A/N: I got the inspiration to write this out of nowhere, it's been awhile since I've updated a book. Since it's summer, I'll try to update more consistently, however I'm working full-time.
After being rescued from his sunken ship, Jameson spent a few months aboard the German U-boat hiding from everyone on board in the small makeshift medbay ran by Henrik, blending in by wearing a Abwehr spy uniform Henrik had gotten for him and staying out of the way of everyone.
"Germany has bombed Pearl Habor, zhe US vill most likely no longer be neutral." Henrik stated quietly as he walked in, his lab coat fluttering behind him.
Jameson's eyes widened in shock, his face paling against the news as he fumbled to write his response. 'What's going to happen now?'
"I don't know." Henrik admitted, biting his lip. "Zhe attack on Russia, Operation Barbarossa, is still underway. Zhe Allies also still have control of Torbruk in North Africa despite Germany's best efforts to take it from zhem."
'Any idea where we are going?' Jameson wrote, showing Henrik his response as his leg bounced anxiously.
"I'm afraid I have no clue. I don't even know vhere ve are currently, ve have been out at sea for months." Henrik muttered, scowling slightly. "I'm never told anything, I'm only a doctor. If you're lucky, you'll be given a mission and be allowed to leave."
Jameson frowned. 'But you've done so much for me, I don't want to abandon you here. We should just run away.'
Henrik chuckled softly and shook his head. "Jameson, ve are on a German submarine in zhe middle of who knows vhere, how vould ve escape? And even if ve did, vhere vould ve go?"
Jameson huffed silently in irritation before standing and starting to pace, twirling his pen in hand as he chewed on his lip thoughtfully.
Henrik gestured for Jameson to stop as the admiral marched over, the two immediately snapping to attention with a stiff salute.
"At ease. You, ve need a spy to return to vhat remains of zhe HMS Courageous crew and gather as much intel as possible before destroying zhem, I don't care how zhey are destroyed as long as you get avay." Admiral Canaris directed Jameson sternly. "Since ve have attacked America, ve need to finish Britain and Russia quickly so ve can focus solely on zhe Americans should zhey join zhe war."
Jameson obediently nodded and quickly wrote his response, trying to hide how relieved he was to leave. 'Yes sir, I will handle it.'
"Good, your pilot is ready to take you as soon as you are ready, don't vaste time. Heil Hitler." The admiral nodded and marched off, leaving the Henrik and Jameson with their thoughts.
"I'm glad you have a chance to return to your comrades...I'm jealous, I vish I could join you to escape zhis hell." Henrik murmured with a sad smile.
'I'll find a way to help you escape, I promise.' Jameson wrote solemnly, glancing at the doorway and hesitating to go get ready.
Henrik gently nudged Jameson out of the medbay. "Go get ready, best of luck. It's been an honor knowing you Jameson Jackson."
Jameson hugged Henrik quickly before rushing into his room and getting prepared, his mind racing with questions. "Where will I be taken to? Will I be killed by my former allies? How can I help Henrik?"
Once Jameson was changed into his old British uniform and his bag was packed, he headed up and opened the hatch of the U-boat, poking his head up and taking in his first breath of fresh air for months as he looked around to see a British seaplane landed in the water nearby waiting for him.
Jameson climbed aboard and looked down as it took off, watching the large German U-boat sink down into the water and disappear from sight.
"Maybe Shawn survived...maybe I can get answers from him and find out if he really was the spy the Germans have mistaken me for." Jameson thought to himself as he looked around and held his notebook to his chest.
The trip was long and quiet except for the rumbling of the engine and the whirring of the propellers, Jameson trying to figure out where they were heading as he absently doodled in his notebook.
When the plane landed at their destination, Jameson recognized where they were instantly as he got out with his bag and looked around.
"I'm back home in London. Haven't been here in years..." Jameson smiled to himself, the pilot simply nodding to Jameson before taking off.
Jameson walked to the harbor he had gone to when he was first drafted, starting to run when he spotted a familiar figure amidst the sea of British soldiers.
Shawn stumbled slightly in surprise when Jameson tackled him in a hug, the Irishman frowning in confusion as he looked Jameson over. "Who are you?"
Jameson stepped back, hurt in his eyes as he wrote his response and showed it to him. 'I'm Jameson Jackson, we were both stationed on the HMS Courageous. I helped you when you got shot in the arm during training and made you bacon soup.'
"Oh, now I remember, it's been awhile since I've seen you! Good to see you survived Jameson, I've been worried about ya." Shawn smiled.
"Shawn almost never called me Jameson...I can't help but feel like something's wrong." Jameson thought to himself as Air Vice-Marshal Sir Keith Park, the man who had trained him while aboard the HMS Courageous, ran over to Jameson.
"Jameson Jackson, where the hell have you been?"
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