*ten years later*
"They had met many times before
but this time would mean much more."
Mia went into her empty compartment and flopped into the seat, glad the prefect meeting was over. It was so pointless, considering most of the new inductees (and Slytherins) were goofing off anyway. The mere thought of the green-clad idiots caused her to have a headache. No, she wasn't house-ist, she just disliked the ones who stood out the most.
Luckily, her and Ernie Macmillan -the other Hufflepuff prefect in her year- were friends, so they decided to trade off on the task of patrolling the train rowdy compartments, leaving her to some peace and quiet before the train arrived at the castle. She could've taken advantage of sitting in the luscious prefects' compartment, but no, she always preferred less.
And, well, fuck prefects.
She started to get comfortable, putting her feet up on the worn, blue, cushioned seat across from her and grabbing her bag to get her drawing notebook and muggle pencil out. Looking out the window, she started sketching the endless valleys and plains of the British countryside while humming to herself. Mia loved to draw and was actually quite talented at it.
Just as she was getting lost in her thoughts, the train compartment slammed open and shut. The intruder shoved her legs off the seat to make room for themself and sat down with an annoyed sigh. Mia brought her big, stunning blue eyes up to meet the trespasser's.
Cold grey eyes. Whitish blond hair. A ghostly, pointed complexion. The smirk that should've been trademarked.
It was none other than Draco Lucius Malfoy, the pure-blooded Slytherin bitch...I mean prince!
Fuck, I used "I". Bad narrator!
Mia and Draco were merely acquaintances on a good day...a really, really good day.
Before Mia could ask why Draco felt the need to ruin the little serenity she had, he started rambling, "My compartment was becoming too much. Honestly, I should've stayed with the prefects. Then again, I would've been stuck alone with Parkinson and...ugh, don't even get me started. Zabini and Benn are asses. Parkinson's a horny, desperate bitch. Crabbe and Goyle are so stupid it physically hurts. Of course, they're always morons, but today they're even more dumb that usual!"
"I didn't know that was possible," muttered Mia, putting her sketchpad in her bag, not wanting him to see it and make fun of her. Draco scowled at her remark.
"Did I ask you? And you shouldn't be talking, stupid Hufflepuff. I mean, honestly, who thought up a dumb name like that? It sounds like a drug or something."
"Oh, you didn't know? We get high in our common rooms, it's pretty fun, really. And then we binge on food and sing songs around the fireplace."
"Wow, you're so funny."
"I know, I'm hilarious. And that's why you're definitely crying of laughter right now," she chuckled, rolling her eyes. "Hey, at least our house isn't full of complete assholes and the name can't be used in so many dirty jokes."
"You know how you lot smoke in smoke in the common room? We screw in ours. The name says a lot about a house, doesn't it?" he played along, but refused to smile. She smirked.
"Honestly? I don't doubt it. But anyway, I know you hate your friends and can't tolerate them, but why my compartment?"
"I thought you'd be quiet. I guess I was wrong."
"Like always," she said, her mouth curled into her signature half smile, revealing a set of straight, perfect teeth.
"Oh fuck off, you wouldn't know a thing about being right," he grumbled, his eyes suddenly finding much more interest in the scenery through the window. Before they got into an argument, the door opened, revealing two brunettes. These girls were Mia's best and closest friends. Melanie Gaye was a tall and slender girl with sharp, older features and dark brown eyes. She wore sapphire robes, a silver prefect's badge that glittered noticeably when the light hit, and a mature expression. The other girl, Katarina Hicks, was short and a bit curvy, but not plump. Her features were rounded and her hazel eyes twinkled with mischief and glee. Much like Mia -except she lacked a prefect's badge- she was donned in black and yellow robes. Kat was definitely the prettier and spunkier of the two girls in the doorway while Melanie was regal and wise.
"Hey, Mia, where've ya been? Mel says that you went to the prefect meeting and escaped as quick as you could. What's up with that?" The Katarina asked, arching an eyebrow. Melanie stayed silent but directed a pointed look at the inhabitants of the compartment. Kat's eyes flicked between her best friend and the pale, bleached blond. "Woaahhhh, why are you here with Malfoy? Oh my gosh! Are you two-" she was cut off by Melanie covering her mouth with her hand. Draco clenched his jaw and gave them a glare, but surprisingly, didn't utter a single word.
"Shut up, Katarina. Mia, we were looking for you. It's day one and you're already deserting your duties as a prefect," said the dark-eyed girl, glowering at the pair. Mia giggled. "What's so funny?"
"You said duties-"
"Oh merlin, why do I even put up with you two?" she complained, uncovering Katarina's mouth, as she was also giggling. She gave a sigh. "It's time to change, the train will be arriving at the school in less than twenty minutes." She pulled the other girl's arm to leave.
"You two behave yourselves! Tell me everything later," Kat whispered, winking before Melanie pulled her out of the compartment and shut the door. Mia and Draco sat in silence for a bit, avoiding eye contact in a failed attempt to ignore the awkward tension in the room.
"Sorry about Mel and Kat, they're uhh...a bit odd. Polar opposites, really," she said with a nervous chuckle. "But yeah, it's time to change. So...if you'll excuse me..." Mia reached over and opened the door, motioning for him to leave. He scoffed.
"Now, why would I leave? You're going to take forever and this is my compartment."
"Are you kidding me? I got here first! And what makes you think that I would take forever?"
"Well, you're a girl, and your breed takes forever," he muttered as if it were the most obvious thing ever.
"My breed?! What am I? A dog?"
"Close enough, although in my opinion, you look more like a chipmunk," Malfoy said with a smirk. Mia's high cheeks became tinged with pink and she gave him a glare.
"Oh, fuck off with your albino self."
"I'm not an albino and I refuse to leave."
With a smirk, she took off her sweatshirt and threatened to strip down more while saying, "Fine, I'll just change here. Honestly, I don't really care anyway. I have to warn you that I absolutely love doughnuts, especially today, so I have a bit of pudge on my tummy. And the bra I'm wearing is too small so-"
"Okay, alright, fine, I get it. Just shut up, I'm leaving," Draco grumbled, grabbing his robes and leaving, shutting the compartment door a bit louder than necessary. Mia chuckled, pleased that she had actually made him listen to her for once.
She quickly changed and was done well before the bleached-blond returned, so when he did, she couldn't help but giggle.
"Well? What's so funny?"
"It seems as if your 'breed' takes longer than mine to change. You were wrong," she responded, using air quotes -he scoffed.
"Yeah well...I just took longer just in case you-"
"Oh shut the hell up Malfoy, I don't need to hear your lies... Now, I have to use the restroom, I'll be back," Mia said, not being able to hold back a smirk. Malfoy's gaze hardened.
"Are you fucking kidding me? You make me leave my compartment-"
"Our compartment."
"And then you're just gonna leave anyway? You're such a shrew," Draco grumbled and Mia burst out laughing. "What's funny now?"
"A shrew? Really?"
"It's a kinder word for bitch."
"Draco Malfoy, making an attempt to be kind...I thought I'd never see the day..." she trailed off, pretending to be awestruck. He just rolled his eyes and looked out the window. "As unnecessary as I think it is, I feel the need to tell you to please not go through my belongings. I know, it's a great feat, but I think you can do it. I'll be back." And with that, she left.
As Malfoy sat boredly on his own, his curiosity got the best of him. Just seconds after she set foot out of the compartment, he grabbed her bag and started going through it. Books, more books, a change of clothes, a small pink bag, and a sketchpad. Intrigued, he took the bag and sketchpad. Just as he was about to open one of the two, he heard a tiny meow.
Startled, he craned his neck to see that in the overhead luggage compartment, there was a kennel that contained a small, fluffy grey cat with big yellow eyes. It mewed again when seeing the boy. He stood and put his finger in the cage, and the cat batted it playfully, mewing yet again. Draco couldn't help but give a small smile as he opened the crate and took the cat out, setting it on his lap and completely forgetting that Mia would be back any time now.
Cute cat, right?
While absentmindedly stroking the content, purring ball of grey fluff, he started off by opening the pink bag and was confused by its contents. It was just tons of stuff in opaque plastic wrappers. He set it aside and started looking through her sketchpad, his eyes widening when he saw her drawings. There was a variety: portraits of people, the castle, landscapes, mythical creatures, and other stuff of that nature.
"What the fuck Malfoy," Mia spoke from the now-open doorway. Draco flinched, startled by her presence. The cat jumped off his lap, scared, from the sudden movement. Before the feline could escape, she scooped it up.
"Okay. Hold on a second...so I specifically tell you to NOT go through my shit, so what you do is go through my shit and get Mittens out?" she questioned, perplexed.
"Yeah, her name is Mittens," Mia resounded, rolling her eyes at his confused expression, "the cat."
"Oh. It just, uhh, came out of its cage."
"So she just opened the cage on her own and nestled herself on your lap? Of course, I can believe that. Mittens is a mystical creature after all. And did she take my belongings out of my bag as well?" asked the girl, raising an eyebrow before sitting and holding the cat in her lap. "It just surprises me... When I think of you, I imagine someone who kicks small animals for fun, not someone who cuddles them."
"Chill out, dude who cuddles cats."
"Fuck off, Smith," he snarled, just causing her to chuckle. "What's this?" Draco asked, holding the small pink bag. Mia snorted from trying to contain her laughter.
"Never go through a girl's stuff... You know what a period is, right?"
"The thing at the end of a sentence?"
"No, the menstruation cycle, where a female sheds their uterus and-"
"Oh fuck no," he muttered, tossing her the bag. She caught it with ease and put it in her bag, laughing. A blush began to creep its way up his neck, so he stammered, trying to change the topic. "S...so, you drew these?"
"I did. You like 'em?" She eyed the sketchpad as he flipped through it. He waited a few seconds before responding.
"They're...decent I guess?" he lied. "I mean, anyone could draw. If you're going to do it, you might as well at least try to be good."
"So...anyone can do it?" Mia asked and he nodded. She gently set the pad on his lap along with a pencil. "Alright, fine. Do better than me."
"Wait, what? No, I don't have time for this."
"If it's so easy, it shouldn't take long," she smirked, evilly stroking her cat as Malfoy tried to find an excuse. "You can take as long as you want and draw anything. Just prove that you're better than decent."
"What are you, chicken?" asked Mia, squawking like a chicken as Malfoy kept trying to protest.
She couldn't help but giggle when he said, "Okay, fine. I'm perfectly capable of doing so. Any suggestions on what to draw, Ms. Know-It-All Smith?"
"Hmm...not sure, there's lots of things you could do. I would suggest drawing something you look at a lot or is pretty. Both of those aspects could make it easier, I guess."
"Then it definitely won't be you," he grumbled. Mia just rolled her eyes and looked out the window, watching as the train arrived at the Hogsmeade station.
She felt Malfoy's eyes on her, and for some odd reason, she knew this year was going to be...interesting.
Ayyyy, first chapter done, many more to go! Hope you guys liked it, sorry if it was long, weird, random, boring, etc. Speaking of chapter length, what do you prefer? Long (about 2,000 words like this chapter) or shorter? Let me know fammo! I don't have much else to say soooooo thanks for reading, and remember to vote, comment, and follow! I try to follow everyone back, so there's that. Hopefully the next update will be in about a week :)
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