, I-"
"It's fine. So, we have an hour...what do you want to start on?" Ernie said, with a smile.
"Smith," a voice said behind her. She recognised it all too well. Mia rose to her feet and turned to face Draco.
This was her first encounter with the pale teenager since the incident and she could feel the dread forming in the pit of her stomach.
The two spoke at the same time, "I'm sorry. Wait, what? Why are you-"
"I have no clue what's going on. All I know is that I never want to hear you two speak in unison again," Ernie said, cringing from jealousy at the perfect harmony of their voices together.
"Macmillian, how about you get one of those books and shove it up your-"
'Classy, what a charmer,' thought Mia before she cut Draco off. "Ernie," Mia started, giving a soft, apologetic sigh, "please...I'll see you later."
"Oh...um...okay. I see your priorities are a bit out of order..." he trailed off, surprised. Ernie got up and gathered his books. It was obvious he was very irked. "Hopefully you don't fail your exams."
Mia's eyes widened at this as she watched Ernie walk away; he had never been rude to her... 'Is it really a crime to talk to Draco?' she wondered.
The platinum-haired boy took Ernie's abandoned seat, asking, "Why are you sorry?"
"Why are you?" Mia questioned, with a hint of surprise in her voice.
"Why shouldn't I be?" Draco asked incredulously. "I...I didn't mean what I said about Cedric."
Mia wasn't at all surprised that Draco hadn't meant what he had said, it was the fact he was actually acknowledging it and apologising for it that surprised her. Draco never apologised when he did anything wrong. Ever. This, she knew, was down to the fact he was spoiled growing up and had a dark family past, who would never have corrected him on such behaviour.
"Then why'd you say it?"
"Because I'm so used to talking like that around my friends...I don't mean half the rude shit I say, but they expect it-"
"Then they aren't your friends," she cut him off. "Honestly, why bother with them?"
Mia wondered if Draco really was the ringleader of the Slytherins. If he was saying all these nasty things he supposedly didn't mean and was saying them because his friends were rude arses, this made her reconsider his persona completely.
"They're...whatever, just forget it." He didn't want to sound pathetic and say 'They're the only friends I have.' So instead, he stated, "all I came here to do was apologise about Cedric."
"Don't apologise to me, apologise to his headstone." The words slipped through Mia's lips with such a cold tone that it sent chills down Draco's spine.
He was at a complete loss for words; guilt hit him like a brick. Was he really that big of an arse that he had to insult and falsely presume things about a dead student?
Instead of being decent and admitting his wrongs, his arrogant attitude returned, and with a chuckle, he said, "Damn, Smith, that was colder than his corpse."
Mia looked at him with a phlegmatic stare. "Are you done?"
"Again, I didn't mean that about him...he was a really great person and kind beyond belief."
Mia was surprised. That was a little over detailed for someone who hardly knew him. She gave Draco a questioning look. "How would you know?"
"We were...acquainted and he was never a git to me. Such a kind idiot...the definition of a Hufflepuff, really. Speaking of which, why'd you apologise?"
"Because I broke your nose, or so I thought," Mia said, confused at the condition of his face.
His nose was intact without a doubt, and his pale complexion had no bruising. In fact, it was clearer than ever. "Malfoy...do you have concealer on?"
"So that's what this is called? I..I mean, of course not!" he stuttered, his cheeks warming. Draco was embarrassed, but decided to take advantage of this moment and redeem his cocky self. "Enjoying the view?"
"I...um, sorry." Mia quickly moved back, realising she had leaned closer than comfort near his face. His lips curled into a smirk as he watched her blush, obviously flustered. She cleared her throat. "Who's makeup is it?"
"Pansy's...and don't call it that, it sounds so...girly."
"Liar, her complexion is at least a shade darker than yours," Mia said absentmindedly, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. "Who's is it really?"
"Fine, it's some stupid first year's-"
"First years don't need makeup."
"And neither do you," said Malfoy, a bit too quickly.
Her eyes snapped up to his, wide and confused. Her heart swelled a bit.
Did Draco just compliment her?
Yes. Yes, he did. She thought that was extremely sweet, especially coming from him, but also a bit surprising. Draco hardly ever complimented anyone unless there was something in it for him right away. He had never complimented her before. Granted, why should he? She was just a half-blood Hufflepuff. He would never have an interest in her.
She laughed a bit and looked down, biting her lip. "I'm...flattered. I wouldn't think you'd-"
"Oh, I don't mean you're pretty. I just mean you look stupid, like a parrot exploded on your face," Draco defended himself, his voice unwavering.
His lie was pathetic, considering the fact Mia had no bright-colored makeup on. She had natural tones with a bit of eyeliner to make her bright blue eyes pop.
Of course, though, the Hufflepuff wholeheartedly believed him. Why would he ever say something so nice about any girl?
A frown made its way across her face as she said, "Oh...right. Sorry, I wasn't trying to be conceited-"
"So...why'd you work so hard to hide what happened? And how'd you fix your-"
"I used a spell to mend my nose. I didn't want to look unattractive."
Draco's voice wasn't as convincing as intended and Mia started to wonder...why did he really cover it up? And why was he so forgiving of her? It's not like he had ever cared to forgive anyone who had ever hurt or annoyed him. He truly was a Slytherin. He was the kind of person who would make you miserable if you ever irritated or got one over on him.
Then it hit her. "You...you didn't want to get me in trouble."
"Pshh, what? That makes no sense. Why would I-"
"No, it does make sense!" the girl exclaimed, ignoring Malfoy's protests. She was on a roll as the explanation pieced together in her mind. "You have Umbridge for your first class and you're one of her favorite students. If she knew that I did this, she'd give me another detention for sure, and you know it."
"And the Slytherins would be after me as well. And Snape!"
"Smith, I don't-"
Mia felt a smile grow on his face. He really wasn't as selfish and arrogant as she thought. "You kind git...why're you doing this?"
"I'm not doing anything," grumbled Draco, getting up to leave. He was annoyed that she figured him out and he wanted to go before she suspected anything else.
In all honesty, he was completely and utterly befuddled as to why he would ever want to help some stupid blood-traitor Hufflepuff, yet he did it anyway. The mere thought of having a crush on her gave him the urge to gag.
Considering that fact that even if he did like her, there was no way he'd be allowed to date her.
Besides, Draco Malfoy didn't do 'girlfriends'. As far as relationships go, the closest he would attempt to get was to strut around the school and hear schoolgirls whispering about his devilishly good looks, and Mia was not among them.
As he walked away, she called behind him, "Draco!" causing him to turn and face her. She gave a sheepish smile. "I...I'm sorry about punching you. Thanks for this though, you really aren't that bad after all."
He just looked at Mia for a second. She sat there like a happy, cute puppy who just got a new toy. Her big blue eyes glinted with sincerity and her grin was wide.
"Whatever helps you sleep at night, Smith."
The day passed without too much trouble and Mia's mood was positive, despite the aching in her hand every time she wrote.
For some reason, she was delighted that Draco had been kind to her. It almost felt like an accomplishment. Regardless of his protests, she knew damn well that he'd been helping her out. And for that, she was grateful.
In the afternoon, she got to Herbology early and helped Professor Sprout out with setting up for class.
It was difficult keeping her bandages hidden, but she made it work. Mia knew that if Sprout found out about Umbridge's punishment, the toad probably wouldn't live to see another day...not that she would mind, though.
Pomona Sprout cared for each and every one of her students. She believed in resolution in the classroom, not detention. She believed that every single pupil mattered and deserved an education. She believed in children.
What she hated more than anything was a stupid teacher that disregarded students. She would never hurt a student, but she wouldn't hesitate to fight an adult. Childish? Maybe. But she couldn't care less.
As students started filing in the classroom, Mia went to her bench that she now shared with Draco. The two sat together in silence, and she refrained from bringing up earlier events, knowing he would just deny it all.
"I need to speak to Sprout," the platinum-haired boy told her randomly, rising from his seat.
"Wait, why?"
"None of your business."
Mia wondered what he could possibly be going to speak her about. Draco hardly ever had any interest in this class, so why would he suddenly have some burst of interest now?
"Okay, sorry for asking," muttered Mia sassily, watching him strut over to the plump witch. She tried eavesdropping, but they were out of earshot, so she just continued on with her work.
"Professor Sprout," Draco started. The witch continued on tending to the plants, not bothering to face him. She gave a curt nod for him to continue. "I noticed something peculiar..."
"Yes?" Professor Sprout replied, still holding a plant.
"Mia and Potter...they both have bandaged right hands...if I were you, I'd check it out."
Professor Sprout looked up at this, her gaze curious. "Hm, is that so? Why is that?"
"I don't know, how about you find out?"
"There's not need to have an attitude with me, blondie. I'll look into it," Sprout said, shooing him away. In a few seconds, she called, "Miss Smith, Potter, I need to speak to you!"
Draco wasn't exactly sure why he did what he had just done. Perhaps it was because Mia's hands looked physically sore, or maybe it was the fact that he thought this Umbridge woman was out of her mind to use such harsh punishment on them.
"I wonder why..." Mia pondered, looking at Draco.
He shrugged pretending to be oblivious and Mia wandered over to the teacher. Harry shared the same confused look as they stood before Sprout.
What could Professor Sprout possibly wish to speak to both of them about at exactly the same time? Mia wondered.
In one swift motion, the woman grabbed both of their right hands, causing them to wince in pain. She asked, "What's this about?", unwrapping Mia's hand.
She was about to find out, Mia knew, and the duo really did not want to give Umbridge that satisfaction.
They pointlessly protested, and Sprout gasped when she finished untying the girl's bandages. She removed the Dittany leaf and saw the bloody scrawl.
"P...Professor-" Mia began.
"'I must not tell lies'...I heard you two had detention with Dolores last night...did she make you do this?"
Was it really worth lying? Professor Sprout was going to suspect them anyways.
Harry started to deny it, but Mia came clean, unable to lie, "Yes, she did. She made us use a Black Quill for three hours worth of detention."
"How did you know about this?" questioned Harry, his gaze cold as he looked at the professor, wondering which one of their friends had ignored their wishes.
Who could of possibly have told her? The only people Harry had told were Ron and Hermione and Mia; Kat, Mel and Draco. They all wouldn't have told Professor Sprout.
"Mr. Malfoy informed me of your suspicious injuries." Welp, so much for Malfoy's vow of silence. "Now, we're going to the headmaster immediately," Sprout stated, despite protests from the two. She turned to the class and raised her voice, "Class! You're dismissed early today!" She was met with cheers as everyone filed out of the greenhouse.
Mia and Harry wordlessly trudged behind the woman, who was muttering about her hatred for Umbridge and the Ministry. After what seemed like forever, they arrived at the headmaster's office.
Mia and Harry wondered what Dumbledore's reaction would be to their injuries. They knew he would be concerned, obviously, but how we would act upon it was the real question.
Sprout didn't even bother knocking as she burst into the office. Dumbledore was busy stroking Fawkes the Phoenix and looked over to the three intruders.
"Ah, Pomona, it's nice to see you. The weather's so nice today, how are your plants-"
"Fire Umbridge immediately!" Sprout cut him off.
'Wow, she really doesn't waste any time,' thought Mia to herself.
Dumbledore blinked and seemed unsurprised by Sprout's outburst. "I'm afraid, I'm unable to do that, considering I never hired her in the first place." The old man sighed and took a seat at his desk, bringing his hands together in front of him. "Although, I can send a complaint to our 'best friend', Cornelius Fudge. I'm sure he'd love to hear your concerns."
"Albus," started Sprout, dragging Mia by the arm and holding her hand out to him so he could see the scarring, "she's using torture as a form of punishment! This is unethical and illegal!"
Dumbledore tried to hide the disgust on his face. Mia felt very happy that Professor Sprout cared so much and was passionate, but really she didn't want Umbridge to know of this conversation ever taking place.
"Oh, my... Well, as much as I would like to help...who am I supposed to call for? The authorities? I doubt they will fight against their own kind."
"Mia, Harry, I suggest you go to the infirmary," Dumbledore said softly. As Harry opened his mouth to speak, the man shot him a cold yet sorry look. "I apologize...I will try to get this sorted out."
The two walked out of the room, staying silent until they were out of earshot.
Harry quickly grabbed Mia's arm and spat, "What the hell?!"
"We made a promise!"
"What was I supposed to do?! Lie?"
"Ugh, I don't know! Maybe you shouldn't have told Malfoy!" exclaimed the boy, causing Mia to glare. "Why him, out of anyone?!"
Mia gave him an annoyed expression. "I didn't tell him...he saw my hand before I could explain."
"I can't believe that git-"
She thought that was a slightly unfair statement to make. Sure, he was a git the majority of the time, but at this moment in time, she respected the fact that he actually cared enough to speak out. If she were in his place, she would've probably done the same.
"Harry, he had good intentions, really...I know you hate him but-"
"Whatever, I don't need this from you. Don't have any hope of this stopping, Dumbledore's not going to do anything anyway," Harry said, his voice bitter. He walked away and Mia didn't even try to protest.
Draco did have good intentions...right? He had obviously confessed because he was concerned about her and the pain she was enduring, so why was everyone still seeing him as the arrogant prat he always was?
People can change, can't they? Mia sure hoped so.
Hey everyone! Sorry the chapter was so long and/or boring. I didn't mean for it to be! Anyway, I don't have many things to say, except for...
1) Sorry the update is two days late. I'll try to make sure this doesn't happen again.
2) Please give suggestions and feedback of this story! I'd really appreciate it. I have the plot planned out but would love to hear ideas. Yes, it's a bit slow now, but it'll get better.
Now, for the question of the chapter...
~Who's your least favorite character in the HP series?~
(Mine is either Umbridge or Pettigrew)
As always, thanks for reading! Please vote comment, and add this to your library!
Love to all,~Lumos
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