All they wanted was some caffeine
yet the Slytherin wanted to cause a scene
Mia ruffled her hair once more while looking in the mirror. Her heart was racing as she thought about the day's events.
It was her first date ever...and the fact that it was the Chosen One, Harry Potter, she couldn't help but feel even more nervous.
"Oh Merlin...come on Mia!" exclaimed Katarina, arms crossed as she glared at her best friend from behind her in the mirror. "We're going to be late! You've worried about that one curl for over five minutes!"
"I just can't seem to get it...oh, I hope I'm pretty enough for this," she mumbled, wrapping a section of hair around her wand once more in attempt to perfect the curling spell. She finally got it and gave a little cheer and fist pump.
Kat laughed, "Of course you're pretty enough...you're almost as gorgeous as me now!"
Mia shook her head. "Oh Hufflepuff, house of the humble, right?"
They packed up their makeup, met Melanie in the nearest corridor, and headed for the carriages. Their Ravenclaw friend was not in the best mood, looking obviously different from the girls.
Mia had on a knit sweater with a skirt and stockings. She had applied a bit more makeup than usual and her hair was bouncing with curls, topped off by a knit hat. Katarina was in a dress and had fierce makeup. And Melanie...well, the girl donned a sweatshirt and baggy pants.
The initial plan was to go on a triple date, including Mia and Harry while the other two brought dates of their own.
Mia refused immediately, wanting privacy with the raven-haired boy. He knew he was shy despite living in the limelight and she wanted him to feel as welcome and cared for as possible.
So, Melanie suggested just her and Katarina go together. That sufficed for a while, but Katarina couldn't resist making it into a double-date last minute. She was boy-crazy after all. She believed her good looks need not be wasted.
Katarina and Cormac McLaggen hooked up, leaving Melanie to be forced into going with Anthony Goldstein, who adored her despite her disdain towards his sweet demeanor.
As they approached the carriages, Mia's bright blue eyes scanned the place for Harry. She didn't see them, but her friend's dates waved them over.
Cormac instantly put an arm around Katarina, "Hey, Hicks, you look bloody hot."
She gave a grin and giggle as her friends groaned in disgust. "Well thanks, you do too, cutie."
Anthony approached unable to contain his grin as he approached Melanie despite her sloppy attire. "Hey Mel...I'm so happy we get to hang out today. I'm so excited for our date."
Melanie rolled her eyes, slapping away the hand he held out to her as they boarded the carriages. "It's not a date, Goldstein, it's an obligation. Besides, we all know I don't date."
Katarina asked, "Well, why not? If you don't like Anthony, there's a ton of other cute ones-"
"Boys have cooties and I have priorities," she said, matter-of-fact, quickly taking the seat next to Katarina, making the boys frown.
"Bye guys, hope you have a great date!" said Mia kindly with a smile and wave. They did the same back, and soon they were pulled further out of sight.
Mia stood patiently, keeping an eye out for her date. The snow fell gently, and she got so bored she trued catching snowflakes on her tongue, ignoring looks from the few people still trickling out of the castle.
"Hey...oh, erm, are you okay?" asked a voice behind her.
She flinched and turned around, her cheeks become rosy with embarrassment as she saw Harry. "Oh, I didn't know you were there...I'm just catching snowflakes on my tongue. I used to do it when I was a kid. I'm actually pretty good a it...probably one of the only talents I have."
The boy arched an eyebrow, "Do people do that?"
"I do," she said with a shrug, pulling him to the final carriage that was about to leave. "When I was younger my mom and I would go ice skating and we would see who could catch more snowflakes on our tongue while skating...she was always better than me. Sometimes I would fudge the numbers just to try to win. I still feel guilty about it, if I'm honest."
Harry gave a laugh, feeling warmth just from the girl's kind and funny presence. "I never did anything fun as a kid in the winter. My cousin Dudley had a blast throwing snowballs at me. Actually he tried an icicle once. I accidentally made it fly back towards him, it was before I knew what magic was and things would accidentally happen."
Mia shook her head. "I've head rumors about your awful cousin. I have to ask...does he really look like a walrus?"
The boy started cracking up, his laughs echoing through the woods they passed through. "Yes, I've never heard a more accurate description."
"Well, you must've gotten the good genes, you look nothing like a walrus."
"Oh, erm, thanks. That's an interesting compliment," he said, his tone turning flustered but sincere as he continued, "You look beautiful, you're stunning."
Mia grinned and shook her head. "Aw, thanks, it means a lot coming from you. So, what do you have planned for today?"
Harry's emerald eyes widened as he ran a hand through his hair. "Oh, erm, I didn't plan anything...I've never done this, 'dating thing' before. Is there anything you'd like to do?"
"Anything is fine with me."
"Well, I heard Lavender and Parvati talking about this tea shop? Not sure of the name."
"Oh, Madam Puddifoot's?" asked Mia, receiving a nod. She gave a small laugh. "I'm not sure if you'd like the overall aesthetic, but the tea, coffee and cakes and to die for! They're gourmet! I've only been there once. Katarina and Melanie, my best friends, they took me there on our second Hogsmeade trip. Mel hated the place but Kat loved it. We got this huge red velvet cake...I've never had some thing that good before."
Harry smiled. "Okay, sounds good. Do they have treacle tart, by chance?"
"Yes, I've heard it's good. That's your favorite, isn't it?" asked Mia. "I don't think there's been a morning that I haven't seen you have it."
"So you've been watching me?" asked Harry smoothly, yet unable to contain the grin that was spreading across his face.
"Aw, you caught me!"
The carriage pulled into the clearing near the entrance of Hogsmeade. Harry got out, holding out a hand to help Mia down. She smiled and took it, feeling butterflies from just mere contact.
They headed towards the little tea shop. Mia felt a bit uneasy upon entering it, as she forgot how girly the place was. She immediately felt embarrassment upon seeing Harry's confused and slightly disgusted expression.
She immediately realized what he was thinking. "Oh, this looks so much like Umbridge's office!"
He just gave a curt nod as they headed for a table. The place was crowded, only two tables available in the whole parlor. It was full of teen couples, especially the affectionate ones. Many were kissing, holding hands, or sitting on the same side of the table next to each other.
Cherubs flew gracefully near the ceiling, sprinkling confetti on the dazed couples. Every table, chair, and piece of decor had either lace or bows on it. The room was completely pink.
It was basically Umbridge's room...minus the kittens.
"I'm sorry Harry, we can go if you want," said Mia quietly.
He shook his head, "It's okay. I've never been here before anyway. Always good to try something new."
They sat at an empty table in the back, and immediately upon doing so a plump woman scurried over. She was stout with kind brown eyes and shiny hair up in a bun. "Hello dearies! Happy Valentine's Day. What can I get started for you?"
"I'll take a coffee," stated Mia. She felt as if she needed all of the energy she could get.
"Erm, me too."
The woman smiled, "Great, I'll get that to you in a few minutes."
As she walked off, Harry groaned. "Oh, of course he has to be here."
Harry leaned a bit closer over the table. "Don't look, but Malfoy's here with Pug-Face. They're sitting behind you."
Mia's eyes widened but she obeyed Harry's order. She quickly shrugged it off. "Oh, that's fine. I hope they have a lovely date. Speaking of lovely dates...I have one right in front of me."
He gave a chuckle and looked down, his cheeks dusting pink. "I swear, you're the nicest person I've met. If everyone was we wouldn't have any problems."
"Right, like this upcoming war," said Mia with a small smile. "Why don't we all just hug it out? I honestly don't know."
Madam Puddifoot came back with the coffees, handing them to the teens before scurrying off. As Mia picked her mug up, a shock went up her arm, causing her to flinch so hard she spilled the drink...all over Harry.
He gave a yelp as the scorching hot liquid went all over him and she gave a gasp. "O-oh Merlin, I'm so sorry, I don't know what happened-"
He just shook his head and hurried to the restroom as his skin burned from the hot drink.
The girl sat at the table alone as almost everyone in the coffee shop looked at her, some with disgust. She racked her brain trying to figure out what even happened...she hadn't meant to burn him with coffee.
"Wow, crashing your own date, eh Smith?" asked a smooth voice behind her.
She turned around, and immediately upon meeting Draco Malfoy's steely eyes, she knew he was the culprit. "You...you did this-"
"Don't attack my Drakie-Poo!" exclaimed Parkinson, clutching onto the boy's arm.
He pulled it away in disgust, getting up to face Mia directly. "How dare you accuse me-"
"No, I know it was you. I bet you followed me here, right? And then you tried to crash my date. And for what, Draco? Why are you out to get me?"
"You're pathetic, Smith," he scoffed. "An absolute waste of space. I wouldn't waste a spell on you. What I don't understand is why Potter would even waste time on you. Not that he has many choices anyway."
"Harry is an amazing person and has much more heart than you ever could, you're just jealous-"
Draco cackled, his eyes starting to get wild with anger upon her kind words to his enemy. "Jealous? Of that pathetic, ugly, blood-traitor git?!"
Mia shook her head, trying to turn away and ignore him, muttering, "You're the pathetic one-"
He grabbed her arm, "He's a lonely, weak orphan, nobody to taught him how to treat a girl."
"You're one to talk," she said bitterly, struggling out of his grasp.
"Always getting himself into trouble just for attention...I bet he'll be dead by the end of the year," said the boy darkly.
It all happened so fast. She didn't know whether it was his words or the physical action of grabbing her arm, but anger surged through her. She slapped him across, the face, hard, yelling, "Shut the hell up, Malfoy!"
At this point, everyone was staring at the two, confused as ever. Mia drew a shaky breath upon looking at the pale boy, whose normal skin tone contrasted heavily with the new red mark left by the Hufflepuff.
Draco just stood there, putting a hand to his face and looking down, unable to speak a word.
Mia stuttered, trying to force an apology that wasn't there. She looked around the shop and saw Harry right behind her with wide emerald eyes.
He swiftly paid for the coffees and took Mia's hand, quickly leading her outside.
The two stood in stunned silence. Mia felt like such an evil fool. Not only did she hurt her former friend, but she made yet another scene for Harry to deal with. She knew how much he hated being the center of attention...having a crazy date definitely wouldn't fare well.
"How much of that did you see?" asked the girl, her voice small.
"All of it."
She just nodded, ashamed. "I-I'm so sorry, I usually would never but..."
"I think it was brilliant," Harry said with an exasperated chuckle. "I've never seen anyone stand up to Malfoy like that."
"B-but I hit him...for the second time-"
"The second time?"
"He insulted Cedric dying in the beginning of the year," she admitted. "I usually don't care when people are rude but...well, he overstepped with that, just like he did today."
Harry started laughing, "I-I can't believe you've already hit him. Bloody hell...you really have it out for him, don't you?"
He shook his head, calming down. "Mia, I appreciate you standing up for me. He finally got a taste of his own medicine."
Harry gave her a reassuring smile and held her hand, intertwining their fingers. Mia's guilt began to fade upon seeing his kind expression.
"Now, let's go get a Butterbeer...my treat."
Hello readers! Thanks for your patience...I hope you liked this chapter!
Question of the chapter...
~Despite this being a Draco fic...what do you think of Mia and Harry? Do they seem compatible?~
(I originally didn't want them to be together, but this chapter made me like them a bit more)
Please vote and comment!
Love to all,
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